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Bravely Default |OT| For the Americas


Yeah, mine is about 50% done or a bit over (how do you see exact percentage?) after about 55 minutes. Generally I can download 1GB in 20mins, so I guess the 3DS is a good bit slower.
If you select "download later" you see a faded gift icon and if you highlight it you can click view details in the bottom right corner and that will open a pop up that shows completed %. But it only downloads while the system is in sleep mode so every time you open to check it stops.


I never upgraded from the 2 gig card and put money on my account earlier this evening. Grrrr. Gotta wait until tomorrow morning to go buy a bigger card!
Ouch, sorr . But do yourself a favor and at least get a 32GB card. It'll last your 3DS a looooong time.

Well you say that, but I only have 32k blocks remaining on my 32gb card after this DL finishes (30% remaining).

This is what all I have on mine currently plus SSFIV, Project X Zone, Zelda:ALBW. and Steamworld Dig.



Done. Only took an hour and 15 minutes on FIOS. Really ridiculous, I feel for anyone with non-fiber internet.
I do just pulled everything out so I didn't need a lot of pictures to show how much you can put on a 32gb card.

I keep all of the VC and eShop exclusives in two separate folders but I keep the retail releases on the dashboard. Same on my Vita, full games on dash everything else in a folder.

I'm at 80% after 1 hour 16 minutes on Uverse so not too bad. Will probably take another 20 minutes.


Is it slower if you choose the "download it later" option and close your 3DS? I'm only at 8% after one hour.


Oh yeah, also, I'm on AT&T U-Verse Power, 45mb/s
I think the main limiting factor is the speed of Nintendo's network/how much we're all overloading it though.


That long with FIOS? Is the game really big, or is Nintendo's network just really, really slow?

I have 80 mb/s internet, and it still took this long for mine to download. Started at about 9:03 it's now 10:28 and I'm like 90% done. It has to be on Nintendo's end. Tomb Raider 16gb on PS4 took me 10 min to DL. Conversely, my download speeds on Steam are always insane.



Now to get it started and play for a few minutes before heading off to sleep.
At least it will be there waiting for me in the morning as well.

Velcro Fly

Will be occupying the next week with getting all my pokemon moved over to my X cart.

Hope everyone has fun! Can't wait for my CE to get here :)


if i had money i'd be joining the download party but losing your job and looking for one kind of cuts into your funds in a way that leaves you with pennies.

Soon though! (whenever soon is)


I wonder if the servers are just being hammered, because I thought Nintendo's download speeds had improved since this time last year. Fire Emblem took nearly this long to download (even the demo took surprisingly long), but a few months later when DKCR and Animal Crossing came out, they downloaded extremely fast.

Sigh... 85% right now.


oh god it is so close

I wonder if the servers are just being hammered
No doubt. They marketed this game soooo hard and every gaming anything has hyped it as well. It honestly might be bigger than Smash Bros.


Going with:
Normal difficulty
No auto-save

I've never been a fan of auto-saving. I don't like either having a game saving for me, or worrying about it saving when I didn't want it to. Plus, I always save obsessively anyway.


No idea what that "AR Marker" nonsense was about.
Meh, skipped it and hopefully I don't have to worry about it again.


Well, watched through the intro, adjusted a couple of settings, and just got to the first place where I could save.
Would like to actually play some more, but, I think that's about it for tonight.

I know what I'll be doing first thing in the morning though.


I didn't really pay much attention to the
thing, but,

premium AR waifu

There are waifus?

I do have to admit, the women in this game are... Well... Attractive...

Anyway, I've said enough >.>
Off to sleep now.


Ouch, sorr . But do yourself a favor and at least get a 32GB card. It'll last your 3DS a looooong time.

I usually don't buy digital (I think the only other title I got was because of the SMT/FE deal), but a large patch of freezing rain hit my area, and I'm gonna be snowed in all weekend with school and events cancelled. Can't get to the mall, and impatience got the best of me sadly. Ah well. I can wait until tomorrow morning.


Getting kinda antsy because the tracking status hasn't updated to indicate the item's been picked up yet, and if it's true then I ain't getting this till Monday. T_T

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone adding wants to add friends for the game? Are we going to have a spreadsheet here? :p


Honestly loving everything about this, except for the terrible voice acting so far.

We'll see if Ringabel changes my mind.


Started the download at 11:15, it finished right at 1 AM. Not too bad, though I have to work tomorrow so it's too late to start tonight. Oh well

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Did I read somewhere you can control/turn off the encounter rate?

I'll go buy this weekend if that's something you can raise or lower or stop at will.


This is actually a decent point. If one is stating that a game is only suitable for those ages 13 and up...
Well, actually, considering the literacy rates of many people, still probably not a bad idea...
At some point you just have to go "this isn't worth it" and just cut them off, but it's not like they published SMTIV or anything either. It's important too to remember that Smash Bros is usually T rated for some stupid reason, so I really can see Nintendo kind of taking an unofficial stance that, yes, this really IS a kid friendly game and who cares what the ESRB thinks (although some of those scenes I've heard about...)
I'm gonna guess Nintendo will just put that on every RPG they publish.
Possibly. Will be funny to see on an M rated game, but it's probably why it's small text rather than some big thing on the front: the former's a friendly reminder to those who actually bother to read packaging, the latter is an overbearing nuisance.


I have to wait until tomorrow to get it from my friend. *He's getting it as a gift* So time to sleep in til he arrives :D SO HYPE
Since the 2DS is cheaper do you guys think it's worth it to buy over the 3DS XL? really wanna play this game and considering buying a system for it.
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