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Danganronpa Community Thread: Thrills! Chills! Kills! Despair!

Well then, it makes complete sense in retrospect, doesn't it? It's more surprising that more of that kind of stuff didn't happen during the game, although I suppose that would have made things too obvious too early.

From chickens turning into cows, to clouds appearing conveniently when Monokuma appears, to the "Despair disease", to crazy mechs that guard the islands... all of that was in line with the setting the game takes place in, and I felt it was appropriate.
(Danganronpa 2 spoilers)

Well I mean it is all just a
virtual world
but IDK, I didn't even second guess the chicken part but the other parts I was like "Hmm" I suppose it lessens the blow of it all with the end game plot twist.
well, what does everyone else think about this?

I agree with it. I feel like DR 1&2 are mostly free game at this point, but thats just me. Zero too, though I guess that's trickier? If AE stuff doesn't get tagged though I'll stop following the thread until after I beat it though.


I agree with it. I feel like DR 1&2 are mostly free game at this point, but thats just me. Zero too, though I guess that's trickier?

Danganronpa Zero is absolutely not free game. An absolute rule here should be that any Danganronpa game or document not released in North America should have spoilers labeled.
Looking at the track record for the game releases I'm really surprised we haven't heard anything in regards to DR3 unless they're in a tight spot for plotting? I just hope they still to the sprite work and doesn't use 3D models like the spin-off even if they do look okay.
Danganronpa Zero is absolutely not free game. An absolute rule here should be that any Danganronpa game or document not released in North America should have spoilers labeled.

Fair enough, though it is easily available. Not sure if it affects anything with the games after 2, but I get that.

I will say if the thread feels stricter about it, I won't be bent out of shape if the majority feel otherwise. Just might be a bit of a drag, especially for things like
Genocider Jill, which happens very early in 1 and should be a well known character for AE
, but I get the counter argument.


I prefer spoiler tags honestly. Even though I have finished the games. Often people come into Community Threads to ask questions before starting the game and I don't see the harm in using them.

Yeah I agree for this reason that spoilers should be kept for most major plot points. Its only be a year for 1 and 6 months for 2, not everyone has gotten around to playing them or plays games as soon as they come out.


Gives all the fucks
Danganronpa Zero is absolutely not free game. An absolute rule here should be that any Danganronpa game or document not released in North America should have spoilers labeled.
Agreed. I think the last thing any of use want to experience is being spoiled on something before it's even released here in the US. I'm sure all of us who've been waiting for the English version of Another Episode wouldn't want to be spoiled.

I think what happened was, after the DR2 spoiler thread, we kind of just made this the "general" spoiler thread for all DR games officially released in the US since the DR2 one was sort of turning into a community thread.

Though I do understand that someone might want to take part in this thread but only played the first game, asking questions about DR2. I recall for the most part, we were really good with marking spoilers as to when they happened (i.e "Ch. 4, post-trial").


I'm interested to see how a "TPS" works for a Danganronpa title. After finishing DR2, I was thinking for a long time how the series could continue without the
Trial Class, since after the end of that story, I can't see how another killing life could happen again without stretching the plot. But we do have enough backstory for an action game as the world is currently in war between the World Ender and Future Foundation.
Endgame SDR2 spoilers
World Ender doesn't actually exist, it's just a name Monokuma made up for the Future Foundation. I guess you might mean Ultimate Despair, but basically everyone in that group is dead or trapped on the island.

Endgame DRAE spoilers
I suppose Monaka and the Monokuma kids could count, but that only happens because of DRAE in the first place.

Back to Endgame SDR2 spoilers.
Really, the only thing the Future Foundation has to 'fight' right now is rioting and other sorts of clean up (air purification, reestablishment of governments, etc.)


I just started playing Danganronpa 2 (on the first chapter and free time just started). I did not expect Hajime to be voiced by the Bosch man. I'm perfectly fine with that :D


Studying pointers right now in my Comp Sci II class.

Everytime I hear my professor say it I hear it with Ibuki's voice since she always says "POINTING!". Its getting scary.

I just started playing Danganronpa 2 (on the first chapter and free time just started). I did not expect Hajime to be voiced by the Bosch man. I'm perfectly fine with that :D

I love it in the trials when you select a character and he says "YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE!"

Also GAF, I have two ??? items left to buy one is the very last cinematic and the other is under the free events that you do while holding those items, are these both obtained from reading the light novel included with the game?


2014: Main Danganronpa game in September; side Persona game in September
2015: Main Persona game in September; side Danganronpa game in September

It'll be pretty funny if this happens.


Gives all the fucks
Yeah, gonna do the same after getting DR1 & DR2's LEs. Though I don't know what else they could put in aside from the OST & artbook like the previous LEs. Maybe something to do with the microphone (like that glow-in-the-dark keychain/cellphone strap shown on the previous page) or perhaps a figurine.
Yeah, gonna do the same after getting DR1 & DR2's LEs. Though I don't know what else they could put in aside from the OST & artbook like the previous LEs. Maybe something to do with the microphone (like that glow-in-the-dark keychain/cellphone strap shown on the previous page) or perhaps a figurine.

Just realized the LE is the perfect place to toss in the Danganronpa: AE Vita theme.

Get on that NISA.


Gives all the fucks
Oh right, I forgot about the AE theme. Yeah, either have that be a pre-order/first print bonus, or include it with the LE/NIS Store exclusive.

& of course, still make it available for purchase. Maybe free for the first week or so to those who buy the game digitally.


Gives all the fucks
Welp, now I just got the idea they could so what they did for P4G's pre-order & have a special screen protector/Vita cover with a special theme that goes with it. I know Muramasa Rebirth had one as well for its LE.


I wouldn't like that, for the only reason that I don't plan on removing my P4G Vita skin ever.

And yeah, the music makes that theme.


Gives all the fucks
Same here. It was a pain getting that P4G skin on, I sure as hell don't want to bother with removing it & getting a new skin on smoothly with no dust, dirt specks, or air bubbles. But I'm sure others would use it & I can have it as a "back-up" when my P4G one finally gets too dirty/scratched up.


Oh hey today I learned the Doggone Ru Paul community is a thing.

Obligatory Ibuki.



Some of her sprite edits are just plain amazing.

PK Gaming

Oh hey today I learned the Doggone Ru Paul community is a thing.

Obligatory Ibuki.



Some of her sprite edits are just plain amazing.

Most of the sprite edits i've seen for DR have been kind of weak, but those ones are amazing


Super High School Level Cute


your presence in this thread is already wonderful, pariah

On a related note, there's a bunch of sprites I'd love to post that explore what different characters would look like as (major game spoiler)
Junko/the Mastermind.
Some are really good. Including Ibuki's.



On a related note, there's a bunch of sprites I'd love to post that explore what different characters would look like as (major game spoiler)
Junko/the Mastermind.
Some are really good. Including Ibuki's.

Could you post the link to them?


For the sake of clarification, these are DR1 & 2 spoilers. This is AE safe.

Some are good, not as big a fan of others. Celestia and Sonia are the standouts for me.
Yes, I should have clarified they are AE safe. My bad.

I like them all for different reasons, but Celestia's is my favorite.
Bought the second game during the critics sale. Just finished Case 4.

The whole Mechomaru concept was a bit much for me. Kinda glad he didn't stick around for that long.

As for the game as a whole I don't feel the characters are as compelling as the first game. I miss having a dependable character that you can count on during every case. Chiaki sort of fills that role but is no replacement. The biggest mystery that is keeping me playing right now is Nagito. The fact that he
shares the same voice actor as Makoto and their names are almost a palindrome
have me questioning who he is.

Best girls are of course Chiaki, Ibuki and Sonia.


Bought the second game during the critics sale. Just finished Case 4.

The whole Mechomaru concept was a bit much for me. Kinda glad he didn't stick around for that long.

As for the game as a whole I don't feel the characters are as compelling as the first game. I miss having a dependable character that you can count on during every case. Chiaki sort of fills that role but is no replacement. The biggest mystery that is keeping me playing right now is Nagito. The fact that he
shares the same voice actor as Makoto and their names are almost a palindrome
have me questioning who he is.

Best girls are of course Chiaki, Ibuki and Sonia.

it was the opposite for me, i thought 2's cast was miles ahead of 1's

my reaction to a death in 1 was "oh nooooooooooooooo, that's a shame"


the deaths hit me harder because i liked the cast so much more
it was the opposite for me, i thought 2's cast was miles ahead of 1's

my reaction to a death in 1 was "oh nooooooooooooooo, that's a shame"


the deaths hit me harder because i liked the cast so much more

Can't say any of the deaths have hit me that hard
besides Ibuki's

DR1 Spoilers:
Chihiro's, Mondo's and Sakura's deaths all got to me in the end but I guess the only one I was genuinely upset about as it happened was Chihiro's.

DR2 Spoilers:
None of the deaths have really affected me that much in DR2 except for the ones where I'm glad they're gone. Teruteru was annoying and I was happy he was the first to go. I didn't get to see much of Peko or Mahiru so I didn't feel much towards them. Hiyoko was abrasiveness but I didn't hate her. Can't say I was happy or sad with her death. By the end of Mikan's trial I was glad she was gone. Mechomaru's concept was too outlandish for me so I have to say I'm glad he is gone. They tried to do a character redemption type thing during the trial with Gundham but I felt it was done better with Mondo in DR1.

Overall I can't say which cast I like better as of yet but DR1 has the advantage of no Nagito. I can't stand his whole shtick. It's fine to have characters that are dislikable but Nagito is so annoying it's affecting my enjoyment of the game. To be honest the only thing keeping me playing atm is to find out the mystery surrounding him but his personality is enough to make me quit.

You sure? Sonia isn't pure.

Is this spoilers? >_>
DR1 definitely got to me more than 2 for deaths, but in 2 chapter 2 actually stands out
It wasn't Peko dying though, it was Fuyuhiko's reaction. The entirety of him talking was going back and forth between him confessing to peko and Monokuma gleefully introducing the execution
right in the feels

also, I pretty much hate the DR2 cast compared to 1. Fuyuhiko and Ibuki stand out as the only characters I really liked.


Just stopping by to say I'm currently playing Danganronpa 1 and having a great time. Chapter 4 now and for some reason I always become friends with the people who die next without fail. I'm scared to talk to people now.


Gotta say I also liked 1 more than 2, character-wise. I liked almost every single character in 1, but 2? Not so much. Ibuki, Peko, Gundham, and Sonia were the only characters I genuinely liked.


Gotta say I also liked 1 more than 2, character-wise. I liked almost every single character in 1, but 2? Not so much. Ibuki, Peko, Gundham, and Sonia were the only characters I genuinely liked.

Pretty much the opposite here. I think 1 has some great characters but a bunch of clunkers too, especially the male characters. The dudes in 2 are way, way, way better.
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