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FRIDAYTON: God abandons PS4 as The Great Flood wipes out Sony HQ [Up: Reveal in OP]

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Seems to me like someone from eurogamer (digital foundry? someone from eurogamer spain? some dev?) may did an article analizing the PS4 and reached the conclusion that it's design has important flaws regarding memory, so difference between XB1 and PS4 might be not as huge.

Just for the sound of the guy comments.


Could it simply be that the drama will outline Sony's journey from the days of 2GB to 4GB to 8GB and the impetus behind it?

The ram really isn't that big of a deal...not sure why everyone clung to it as if it were the holy grail of next gen. If there is news then it's probably not positive considering that the ram is the last thing that would need an upgrade.

I really wish they would just announce more games for 2014.

Clearly, you are not a game developer.

And no neither am I. I just have read far too many interviews where RAM has been heralded as the single most important thing that affects how long of a leg the system will have.


It was mentioned earlier that Eurogamer Spain translates DF articles, so they may have just got around to translating it when they ran into that. That particular article isn't on EG Spain right now. Their last translated article was the Cerny interview.

Oh, good catch. Miscommunication and a possible kneejerk reaction to the 20GB/s figure could very well explain it.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
And things are only getting more similar in that area next gen. Subscription fees for everyone!

Except Nintendo.

Yeah but think of all the free games you can play while subscribed :)

I hope sony releases a cheaper version of PS+ just called PS online. For folks who don't want the games but want the multiplayer.

Selling it at half the price of MS should do it.


I hope it's not too bad. I'm trying to think of a way that the Differences in memory between Xbox One and PS4 could be reduced in any substantial way at this point.
It was mentioned earlier that Eurogamer Spain translates DF articles, so they may have just got around to translating it when they ran into that. That particular article isn't on EG Spain right now. Their last translated article was the Cerny interview.

Oh man. It is definitely the 20GB/s CPU bandwidth then, and Sony giving them a comment saying, yes the CPU does have its own memory controller, that's how APUs work.
Seems to me like someone from eurogamer (digital foundry? someone from eurogamer spain? some dev?) may did an article analizing the PS4 and reached the conclusion that it's design has important flaws regarding memory, so difference between XB1 and PS4 might be not as huge.

Just for the sound of the guy comments.

Why would Sony make comments on a tech article? Assuming everything said so far is true.


PS4 joining Krillin in the grave already six feet deep. Cerny sent to the moon. Kaz contemplating becoming a Jedi and SCE being drowned in the ocean. Gojira went to SCEJ and done a massive attack. Go home guys (for those of you already at home, please proceed to exit the front door and then return for the right effect).


That's my version of a dramatic post, if there was actually something to be worried about.
It was mentioned earlier that Eurogamer Spain translates DF articles, so they may have just got around to translating it when they ran into that. That particular article isn't on EG Spain right now. Their last translated article was the Cerny interview.

Some of the 'breaking news' of the Spanish video game sites seem separated by one week with the actual event so this is pretty possible.


Could it simply be that the drama will outline Sony's journey from the days of 2GB to 4GB to 8GB and the impetus behind it?

Clearly, you are not a game developer.

And no neither am I. I just have far too many interviews where RAM has been heralded as the single most important thing that affects how long of a leg the system will have.
I would like to think this, although he said something about the memory of the systems not being as far apart as originally thought.


Junior Member
Anyone thinking that they are switching from gddr5 to 3 needs their head examined.

It is possible that something unintentional was uncovered/leaked during the fcc filling, some sort of downgrade or clarification on specs that closes the gap between the consoles...

All we can do is wait. It could very well be nothing. I would still suggest popcorn for the imminent meltdowns either way it goes.


That's my version of a dramatic post, if there was actually something to be worried about.

Just so you know, though, if there is something big that we all should have been worrying about, that event will forever after be called "The Verendus."


My best guess is that Eurogamer got some info on the OS allocation of the RAM. It might be bigger then we anticipated, 2 GB or something. Which means the total amount of RAM for gaming is smaller then we initially thought.
Possibly. They somehow might've gotten wind of a rumor regarding OS allocation are are waiting to for a statement from Sony.

Or they are tech-ignorant dumb-dumbs and have understood the whole Onion/Garlic thing as "OMGZ! 176 - 20 = 156!" It's a sad commentary that a not-insignificant number of video game journos don't know their hardware.



I'll just leave this here.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I have just received word from my ass on the news. This is bad. This is really bad. This is burrito-and-chili-and-hot-dogs bad.


Calm down Gaf! It's probably just an article about how the ram in PS4 is used that makes some assumptions that Sony wants to clarify. Nothing like a downgrade.

And to be honest something like a downgrade in Ram (as in 4 instead of 8) would probably leak somewhere from the Hardware Production and not via the Gaming Press......


this is not surprising at all.

microsoft had a vision at the beginning of the generation to advance gaming in new ways. gamers didn't like this vision and tore them apart and sent death threats to poor old bill gates. and you know what? microsoft listened. they changed the always onlline, they're letting indie gamers make game. they're humble about their mistakes, even if they werent mistakes but just anger of gamers.

sony on the other hand are getting caught in their own web of lies. indie devs have to pay $2500 for a console to play games, which is insane, the 8gb ram is a lie and kaz has a meth problem apparently. it's going to come tumbling down when gamers realise the ps4 is just a big fat lie.
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