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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This


They just tweeted it's coming on Feb 23.


Adam Jensen goes undercover at an augs-only, high-security prison in Arizona. #ACriminalPast is coming February 23
Looks pretty interesting... a bit intrigued about the prison setting, a la how the 'jail' segments of MGS games are always some of the most captivating...

Even DX HR's 'break out of jail' segment in the DLC was one of its better* sections

(*well, other than the horrid way it handled items/praxis lol).


Great that we finally have it officialyl announced like that. Now just to wait for the price to actually come down to acceptable levels.


Replaying this on NG+ is ridiculously easy, even on Give Me Deus Ex difficulty. Once you realise that literally every essential location has some easy access vent somewhere and you have your batteries at max, the game is a cakewalk.

Replaying it also makes me realise once again how many loose ends this game has that never get resolved. The game dogpiles a bunch of narrative threads on the player but almost none of them get a resolution. The mystery augments, Eliza, Sarif, the fucking Illuminati, MacCready, the psychologist.

And another thing is just how the game gives the player an endless, unrelenting beating over the head on the subject of augment segregation and discrimination. Literally everywhere you go, everyone you see. Every conversation you hear, every newspaper, every news or radio broadcast talking about the aug incident of two years ago. Everything is centered around this one theme and it's mentally exhausting having to deal with so much negativity in a game. It is way beyond my capability of suspention of disbelief.


Replaying it also makes me realise once again how many loose ends this game has that never get resolved. The game dogpiles a bunch of narrative threads on the player but almost none of them get a resolution. The mystery augments, Eliza, Sarif, the fucking Illuminati, MacCready, the psychologist.

And another thing is just how the game gives the player an endless, unrelenting beating over the head on the subject of augment segregation and discrimination. Literally everywhere you go, everyone you see. Every conversation you hear, every newspaper, every news or radio broadcast talking about the aug incident of two years ago. Everything is centered around this one theme and it's mentally exhausting having to deal with so much negativity in a game. It is way beyond my capability of suspention of disbelief.

I agree with you. There are really too many things that have loose ends. I wished we could have actually witnessed how the full game would have been like and not this bullshit of splitting the game into 2 parts. We would probably have a game, where most of our answers are explained better and didn't leave us with so many questions. Don't get me wrong, I still liked the game, because the Gameplay and Level Design is pretty awesome, but the Story is something that could have been better. Felt like some of the Sie Quests had a far better Story than major points of the Main Story.

Square Enix single-handedly damaged the franchise with their dumb decisions (Augment your Pre-Order, overall marketing and splitting the game into 2 parts). Hopefully we will even get a new Deus Ex game, eventhough the B-Team is supposedely already working on it. Who knows if they still are, though.
avoid tips, guides, etc... to be honest.

best part of the game is exploration, discovery, experimentation. go in as blind as possible imo.
Replaying this on NG+ is ridiculously easy, even on Give Me Deus Ex difficulty. Once you realise that literally every essential location has some easy access vent somewhere and you have your batteries at max, the game is a cakewalk.

This is the game's biggest problem IMO. Literally no thought into some of the stealth options in this game and it showed.


So I'm going to replay the main campaign but this time with the DLC that I haven't played yet. What is the suggested order of the DLC if I'm playing the main campaign meanwhile? I.e. the usual "DLC order" question? Or should I just finish up the main campaign and then go through each DLC mission?
So I'm going to replay the main campaign but this time with the DLC that I haven't played yet. What is the suggested order of the DLC if I'm playing the main campaign meanwhile? I.e. the usual "DLC order" question? Or should I just finish up the main campaign and then go through each DLC mission?
Just go through the main campaign first. The DLC is accessed through a separate menu and as such they don't really fit in very well in the plot. You get told to do one thing and then the DLC basically goes "Actually, Jensen did this". I'd like to see proper integration into the story in a future update, as well as being able to access them via the menu if you're not at that point in the game, but I doubt it.
I'm trying to play this game on pc and the mouse feel is terrible

I'm trying to google some fixes but no real luck

I really don't want to play on a controller


Just go through the main campaign first. The DLC is accessed through a separate menu and as such they don't really fit in very well in the plot. You get told to do one thing and then the DLC basically goes "Actually, Jensen did this". I'd like to see proper integration into the story in a future update, as well as being able to access them via the menu if you're not at that point in the game, but I doubt it.

Thanks Shift Breaker.
MD is on sale on PSN. What was the consensus? I liked Human Revolution, but I got the sense that this one wasn't as good? Or at least it wasn't as impressive. No one seems to really talk about it like HR
MD is on sale on PSN. What was the consensus? I liked Human Revolution, but I got the sense that this one wasn't as good? Or at least it wasn't as impressive. No one seems to really talk about it like HR

Design-wise it's actually a really strong refinement of HR (the way that different stories are seeded throughout the entire city and tied into sidequests is totally brilliant and the hub city's level design is stellar), but the story and supporting cast is a lot less memorable and the world feels in some ways less cyberpunk because the story's partly about humanity scaling back its ambition and becoming afraid of the future.

The new augmentations are very cool and the basic quality-of-life improvements like item crafting and a revamped battery system make a really big difference, to the point that I really wish that stuff would get back-ported to Human Revolution somehow.

It's totally worth playing, IMO,
Was still debating whether to pick this up

Browsing through the thread, I think this sold me. Novigrad and the Witcher 3's world is incredible in its design, so that, condensed and cyberpunk, might be too much to resist
Yea it feels like the world of Witcher 3 was shrunk down.
Hell the whole game is basically just a futuristic shooter version of Witcher 3. It's epic.
I wonder if Cyberpunk is going to be FPS and how similar it will be to Deus Ex.
I felt the same way... especially first half of the game, it felt much less Blade Runner and more Children of Men.

Less night and neon, more sterilized white and blue hospital light... where HR was an inspiring and exciting renaissance, MD is an depressing oppressive dystopia.

That said, I still love the game and within that different setting, Prague is incredibly crafted, and for whatever debate (consensus) its story has, I think the plot foundation it sets is still awesome. And, both Prague and Utulek give Novigrad, Los Santos, and Stormwind a run for the money for the most impressively crafted cities around (each has a different strength, MD's being just the unrivaled content-per-explorable-square-foot or otherwise content density that is has).

So I definitely agree with its different setting and mood, though I don't see it as a negative in any way. Just different. I still much prefer HR's for subjective reasons but Prague is like Detroit and Utulek like Hengsha on steroids (or, on augs, if you will).
It's more of the same, but a whole lot prettier. So it's a bit forgettable in that regard whereas Human Revolution had the buzz of being the first Deus Ex in nearly a decade. It's worth grabbing if you liked HR.


MD is on sale on PSN. What was the consensus? I liked Human Revolution, but I got the sense that this one wasn't as good? Or at least it wasn't as impressive. No one seems to really talk about it like HR

The story is completely forgettable and the characters likewise. Adam Jensen is simply a one-note and indifferent character throughout this whole game and at the end you'll sit and think about what the hell happened.

The one hubworld we have is highly detailed, but I don't think either it's the cream of the crop in terms of organic world-building and it can feel a bit constricted and random at times. I don't see how it can be compared to Novigrad or Witcher 3.

The gameplay mechanics are well-executed additional features added to the original HR's design.

Honestly, the game feels more like an improved HR1.5 but with an even worse and entirely forgettable story + characters (and terrible animations). It's a decent game, no doubt, but to me it felt vapid and flat.


Was still debating whether to pick this up

Browsing through the thread, I think this sold me. Novigrad and the Witcher 3's world is incredible in its design, so that, condensed and cyberpunk, might be too much to resist

I think the biggest thing this game achieves is really subtle. The subway lines are segregated to nats and augs, but you can ride on both. But if you do take the nats train, the other passengers are wary of you and you get stopped by the cops after the transition. At some point, I just went "I don't wanna deal with the cops anymore" and just went to the aug only trains, even though Jensen has papers that allows him to blow off the cops.


I was never bummed out on this game's story as I believed it tried to tell a small story to act as the middle game and laid foundation to the final game. I also never believed that the game was unfinished but the news that this series is shelved for now has really gotten me disappointed since we'll probably never see the conclusion leading up to the first game anymore.

Which is why it's disappointing that the two DLCs have some fuckall story wise.


Just finished both of the DLC's. Criminal Past > System Rift and it's not even close for me.

Criminal Past was actually really really good. Has some crazy exploration and is pretty challenging with no Augmentations and pretty fun with Standard Augmentations. The level design was once again perfect.

Also, that final conversation with Delara Auzenne. God damnit Square Enix...
I've not finished it yet, but so far A Criminal Past is good. Really good. Much, much better than System Rift, and I quite enjoyed that one. It feels longer, more substantial, and the plot is more engaging. Currently going through it praxis-less, and also aiming to go through without killing anyone.

Just had it crash on me though and boot back to the PS4 OS. So it's not perfect.


Finished this sucker at last. After starting it 4 times i stuck with it past the tutorial level. This definitely didnt draw me in the way Human revolution did. Infact the story in this game was insultingly bad after HR, so fucking boring. And where were the intricate stealth missions like we got in Human revolution one after another ?, The intro level in HR alone was better in this regard to anything MD had to offer(the bank vault level is the only mission that comes close to a good stealth mission in MD, and even that was pretty small and easy). It felt very lazy with a lot of little fluff missions instead for the most part, with afew cool side quests here and there.. Everything else was quality though. Scrap this shit and reboot please.
^You didn't like Utulek golem city? How about at least the theatre hall?

I'd agree that in general the level design was not all that great... Which is odd because the world design is incredible. Amazing city areas, both in terms of art detail and content density. The gameplay levels are pretty amazing in this regard, too.

But in terms of gameplay, they were awfully linear... found areas like the subway station, the bank, GARM, etc all a bit easy to just ghost through in a straight line. Thought the way HR had obstacles with 2-3 ways to solve each one wasn't as common in MD... and often most obstacles had 1 easy path through. Too many vents, maybe.

I did like theatre hall though... very wide open, so many angles to come at it from, a lot of non-linearity ...

What I mean by that is things like, using a roof shortcut to cut halfway through into the hall, finding the security room, using it to turn on a robot to attack enemies back at the entrance.

It was more of a big gameplay sandbox. The 2nd level in original Deus Ex, Battery Park, is a good example of this, I think... the docks, the terrorist and police standoff at the front...

there was more peripheral freedom, and the goal was to get to the center -- that's what DX1 and some of DXHR did well... or the theatre hall in DXMD did well.

Too many other areas felt like isolated little pockets instead of big areas of connected pockets... if that makes sense. no peripheral sort of skirting around different sides, getting in, backtracking, etc. it's mostly X -> Y -> Z with a lot of locks or vents in between.


Golem city was pretty forgettable imo. The highlight for me was the sandbox city area for sure, i probably would have shelved the game only for the quality there.

"Too many other areas felt like isolated little pockets instead of big areas of connected pockets" yeah, that was pretty much the problem with this games attempt at interesting stealth missions. Tiny little easy areas, you could breeze through for the most part, nothing of real substance.


Finished the second DLC, was good, more Deus Ex, wasn't completely new, it's fun and good though.

I guess goodbye Deus Ex for a long time now.


Elden Member
so somehow I completely missed the DLC launching even though I paid for it, lol. WTF is wrong with the advertising arm at square.
This game is on sale for $15 at my local store guys.

I'm still half way through Horizon, was going to pick up Mass Effect Andromeda but going to hold off for a sale on that one. I'm still finishing my Last Of Us second play through, about half way there as well. I still have Witcher 3, Bloorborne and Batman Arkham Knight to open.

Worth getting it now while having all this backlog or should I just work on my backlog for now? It isn't about the price but the backlog I've been piling up but hard to pass up on that offer. Never played a Deus Ex game before, just so you guys know.



So glad I stuck with this game, I loved HR and was soured with the opening of Mankind Divided. Also thought the story was forgettable and depressing, the opening with your commander spouting out a bunch of uninteresting conflicts and politics really wasn't doing it any favours. But now the hub world has opened up and I've stopped grappling with the mechanics I'm having a blast. It's barely moved on from HR but is much more refined. I think the level design has improved as well. Very old school but I'm loving it so far.

I was supposed to pick up Horizon today, but I'll hold off for now I thibk. I also re started ME3 (due to the disappointment of ME:A) so lots of RPG'ing to enjoy.


Apologies for resurrecting an ancient thread, but I've just started playing this and have a problem with keybindings. I want to move the iron sights to Q rather than RMB, but every time I do, it disables my ability to fire while looking down sights (same for any other button I try and change it to). Firing works fine when not aiming down sights. Anyone had this issue and/or can suggest how to resolve it? I'm playing on my laptop and haven't got my mouse with me, so it's less than convenient having to use the touchpad buttons for aiming and firing.
Played this for the last few days and while I like the city and the RPG-elements, the shooting feels just not good. It has the same problems like the first (third) game. The controls are somewhat clunky, the enemy AI is TERRIBLE. Hide somewhere and wait for them to "forget" you, then kill them one by one ... and fiddling around with different ammo types isn't that much fun to be honest. Doesn't help that I managed to kill one ammo merchant and make the other one "hostile". Another problem of the game. The AI is so damn aggressive. As soon as you take something in their view or enter a room you shouldn't they open fire, throw grenades ... there could be at least a warning or something. There was a police men who threw a toxic grenade into the streets of the city with civilians and other cops around. It's not very believable at all.

And yeah, I know I should play this as a stealth/hacking game. And I am considering to restart it with pure stealth/pacificst run because it seems to be built around that with all the possibilite sin the levels. The thing is, I don't like stealth-gameplay and I just want some cool Cyberpunkt-RPG-Action.

Maybe I should put this to on the shelf for a while and try sometime later again when I am in the mood for it.


Just completed Criminal Past and System Rift dlcs. There were... short. Took me around 6 hours in total. Didn't care much about System Rift but I really liked Criminal Past. I wish the Riddicky first quarter of the dlc was a bit longer. I wanted to do side quests, talk with the inmates, get in fights :/

But I enjoyed them. It's a pretty good deal, paid around 10 dollars in total for them.
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