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Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition |OT| Two girls, one motivated Vergil

With God of War basically shifting genre, Ninja Gaiden on the outs after 3 and Yaiba, Bayonetta being critically acclaimed but not getting the sales, and MGR 2 not happening I'm sure Itsuno and co. know the weight on DMC 5's shoulders.


Is it lofty though? Like, is expecting them to change the structure of the game or mechanics of gameplay really that lofty?
It depends on how far you are pushing each of those criterias. DMC has always changed the mechanics of its game play so there is almost no chance that DMC5 ships with identical mechanics to 4.

Changing structure of the game happened with DmC and people didn't like it which means DMC5 will be playing it safe and to its roots. We may not have the mission level system but just because we don't have those doesn't guarantee significant overhaul in level and mission/quest design.

Hell if all DMC5 does is go from 2 player playthrough to single character playthrough, that still counts as changing structure from 4. You have to be very specific in your expectations.


I think many people will be content with just having a Devil May Cry 5 title, even if the gameplay ends up being a sup'ed up version of Devil May Cry 4. Games like Neir Automata and Bayonetta are not worlds apart in gameplay from Devil May Cry and pretty much hold the same backbone as a DMC title, yet, many people are very satisfied with those games. Its the other areas where Devil May Cry needs to start shining. such as level design, bosses and world expansion. Personally I would be content with the following:

- World adaption needs to be very similar to Bloodborne/Dark Souls.
- Drop the mission menu, make it more open world like Neir Automata.
- Nero has its own set of cool weapons with their overdrives.
- Dante having more badass weapons similar to DMC3 as to DMC4.
- Multiple boss fights. We always have this "arena" based bosses, aside from Agni and Rudra. Would be awesome if we had to take on multiple bosses in one go.
- Dante meeting his match - As much as i loved Uncle Dante in DMC4, he seemed too much of a God. Would actually like someone to give him a good hiding (ahem Vergil!).
- Being able to use the Sparda DT.

And ofcourse Capcom producing DLC such as old classic weapons, additional missions etc would always be welcomed.

Just my 2 cents *flame shield on*

Endo Punk

My expectations only decrease over time. At this point I'll be perfectly happy with a DMC4.5 minus backtracking unless design changes like DMC1. Funny enough there are so few games like it that it will still feel very fresh.


For the IP to grow they definitely need to take the series to new heights and innovate instead of just doing the same old.

I wouldn't mind a DMC4.5 I guess (better than nothing) but whatever route they choose there better be zero, or near zero, backtracking.

What do you guys think about DMC 5 having side quests and optional areas vs. Secret Missions?

They should just rip off Drakengard 3 in this regard.

Plenty of story content and a separate menu for side missions (which have you fight under various conditions) and a bloody palace like mode which is divided into sections (instead of forcing you to play the whole thing from start to finish each time) and has no time limit. They even built in a method to grind for money easily.
What do you guys think about DMC 5 having side quests and optional areas vs. Secret Missions?
I think the structure used in Nioh could work well here. You could have a series of straightforward stages that comprise the main story route, which you can play in succession, but with remixed versions of stages featuring new encounters and layouts unlocked, and a few unique ones here and there.


Sony's E3 presser is on the usual day and time, June 12th 6PM PT. 40 more days, exactly. Mark your calenders, boys and girls.

It'll be funny if it is at Microsoft's conference instead.
It depends on how far you are pushing each of those criterias. DMC has always changed the mechanics of its game play so there is almost no chance that DMC5 ships with identical mechanics to 4.

Changing structure of the game happened with DmC and people didn't like it which means DMC5 will be playing it safe and to its roots. We may not have the mission level system but just because we don't have those doesn't guarantee significant overhaul in level and mission/quest design.

Hell if all DMC5 does is go from 2 player playthrough to single character playthrough, that still counts as changing structure from 4. You have to be very specific in your expectations.

Personally, gamplay wise I want something new and innovative that gets me excited the same way DMC3 did with style system. I had never played anything like that in any other game and it was exciting to figure out this new system and play around with it. With DMC5 I want that feeling. I don't wanna say "those weapons and styles are cool, but I already know how I'm supposed to work with these mechanics".

And I don't want it to be new just for the sake of being new. I want it to add to combat and change the way I play in a significant and meaningful way.

For the main structure of the game, they can go so many different places and I'm honestly open to see which direction they take the series. They can do interconnected worlds like souls series. They can do full-on open world like Dragon's Dogma. They can go with a small hub and then different locations for each portion of story, etc, etc.

I'm okay with them doing any of those as long as they do it right. I just don't wanna see the same structure of "20-22 linear missions that you go through from your mission menu" thing that we've had in all of the past DMC games (including DmC).

I don't think those are lofty expectations to have. Especially when you consider how long DMC has been absent and how much the industry and the expectations of players have changed in the past decade.


Shifting discussion point, how much of DMC5 are you hoping they unveil initially and how much are you OK with them revealing before the game's release?

DMC5 and fighting games are the only games where I want to know everything before the game launches except maybe story stuff. I want to know all the modes, characters, control layout, options, weapons, game play mechanics etc. In other games these days I tend to go radio silent until the game release past the initial few trailers. I did it with MGSV, Nioh, DS3, Nier 2 etc.

In the initial unveil I expect some game play footage, major characters, story set up, cool action cuteness a few enemies, couple of initial bosses and a few weapons. Some explanation of new game play mechanics and some broad changes they are making to the series.


Shifting discussion point, how much of DMC5 are you hoping they unveil initially and how much are you OK with them revealing before the game's release?

DMC5 and fighting games are the only games where I want to know everything before the game launches except maybe story stuff. I want to know all the modes, characters, control layout, options, weapons, game play mechanics etc. In other games these days I tend to go radio silent until the game release past the initial few trailers. I did it with MGSV, Nioh, DS3, Nier 2 etc.

In the initial unveil I expect some game play footage, major characters, story set up, cool action cuteness a few enemies, couple of initial bosses and a few weapons. Some explanation of new game play mechanics and some broad changes they are making to the series.

I'm probably going to go into media blackout after the initial reveal/info blitz.

I want to play it clean, knowing little and not being influenced by any outside opinions/discussions when I experience it for the first time.


Santa May Claus
Shifting discussion point, how much of DMC5 are you hoping they unveil initially and how much are you OK with them revealing before the game's release?

DMC5 and fighting games are the only games where I want to know everything before the game launches except maybe story stuff. I want to know all the modes, characters, control layout, options, weapons, game play mechanics etc. In other games these days I tend to go radio silent until the game release past the initial few trailers. I did it with MGSV, Nioh, DS3, Nier 2 etc.

In the initial unveil I expect some game play footage, major characters, story set up, cool action cuteness a few enemies, couple of initial bosses and a few weapons. Some explanation of new game play mechanics and some broad changes they are making to the series.

From my perspective, and I'd guess a lot of people in this thread, I want everything gameplaywise. Characters, move list changes, move properties, weapons, enemies, systems and gauges, the whole nine yards... but we're not the general public and I don't think they should necessarily cater to us. I don't expect much more than a few "combo" videos to make us guess some things, and some interviews with strong hints at mechanics.

Story wise, they can keep things relatively silent. If they want to throw some red herrings in there like with DMC4, thats fine.
I don't need to know anything except maybe some cameos. I do think it makes anything lot of sense to show off a new villain early, because they want someone palatable and marketable in there.

I'm glad that you responded to my post GE.

I think you are right about me having high expectations, but I think you've mostly see me talk about the sequels that I've been waiting for a long time. I have this habit, and I know it's not a good thing, but I have a habit of getting my expectations up when a game takes a long time to come. So, as the years between the release of a game and its sequel go up, so do my expectations. Otherwise, there are many games that I'm completely fine with them just getting improved with each sequel (I mean, just look at my avatar)

I hear what you are saying about DMC5 not being in development for the past 9 years, and you are absolutely right. But look at it from the other side. Capcom knows that we've been waiting for this game for 9 years. And they should know that regardless of how long the game has been in development, after such a long wait, they have to come up with something special.

I know that DMC5 won't be the bulletpoint list that I've written above. I made that to see how would you guys react if we got something similar to Persona 5, and to see if my reaction to that game is normal or not. Cause I feel like I expected too much even though I just wanted the formula to evolve after a decade and two very similar entries (it seems like a lot Persona fans don't feel the same way, tho)

But when it comes to Devil May Cry 5, however it may be, I just want it to feel like it was worth a decade of waiting. I realize that's not being fair to devs, I really do. But after all this time, that's just how I feel and I can't change that.

Like I said, I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with expecting and wanting the best from a series you love. That's just natural. I just think it's healthy to temper expectations a bit, if only because the series will be coming back into the limelight "out of retirement".
Shifting discussion point, how much of DMC5 are you hoping they unveil initially and how much are you OK with them revealing before the game's release?

DMC5 and fighting games are the only games where I want to know everything before the game launches except maybe story stuff. I want to know all the modes, characters, control layout, options, weapons, game play mechanics etc. In other games these days I tend to go radio silent until the game release past the initial few trailers. I did it with MGSV, Nioh, DS3, Nier 2 etc.

In the initial unveil I expect some game play footage, major characters, story set up, cool action cuteness a few enemies, couple of initial bosses and a few weapons. Some explanation of new game play mechanics and some broad changes they are making to the series.

I'm HOPING it's in a near-complete state with a season release date announced right from the get-go. I would like to know basic story set-up, the main playable character(s) and if the gameplay has changed dramatically from 3 and 4. So yeah, a decent 4-5ish minute trailer frontloaded with story segueing into gameplay, ending in the release season. Final quip. Fin.

I'm EXPECTING nothing from Capcom other than a new trailer for MvC:I and maybe that Resi 7 DLC or some shit.
Shifting discussion point, how much of DMC5 are you hoping they unveil initially and how much are you OK with them revealing before the game's release?

DMC5 and fighting games are the only games where I want to know everything before the game launches except maybe story stuff. I want to know all the modes, characters, control layout, options, weapons, game play mechanics etc. In other games these days I tend to go radio silent until the game release past the initial few trailers. I did it with MGSV, Nioh, DS3, Nier 2 etc.

In the initial unveil I expect some game play footage, major characters, story set up, cool action cuteness a few enemies, couple of initial bosses and a few weapons. Some explanation of new game play mechanics and some broad changes they are making to the series.

Story wise I wanna know the premise and the basic set up. Maybe tease a few things like the return of Vergil or him meeting Nero, but don't get into specifics.

From gameplay, if there are any big new systems then I wanna know about them. I don't expect them to show everything (like they did with DmC) and honestly I'm cool with them keeping a couple of weapons as surprises for the final game. But I wanna see a big chunk of gameplay before the release. And I want a playable demo for sure.

Lastly, if you are showing Vergil in the story trailer and he somehow has the Yamato, then don't show Dante using Yamato. Don't spoil boss fights and their outcomes like that.

I'll probably go on media blackout after seeing a good bit of gameplay. I didn't do this with DmC and I was bummed that we basically knew about every weapon before the release.


I think Doppelgänger and Quicksilver make sense as DT modifiers rather than as Styles.

I disagree. If they could find a way to expand those things into a respective moveset of their own, than why not just build an entire Style (or preferably, character) around those aspects?

For example: with Nero already being basically a Stand User in the DMC-verse, I think him having a system reminiscent of CPS3 Jojo where he and his DT could act independently of one another could be a nifty thing.

Quicksilver may be a bit of a harder sell alone. But hey, if nothing else, I'd say give Lady the Bangle of Time so she could have some legit Max Payne Bullet Time to go along with everything else about her that's good with Gun Fu/Gun Kata. Would at least be nice to have as an option besides just throwing grenades as her "DT".

Shifting discussion point, how much of DMC5 are you hoping they unveil initially and how much are you OK with them revealing before the game's release?

All I'd want, throughout the entirety of this game's marketing phase, is just confirmation of which/how many characters are playable, the gist of how they play, modes of play and some basic story beats. If Capcom wants to also talk about any Season Pass/DLC plans, then hell, I'd rather they be as upfront about those, too, if possible. I can even deal with it, if it's a) fair and b) provides a concise path with lots of content.

But I guess what I'm hoping, above all else, is that this will be Itsuno's time to be put out there more as the "face" of the brand. Dude is one of Capcom's unsung stars, and in a time when Capcom doesn't really have too many noticeable personalities besides Ono and maybe Kobayashi (on a good day), I'd rather the man finally get his shine and the rockstar status that he is due.


For example: with Nero already being basically a Stand User in the DMC-verse, I think him having a system reminiscent of CPS3 Jojo where he and his DT could act independently of one another could be a nifty thing.

That would be a good way to build on the desynchronised Doppelganger thing; and could help Nero remain distinct from the rest of the cast - if they keep on trying to bring back the 4SE group with new additions, moving him in the direction of being a simplified Dante with revving isn't going to be the best way forward; especially in a larger cast from the outset with a potentially de-emphasised Devil Bringer.

Quicksilver may be a bit of a harder sell alone. But hey, if nothing else, I'd say give Lady the Bangle of Time so she could have some legit Max Payne Bullet Time to go along with everything else about her that's good with Gun Fu/Gun Kata. Would at least be nice to have as an option besides just throwing grenades as her "DT".

I'm not sure how necessary it'd be on her, given that most of her stuff is accomplished by lock-on. Given that the risk-reward of charging is one of her central mechanics, I feel like it'd break more than it adds.


What do you guys think about DMC 5 having side quests and optional areas vs. Secret Missions?
I wouldn't mind seeing something more in the way of a Monster Hunter direction. Have the Devil May Cry shop used as a hub, where both main and side missions are selected, all while being able to make the same sort of pre-mission preparations as with previous DMCs (i.e., purchasing skills, Blue Orbs, Purple Orbs) before departing. Going with an idea like Kyrie serving as a secretary of sorts taking calls and handing out assignments (as with the Guild Sweetheart in MH3U keeping track of quest clients and lining up work for the Hunter) could serve as an excuse to keep Nero around.

Could still potentially factor in Secret Missions during the assignments, but either way, I would like to see them move away from the linear progression + fixed location structure of the older games.
I wouldn't mind seeing something more in the way of a Monster Hunter direction. Have the Devil May Cry shop used as a hub, where both main and side missions are selected, all while being able to make the same sort of pre-mission preparations as with previous DMCs (i.e., purchasing skills, Blue Orbs, Purple Orbs) before departing. Going with an idea like Kyrie serving as a secretary of sorts taking calls and handing out assignments (as with the Guild Sweetheart in MH3U keeping track of quest clients and lining up work for the Hunter) could serve as an excuse to keep Nero around.

Could still potentially factor in Secret Missions during the assignments, but either way, I would like to see them move away from the linear progression + fixed location structure of the older games.
100% this. I think this is also a good way to keep the game's score-attack side going without the restrictions of linearity.


Unofficial DMC Community thread post, lol.

Here's a Game Informer interview with Tameem using questions from fans. He talks about DmC's development, a little bit about working with Itsuno, and shared some cool deets. I thought it was interesting. Apparently Itsuno used to be a teacher.


Sorry for the DP, but I figured this deserved a bump.

Reuben just posted pics on FB of him and Johnny in Japan at a pachi parlor with the DMCX game.


Sorry for the DP, but I figured this deserved a bump.

Reuben just posted pics on FB of him and Johnny in Japan at a pachi parlor with the DMCX game.

Hmmmm just checked this morning and cant seem to find this post on his fb or twitter. ×suspicion arrises×


Hmmmm just checked this morning and cant seem to find this post on his fb or twitter. ×suspicion arrises×

It's on his fan page.

Edit: Here


Btw, check out his banner, lol



They're such trolls.

Reuben is a proper troll. I remember last year when that allegedly leak came out about the voice actor playing a character in DMC5, he posted it on his facebook, and never said a word till E3. Pissed off many people lol.

He also liked my post on facebook with respect to capcoms "major title" just a few days ago, so who knows....


"Hey guys remember that totally innocuous mocap image we released a full year ago that people thought was DMC5... nah guys it's actually DMCX!"


Southworth x Itsuno x Langdon


That pic was lowkey posted a few days ago on Reuben's FB and nobody seemed to make the obvious connection here.


All these other companies leaking their big AAA games right before E3 already.

Itsuno sitting back with his handcuffed nuclear codes be like:



And most of these aren't even leaks... they are just AAA companies teasing their products that they want the limelight on before E3 kicks in. Stuff like Call of Duty, Destiny, NFS and Ass Creed... they generally like to get their stuff out before E3 so that they control the media on the day. Same for Darksiders 3... I mean yea it was "leaked" but it was leaked like 30 minutes before the game was actually unveiled officially and fewer people saw that being a real thing than DMC5.


Well in Capcom's defense we didn't know about RE7 till a week before E32016

Ditto with Monster Hunter XX. We only got a credible leak mere days before the bomb dropped on a Nintendo Direct, itself.

Capcom CAN keep a lid on things, when they want to, or otherwise are allowed.


We didn't get a credible leak about Marvel Infinite before PSX either.

Like yeah I have been hearing about Marvel 4 for quite some time but it was never legit and this was from the same sources who told me a Marvel 3 patch was in the works.

So even Marvel Infinite was kept tight under wraps until unveiling. Hell NO ONE knew it was called Marvel Infinite, people kept referring it to as Marvel 4.

Capcom has been keeping a lid on things. About the only thing that leaks these days is SFV stuff because people can't be arsed to protect that anymore.


From the Troll King himself, the new profile pic on his fan page:

Same for Darksiders 3... I mean yea it was "leaked" but it was leaked like 30 minutes before the game was actually unveiled officially and fewer people saw that being a real thing than DMC5.

Well, but after Deathinitive Edition and especially after Warmastered Edition, there was speculation that Darksiders 3 could happen, fueled by then Nordic Games hinting that the series still had a future. Despite Nordic Games being way smaller than Capcom.

DmC Definitive Edition and DMC4 Special Edition come out the same year within months of each other and yet people still largely assume that DMC is dead. Based on nothing, really. Basically only hurt feelings from years back.

We didn't get a credible leak about Marvel Infinite before PSX either.

Like yeah I have been hearing about Marvel 4 for quite some time but it was never legit and this was from the same sources who told me a Marvel 3 patch was in the works.

So even Marvel Infinite was kept tight under wraps until unveiling. Hell NO ONE knew it was called Marvel Infinite, people kept referring it to as Marvel 4.

Capcom has been keeping a lid on things. About the only thing that leaks these days is SFV stuff because people can't be arsed to protect that anymore.

Didn't Yipes tease the possibility of a new MvC a couple weeks before PSX?


Anyway, DMC never leaks. The closest we got were Stephanie Cheeva mentioning DMC3 in her resume on her web page a couple of weeks before the announcement in Famitsu, and the rumors about Ninja Theory working on the next game a couple of months before the announcement.
Well, but after Deathinitive Edition and especially after Warmastered Edition, there was speculation that Darksiders 3 could happen, fueled by then Nordic Games hinting that the series still had a future. Despite Nordic Games being way smaller than Capcom.

DmC Definitive Edition and DMC4 Special Edition come out the same year within months of each other and yet people still largely assume that DMC is dead. Based on nothing, really. Basically only hurt feelings from years back.
We haven't had a new DMC game in 9 years and the series was unsuccessfully rebooted back in 2013. So I wouldn't say that the notion of DMC being dead is based on nothing other than hurt feelings.

We know Itsuno is making DMC5 as we speak, but that's not what other people might see when they look at the series form outside.
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