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Battlefield 1 |OT2| "All Quiet on the GAF Front"

Had anyone else been getting these massive delays when killing ground troops with the fighter plane? I'll get a direct hit but hit markers and a kill confirmation won't show up until a few seconds later.
WTF, these weapon changes sound awful.

The devs are saying(via Reddit) that they want to move the overall TTK in the game down towards what it was in BF4, but BF4's TTK was terrible.

Next thing you know they'll announce tap-firing is back as a viable thing.
God fucking dammit bf1's TTK is perfect and one of the reasons I prefer it vastly to BF4. Can they go one game without screwing things up. If people want low TTK then play hardcore. I'm mad.

Can't wait to get sniped even more by automatic or semi auto weapons from across the map now.


Especially with the ridiculous aim assist on ps4, this is such a terrible move. They need to tone down the assist and keep TTK as it is. This is seriously ruinjing my night lol.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I guess the only "issue", if you can call it that, I have with BF1's TTK is the ease of 1-hit-kills with certain weapons in specific circumstances versus the higher TTK in normal conflicts. Shotguns and snipers really. But I don't see it as an issue anyway, and otherwise really like BF1's TTK with rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. I really don't think it needs to be any lower.
I guess the only "issue", if you can call it that, I have with BF1's TTK is the ease of 1-hit-kills with certain weapons in specific circumstances versus the higher TTK in normal conflicts. Shotguns and snipers really. But I don't see it as an issue anyway, and otherwise really like BF1's TTK with rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. I really don't think it needs to be any lower.
I don't really find shotguns an issue since you're giving up so much range especially on 64 player modes. The bigger problem with them is I still don't see a use for anything other than the model 10-a hunter.


I guess the only "issue", if you can call it that, I have with BF1's TTK is the ease of 1-hit-kills with certain weapons in specific circumstances versus the higher TTK in normal conflicts. Shotguns and snipers really. But I don't see it as an issue anyway, and otherwise really like BF1's TTK with rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. I really don't think it needs to be any lower.
I completely agree. The time it takes for me to kill with the Hellriegel is fine the way it is.


I don't really find shotguns an issue since you're giving up so much range especially on 64 player modes. The bigger problem with them is I still don't see a use for anything other than the model 10-a hunter.

In theory the very limited range of the shotguns should keep them in check but the nature of objective play leads to a large portion of the important encounters being within the effective range of a shotgun anyway, even on some of the larger maps. Add slugs to the equation and it's even more interesting.

With that said I would suggest the one hit kill mechanic of the shotguns is annoying more than it is unbalanced. Same with sweet spot snipers. They're annoying rather than game breaking. Fun to use but not fun to have used against you.


Yes my favorite gun just got better.

It's easily already the most satisfying gun in the game to use. Nothing compares to getting a couple headshots on someone and then killing the next person with your last three bullets. You have to alter your playstyle to make sure you always have an exit when you reload every 3 seconds but it's no big deal.

LevelCap likes these changes, so the game is probably ruined. RIP.

Lol fuck
LevelCap likes these changes, so the game is probably ruined. RIP.

Like I can't believe they took a look at the smgs and thought they needed to do more damage.

Play fucking hardcore goddammit.

The game has been out for almost a year why would they completely change the damage model so far out?
In theory the very limited range of the shotguns should keep them in check but the nature of objective play leads to a large portion of the important encounters being within the effective range of a shotgun anyway, even on some of the larger maps. Add slugs to the equation and it's even more interesting.

With that said I would suggest the one hit kill mechanic of the shotguns is annoying more than it is unbalanced. Same with sweet spot snipers. They're annoying rather than game breaking. Fun to use but not fun to have used against you.
Fair enough


DICE has a history of making big changes like this. They made almost every automatic gun in BF4 take one extra bullet to kill in a huge patch after launch. IMO that improved the game even though it broke a couple guns (poor SCAR-H) and put maybe too much emphasis on rate of fire by accident.

Maybe this is their idea of balancing things against the one hit kill guns. Lower the time to kill with most guns to bridge the gap. To me that seems like a bad idea but I'll need to play it first before I can form an opinion on it. Sometimes the feel of a game doesn't completely line up with the numbers.
LevelCap likes these changes, so the game is probably ruined. RIP.

It's easily already the most satisfying gun in the game to use. Nothing compares to getting a couple headshots on someone and then killing the next person with your last three bullets. You have to alter your playstyle to make sure you always have an exit when you reload every 3 seconds but it's no big deal.

Lol fuck


Like I can't believe they took a look at the smgs and thought they needed to do more damage.

Play fucking hardcore goddammit.

The game has been out for almost a year why would they completely change the damage model so far out?

Fair enough
agreed. Well it's still a test so there's a chance it can be change. Gotta go argue in the Reddit CTE.


I guess the only "issue", if you can call it that, I have with BF1's TTK is the ease of 1-hit-kills with certain weapons in specific circumstances versus the higher TTK in normal conflicts. Shotguns and snipers really. But I don't see it as an issue anyway, and otherwise really like BF1's TTK with rifles, SMGs, and LMGs. I really don't think it needs to be any lower.

Aren't snipers meant to kill you in 1 hit? Besides fking the position of the shot?
My only hope is they reverse it like the bullshit explosive auto-regen change before it, but I feel like if they made the changes this widespread they're intent on putting them in the base game.

Here's my post from Reddit

This is honestly game ruining for me, especially on PS4 where the aim assist is so drastic. One of the reasons I preferred BF1 to BF4 is because the TTK was more in line with BFBC2 and I could cross an open area without getting sniped by an automatic. Now it seems they wanna do that with BF1 too. There's hardcore variants if people really want increased damage, and I know it isn't a perfect solution for those people but neither is completely altering the damage model to the base game almost a year after release.

Hopefully it gets reversed like the awful auto regen explosive change before it but since LevelCap seems to like it I won't hold my breath. Who in their right mind thought the hellreigal, automatico and BAR needed TTK buffs, even if they buff other weapons with them? As someone else said PTFO scouts really got screwed with this update.

They need to keep TTK as is, maybe reduce some bullet deviation for the SLRs and reduce aim assist for PS4. oh well, I'll always have Overwatch :///
If these changes are happening because of Youtubers, then fuck that.

Reddit seems to hate the balance, so hopefully we see it addressed. I popped in BF4. I mean, TTK isn't horrible, but what I like about BF1 is that you need to land careful shots, and if someone gets behind cover, you get into a little battle when it comes to trying to flush them out.

I feel like we can hopefully still get this since generally speaking, BF4 had a ton of custom attachments to make shooting easier/clearer, with tons of fully auto weapons.

But to hear SMGs, which are fantastic in Close quarters, get a buff is worrying.

Why is no one taking about Incursions mode? Sounds like a really solid way to get in on that instant action gameplay COD and Destiny will be known for.

I hated that 5v5 mode in BF4, but this looks very promising.

Still, I dislike that BF adds so many exclusive modes that you rarely find games for what you want.


Incursions sounds like it's needs its own thread. No one outside of us will know about it on GAF otherwise.

Hands on impressions are glowing, but my worry is that it will be more of a Counter Strike/Seige clone than actual Battlefield.
Incursions sounds like it's needs its own thread. No one outside of us will know about it on GAF otherwise.

Hands on impressions are glowing, but my worry is that it will be more of a Counter Strike/Seige clone than actual Battlefield.

It seems to not be a round based mode, thankfully. That didn't work last time they did it, but a very tight and pre-structured class based shooter sounds very fun.

Yeah we need a new thread for it. Battlefield is so strangely low-buzz on GAF. Everything is Overwatch lol.


I heard they are reducing the aim assist on console

Please god, it is so shit that it makes the whole experience terrible

I'm a big fan of turning auto-aim off in games when I'm able to just so I don't have to fight it when moving between targets but after a month or so in BF1 I turned it on and I haven't looked back. It literally aims for you. ADS anywhere near an enemy and it snaps on them and like a magnet it makes it very hard to over-aim once you're on target allowing you to use a ridiculously high sensitivity without issue. I can't complain since I am abusing it to the max but it's definitely ridiculous. My accuracy numbers are dramatically higher with every gun compared to BF4 and BF3.


After some reading in that CTE reddit thread it seems the TTK changes have put the medic guns in a really bad place. The medic class is already pretty underused due to how good the Assault guns and gadgets are. Making their guns even less competitive would be a mistake. I was hoping the better min spread and SIPS would allow us to fire and land shots much closer to the firing rate cap than before which would bring their actual TTK much closer to their theoretical TTK but that doesn't sound like it's happening, or if it is it's still not enough. Fuck.


As a medic player I'm curious how this will affect my personal experience. Also they need to put premium on sale already for consoles around $30, I want it.


So theyre going to make the Sweeper worse?

Assault and Support are getting a TTK boost while Medic guns are apparently staying the same so yeah. A four shot to kill Hellriegel with 60 bullets shooting at 650 RPM vs a three shot to kill 299 RPM Sweeper up close. Which gun has more margin for error? God forbid you get suppressed too. Even if they increase the firing rate of the Medic guns to maintain the current balance they'll still be harder to use than the other kits by a fair margin.

The more I read about this change the less I like it.


Just read full patch notes, I'm now glad I didn't buy premium. Medics are getting fucked hard with these changes. I dont wanna be at mid range taking shots at snipers. I wanna be with my squad keeping them healthy and alive but FUCK that when I'm getting melted by the buffed Helreigels and LMGs. Jesus DICE just have no idea what to do with the medic class, arguably one of the most important classes in the damn game.


Just read full patch notes, I'm now glad I didn't buy premium. Medics are getting fucked hard with these changes. I dont wanna be at mid range taking shots at snipers. I wanna be with my squad keeping them healthy and alive but FUCK that when I'm getting melted by the buffed Helreigels and LMGs. Jesus DICE just have no idea what to do with the medic class, arguably one of the most important classes in the damn game.

Lets give a class guns that are only viable mid range with gadgets that are best used on the front lines. DICE logic.


Lets give a class guns that are only viable mid range with gadgets that are best used on the front lines. DICE logic.

I think someone on Reddit might've hit the nail on the head. With them trying to push incursions and competitive modes they might be trying to make cqc guns more powerful to force the game to be played that way.
It is seriously god awful changes lol. PTFO scouts and medics got a huge indirect nerf and for no fucking reason other than to make the rest of the game less fun.

Reducing aim assist and changing conquest would be nice if those go through.

God, way to deflate my hype for the new maps and weapons.


I think someone on Reddit might've hit the nail on the head. With them trying to push incursions and competitive modes they might be trying to make cqc guns more powerful to force the game to be played that way.
Still going after that cod money lol. It's over DICE, you've won, don't fuck it up now.
It really grinds my gears.

Have to hope they listen and withdraw from these changes. Why not just turn some major things around and maybe switch up class weapons for Assault and Medics?

Would people be opposed to that? Feel like assault should have the nade launchers anyway.


It is seriously god awful changes lol. PTFO scouts and medics got a huge indirect nerf and for no fucking reason other than to make the rest of the game less fun.

Reducing aim assist and changing conquest would be nice if those go through.

God, way to deflate my hype for the new maps and weapons.

Makes it harder to play the damn objective. It's hard enough when everyone is all gung ho and don't want to hold the points


It really grinds my gears.

Have to hope they listen and withdraw from these changes. Why not just turn some major things around and maybe switch up class weapons for Assault and Medics?

Would people be opposed to that? Feel like assault should have the nade launchers anyway.

For what Medic needs to be doing (going into the front lines to help and revive people), it is very curious as to why they don't have the close range weapons. Meanwhile, the Assault class (meant to be attacking vehicles from a safe distance) has them.

The fact that the Assault class seems to fill up the majority of some maps while Medic is always the least used class can be attributed to this baffling decision. With all the baffling decisions DICE makes, it seems like they only use spreadsheets from their internal statistics to make decisions, instead of actually playing the game.
The problem with Medic having the grenade launcher is that I never run anything other than the healing box and syringe ever. Also that reminds me did they ever remove the awful smoke medic specialization?

And I thought assault having the close quarters weapons was a balancing thing to keep it so they're not dominant at all ranges like the old engineers from bf2/battlefront 2 but it really seems like people love their shotguns and smgs regardless. Personally I do love the feel of the medic weapons and they're my favorite class but there are some issues for sure.

But I don't think ANYBODY thought the medic guns were too powerful and the assault weapons needed a buff.
What do u guys think of the specializations? Im excited for the basic ones but think the class specific ones sound awful.

Also, do u guys agree that BF1 gets old fast compared to BF4? Seems like people REALLY enjoyed the shit ton of grinding in bf4.

I know DICE is adding the specs for that "Depth" criticism, but it makes me wonder what else they have planned


What do u guys think of the specializations? Im excited for the basic ones but think the class specific ones sound awful.

Also, do u guys agree that BF1 gets old fast compared to BF4? Seems like people REALLY enjoyed the shit ton of grinding in bf4.

I know DICE is adding the specs for that "Depth" criticism, but it makes me wonder what else they have planned
There isn't really any grinding in bf1 as there isn't much of a Progressive system.


Yes, but do u guys enjoy that?

Im just reading opinions and it seems people knock the game heavily for it

BF4 was way too much (needing to level up every itty bitty part of a gun to get a new part of a gun), but BF1 is not enough (random skins and about a 4-5 guns in each class in the entire game).
BF4 was way too much (needing to level up every itty bitty part of a gun to get a new part of a gun), but BF1 is not enough (random skins and about a 4-5 guns in each class in the entire game).

Fair enough, but I wonder how much content until people feel satisfied.

Do they even have a lot of room with WW1 weapons? Doesnt seem so

Meanwhile Im unlocking suppressors, numerous sights, muzzle brakes, compensatora, grips

No chance those are added right?

Im curious what else they have planned and if the dlc guns satisfy people
What do u guys think of the specializations? Im excited for the basic ones but think the class specific ones sound awful.

Also, do u guys agree that BF1 gets old fast compared to BF4? Seems like people REALLY enjoyed the shit ton of grinding in bf4.

I know DICE is adding the specs for that "Depth" criticism, but it makes me wonder what else they have planned
I'm fine with the depth, the gunplay is great, vehicles are solid and counters and stats are straight forward. BF4 was a parody of unlock systems that also completely fucked up the balance.

I'm fine with adding specs but think the ones they floated are mostly awful for various reasons.
I'm trying out the Autoloading gun for medic. Which firing mode is recommended?
Thought it was only semi-auto?
I'm fine with the depth, the gunplay is great, vehicles are solid and counters and stats are straight forward. BF4 was a parody of unlock systems that also completely fucked up the balance.

I'm fine with adding specs but think the ones they floated are mostly awful for various reasons.

Thought it was only semi-auto?

You're right. For some reason I thought it was giving me the option of changing the fire mode.
Hellriegel 4 bullets sprays! Better medium-range damage! No nerfs! Yay!

LMG changes are good, SMG was not needed at all. Some of the LMGs feel like same-damage, yet much clunkier SMGs.
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