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Danganronpa Community Thread: Thrills! Chills! Kills! Despair!

That being said, I still wouldn't worry about it too much, lol. Junko's hand (and potentially other body parts) remaining intact after being compacted isn't the most unbelievable thing that's happened in these games.
(Danganronpa: IF)
Yeah, I think it's her hand. By the way, while reading the IF novel, if I remember correctly it is said that Junko is despair incarnated and miraculous thing could even happen with her if it meant to bring despair into the world. I think Mukuro realizes this while fighting Monokuma. Junko is almost a despair goddess, very unlikely things could happen to her just to bring despair to the world. She is mortal but she isn't a simple human being.

Sir TapTap

I'm going through DR1 school mode and I don't hate it as much as I thought I would EXCEPT the trip tickets stuff. This is gridy hell with no payoff but a trophy. I'm enjoying the rest. Also the "all presents" thing is dumb and I hate it.

In particular the dating/friendship stuff I've learned a lot about the characters:
Specifically, that Leon and Hiro are WORSE than I thought, Buyaka is slightly less of a useless shitbag than I thought (slightly), and Taka is far more commendable than I realized. Mondo's not a total ass either.

I regret not going through some of those during the main story, not that it would have been feasible.
I'm going through DR1 school mode and I don't hate it as much as I thought I would EXCEPT the trip tickets stuff. This is gridy hell with no payoff but a trophy. I'm enjoying the rest. Also the "all presents" thing is dumb and I hate it.

In particular the dating/friendship stuff I've learned a lot about the characters:
Specifically, that Leon and Hiro are WORSE than I thought, Buyaka is slightly less of a useless shitbag than I thought (slightly), and Taka is far more commendable than I realized. Mondo's not a total ass either.

I regret not going through some of those during the main story, not that it would have been feasible.

I agree that Hiro was a lot worse than I thought. Hifumi was another one. In other hand, I learned that Mukuro, even acting as Junko, is great.
I just beat DR1 and 2.

wtf guys.


I didn't expect any of that shit to go down near the end of DR2, and the trial was going on for so long I got Ace Attorney Investigations flashbacks, then it turned awesome and then the credits rolled.

God damn, what a ride. What's next? :)
I just beat DR1 and 2.

wtf guys.


I didn't expect any of that shit to go down near the end of DR2, and the trial was going on for so long I got Ace Attorney Investigations flashbacks, then it turned awesome and then the credits rolled.

God damn, what a ride. What's next? :)
DanganRonpa: Another Episode, coming this fall!


Bought a Kuji ticket, or lottery ticket for Danganronpa 2 in Saitama today.
Basically you pay 600 yen, pull a ticket out of a box and get the corresponding prize.
Second try I got this massive Monomi. Honestly not my favourite character but it was worth the 600 yen. Just wanted to share.

EDIT: I feel I should also mention that this is "Prize B". Basically the second best thing you can get. Prize A was a Nagito figure. Probably would have preferred that but of well.
Some of the lower tier prizes were nice too like keychains. I got a massive pin with monokuma and monomi on it the first try. That was "Prize E"

Sir TapTap

I agree that Hiro was a lot worse than I thought. Hifumi was another one. In other hand, I learned that Mukuro, even acting as Junko, is great.

(DR1 character spoilers)
I dunno, Hifumi seemed about what I expected, if anything him wanting to create original works was interesting. I kind of enjoyed the Ultimates who wanted to do things they weren't ultimate in, though by the end they kinda hammered it in too hard with too many characters. And yeah, Fakejunko is pretty cool.

Now that I've started DR2 "dating", (DR2 character spoilers)
Hiyoko is SO BAD I had to stop after her first event, I'll do that last. Good god she's insufferable. Fake Byakuya is way better than the real one, other than the eating problem but I'll let that slide. Not sure I like Peko still, her whole "tool" speech pretty much ruined her in my eyes, interesting side story if not for that. Nekomaru would be a fav if he didn't keep talking about shitting. Nagito is a great character, I fucking hate him. Chiaki whyyyyyy :(

Bought a Kuji ticket, or lottery ticket for Danganronpa 2 in Saitama today.

That's awesome, I'm jealous. I really like Usami, other than the monokuma redesign. Mostly the diaper, bleh


Doing School Mode. Fuck Yasuhiro. Fuck him.
Mukuro is lovely.
I'm also on the Taka train now, guy is great.
Yeah I like Usami, but Monomi with the diaper is pretty lame.

I actually don't mind Monomi, but yeah, I do prefer Usami. I'm a little jealous you got that. :p

Doing School Mode. Fuck Yasuhiro. Fuck him.
Mukuro is lovely.
I'm also on the Taka train now, guy is great.

I love your avatar.

And agree with your spoiler! I really liked
Danganronpa IF, I'm sure you'll enjoy it when you get the chance

Sir TapTap

Finished up the relationships in Dangan 2. (Dangan 2 character/story spoilers obviously)
Hiyoko is just completely awful and they don't even really bother to excuse it. I almost respect that but I still hate her guts. Honestly I find Baby Gangsta alright after all's said and done (not peko though--if Dangan Ronpa 3 has ANOTHER female character who acts like a slave to a shitty(ish) male character I'm gonna puke). Nagito's just a prick but in a way I enjoy hating unlike Hiyoko. Soda's alright, a friggin perv but I guess not TOO much worse than any honest highschool guy. It's more like he doesn't know when to shut his mouth.

Also, I played late so I'm sure plenty of people noticed this before, but (dangan ronpa 2 extreme spoilers)
Okay, so Usami couldn't tell the kids it's a simulation because then they wouldn't find hope, right? So that's why the big reveal is supposed to (and does) fuck everyone up. But then it's the sacrifice and dispair Hajime went through that brings him to fight through it. I guess that means...Nagito was right?

My thoughts for Dangan Ronpa 3 (spoilers for both games):
It can't be Junko again. I loved the twist at the end of DR2. But it absolutely can't happen again or it's just boring. Character archetypes need to be more varied. I think some stuff was deliberately done to screw with DR1 players (byakuya of course), but the gymnast who eats, the JoJo-looking biker character, the insufferable brat who talks about her "master", enough of those. I'm fine with the Ahoge'd main character though. All in all DR2 is going to be extremely hard to follow though. The locked-in class thing would feel pretty forced, not sure what else they can do to keep the same spirit. I do think DR2 did a pretty good job of continuing what I figured was a deliberately, impossibly open ended ending.

Gameplay-wise: please just kill Hangman's Gambit, the "improvements" made it worse and it's never going to be interesting. No more Trip Tickets. School mode is fine, "dating" is fine, Trip Tickets are a cruel joke played on completionists.

(double post but it's a day later)
My idea for danganronpa 3 would be
The world is getting back on track following DR2, but someone says fuck it and restarts the killing game somewhere else (surely in japan of course)

Maybe it could be even one of the characters from DR2 is the mastermind, having had hajime and crew think they saved everyone from the comatose state and brought them back

What I don't want is
memory loss, virtual worlds, AI twists. DR2's ultimate despair twist and nagito trying to murder everyone in the name of hope was awesome, but the virtual world and they were an AI twist sour me on DR2. New character archetypes too.

Finished up the relationships in Dangan 2. (Dangan 2 character/story spoilers obviously)
Hiyoko is just completely awful and they don't even really bother to excuse it. I almost respect that but I still hate her guts. Honestly I find Baby Gangsta alright after all's said and done (not peko though--if Dangan Ronpa 3 has ANOTHER female character who acts like a slave to a shitty(ish) male character I'm gonna puke). Nagito's just a prick but in a way I enjoy hating unlike Hiyoko. Soda's alright, a friggin perv but I guess not TOO much worse than any honest highschool guy. It's more like he doesn't know when to shut his mouth.
its pretty easy not to like, and peko clearly was there to push fuyuhiko's character forward, but I did think Peko was done pretty well. Its not that she really believed she was just a tool for fuyuhiko to use, its that she was in love with him and would do anything for him because of that. The just a tool thing came about from her trying to stifle her romantic feelings because she "knew" that due to their positions in life they couldn't be together. She was of course wrong.
Hiyoko was a character I hated and ended up coming to like, she tried to become a better person and
she was meant to survive but it was changed to Fuyuhiko because otherwise Peko died for nothing.
Fuyuhiko I like a lot too. Honestly the DR2 is all around better, don't even care if DR GAF doesn't agree. It's just my

I do agree though they need to really mix it up in DR3, while the plotting wasn't as similiar and the murders were all different a lot of the characters are all sort of the same from both games to a degree. You can only do so much with anime tropes though. If they do another foreigner type character I'd honestly prefer if it was a male.

Sir TapTap

My idea for danganronpa 3 would be
The world is getting back on track following DR2, but someone says fuck it and restarts the killing game somewhere else (surely in japan of course)

Maybe it could be even one of the characters from DR2 is the mastermind, having had hajime and crew think they saved everyone from the comatose state and brought them back

What I don't want is
memory loss, virtual worlds, AI twists. DR2's ultimate despair twist and nagito trying to murder everyone in the name of hope was awesome, but the virtual world and they were an AI twist sour me on DR2. New character archetypes too.

Yeah, they did a lot of great stuff in DR2 that will basically be impossible to do again without being really lame. Personally I'm forseeing one of the ultimate despairs going bad again, but somehow with a new group of students--I think the "all students are new, antagonist is from an earlier game" thing could easily continue and not be too bad, as long as it's not Junko again. I just hope they continue the "real world" storyline instead of constantly going back through prequels/really a dream/VR and such. They actually kind of properly explained The Tragedy which I figured they wouldn't be able to do, so I hope they don't pull an Asscreed and ruin the "modern day" side of things.

its pretty easy not to like, and peko clearly was there to push fuyuhiko's character forward, but I did think Peko was done pretty well. Its not that she really believed she was just a tool for fuyuhiko to use, its that she was in love with him and would do anything for him because of that. The just a tool thing came about from her trying to stifle her romantic feelings because she "knew" that due to their positions in life they couldn't be together. She was of course wrong.

I guess I can see that, but the only way to really help him would have been to help him get away with murder. The only outcomes of her actions, aside from killing Mahiru, would be everyone, including Fuyuhiko, dying, or her dying but Fuyuhiko getting no benefit out of it (beyond not being executed for killing Mahiru.)

Also while I did play through her character arc and see her "romantic" interest, it's a bit hard to swallow as an organic interest when they were basically forced to work together the entire time. It's a shame, I liked her talent and distant but focused personality.

Hiyoko was a character I hated and ended up coming to like, she tried to become a better person and
she was meant to survive but it was changed to Fuyuhiko because otherwise Peko died for nothing.
Fuyuhiko I like a lot too. Honestly the DR2 is all around better, don't even care if DR GAF doesn't agree. It's just my

I do agree though they need to really mix it up in DR3, while the plotting wasn't as similiar and the murders were all different a lot of the characters are all sort of the same from both games to a degree. You can only do so much with anime tropes though. If they do another foreigner type character I'd honestly prefer if it was a male.

DR1&2 spoilers:
Isn't Teru Teru totally the foreigner archetype? Sonia too of course, but at least with the English VA Teru Teru's real voice is clearly Southern US which matches up with his dingy diner thing, I assume the JP voices have a similar equivalent. I'd personally like to see more out there things like Sakura--I assumed she'd be terrible/a joke but she's probably my fav from DR1 actually. As long as they have an interesting twist on it "trope" doesn't have to be boring. It's mostly a problem that they remix a few too many tropes from DR1.

I agree that DR2 is better in most ways but I can see people not liking it as much either due to the novelty wearing off a bit or not liking the big twist--it's a lot to swallow, but honestly DR1 has tons of huge twists and it actually explains them less well than DR2. Most everything that seemed impossible in DR2 is "just" because of VR, which doesn't seem too implausible due to Chihiro (and well real life VR but this is a few steps beyond that), and they kind of explain how "despair" spread retroactively when at the end of DR1 Junko more or less says "who cares it happened bruh"


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Man... Spoilers in Danganronpa 2:

Will they ever show how all the characters' Ultimate Despair form. I really want to know how Sonia Nevermind and Ibuki Mioda will look like as Ultimate Despairs.


Man... Spoilers in Danganronpa 2:

Will they ever show how all the characters' Ultimate Despair form. I really want to know how Sonia Nevermind and Ibuki Mioda will look like as Ultimate Despairs.

Standby for DR:AE? This might not actually be an answer you want to get until you play that game.
So the Danganronpa community exists. I wasn't involved in the threads for DR1 and DR2, so I wasn't sure.

There's fan mades out there if you want to get an idea I guess. Came across them on GameFAQs a few days ago.

I would love to see (DR2 spoilers)
the Ultimate Despair versions of the entire DR2 group, but considering the nature of their actions and their statuses pre-game,
I think having them making an appearance in a main game seems complicated at best. It would be an interesting development, to be honest.

Also, it seems like the Beautiful Days novel is getting translated in Tumblr, if anyone is following on that. Just be careful because AE spoilers are pretty rampant.
So how vital is AE to the overall story? Is it something great, or passable? I'd like to know, given it seems the gameplay is different from the main entries and I'm worried since it seems like it'll be revisiting a lot of characters from before.

I'd appreciate keeping AE spoilers to a minimum, if possible.
So how vital is AE to the overall story? Is it something great, or passable? I'd like to know, given it seems the gameplay is different from the main entries and I'm worried since it seems like it'll be revisiting a lot of characters from before.

I'd appreciate keeping AE spoilers to a minimum, if possible.

Very vital.
So how vital is AE to the overall story? Is it something great, or passable? I'd like to know, given it seems the gameplay is different from the main entries and I'm worried since it seems like it'll be revisiting a lot of characters from before.

I'd appreciate keeping AE spoilers to a minimum, if possible.

It's hard to answer "how important it is to the overall story" when we don't know anything about DR3. For all we know, it could be 100% critical to the story, or it could just be skimmed right over with nothing more than a reference or two.

I thought the story was darn solid (though not without issue of course, as all DR games are) and met my expectations for the series. I wouldn't worry about your concern, either.
DanganRonpa 3 "very early in development"...

Danganronpa 3 is in ‘very early’ development, according to series writer Kodaka Kazutaka.

“Until everything’s been written, there’s nothing that’s set,” Kazutaka told Polygon at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. “So to answer your question, it’s still very early because the scenario isn’t written yet.”

According to Kazutaka, it’s common for the game’s story and characters to change several times while in development.


So probably nothing concrete for a while yet. :/ Though I guess that makes waiting until fall for AE not as bad since it'll give us some time to build up hype and focus on that.

(It also hopefully means that Spike Chunsoft are hard at work on Zero Escape Vol. 3.)
DanganRonpa 3 "very early in development"...

Great to hear that they've started, though not surprised that they're not that far into it. They've been working on a few other things recently, and they just recently finished AE. Hopefully things pick up soon, but I'm not expecting for a while.

At least all of us in the west can stay focussed on AE and not getting spoiled on that.


I really, really hope NISA works to have a WW release for DR3.

Its particularly important because of the spoilery nature of the series.
I really, really hope NISA works to have a WW release for DR3.

Its particularly important because of the spoilery nature of the series.

I really wish they would do this, but I'm not sure that they will. They haven't even done it with any of their own titles. But it'd be great if they'd do it with the series, because as you mentioned, spoilers tend to spread like wildfire and these games are best when you go in not knowing anything.

Sir TapTap

I really, really hope NISA works to have a WW release for DR3.

Its particularly important because of the spoilery nature of the series.

That would be amazing but I doubt it. I'm just hoping for a smaller gap. I'm always disappointed when I find friends who just watched annotated playthroughs the Japanese game. I wouldn't have enjoyed it half as much that way.
I'm a little disappointed that the internet won't be a spoiler minefield come this fall when we get AE, unlike how it was last year shortly after SDR2 came out.

Hiyoko was a character I hated and ended up coming to like

I feel the same.
I was hoping she could make it through the end.

Man... Spoilers in Danganronpa 2:

Will they ever show how all the characters' Ultimate Despair form. I really want to know how Sonia Nevermind and Ibuki Mioda will look like as Ultimate Despairs.

I expect them to be hot chicks with badass tattoos all over their bodies.


Current placeholders for Danganronpa: Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls is September 1st. If I remember correctly, the placeholders given for DR1 and DR2 both turned out to be accurate, so September 1 might totally turn out to be DR:AE and MGS5 day.
Current placeholders for Danganronpa: Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls is September 1st. If I remember correctly, the placeholders given for DR1 and DR2 both turned out to be accurate, so September 1 might totally turn out to be DR:AE and MGS5 day.
meh, september 15th is MGS5 day, that gives me two weeks to play through AE if that date is correct
Current placeholders for Danganronpa: Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls is September 1st. If I remember correctly, the placeholders given for DR1 and DR2 both turned out to be accurate, so September 1 might totally turn out to be DR:AE and MGS5 day.

Most NISA placeholders are accurate. DR2 was announced at around the same time as Ultra Despair Girls last year and was released on September 2, so I think that's accurate.

Sir TapTap

Man... Spoilers in Danganronpa 2:

Will they ever show how all the characters' Ultimate Despair form. I really want to know how Sonia Nevermind and Ibuki Mioda will look like as Ultimate Despairs.

Well, DR 2 spoilers:
Their bodies would still be fucked up in the real world, right? Though Hajime looks like...Hajime in the ending, so maybe they're "fixed" somehow beyond just the mind


Well, DR 2 spoilers:
Their bodies would still be fucked up in the real world, right? Though Hajime looks like...Hajime in the ending, so maybe they're "fixed" somehow beyond just the mind

Hajime wouldn't be one of the people with a messed up body, given the fact that he's Izuru Kamakura, the Ultimate Hope. If anything, he would have been expressly designed to have a "perfect" body. Nagito, for sure, would still have his arm mutilated. I do like the theory that part of the restoration project was also to restore their bodies somewhat, so that they wouldn't freak the hell out after exiting the simulation.

Sir TapTap

Hajime wouldn't be one of the people with a messed up body, given the fact that he's Izuru Kamakura, the Ultimate Hope. If anything, he would have been expressly designed to have a "perfect" body. Nagito, for sure, would still have his arm mutilated. I do like the theory that part of the restoration project was also to restore their bodies somewhat, so that they wouldn't freak the hell out after exiting the simulation.

Hajime's hair as Izuru Kamakura was shown though, that super long dramatic anime looking stuff, and that's not how he looks at the very end. Not really sure how to read that.


Hajime's hair as Izuru Kamakura was shown though, that super long dramatic anime looking stuff, and that's not how he looks at the very end. Not really sure how to read that.

That could have just been, again, part of the restoration project and those involved simply cut his hair (since we saw him with long hair only before he entered the simulation and during it). Or he cut his hair between his awakening from the simulation, and when Makoto's team leave the island. It was kind of weird when I saw it happen but, thinking about it now, it kinda makes sense that his hair would be shorter, especially if he rejects the "Izuru Kamakura" personality they formed him into.
Hajime wouldn't be one of the people with a messed up body, given the fact that he's Izuru Kamakura, the Ultimate Hope. If anything, he would have been expressly designed to have a "perfect" body. Nagito, for sure, would still have his arm mutilated. I do like the theory that part of the restoration project was also to restore their bodies somewhat, so that they wouldn't freak the hell out after exiting the simulation.
ha! that was my theory!

It still makes the most sense, and would explain why
Hajimes hair is cut if we consider the epilogue direclty post game where he wouldn't have had time to do it himself.
Well, DR 2 spoilers:
Their bodies would still be fucked up in the real world, right? Though Hajime looks like...Hajime in the ending, so maybe they're "fixed" somehow beyond just the mind
Well, I think not all of them have messed up bodies. Nagito lost his hand/arm, someone transplanted Junko's eye, but probably most of them were just injured and hopefully not terribly. I assume that Hajime had his hair cutted.

Sir TapTap

Well, I think not all of them have messed up bodies. Nagito lost his hand/arm, someone transplanted Junko's eye, but probably most of them were just injured and hopefully not terribly. I assume that Hajime had his hair cutted.

Makoto did make a pretty big deal about their bodies being mutilated (I think it was fake-Makoto...though most of what fake Makoto said turned out to be true anyway?). At least one unknown one was starved, and I figured everyone had something or other fucked up about them, they just didn't feel it necessary to exposit all of it.


Makoto did make a pretty big deal about their bodies being mutilated (I think it was fake-Makoto...though most of what fake Makoto said turned out to be true anyway?). At least one unknown one was starved, and I figured everyone had something or other fucked up about them, they just didn't feel it necessary to exposit all of it.

There is still a lot of assumptions that it was necessarily these 16 who did these actions. Like said, fake Makoto listed them off. While they probably happened to some extent to get real Makoto to not dismiss it (Nagito's arm would probably be enough for this), there's no guarentee that those 16 were the only followers of Junko who would do something like that.

Also, black box party!

Sir TapTap

There is still a lot of assumptions that it was necessarily these 16 who did these actions. Like said, fake Makoto listed them off. While they probably happened to some extent to get real Makoto to not dismiss it (Nagito's arm would probably be enough for this), there's no guarentee that those 16 were the only followers of Junko who would do something like that.

Also, black box party!

Ain't no party like a black box party cuz a black box party don't stop until

Hopefully NISA starts bringing these themes over. Would snap this and the Ultra Despair Girls one up in a heartbeat.

I don't get why themes are so far behind in the west. Seems like they'd be very simple to "localize", many of them have no text at all
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