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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This


I just got this game for Christmas and despite owning Human Revolution on Wii U I never got around to play it. Is it essential to play Human Revolution first or will I be fine jumping right into MD? Thanks.

They have a short recap video at the start of the game. I don't think it's absolutely necessary to play HR but you will miss some connections to the first game like certain characters and events. I played HR but didn't really remember the story all that much because that game came out years ago. Still had a great time playing and understanding MD.


I just got this game for Christmas and despite owning Human Revolution on Wii U I never got around to play it. Is it essential to play Human Revolution first or will I be fine jumping right into MD? Thanks.
You should play HR simply because it's a really good game, and MD is basically more of the same. No reason not to play both starting with HR.


I just beat this on Sunday, what a great game. Finished all the side quests also. I didn't mind the story or the ending. It definitely leaves you hanging for a third game, but as a middle chapter I thought there was enough here.

I actually wish it was even longer. I need a Witcher 3-sized game in this universe starring Jensen lol.

Is the DLC any good? I'm anxious for more story content.


You should play HR simply because it's a really good game, and MD is basically more of the same. No reason not to play both starting with HR.

DX:HR felt "richer" and not just because it has a little bit more "origin story" weight to it. Without it, DX:MD feels a bit like you're entering someone else's episode 2.

I just beat this on Sunday, what a great game. Finished all the side quests also. I didn't mind the story or the ending. It definitely leaves you hanging for a third game, but as a middle chapter I thought there was enough here.

I actually wish it was even longer. I need a Witcher 3-sized game in this universe starring Jensen lol.

Is the DLC any good? I'm anxious for more story content.

The System Rift DLC is... largely okay. Much like the DLC from DX:HR, it feels like it should have been included in the main game (and the weird full reset of abilities and Praxis feels off). It expands a bit more into the whole Palisade Bank Corporation, its motives, and surprisingly introduces Breach game mode better than anything in that mode's tutorials.
Been playing this for a good while. Just came back from the first large level.

Much like with HR, i'm mostly left with the feeling that the best writing was left to secondary aspects of the story and game... item descriptions and emails are still a lot more fun to read than the main conversations and the main story in general. Otherwise, i feel the game is allegorical to a fault... in that it relies too much on direct comparisons to real world conflicts and doesn't establish its own identity and impressions. There's an obvious conflict in Jensen, he embodies two main ideals which are more often than not at odds, and he, character and dialogue wise, refrains from acknowledging it. Those ideals being pragmatism and righteousness. Jensen knows there are things to be done and he is always moving towards doing them. He initiates conversations, he is upfront and agile in conversation, he constantly frames dialogue around lack of time (or, apparently to accommodate player agency, about being rushed into doing things carelessly), and also makes it a point to simplify his ideals into digestible reasons for his actions. But he is also righteous, he sees the power dynamics that are happening and is constantly urging people to be more skeptical and pessimistic (i guess to make people pragmatic instead of idealist). And more than once or twice i've found myself realizing that the DE world does not accommodate those two values, things are not immediately right nor are consequences predictable enough to allow simple paths to complex solutions. Yet, again more than once or twice i've seen Jensen completely avoid those aspects of his world in conversation, instead preferring to make people think that those values are so important (as they might seem without scrutiny) that their victory is assured by birthright. This is making me a bit uncomfortable.

But i'm enjoying it a lot.
Just beat the game. Human Revolution was one of my fav games of last gen, but this turned out to be sort of disappointing. I mean it had a lot going for it but then it just sort of ended without resolving so much stuff. Dunno, just seemed shorter and much less "complete" than its predecessor. So yeah, great game but disappointing overall. I really hope they make a much meatier third entry.
Moved forwards a bit and reached the first really big choice moment. This section of the game had really nice side content and generally better representation of other aspects of the augmentation reality. There's one... complaint i kind of have about the overworld, and it's that i think it is a bit too bunched up. Some things is hard to complete take that they exist right beside normal street life. There's not a lot of separation between street and building insides, neither actual physical distance nor other kinds of barriers. For the most part this doesn't hurt the game, but sometimes it's a bit crazy because it's never implied that the police or the citizens are aware of the things that are happening a couple of meters away from them.


So.. After 2 month I came back to this game. It was annoying me that I had no waypoint, so I found a menu that had them turned off. I enabled them, then realized it may had been a difficulty setting, but pressing default left everything on. So why were they off?

Playing on Give Me difficulty. Did I mess up an achievement by enabling them?


Is Breach mode on PS4 totally unplayable for anyone else. I launch into it and it crashes every single time after a few seconds. I need the Breach mode trophies for the plat and this is garbage. SE forums are down also. What a quality product.

Finished the game just now. Got both objectives at the end. Don't have solid feelings about it just yet, so far i can only say that this game is generally proper and a good experience. Good levels in general. Many felt suspiciously short or underused, like GARM. What the hell was that, the coolest place in the whole game and it's so ridiculously short... the game ends up feeling patched up and awkwardly stitched, uncoordinated and such. The main story at least, because thankfully the side content is very strong. But otherwise, to put in more poignant terms, i simply don't think the game does a good job with its story. I have some hypothesis as to why that's the case, mostly concerned with the "Deus Ex Universe" thing that's going on. What i think happened is that the story and narrative structure of this game were undercut by efforts to expand the franchise into other titles. The secondary missions were mostly well done because by and large they begin and end in this game. The lore that was left to be found by player investigation was also really interesting, probably because of how easy it was to create. It's quick content hidden in smart ways that don't require a lot of assets. The main story though, with its big event levels, the fact that it is the most forward facing aspect of the game, it was probably reworked extensively to fit narrative requirements, probably late in development too. But that's just my quick opinion of it and very likely unrepresentative of the actual development of the game.

I'm fearful that they will just simply make another one... i really don't want this to become a big franchise. The ending felt like the ending of a serial episode, with tons of loose ends, almost no closing arc for any character, and an obvious thread to be followed by a later game. Like a Marvel movie or show, some boring, never ending thread pulling that never goes anywhere, only growing more vacuous and meaningless as it teeters on. I'm almost at the point where i'm deciding to abandon the Deus Ex ship.

Got the pacifist achievement, i guess that must count for something.


I love the game, but thinking on it it does feel like some locations were a bit underused. I feel like I barely saw the GARM location or Golem City.


I love the game, but thinking on it it does feel like some locations were a bit underused. I feel like I barely saw the GARM location or Golem City.

Agreed. When I reached the extraction platform at the GARM facility I was like "wait, that's it?". Especially when you see that huge building on the other side of the river.
The biggest bummer for me was the lack of content in Golem City. It was so well designed, but really really really needed a few extra sidequests. Would've helped softened the "one hub" blow.


Agreed. When I reached the extraction platform at the GARM facility I was like "wait, that's it?". Especially when you see that huge building on the other side of the river.
Yeah, I ran a full stealth playthrough so I was in & out of the GARM facility in like 20 minutes.

The biggest bummer for me was the lack of content in Golem City. It was so well designed, but really really really needed a few extra sidequests. Would've helped softened the "one hub" blow.
Totally. The cutscene when you first fly into Golem City is dope. It basically looks like this massive sprawling metropolis and I was fully expecting it to be a second hub or at least something close to it, but the part you actually get to see felt somewhat small and you never returned to the city after the story mission =[

Here's the art for it when you fly in. It gave off the impression (at least to me) that it'd be way bigger. Just looks impressive.




Good game. I enjoyed it a lot.... But DE:HR was overall better [it had much stronger core story, charachters and atmosphere but side missions were weaker].

Now the wait for sequel begins. End of MD was really sudden, like they really cut story in half as some reports say.


I've just made to Prague and I'm struggling to continue, it's just so miserable, the whole atmosphere is depressing and the gameplay is old school, animations are janky, Dubai mission was not fun at all. I really enjoyed Dues Ex IW, but this is painful, I need to find a guy in a bookstore and I have no energy to continue tbh, I feel like shelving this and starting Final Fantasy 15 instead.

When did MD get good for you lot? Do you think I should stop and comeback when I'm more in the mood for this world, the reason I'm bringing up FF is that the bright colours might be what I need to remove the unpleasantness I'm now feeling from this game, MD has dampened my mood tremendously. My god, the Dubai level left a nasty taste in my mouth.
I've just made to Prague and I'm struggling to continue, it's just so miserable, the whole atmosphere is depressing and the gameplay is old school, animations are janky, Dubai mission was not fun at all. I really enjoyed Dues Ex IW, but this is painful, I need to find a guy in a bookstore and I have no energy to continue tbh, I feel like shelving this and starting Final Fantasy 15 instead.

When did MD get good for you lot? Do you think I should stop and comeback when I'm more in the mood for this world, the reason I'm bringing up FF is that the bright colours might be what I need to get out of this dull world, MD has dampened my mood tremendously. My god, the Dubai level left a nasty taste in my mouth.

Did you play HR? I find it interesting that you enjoyed IW but aren't enjoying this one, since I think most people would agree that despite it's faults MD is much much better than IW.


Did you play HR? I find it interesting that you enjoyed IW but aren't enjoying this one, since I think most people would agree that despite it's faults MD is much much better than IW.
Yes I did, I really enjoyed HR, so this is better ? That's reassuring. I might take a break then and come back later when I'm im in a better place mentally.
Yes I did, I really enjoyed HR, so this is better ? That's reassuring. I might take a break then and come back later when I'm im in a better place mentally.

Well, depends. Personally I liked HR better, but some people are more fond of MD. MD definitely refines a lot of the mechanics of HR, but the singular hub and somewhat more disappointing story and characters definitely hurt it. (Although MD has some really killer sidequests.) Either way, it's definitely better than IW.

My personal experience is that I really enjoyed my initial playthrough of MD, but have felt no desire for a second playthrough (whereas I played HR 4 or 5 times).


Well the opressive atmosphere never changes, so if you're struggling with that - it's not getting any better. If any, it'll only get worse. Every aspect of the world revolves around the segregation , opression and discrimination of augmented people. It's relentless and to be honest it really, REALLY wore me down.


ok wow the game is great i got it new for 15 bones and played 12 hours yesterday.. ��

but please i have a question about the OST it seems a lot of tracks are misssing... im looking for the track that plays on the level rvac row..... ??? pls!
the track in this video



hell yeah �� fucking found it this is amazing... KREYGASM



Quick question. I really enjoyed Human Revolution a few years back and was really looking forward to this release. It seems like it reviewed well among journalist and gaming news outlets, but the response from the user-base has been polarizing.

It's on sale right now from steam and has 'mixed reaction'. Would you recommend this game to someone who really enjoyed the first game? Thanks in advanced.


Finished this yesterday. Gameplay is more Human Revolution, so it was ok experience, but I still felt that after 5 years (time flies!) the gameplay needed a bigger facelift.

The real disappointment comes from the story. None of the characters or themes really connected with me. I vastly preferred HR here.

The good bits of Prague will also always be overshadowed with the city being split apart, with way too long loading times on my rig.

Honestly doesn't feel right that I don't have much positive to say. :(

It had more speech battles I guess? That's always cool!


Loving this one a lot thus far. I also enjoy the plot and the main characters enough. To be fair, I didn't find HR memorable at all in that regard so I don't mind the smaller scale plot of just being agent Jensen.

I am a bit worried though. This one bombed hard didn't it? And I have heard it is pretty much the first part of two. Sooo, is this series, and the story with it, dead now? Like The Order, for example? I really hate that. I don't mind a plot being average if a game delivers on other aspects, but the inability to at least conclude it sucks big time.


I must say i really enjoy these games...

Do we have any indication if they will make another one? I am only asking because i have no idea about the sales of this game and such...


soo the 1.10 patch willnot download.. but i started the game without and i just started my second new game plus and the hub areas fps are better or just me?? 😮😕😐


Does this game have any pre-rendered CGI? I know there's an opening montage and that footage of some airship in the clouds, but anything else?

The intros to the different hubs are typically pre-rendered, and I don't think they're in-engine.

I mean, the difference in quality between the cutscene where Jensen arrives in Prague and when the actual game starts is kinda jarring.


Does anyone have any ultra-hq screenshots of Jensen's apartment? Floors, wall decorations, anything really.
None myself but I'd second that for basically any room, office, or otherwise living space or working space in both DX MD and HR.

Both games are superb at world design in general, but especially the living and work spaces. I've used Jensen's DXHR apartment concept art as two of my device desktops for years now, and even use his apartment OST theme as one of my most recurring 'work' [background music] tracks. Megan's office and Sarif's office are pretty awesome, too, I've used both as tablet desktops, and there's a set of LED lights at a home decoration place I often drive by that I'm obsessed with [trying to afford] because they remind me a lot of Sarif's lighting.

I'd quite a pretty large collection of DXHR concept art so would be cool to see or download more from DXMD, too.


I've got to an annoying part of the game (lockdown and curfew) that is pure back tracking. Every mission, or side quest waits due me to load through transit and get as far away as possible before sending me back.

And without dumping points into cloaking, how are you expected to move around at night. Again, annoying.


I've got to an annoying part of the game (lockdown and curfew) that is pure back tracking. Every mission, or side quest waits due me to load through transit and get as far away as possible before sending me back.

And without dumping points into cloaking, how are you expected to move around at night. Again, annoying.


I've got to an annoying part of the game (lockdown and curfew) that is pure back tracking. Every mission, or side quest waits due me to load through transit and get as far away as possible before sending me back.

And without dumping points into cloaking, how are you expected to move around at night. Again, annoying.

stick to the walls and avoid police checkpoints (choke points in the street) where you can

where you can't avoid them, you have to navigate around the NPCs like you would during a level

some sewers will take you where you need to go, but not most of the time

it's by far the worst part of the game and seems like unnecessary padding to extend the running time
When's the final DLC supposed to be coming again?
I've got to an annoying part of the game (lockdown and curfew) that is pure back tracking. Every mission, or side quest waits due me to load through transit and get as far away as possible before sending me back.

And without dumping points into cloaking, how are you expected to move around at night. Again, annoying.
Stealth around effectively, take out cops one at a time (they'll stay dead/knocked out so you can clear up a lot of the city for simple navigation). Don't be afraid to use platforming to sneak above their heads, and remember that it's possible to cause distractions that'll draw them away from you.

I've done no-cloaking runs of DXHR and DXMD and it's actually pretty rewarding to take that simple crutch away.


Had a strong urge to replay the game so I just reinstalled it, first time playing on the PS4 Pro so I'm curious if there'll be any notable differences.

Bought System Rift DLC as well, might as well go all in.


Ending is 2 choices?

Picked Marchenko and killed him immediately. Then everyone else was dead. That's it?

I assume the other is I save the drinkers, and then the bombs go off.

Other branches?

And of course no foxy achievement even though the alarm tutorial didn't pop up.


Elden Member
Ending is 2 choices?

Picked Marchenko and killed him immediately. Then everyone else was dead. That's it?

I assume the other is I save the drinkers, and then the bombs go off.

Other branches?

And of course no foxy achievement even though the alarm tutorial didn't pop up.

3, you can
save everyone
if your fast and made the right choice in the game regarding the bank.

save the drinkers first by running at a dead sprint using cloaking and spare batteries to get there unseen. Then I run back and start the boss battle (and take him alive with a quick takedown, takes like 10 seconds.


Really wonder when they will finally talk about the next DLC.

Hopefully they are not adding more Breach stuff, though. Wasted ressources since nobody is playing it anyways.


I'm not sure if this is really news, but I didn't read it before today so here's the synopsis for the upcoming 'A Criminal Past' DLC:

"Adam Jensen goes undercover to enter a prison for augmented criminals. His mission is to find a fellow Interpol agent who is undercover on a separate mission, get information from him connected to an impending terrorist attack, and leave without being noticed."


Looking for meaning in GAF
Ending is 2 choices?

Picked Marchenko and killed him immediately. Then everyone else was dead. That's it?

I assume the other is I save the drinkers, and then the bombs go off.

Other branches?

And of course no foxy achievement even though the alarm tutorial didn't pop up.
You can
save both if you're fast. You have a bit of time to stealth/fight your way to the drinkers before doubling back to fight Marchenko.

I think someone in this thread even went to
Marchenko first, disabled his remote thingy, then RAN OUT of the boss room, saved the drinkers, then went back to finish off Marchenko.
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