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Bravely Default |OT| For the Americas


I still cant beat the dragon in the demo lol. Cant figure out why my magic attacks are doing 1 damage even though its blizzard. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that its a Red Mage and is only using blizzard instead of blizzara.


And now we all sit here and wait for our downloads to finish.

Anyone up for a game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos while we wait?
Yay, downloading now!

Is it worth polishing off the demo prior to starting for the bonus? i played up to the end of the third quest, its quite lengthy!
That went much smoother than the last midnight purchase I made off the eShop. Bay steps Nintendo, baby steps.
And now we all sit here and wait for our downloads to finish.

Anyone up for a game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos while we wait?
Damn, I need to upgrade to your bandwidth if you can squeeze marbles through yours O_O
Yay, downloading now!

Is it worth polishing off the demo prior to starting for the bonus? i played up to the end of the third quest, its quite lengthy!
Longer than Ground Zeros from what I've heard.


I had to delete Soul Hackers and SMTIV to make space for it, but I'm sure BD is worth it 🌈.


Can't wait for this!

I tried the demo out on a bit of whim and it certainly impressed. I do want to grab a physical copy if I can find one, though!


Oh, a question:

What's the job level limit? In the demo, I think it was four, but that seems somewhat low to get completely maxed out.
Longer than Ground Zeros from what I've heard.

lol holy shit, painful truth right here.

Shamefully, I must stay out of the thread since my CE probably won't show up till next week. =(
Even though I technically have no time for this game, I will MAKE time for this game. The demo alone was way too good.


Oh wow, I need to get in on that. let me make sure that I still have some stamps :)

Seriously. I think that I had 130,000 blocks still open or something crazy like that last time I checked.

All these people with their new-fangled internet, still got nothing on the good old-fashioned postal service.

And, yeah, I had gotten a 16GB card when the system came out, but I filled it up a couple of months ago, and so upgraded to a 64GB card.
Had like 200,000-something blocks still free ready for this game, which was very nice after having to fridge-jugle for a bit at the end of the old card.
All these people with their new-fangled internet, still got nothing on the good old-fashioned postal service.

And, yeah, I had gotten a 16GB card when the system came out, but I filled it up a couple of months ago, and so upgraded to a 64GB card.
Had like 200,000-something blocks still free ready for this game, which was very nice after having to fridge-jugle for a bit at the end of the old card.
I was thinking about getting that 64GB card when they were on sale last week on Amazon but it seemed like such overkill. At this rate though I may need to think about that 128 :lol
Huh. I don't think the SD card that came with the 3DS has enough room even if I deleted everything off of it. That's what I get for only buying things digitally I guess. I'll have to pick up another SD card later, but now how would I transfer the demo rewards?


I was thinking about getting that 64GB card when they were on sale last week on Amazon but it seemed like such overkill. At this rate though I may need to think about that 128 :lol

Yeah, originally I was just going to go with a 32GB card, but I figured I didn't want to have to deal with sending everything over again - at least not for a while - so I went with a 64GB card, and I'm happy I did.
128GB cards are nifty though.

Huh. I don't think the SD card that came with the 3DS has enough room even if I deleted everything off of it. That's what I get for only buying things digitally I guess. I'll have to pick up another SD card later, but now how would I transfer the demo rewards?

You just transfer everything from the old card to the new card.


Well, about a third of the way done so far...

Honestly, I'm probably going to go to sleep soon after it finishes anyway, I just want to get it done now so it's ready for when I wake up.


Picking mine up tomorrow after work. Not sure If I'll go right into it as I'm at the end of another game I want to finish up, but I'll be into it soon enough I suppose.


I microwave steaks.
All you lucky ducks with yer digital downloads, looking forward to pick up this game after work, until then this demo is pretty great.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Welp, bought the digital download even though I have the CE coming my way (to be fair it would take a while for me to get it through the third party shipping service). Hope the game's worth it. Shall keep the CE sealed for a while when it comes.
Welp, bought the digital download even though I have the CE coming my way (to be fair it would take a while for me to get it through the third party shipping service). Hope the game's worth it. Shall keep the CE sealed for a while when it comes.

Yup, I've double dipped too. I like having a few RPGs always on my portable systems. BD & Fire Emblem is a nice pair. But I'll definitely be opening my CE tomorrow.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Kinda jealous of the people downloading it now, but man... in the long run, I'm gonna be glad I'm waiting that extra few hours to nab the cart.

Just gotta keep telling myself that... yep...
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