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Dead Space 3 |OT| Can I Play With Madness?

Have you been using bots? It seems like a trap to me that it took awhile to make good stuff because I spent too many resources on the RIG upgrades. I would refocus purely on weapons now, primarily something like the force gun/something with a shotgun. Knockback is very good in this game and is a good partner to most other combinations.

I just started using bots a few chapters ago so yeah I'm probably behind. I'll probably just dedicate the next few hours of game play to gathering resources and playing catch-up.


Nork unification denier
There are audio and text logs in the co-op missions, detailing Carver's back story. I'm not sure if they count for 100%, but there are a few in each mission.

Yes, they do, unfortunately, for those of us who want to unlock the most powerful circuits. If anyone with the PC version feels like doing the last co-op mission in Chapter 14 (Marker Containment) on Pure Survival Mode, please add me.
Classic mode is the bomb. I started a standard new game+ at first but abandoned it after about an hour because I was decimating everything with my OP guns from the first playthrough. I liked the vanilla game but Classic mode plays, I think, more like the predecessors. The plasma cutter is badass again - I'm on Chapter 9 and have used nothing else.

Even though it's my second time through, sometimes I find myself just standing around admiring the room I'm in. Like, staring at a desk where there's a coffee mug, papers and torn posters on the wall, with a flickering desk lamp. The amount of work and thought that went into the rooms, the storage and shelving, bedding, pictures of family on top of tool chests, and cords connecting various consoles and devices....You can see that even the tiniest palm-sized bank of blinking switches on the wall was carefully designed. It's always been like that but every new entry seems to raise the bar a little higher. Great series, I hope we keep getting more.
Okay that's it. I'm angry , really angry.
Chapter 12 and this is one of the worst and most boring games I've played in a very long time. + the worst enemy placement ever.
I don't want another Dead Space. I'm done with the series.


Is this never coming to Redbox? Hmmm... Does the PC version do local co-op? Is online co-op structured with match-making so I can just pick up and play with strangers online?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hmm...I put off starting the game as a result of the negative impressions but I've played through the first three chapters and am loving it.

I never found the first two games to be scary in the least so going for more of an action feel doesn't ruin anything. It's really well done thus far and feels great to play. Coming from Colonial Marines, which is a joke of a game, this seems incredible.


Okay that's it. I'm angry , really angry.
Chapter 12 and this is one of the worst and most boring games I've played in a very long time. + the worst enemy placement ever.
I don't want another Dead Space. I'm done with the series.

Having got all the achievements, I think the worst part (and the most grating) for me was the Rosetta pieces. Especially during the scenes where they threw in the feeders as stealth to build up this pseudo-tension kind of thing. It became annoying.

The backtracking in the
alien ruins
was just the worst too. It wasn't so much that the scenario was poorly designed itself, but more so that you had so much game area to traverse just to get things done. It was frustrating.
This is one of the worst and most boring games I've played in a very long time. + the worst enemy placement ever. I don't want another Dead Space. I'm done with the series.
I've been watching some youtube vids and could tell how uninspired, and just, just boring the game is compared to Dead Space 2. And I got all the achievements (hard 2core etc) for 2.

Did the same ppl making this or what?
Okay that's it. I'm angry , really angry.
Chapter 12 and this is one of the worst and most boring games I've played in a very long time. + the worst enemy placement ever.
I don't want another Dead Space. I'm done with the series.

You know. Not sure how you can say this when you actively like Aliens CM. Just saying. I don't understand the logic in that. I actually like Aliens CM too for what it is, but to say Dead Space 3 is boring and not have the same or similar complaints to Aliens just feels... odd.


Just hit Chapter 16 and the necro spam in the last chapters of this game are ridiculous. Dead Space 1 & 2 sort of did the same thing, but it feels like WAY more in this game. It's starting to get really tiring, I hope I'm done with this soon.

I've been on an up and down curve with this game, the beginning was absolutely terrible, then it really really picked up for a few hours and now it's just been on a steady decline into shit again. I played Dead Space 2 4 times back to back and got all of the achievements right away, I don't for see this game getting even a second playthrough any time soon.



Just finished the game right now...21 hours lol but I enjoyed most of it a lot,pretty awesome stuff near the end and since I can't find the spoiler thread...major spoiler:

I knew Ellie would not be dead from the Rosetta room event,was happy to hear that and after the credits well they hint at a DS 4 of course,good stuff.

Mike M

Nick N
Just hit Chapter 16 and the necro spam in the last chapters of this game are ridiculous. Dead Space 1 & 2 sort of did the same thing, but it feels like WAY more in this game. It's starting to get really tiring, I hope I'm done with this soon.

I've been on an up and down curve with this game, the beginning was absolutely terrible, then it really really picked up for a few hours and now it's just been on a steady decline into shit again. I played Dead Space 2 4 times back to back and got all of the achievements right away, I don't for see this game getting even a second playthrough any time soon.


I don't remember much enemy spamming in Chapters 16 and 17. 16 was mostly rappelling, and 17 was pretty short, as I recall. Chapter 19 was about on par with those two chapters too.

Chapter 18 is rigoddamnediculous though, just constant back tracking through the same encounter spots. Ugh.
Classic mode is the bomb. I started a standard new game+ at first but abandoned it after about an hour because I was decimating everything with my OP guns from the first playthrough. I liked the vanilla game but Classic mode plays, I think, more like the predecessors. The plasma cutter is badass again - I'm on Chapter 9 and have used nothing else.

Are the weapons (the Plasma Cutter in particular) stronger in Classic mode? It's pathetically weak in the normal game. Plasma Cutter only runs are my main means of playing Dead Space 1 and 2, and I was disappointed at how useless it was in Dead Space 3 (until I found out it was to encourage you to create new weapons).
Can a person get a save file with access to newgame+, classic, pure survival, and hardcore by playing through as Carver on their first playthrough?

I've already beat it and a friend wants to play through on co-op for his first run. He wants to play as Carver though.
Are the weapons (the Plasma Cutter in particular) stronger in Classic mode? It's pathetically weak in the normal game. Plasma Cutter only runs are my main means of playing Dead Space 1 and 2, and I was disappointed at how useless it was in Dead Space 3 (until I found out it was to encourage you to create new weapons).

Yeah I was a bit disappointed with the cutter's performance in the default game, but when you start up a classic mode game the first thing you will notice is that the cutter has its wider shot back, with the three aiming reticules. I kept trying to craft a tip like that in the first playthrough but couldn't find an equivalent. "Planet Cracker" didn't really do it for me. But yeah, in classic two shots to a limb with no upgrades cuts the limb off, and the shooting feels more like DS1 and 2 to me.

I've been going cutter only simply because I've been spending resources on my rig and can't afford any other blueprints :p. Defaults to "hard", so it can get pretty stressful. I found my first trouble spot, on the surface, when you fight
that giant spider thing.

EDIT: Oh yeah and has anyone crafted a ripper in classic mode? Is the hovering blade back? In the first run through I could only shoot blades, not hold them there.
EDIT: Oh yeah and has anyone crafted a ripper in classic mode? Is the hovering blade back? In the first run through I could only shoot blades, not hold them there.

I made a ripper in regular mode and was able to find a tip that gave me the hovering blade. I think it was a directed suspension module or something like that.

nel e nel

Yeah I was a bit disappointed with the cutter's performance in the default game, but when you start up a classic mode game the first thing you will notice is that the cutter has its wider shot back, with the three aiming reticules. I kept trying to craft a tip like that in the first playthrough but couldn't find an equivalent. "Planet Cracker" didn't really do it for me. But yeah, in classic two shots to a limb with no upgrades cuts the limb off, and the shooting feels more like DS1 and 2 to me.

EDIT: Oh yeah and has anyone crafted a ripper in classic mode? Is the hovering blade back? In the first run through I could only shoot blades, not hold them there.

You can enable classic aiming in standard game mode by changing it in the Game Settings menu. First thing I did before starting even my first run.

And you can craft a hovering ripper in standard mode as well. I know it's for sure the default tip function, but I'm not sure if it has to be on a particular frame. I made one to get the electric blade kills achievement.
Gah, the first two or three hours of this game are SUPERB! On my second playthrough and having more fun than I did the first time through.

Does anyone else just love this game?

I've yet to finish it, but 15 chapters in and yup, I love it. The save system is terrible, fighting human enemies isn't great and the rock-climbing sections are not good, but I've been loving just about everything else about the game. I actually like the game more than Dead Space 2.

Mike M

Nick N
I didn't mind the rappelling sections. Actually quite liked the ones going down. Even the ascension climbs are better than any ADS or "dangling upside down with inverted controls" sequence.
Glad to see the love. One thing that stands out for me is the music. Some of the best I've heard in a while! I keep mentioning the beginning sections, but the whole "get off of Earth" parts are so exciting. I really liked the second too, but the third, I don't know, just rocks my world even more so than the previous entries in the series.

If you're on your second playthrough, I would assume the rest of the game you really liked as well. :)

Oh I did! :) I liked the ending too. I'm a sucker for cheesy-ish endings haha!

I've yet to finish it, but 15 chapters in and yup, I love it. The save system is terrible, fighting human enemies isn't great and the rock-climbing sections are not good, but I've been loving just about everything else about the game. I actually like the game more than Dead Space 2.

I agree, the human enemies stuff in the latter half of the game wasn't too great imo, and the save system is somehow worse than ever. But other than that, it's an enthralling experience.

I'd love to know where they go next with the series.
Gah, the first two or three hours of this game are SUPERB! On my second playthrough and having more fun than I did the first time through.

Does anyone else just love this game?

Sure do, probably as much as DS2. I enjoyed the ride immensely from start to finish and dove right back in after the credits. The love triangle may have pushed it here and there, but Gunner Wright is such a pleasure to listen to that it didn't really detract much. I find him as endearing as Nolan North
and will be disappointed if the main series ever has reason to continue without him.

When I hear the entire game generalized as if the first couple of break-in chapters were anywhere near indicative of the entire game and how much it has changed from DS2-DS3, I have to question the source. Though it does at least represent an earlier passion for the series.

Mike M

Nick N
I'd love to know where they go next with the series.
I've always viewed it as a missed opportunity that the franchise didn't spawn an action game subseries. Imagine if they'd gone full Gears of War with a team if P-Sec/Earth Gov agents taking on necromorphs and Unitologists. Combined with the weapon crafting system? Just hook it to my veins.
I've always viewed it as a missed opportunity that the franchise didn't spawn an action game subseries. Imagine if they'd gone full Gears of War with a team if P-Sec/Earth Gov agents taking on necromorphs and Unitologists. Combined with the weapon crafting system? Just hook it to my veins.
The rage this would induce from purists would burn a hole in the Internet.

Finished last week, now doing a new game plus on PC. Enjoyed it, though I did get tired of the Necromorph gang-bang style of encounter design. I would love a little more focus on fewer, tougher enemies that would take a few more strategic shots to overcome. As it is, my flame damaged enhanced pulse rifle/force gun combo is pretty much "just point in the general direction and pull the trigger."

Story was decent, and payoff at the end worked. I honestly think some of you need to manage your expectations when it comes to game narrative.

Mike M

Nick N
The rage this would induce from purists would burn a hole in the Internet.

Would it be too terribly different from Extraction? I know that was mercilessly mocked when it was revealed ("Dead Space coming to Wii! As an on rails shooter!") but the end result was pretty fabulous and generally well recieved as I recall. If all the action elements had been funneled to the hypothetical sideline games and Dead Space 2 and 3 had proceeded as DS1 had, I know I would have been as happy as a pig in shit. Not only because 2 and 3 would have been better games, but because there'd be a whole separate subline to expand the lore.
Replaying this game on Classic.

Is the Drill Sergeant trophy glitched for anyone else? Took no hits, but it didn't pop for me. Don't feel like loading up the chapter right now, frankly I'm pretty pissed.
Would it be too terribly different from Extraction? I know that was mercilessly mocked when it was revealed ("Dead Space coming to Wii! As an on rails shooter!") but the end result was pretty fabulous and generally well recieved as I recall. If all the action elements had been funneled to the hypothetical sideline games and Dead Space 2 and 3 had proceeded as DS1 had, I know I would have been as happy as a pig in shit. Not only because 2 and 3 would have been better games, but because there'd be a whole separate subline to expand the lore.

It's not a bad idea. But there would be an incredible "DudeBro, I knew it!" backlash from the usual suspects. Hate, hate, hate.
The problem is that horror doesn't sell well enough. It would be great to get twice as many Dead Space games, with the main series staying horror, and the spinoff going for more action. The action one would probably sell more though, and EA would want to give up on the horror ones.


You got Moxie, kid!





You got Moxie, kid!
I read that entire thing and I can't tell when you're being completely facetious or not. :(

So I nailed it? I wanted it to be fairly silly.

The complaints are all genuine (seriously, how many times does Isaac fall off/get thrown off of something in a cutscene in this game?), but I'm not enraged about them or anything (Bagel-Isaac is pretty pissed, though). I had fun with the game, it just feels like a missed opportunity. You have all of those resources, and you turn out a game with incredible production values - the art, the sound, it's all fantastic - but then you water down all of the things that made the series stand out. I'm with the posters above who suggested that Dead Space should be two series, one a story-driven survival horror experience and the other a faster traditional shooter. Dead Space (the original) was more the former, 2 was more shooter-y, and 3 is a poor mix (in my opinion) of the two. Even the core of the shooting - the dismemberment system - has been made much less important. So now it's a linear shooter (with a cover system? Why? Because other popular games have this?) that tries to make you think you're in a survival horror game.

The microtransactions ARE absurd and insulting. The crafting is neat, but it just didn't really work for me (other people seem to be having more fun with that, though). I understand the two weapon limit and unified ammo, but it kind of undermined the whole thing. Not to mention that my $60 bought me incredible guns from the get-go and, if those didn't work, I could use cash-money to go get more parts for crafting, or just more guns. Any Dead Space in which I toss aside the plasma cutter early on has failed on some level, in my opinion.

The story is absolutely ridiculous. That wouldn't bother me as much if the first game hadn't been a great hard sci-fi experience. But now I have the world's stupidest love triangle, one member of which you know will turn on you about 30 seconds after you first meet him. And the pro-necromorph people are just silly.

You can certainly make a straightforward PC port - it ran great, controlled great - no complaints there - but don't tell me I'm not getting better textures, improved lighting, etc because I somehow don't want those things.

It's a fun game and it obviously got a ton of time, resources, and love. But it feels like a bit of a marketing exercise - we need to move more units by appealing to more people. How do we do that? By making it more like every other shooter. Dammit!

So now I've complained about it twice?* Jeez. I guess I wouldn't be so negative if I didn't like the series so much. If I didn't care, I'd just play it and move on, instead of drawing silly cartoon reviews and then blathering on even more at the drop of a hat. It's not even that I wanted more from the game (lord knows, there's no shortage of content), I guess I just wanted "different."

*But that's what you get for consistently spawning enemies behind me, Doom 3 style, you jerks.


Even the core of the shooting - the dismemberment system - has been made much less important.

I'd say almost non-existent in this one. And how could it exists when the enemy are so fucking fast? There's no point in using Plasma Cutter anymore now because you'll be swamped like a canned sardine unless you have ridiculous amount of stasis. The only time Plasma Cutter is useful was when you fight that giant crab boss because you need precision for that fight.

I still don't get the weapon tinkering part. Most of the time I just modified the existing blue prints into a two-weapons in one because you only get 2 slots for weapons and sometimes you need to carry another type of weapon and don't want to back track to bench. Speaking of Bench, whose great idea was it for not putting a bench before the giant crab boss fight #2? I had to replay the entire Chapter 11 because the two guns that I carry while good for general enemies are not exactly as precise as Plasma Cutter. And you're locked out of going anywhere once the fight is triggered. Moreover, since there's no manual save, you're stuck there unless you replay the entire chapter.

I think my love for the 1st two games and Isaac Clarke are the only things that maintain my interest in this one. Not that there's no awesome moments in this game but they are not as impressive/memorable as the ones in DS2. And after a while I got tired of being jumped on by those stupid monkeys. They're not even scary. They're just annoying. I am also not sure what the story is trying to tell me anymore. Why am I
going into the belly of a giant monster
, for example?
Finished, very happy with the game overall. I'd rank the series Dead Space > Dead Space 3 > Dead Space 2. So glad the ending of Dead Space 3 wasn't an un-enjoyable clusterfuck like Dead Space 2.


I'd say almost non-existent in this one. And how could it exists when the enemy are so fucking fast? There's no point in using Plasma Cutter anymore now because you'll be swamped like a canned sardine unless you have ridiculous amount of stasis. The only time Plasma Cutter is useful was when you fight that giant crab boss because you need precision for that fight.

I still don't get the weapon tinkering part. Most of the time I just modified the existing blue prints into a two-weapons in one because you only get 2 slots for weapons and sometimes you need to carry another type of weapon and don't want to back track to bench. Speaking of Bench, whose great idea was it for not putting a bench before the giant crab boss fight #2? I had to replay the entire Chapter 11 because the two guns that I carry while good for general enemies are not exactly as precise as Plasma Cutter. And you're locked out of going anywhere once the fight is triggered. Moreover, since there's no manual save, you're stuck there unless you replay the entire chapter.

I think my love for the 1st two games and Isaac Clarke are the only things that maintain my interest in this one. Not that there's no awesome moments in this game but they are not as impressive/memorable as the ones in DS2. And after a while I got tired of being jumped on by those stupid monkeys. They're not even scary. They're just annoying. I am also not sure what the story is trying to tell me anymore. Why am I
going into the belly of a giant monster
, for example?

I don't agree with this.

There are too many times in the game where you HAVE to slow the enemies down just to be able to take care of them all. These are times when leg dismemberment is key.

Or if you want to run by something - dismembering the hands is just as helpful.

The regenerators too - same thing applies.

Heck, on difficult modes like Pure Survival, you NEED to in order to save ammo - the dismember shots simply do much more damage and it's the only way to not unload shitloads of clip.


I don't agree with this.

There are too many times in the game where you HAVE to slow the enemies down just to be able to take care of them all. These are times when leg dismemberment is key.

Or if you want to run by something - dismembering the hands is just as helpful.

The regenerators too - same thing applies.

Heck, on difficult modes like Pure Survival, you NEED to in order to save ammo - the dismember shots simply do much more damage and it's the only way to not unload shitloads of clip.

I think if one unloads shitloads of ammo, then they're playing it wrong. I never had that problem but at the same time, the frequency and speed of the enemies are so quick that dismemberment is no longer an effective method of dealing with them. Especially since they all come from all directions and can easily overwhelm you.

I found that in the earlier part of the game where you don't have strong weapons, you are pretty much overpowered by the enemies when there are too many of them and need a lot of stasis for your sanity and inventory preservation. Post acquiring stronger weapon, however, you can one-hit-kill them. The balance is so messed up it's not funny.

And like I said before, most enemies are too fast and too many for any kind of strategic dismemberment, so you're better off using crowd control weapons like contact beam or force gun to keep all of them at bay than trying to stop one at bay by dismembering him but failing to keep others from swiping at you.
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