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Battlefield 1 |OT| Make War Great Again

So I really like the Chauchat and RSC 1917. These are really fun weapons. Slow firing, but packs a punch. They also have some of the best animations in the game. They are just extremely satisfying to use, two shotting people feels amazing. The Selb 1906 should have been like the RSC.

Now for some bitching. Fuck this MP18 20 headshot bullshit. Why they fuck would you make a challenge for getting headshots with a smg? It makes no sense at all. 5 to 10 headshots I could maybe understand, but fucking 20? It’s just fucking luck due to all the fucking random bullet deviation. It’s a fucking dumbass challenge.
Cheese it. I cheeses it in the CTE with the flash and StoneMountain64
Every time they patch this game the server and general UI performance gets worse. I feel like they're trolling us. My game pretty much froze for 2-3 minutes because I decided to open a battlepack mid-load.


Jumping back in this after a long time not playing because I have premium. I hate how I can never find a 40 or 48 player server in this game. 64 players gives me frame drops because of my cpu limit but 24 in Rush is silky smooth. I'd be perfectly happy to play in a 40 player server but it's impossible. :(


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Soissont on Chain Reaction is pretty awful. Whoever abuses the tanks the most wins. It's like DICE didn't learn anything from the sandbox issues on launch.
Only 18 more headshots to go. I should get these in no time.
Spent an hour in a frontline match. Got all the 20 headshots with the MP-18 optical, had over a 100 kills and somehow won the match after defending the last radio for 20 mins.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Spent an hour in a frontline match. Got all the 20 headshots with the MP-18 optical


I gave up on that one tonight and KDR bombed for the stupid-ass "get 15 kills in a round" with the slug shotgun (did it camping once, found out it wouldn't count until I got the other shotgun
did it again), then did the Automatic Loader. Which isn't a bad gun, but it blows through it's 5 rounds magazine pretty quickly to where you're constantly reloading. Not very good in 2v1 situations, IMO.

I got like 4/6 of the guns unlocked today from playing for around 4 hours. Not too bad.


Jumping back in this after a long time not playing because I have premium. I hate how I can never find a 40 or 48 player server in this game. 64 players gives me frame drops because of my cpu limit but 24 in Rush is silky smooth. I'd be perfectly happy to play in a 40 player server but it's impossible. :(

Yeah I wish 48 player matches on PS4 were filled. It's a shame because it plays like a dream and isn't as chaotic.

How are you guys liking the new maps?


I have no idea what they did between the CTE and live patch, but the menus on PC have become horribly slow on some screens. The server browser is extremely laggy and just going in and out from the options menu while in-game takes so much longer now.


I have no idea what they did between the CTE and live patch, but the menus on PC have become horribly slow on some screens. The server browser is extremely laggy and just going in and out from the options menu while in-game takes so much longer now.

It's been like that on PS4 since day 1 :\


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Nice to see the menus are slower than they've ever been, following the Battlefront tradition of fucking shit up with each expansion pack.


Does anyone play with DirectX 12? I have an RX 480 and with DX12 it is stuttering like crazy. I thought they fixed that?


Definitely liking the dlc so far, frontlines is a blast, but GODDAMN does this game need more weapons. Like, a LOT more, not just one for each class every 3-4 months. The weapon variety is so poor.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Given each of the four maps a solid round or two, and I actually like them all. Early brainfarts:

Fort de Vaux: My least favourite of the bunch due to its chaotic bottlenecking reminiscent of Operation Locker and Metro, but it's the most coherent variation of this type of map and a little more on the wavelength of the kind of maps in Battlefield 3's Close Quarters pack. Despite the carnage I didn't actually feel overly bottlenecked even on a 64 player match, mainly due to the addition of outdoor pathing.

Verdun Heights: Didn't realise this was an infantry only map. I kinda feel it needs vehicles to break up the infantry play maybe a little bit, especially since the centre of the map is a hellzone, but it's not like Suez where it's restricted by linearity. The open sides and capture point layout can lead to interesting flanking. Love the escalating fire effect, by the match's end a red hue enveloping the battlefield.

Rupture: Hard to gauge. Only played this once and our team got utterly slaughtered. Seems okay though, and quite pretty with all the poppies growing. The bridges are an interesting touch, taking notes from Amiens but with a more open layout. Definitely need to give this one another crack, but it seems okay. The poppy growth height could make for some fun vantage point sniping.

Soissons: More or less Scar 2.0. Layout and flow is hugely reminiscent of the aforementioned, but not in a bad way. Centrepiece town guarantees some nice firefights, and some surrounding structures gives it a bit more condensed residential feel over Suez with less total levelling of certain areas. A bit more emphasis on some upper hill capture points tapering out at the peak.

All four maps look gorgeous, and the newly added tracks are nicely brooding as matches reach their climax. Verdun and Fort in particular go all Hans Zimmer towards the end, evoking a lot of intensity. I didn't have an immediate repulsion to any of the maps like I do Suez and Fao Fortress, or did Giant's Shadow.

Haven't had a chance to unlock and try any of the weapons. Hoping they don't take too long to unlock. New tank seems neato though, particularly its heavily slanted sides leading to a lot of ricochets.
I finally finished my MP18 headshots. It took around two hours. Every time I tried to ADS and get them, I couldn’t. I got a majority of them just hip firing. I had around 20 MP18 kills when I started now I have 226 kills, lol. So now I’m done with everything, but the shotgun and sniper. However, I don’t give a shit about them.


It seems like there are 6 new melee weapons, the 3 that are tied to assignments (Trench fleur, Nail knife, Cogwheel club) and 3 more that are locked (at least for me). Do you guys know what I'm talking about and if so, how do you unlock them ?
It seems like there are 6 new melee weapons, the 3 that are tied to assignments (Trench fleur, Nail knife, Cogwheel club) and 3 more that are locked (at least for me). Do you guys know what I'm talking about and if so, how do you unlock them ?

They're puzzle pieces. So battlepacks.


Anyone doing the medal national order of lafayette? I'm on the last stage where you have to get 25 kills as a french tanker. Is it a bug that kills in a tank don't count but rather only kills on foot? If it's on purpose, dunno why DICE would encourage ditching your tank. It's hard enough as it is to get a tank in the first place!


The Contrarian
I decided not to pick up the expansion. It's funny. I had been playing this game for three months straight but Horizon and Zelda have taken over my life. With Mass Effect coming next week, i think i am going to skip this for now.

It sucks because no one is going to be playing these new operations in summer. they really need to get away from paid expansions.


Junior Butler
PS4 Pro - Start menu is useless. Way slower than the beta when it was also a problem. Also, I swear the frame rate has went to shit too, but maybe that's specific to the new maps.
Frontlines isn’t fun in its current state and I think I’m done with it for now.

First, they need to fix the time limit. It should be 40-45 minutes max.

However, what is killing it more than anything for me is the player base. It’s just full of a bunch of 90s/100s squads. “Competitive” BF1 is fucking frustrating. It’s just a bunch of fuckers running around with Automaticos and A-10s. That’s not even counting all the fucking explosive spam. Shit feels like CoD because the kill times are so low in this mode.

At least in Conquest you see a wide variety of weapons and players’ skill levels. Furthermore, everyone isn’t condensed into a small area. So explosives aren’t as annoying.
Frontlines isn’t fun in its current state and I think I’m done with it for now.

First, they need to fix the time limit. It should be 40-45 minutes max.

However, what is killing it more than anything for me is the player base. It’s just full of a bunch of 90s/100s squads. “Competitive” BF1 is fucking frustrating. It’s just a bunch of fuckers running around with Automaticos and A-10s. That’s not even counting all the fucking explosive spam. Shit feels like CoD because the kill times are so low in this mode.

At least in Conquest you see a wide variety of weapons and players’ skill levels. Furthermore, everyone isn’t condensed into a small area. So explosives aren’t as annoying.
Could be trying to unlock the new weapons?


Since the DLC I'm experiencing severe packet loss and latency variation according to the little icons late in the day. It's 10 p.m. here atm and the game is basically unplayable. Does anyone else experience this? This never happened before. The game turns basically into a slide show.

Edit: Turns out it is only the Irish Servers which is basically 90% of the DLC ones...


So yeah, patch in that timer for Frontlines right away. It's supposed to be there, but Dice being Dice..

Wanted to try out a round, ended up spending and hour capping and re-capping 2 flags.

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