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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?


There are no instant deaths besides the drill and the flying moments. Oh, that reminds me, I also died once in that area where you have to be stealthy. I missed the hydraulic spike things with my stasis, went to stasis again, had no packs, and died. :(

The hardest part for me was that stupid climbing segment with the falling walls, just because the gap jumping wasn't always 100%. Everything else was easy though. I honestly think Classic mode was the most difficult just because of the loss of crafting and attachments.


Be careful if you head back to try and complete some area's at 100 % and you are near the end,I chose continue story but I still had to redo a hard section from chapter 16 and the annoying RS,LS little puzzles when I got back from chapter 4...


So what is the overall consensus here on GAF?
Is it worth it for someone who loved Dead Space 1 more than 2, but still really enjoyed 2 ?

From the screens in the snow the game is giving me a The Thing vibe, which is pretty cool, but no the other hand all this talk of cover and rolling mechanics really puts my hype down :(


So what is the overall consensus here on GAF?
Is it worth it for someone who loved Dead Space 1 more than 2, but still really enjoyed 2 ?

From the screens in the snow the game is giving me a The Thing vibe, which is pretty cool, but no the other hand all this talk of cover and rolling mechanics really puts my hype down :(

Yes,you should love it overall...
Honestly, the only shit parts in DS3 were the flying parts. There's none of those moments like in DS1 (ie. with the tentacles grabbing you) or in DS2 (the brute on the train) where you can die just from being all flustered during a moment of intensity.

There are no instant deaths besides the drill and the flying moments. Oh, that reminds me, I also died once in that area where you have to be stealthy. I missed the hydraulic spike things with my stasis, went to stasis again, had no packs, and died. :(

I even had a bunch of silly climbing deaths first time out. To lose a huge chunk of time to something like that would be rough to recover from. I just don't have the confidence that my guard would remain up long enough to persevere. DS2 seemed like you could make a more compact run and tear through with less to do. Maybe after I work my through a Pure Survival run, it will seem more attainable. I tip my hat to all of you warriors who make it through. You are a cut above.


Unconfirmed Member
So what is the overall consensus here on GAF?
Is it worth it for someone who loved Dead Space 1 more than 2, but still really enjoyed 2 ?

From the screens in the snow the game is giving me a The Thing vibe, which is pretty cool, but no the other hand all this talk of cover and rolling mechanics really puts my hype down :(
You don't have to use the cover and rolling mechanics at all. I never used them once during my first play-trough. In a way they are really pointless.

As for the game overall:
I think there were a little less creativity when it came to the scares, but I can't really tell if that's because they are genuinely less original or because I've played the other Dead Space games so many times that I'm just used to them by now.

Crafting is cool. Story and plot twists are a little "meh". Definitely the weakest in the series, but still a good game. I think you'll enjoy it.

Question for those that have played co-op: I'm still missing a lot of logs and stuff and I'm usually very thorough when looking for them. Are these are only available in Carvers portion of the game?
So what is the overall consensus here on GAF?
Is it worth it for someone who loved Dead Space 1 more than 2, but still really enjoyed 2 ?

From the screens in the snow the game is giving me a The Thing vibe, which is pretty cool, but no the other hand all this talk of cover and rolling mechanics really puts my hype down :(

Personally, and this is probably a "your mileage may vary" sort of thing, but I have found the majority of the environments a lot more atmospheric than those in Dead Space 2. I feel like level design tends to harken back to the first game a lot more than level design in Dead Space 2 did. I didn't much care for the Sprawl/Titan station, and I have much preferred the 200-year old flotilla and Tau Volantis. The levels in Dead Space 3 feel much more like actual places to me (just like the Ishimura did), whereas Dead Space 2's campaign mostly just felt like a series of videogame levels/corridors that I was pushing through in sequence to make it to the end. I might be crazy, but I might even prefer the majority of Dead Space 3 to Dead Space 2, I've also generally found myself to be a lot more tense while playing DS3 than I was in 2.

Dead Space 3 really showers you with health and ammo on normal, though. As for rolling and "cover" I've barely rolled while playing the game (though found it came in handy for one of the bosses) and there isn't really a "cover" mechanic so much as there is just a crouch button that you very occasionally will find handy when encountering human enemies (these encounters are definitely one of the weakest parts of the game, though).

The original game would have to be my favourite in the series, in spite of Dead Space 2's awesomeness. DS3 is still largely a great game, there are some rough spots and the human encounters are lame, but I think you'll find plenty to like in Dead Space 3.

def sim

So what is the overall consensus here on GAF?

There really isn't a consensus here in this thread. It's a mixture of "eh it's alright like the others" and "the worst game ever what have they done."

There are people who say this isn't Dead Space at all. Maybe they're right? The more I read this thread, the more I realize that I don't look for the same things that define a game as they do. I don't know if you'll get this comparison, but it's one that really bummed me out recently: Hitman Absolution is a significant departure from Blood Money. It's fundamentally different in structure even if it looks the same superficially. Dead Space 3's biggest failings are presentational issues, such as the first chapter, and the largely unchanged scares and encounters. Too much of the same.


Neo Member
So what is the overall consensus here on GAF?
Is it worth it for someone who loved Dead Space 1 more than 2, but still really enjoyed 2 ?

From the screens in the snow the game is giving me a The Thing vibe, which is pretty cool, but no the other hand all this talk of cover and rolling mechanics really puts my hype down :(

Like mentioned here before, it really depends on what you liked about the previous parts. I also loved the first game more than part 2 and I really don't like what they did with this part. The game can be quite frustrating at some times (the ridiculous speed and amount of enemies, the broken save system, human enemies, over the top music that doesn't fit with the gameplay imo) and in my opinion the unique atmosphere which I liked so much in DS1 is totally gone, especially when you're on Tau Volantis. It's not a bad game though, but it's just too different from the original game.


Watching the end credits roll as I type. I really enjoyed the beginning part, when it was actually in space, but everything after they land on Tau Volantis is unadulterated bullshit through and through. The necromorphs stop being scary when you've mowed down an army of them without so much as breaking a sweat, and I could swear the guys who built that place used medipacks as building material it's so plentiful. There's nothing to fear, the environment isn't scary so it just becomes a tedious slog through waves after waves of enemies and endless fetch quests.

Isaac's ability to fall from great heights and shrug it off like it's nothing is thrust fully into parody by the end when he apparently survives a fall from the moon to the planets surface. That shit is just farcical.


Question for those that have played co-op: I'm still missing a lot of logs and stuff and I'm usually very thorough when looking for them. Are these are only available in Carvers portion of the game?

There are audio and text logs in the co-op missions, detailing Carver's back story. I'm not sure if they count for 100%, but there are a few in each mission.

Mike M

Nick N
Just encountered a hilarious glitch in Chapter 16 or 17, just before the long rappelling sequence where a bunch of textures and their geometry became invisible. My partner was using an invisible bench (the screen was visible, and I could find the activation point with a bit of fumbling), and I could see the weapon he was modifying dangling way down below like a fish on a line. Then when he was done, the gun "reeled" itself in and came out in the usual exit-the-bench animation.


This game is extremely glitchy so far and it's clear that they didn't spend enough time on this to polish it. I don't understand why.
Watching the credits as I type this. Loved it. No suspense though. Amazing until you land on Tau. Then its just good.

Just finished it as well, similar vibe. The ending was really bleh and the wading through the 10 minute credits
for a lame two second audio-clip really didn't help. Does it matter if he's alive? Why do that? There's no where else for the story to go.

I enjoyed my time with it, it was worth the admission. The 1st is still top dog, though.
Why hasn't DF done a face off of this yet? DS1 and DS2 were pretty much identical on 360/PS3, but IGN review talked about framerate issues in the PS3 version. Regardless Digital Foundy usally does face offs of high profile games like DS3, what gives?


There should be more tampons in gaming
This game is extremely glitchy so far and it's clear that they didn't spend enough time on this to polish it. I don't understand why.

I haven't encountered any glitches in the game besides vanishing corpses if that is even considered a glitch


There should be more tampons in gaming
There are audio and text logs in the co-op missions, detailing Carver's back story. I'm not sure if they count for 100%, but there are a few in each mission.

That's stupid that a trophy depends upon completing a game with a partner. Gonna keep me away from my platinum
Why hasn't DF done a face off of this yet? DS1 and DS2 were pretty much identical on 360/PS3, but IGN review talked about framerate issues in the PS3 version. Regardless Digital Foundy usally does face offs of high profile games like DS3, what gives?
I asked about that earlier in this thread too and the consensus was that the two versions are pretty much identical like DS1 and DS2 were (minus Extraction coming with the PS3 version).


Just finished it as well, similar vibe. The ending was really bleh and the wading through the 10 minute credits
for a lame two second audio-clip really didn't help. Does it matter if he's alive? Why do that? There's no where else for the story to go.

I enjoyed my time with it, it was worth the admission. The 1st is still top dog, though.

Nowhere else for the story to go???

Brother Moons are Awake


There should be more tampons in gaming
Just finished it as well, similar vibe. The ending was really bleh and the wading through the 10 minute credits
for a lame two second audio-clip really didn't help. Does it matter if he's alive? Why do that? There's no where else for the story to go.

I enjoyed my time with it, it was worth the admission. The 1st is still top dog, though.

I feel like the DS games got progressively better with each one. So having said that there are things I didn't like about DS3. At times there were no audible cues that enemies had mysteriously appeared behind you. Maybe if Issac would tilt his head to the direction of the disturbance as a way of warning the player. Chpt. 5 is definitely the worst though in term of unfairness to unprepared players. However, the weapon crafting and combat scenarios and options that come along with it make it the best game in the series.
Nowhere else for the story to go???

Brother Moons are Awake
Besides that, we also have
the origin of the Markers being a mystery, the purpose of Convergence, the current fate of Earth and the Lunar Colony, Lexine and probably a few other things I can't think of.
I also finished it today, I enjoyed it very much.

Will replay it on the harder difficulties at some point.

This will probably be an unpopular opinion but I hope the next one also has co-op.


I also finished it today, I enjoyed it very much.

Will replay it on the harder difficulties at some point.

This will probably be an unpopular opinion but I hope the next one also has co-op.

i hope the next one does a better job making the solo and coop different rather than trying to mix them together and sacrificing a more cohesive story.

K' Dash

I tried joining a game to start playing as Carver, this guy spent 15 minutes doing God knows what on a fucking bench, after he finishes we encounter a suit kiosk and when I was changing my suit the fucker kicks me out.

Ugh, I hate playing online, such a shame you cant experience carver without playing coop.
Oh god, my friend and I were stuck on one of the ice climbing parts with the falling debris for nearly 15 minutes. We were laughing too much and screwing up. The collision is so wonky during these parts and we couldn't stop laughing when one of us randomly died from an object in stasis.

Other than that, it's been a pretty fun co-op experience so far. Though some parts in the game seem to drag on, especially the optional missions.

Mike M

Nick N
Besides that, we also have
the origin of the Markers being a mystery, the purpose of Convergence, the current fate of Earth and the Lunar Colony, Lexine and probably a few other things I can't think of.

Don't know how much of a *game* there is left in answering that.

- Origin of the Markers: That's the biggy. Although honestly I think enough has been revealed that I'd be okay if the origin wasn't revealed (mystery is not a bad thing), I'd kill for an explanation of their mechanism and motives that clears up the growing clusterfuck of the mythos that each installment just makes worse.

- The purpose of Convergence is to make Brethren Moons. It's their reproductive cycle.

- Fate of Earth and New Horizon? Lot of people died, things calmed down when the Marker signal stopped. Any game with that would probably be Earth Gov troops mopping up Unitologists. No thanks.

- I wouldn't be surprised if Lexine is just forgotten about. It seems that when DS1 and Extraction were made, the series was intended to go off in a different direction than it did, I'm not sure if Lexine even still has a role in it anymore. Oh, she's immune to the Marker signal? What Marker signal?
Don't know how much of a *game* there is left in answering that.

- Origin of the Markers: That's the biggy. Although honestly I think enough has been revealed that I'd be okay if the origin wasn't revealed (mystery is not a bad thing), I'd kill for an explanation of their mechanism and motives that clears up the growing clusterfuck of the mythos that each installment just makes worse.

- The purpose of Convergence is to make Brethren Moons. It's their reproductive cycle.

- Fate of Earth and New Horizon? Lot of people died, things calmed down when the Marker signal stopped. Any game with that would probably be Earth Gov troops mopping up Unitologists. No thanks.

- I wouldn't be surprised if Lexine is just forgotten about. It seems that when DS1 and Extraction were made, the series was intended to go off in a different direction than it did, I'm not sure if Lexine even still has a role in it anymore. Oh, she's immune to the Marker signal? What Marker signal?
Regarding the purpose, yes they create Brethren Moons but why? Reproduction? They are made out of dead tissue and require an artificial structure to do that so these things didn't naturally evolve most likely. Someone/something built the Markers to create the Brethren Moons? Why? So they take just go eat up the galaxy? There's a reason more than just reproduction because that doesn't make any sense at all.

Lexine was also in Dead Space 2: Severance. There is something very important about her in regards to her immunity to the Markers enough to where they sent some kind of weird psychic(?) group called the Oracles after her.

Plus, yes the Marker signal but we don't know much about the Black Marker. Wasn't it the Red Markers that cause Convergence? The Black Marker(s) are still a bit of a mystery.
so is there any validity to IGN claims regarding the PS3 version of DS3 having framerate issues?
I don't know. I've been trying to find out if there's any differences between the two consoles versions myself but so far, everyone is saying there isn't. If someone has something they know in regards to any differences, whether it's framerate or screen tearing or whatever, we'd like to know. Otherwise, I assume both versions are optimized for their console counterparts.

Mike M

Nick N
Regarding the purpose, yes they create Brethren Moons but why? Reproduction? They are made out of dead tissue and require an artificial structure to do that so these things didn't naturally evolve most likely. Someone/something built the Markers to create the Brethren Moons? Why? So they take just go eat up the galaxy? There's a reason more than just reproduction because that doesn't make any sense at all.

Lexine was also in Dead Space 2: Severance. There is something very important about her in regards to her immunity to the Markers enough to where they sent some kind of weird psychic(?) group called the Oracles after her.

Plus, yes the Marker signal but we don't know much about the Black Marker. Wasn't it the Red Markers that cause Convergence? The Black Marker(s) are still a bit of a mystery.

I'd be surprised if the purpose of the Markers is revealed to be anything other than some species devising Convergence as the means to attain immortality with the collective knowledge of their entire species in a single entity, and Markers are just a way to attain more knowledge by pushing other species down the same path.

And yeah, I played through Severence and know Lexine was in it, but it was a bit part compared to her role in Extraction. They really played up the Marker immunity thing, but now that Isaac took out the signal, what's so special about that? Though Extraction and Severance were both immediate prequels, maybe Awakening will be contained entirely to before the end of 3 and wrap up Lexine's loose end.

And if Martyr is canon, then we know quite a bit about the Black Marker. It's basically the same as the red Markers, the red ones being red because they had to substitute one mineral for another in their construction. The Black Marker was trying to initiate Convergence as well.


The checkpoint system is so horrible in this game I don't even want to play it anymore

You can't even save inventory without quitting the game. What kind of BS is that? Also, don't quit while doing sub-mission because you'll have to redo it ALL OVER AGAIN.

Mike M

Nick N
There was nothing brilliant about the Save Station system (they're just save points...), but I don't understand why the system they went with had to be so terrible. The game is clearly using soft checkpoints outside the autosave ones, why the fuck isn't it saving at those points too?


Alright finished this game today and I'm disappointed.

Mechanics wise:
- Monster closets everywhere
- item management is not needed at all since its universal ammo. Why do that and still have such a big inventory management option? Did the team try to fit new ideas into existing structure?
- stasis is not a last resort. It became a requirement.
- condensing a 4 weapon slot into a 2 weapon with 2 attachments reduces the amount of strategy you have. We lose 4 secondary fires.
- enemies rush you always, which leads to more guns catered to the short range.
- I understood why the dodge button was added. But in terms of avoiding enemies it does nothing and doesn't work in terms of fighting monster closets. Usually you are backed into a wall and dodge gets you nowhere.
- Suit Kiosk have no more use. Everything is Bench Bench Bench. Even the store functionality had been moved to the bench in terms of "selling" stuff.
- Tungsten bars are a terrible addition vs. power cores. No more debating spending the core on your "gun/rig" or waiting to see if a storage room comes up.

- Regigged monsters are lame. What used to be babies are now dogs. Seekers(?) who were known to be teenagers are now just 200 old flesh eaters.

I really want to like this game. But all these changes


There was nothing brilliant about the Save Station system (they're just save points...), but I don't understand why the system they went with had to be so terrible. The game is clearly using soft checkpoints outside the autosave ones, why the fuck isn't it saving at those points too?

Well...brilliant compared to what we have now.
There are no instant deaths besides the drill and the flying moments. Oh, that reminds me, I also died once in that area where you have to be stealthy. I missed the hydraulic spike things with my stasis, went to stasis again, had no packs, and died. :(

I just finished up DS2 and while i had the game on easy(starting a zealot run now) I only got to see a few death scenes. it would have been cool if they included an achievement/trophy that encouraged the player to witness all the deaths. they're some of the craziest in gaming.


There should be more tampons in gaming
Don't know how much of a *game* there is left in answering that.

- Origin of the Markers: That's the biggy. Although honestly I think enough has been revealed that I'd be okay if the origin wasn't revealed (mystery is not a bad thing), I'd kill for an explanation of their mechanism and motives that clears up the growing clusterfuck of the mythos that each installment just makes worse.

- The purpose of Convergence is to make Brethren Moons. It's their reproductive cycle.

- Fate of Earth and New Horizon? Lot of people died, things calmed down when the Marker signal stopped. Any game with that would probably be Earth Gov troops mopping up Unitologists. No thanks.

- I wouldn't be surprised if Lexine is just forgotten about. It seems that when DS1 and Extraction were made, the series was intended to go off in a different direction than it did, I'm not sure if Lexine even still has a role in it anymore. Oh, she's immune to the Marker signal? What Marker signal?

-I thought the purpose of Convergence was to emit a signal to the brethren moon, essentially giving them a star map to planets that would be rife with human and necromorphs, more likely necromorphs. Neromorphs and devout Unitologists would be a willing food source. I don't understand where you got the reproductive idea from...

-Returning to Lexine, it wouldn't make sense just to drop her and move on as if she no longer exists. If that was the case why have the Severed DLC? Which is cryptic in itself with the admission of the existence of Project Oracle

-Also there is now a vacuum. EarthGov still is in shambles and are being eliminated while Unitology sects murder innocents in the streets. I can see a new power being created to eradicate any semblance of Unitology and the danger it possesses, similar in how the Titans in MSG was created to remove any Zeon remnants

Did some reading and man, my theory was off! Ugh, the story is garbage. I think I'm on the band wagon that feels that the story feel apart after DS1. Hell even in DS1 there are plotholes. Oh well game is still a blast to play


Junior Member
What? Please elaborate.

Both games:
-Take place among ruins filled with zombies.
-Feature weapon crafting as a central component.
-Have storylines featuring a militant religious force as one of the factions.

I haven't finished either game though so more could pop up.

Mike M

Nick N
-I thought the purpose of Convergence was to emit a signal to the brethren moon, essentially giving them a star map to planets that would be rife with human and necromorphs, more likely necromorphs. Neromorphs and devout Unitologists would be a willing food source. I don't understand where you got the reproductive idea from...

Because the game explicitly stated it as such. "The moon is Convergence." That is verbatim from Isaac's monologue post-codex assembly revelation. I sincerely doubt the Brethren Moons, being constructed of non-living tissue, actually need food at all, as demonstrated by necromorphs being shown to survive perfectly well in hard vacuum in the absence of sustinence for hundreds of years. The game was confusing on that point, though it may have been a poorly explained euphemism for adding onto a preexisting moon with a secondary Convergence or something, who can say.

Bottom line, Brethren Moons are formed via Convergence, so it is unequivocally a reproduction mechanism, though obviously highly unconventional since necromorphs fail to adhere to actual biology.

-Returning to Lexine, it wouldn't make sense just to drop her and move on as if she no longer exists. If that was the case why have the Severed DLC? Which is cryptic in itself with the admission of the existence of Project Oracle

Wouldn't be the first time the franchise dropped a plot thread, though not one that large. I imagine we'll get conclusion in the DS3 DLC episode, hope the pay off is worth it.

-Also there is now a vacuum. EarthGov still is in shambles and are being eliminated while Unitology sects murder innocents in the streets. I can see a new power being created to eradicate any semblance of Unitology and the danger it possesses, similar in how the Titans in MSG was created to remove any Zeon remnants
I wouldn't mind seeing an animated movie of that, or reading a book or graphic novel, but I wouldn't want to play that in a Dead Space game.
-I thought the purpose of Convergence was to emit a signal to the brethren moon, essentially giving them a star map to planets that would be rife with human and necromorphs, more likely necromorphs. Neromorphs and devout Unitologists would be a willing food source. I don't understand where you got the reproductive idea from...

-Returning to Lexine, it wouldn't make sense just to drop her and move on as if she no longer exists. If that was the case why have the Severed DLC? Which is cryptic in itself with the admission of the existence of Project Oracle

-Also there is now a vacuum. EarthGov still is in shambles and are being eliminated while Unitology sects murder innocents in the streets. I can see a new power being created to eradicate any semblance of Unitology and the danger it possesses, similar in how the Titans in MSG was created to remove any Zeon remnants
In regards to the first point, Convergence apparently creates a Moon by forming it out of Necromorph tissue and then it goes out looking for people and aliens to eat. In a sense too, I guess the formation of a Brethren Moon also "feeds" it as well. It's reproduction and sustenance. It's pretty much similar to a Gravemind from Halo. However, why are they being formed to go out and eat people is a mystery.

As with Lexine, I agree with you. She's been with us through two games and was a major character in one of them (Extraction) so why just throw her out all of a sudden?
I think I suck ass at this game, guys.

I'm on chapter 15 and have two guns: my Line Gun and that Probe machine gun thing. I still don't have enough resources to craft anything better, and at this point the game is throwing fucking hordes of enemies at me in close quarters and I get utterly destroyed constantly. Dead Space 1 & 2 never challenged me, but this game is hard as hell to me.

I don't think I like the whole crafting thing. I'd rather be able to just find new weapons along the way. I love the shared ammo thing though.

Anyway, any tips besides the obligatory "suck less?"


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I think I suck dick at this game, guys.

I'm on chapter 15 and have two guns: my Line Gun and that Probe machine gun thing. I still don't have enough resources to craft anything better, and at this point the game is throwing fucking hordes of enemies at me in close quarters and I get utterly destroyed constantly. Dead Space 1 & 2 never challenged me, but this game is hard as hell to me.

I don't think I like the whole crafting thing. I'd rather be able to just find new weapons along the way. I love the shared ammo thing though.

Anyway, any tips besides the obligatory "suck less?"

Have you been using bots? It seems like a trap to me that it took awhile to make good stuff because I spent too many resources on the RIG upgrades. I would refocus purely on weapons now, primarily something like the force gun/something with a shotgun. Knockback is very good in this game and is a good partner to most other combinations.
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