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FRIDAYTON: God abandons PS4 as The Great Flood wipes out Sony HQ [Up: Reveal in OP]

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Because it's easy to interpret tech analysis in different ways. If you don't really understand it then you could read something as being a negative when it's really a positive. So Sony would obviously want to step in during that time to try to explain what it actually is.

Oh yea I see. For some reason I read the OP as meaning a press release statement instead of comment for a news article.



Spanish branch of EG that translates DF articles (if I understand correctly) - have they translated the "ESRAM at 192 GB/s" article yet? Would fit with the "power gap is decreasing" thought train in the most hilariously misguided way possible.


To the people saying it's going down to DDR3 or less GDDR5, this just seems so unlikely. Don't you think we would have heard something, some kind of rumblings, even subtle, by more than just this one person?

My money is still on Eurogamer finding something in the specs that are still set in stone that may be an issue or a potential bottleneck or something.
System specifications are not going to change. It's ludicrous to even begin to think they will. The PS4 specifications are set in stone. The Dev kits are out there. Games are being made. The entire campaign for this console has been riding in part on the 8GB GDDR5 as being a pillar of the products development.

That's not going to change. Stop being delusional anyone who thinks it will.
this is not surprising at all.

microsoft had a vision at the beginning of the generation to advance gaming in new ways. gamers didn't like this vision and tore them apart and sent death threats to poor old bill gates. and you know what? microsoft listened. they changed the always onlline, they're letting indie gamers make game. they're humble about their mistakes, even if they werent mistakes but just anger of gamers.

sony on the other hand are getting caught in their own web of lies. indie devs have to pay $2500 for a console to play games, which is insane, the 8gb ram is a lie and kaz has a meth problem apparently. it's going to come tumbling down when gamers realise the ps4 is just a big fat lie.

I can't tell if this is a joke post.



Spanish branch of EG that translates DF articles (if I understand correctly) - have they translated the "ESRAM at 192 GB/s" article yet? Would fit with the "power gap is decreasing" thought train in the most hilariously misguided way possible.
Someone said earlier that it sometimes takes a week for articles to be posted across networks. We'll see.
Guys I did some deductive work and figured out what it is but I swear if anyone finds out I'm a dead man. here you go.


You and the Expansion pack posting dude need to leave.


PS4 Memory drama. More info soon.
Maybe Kaz has forgotten where he's put all the PlayStation 4s? He's fairly sure he took them all home with him on Tuesday but a mate came round and made him go out to the pub but they didn't get back home until about 4AM and he's sort of worried that he might have swapped them all for chips and sausage outside the club.

I'm sure they'll turn up again at some point.


So where are all the Sony insiders when you need them? I dont think Gaf can take this until tomarrow, she might implode if we dont get some release.
To the people saying it's going down to DDR3 or less GDDR5, this just seems so unlikely. Don't you think we would have heard something, some kind of rumblings, even subtle, by more than just this one person?

Also, debs have been working under the assumption that they would have 8gb of ddr5 the last few months. It's a little late in the game to switch that up. Especially after the FCC approval.


Watch as he didn't mean to say RAM memory. But instead the PS4 doesn't come with a harddrive, and you have to use a Vita memory stick.


So is it really bad news then? My bet is on a shortage of production and a delay in EU... :(
I actually have zero knowledge of any downgrade. I don't know where this is coming from but I would assume this is going to tow the line of being border line boring.


Time to fire up the popcorn

Denial — starting now...
Anger —
Bargaining —
Depression —
Acceptance —

Do you know something the rest of us don't?

Looks like Bishop ought to give your credentials another look eh?

Can't wait for the inevitable shocking news.

You, bird of truth, would you be dropping any hints?

Last I remember the ram got downclocked from 192GB/s to 176GB/s and Cerny has stuck to that number, highlighting it in all interviews.


Junior Member


Por ciertos sitios dicen que todo mentira y que la memoria se queda como esta,al final sera para tanto o sera una chorrada?
In some places its said that its all a lie and that the memory stays the same.. In the end will this be worth while or something stupid?

Josep Maria Sempere ‏@kr3at0r 3h
@VICIUSLIVE Ahora mismo yo no lo veo para nada como una chorrada. Ya se verá mañana o pasado, según lo que aclare (o no) Sony
Right now I don't see this as something stupid. We shall see tomorrow or the day after, depending on what Sony clarifies.

@kr3at0r Pero por que no sacais la noticia sin depender de sony?acaso no sois independientes que no teneis que depender de comunicados
But why not put out the news without waiting for Sony? Aren't you independent? Do you really need to depend on Press releases?

Josep Maria Sempere‏@kr3at0r @VICIUSLIVE En el 99% de los casos la respuesta siempre es "sin comentarios" o directamente pasar del tema, pero en este caso no ha sido así
99% of the time the answer from companies is "no comment" or simply ignore the question, in this case it hasn't been so.

It sounds like he uncovered something pretty big, if it has prompted a response from Sony.

Hip Hop

Couldn't the news just be about a hold up in production, causing them to delay the release for regions other than the U.S.?

Translation: Right now I don't see it as something stupid. We'll see tomorrow or the next day, depending if Sony explains it (or don't)


this is not surprising at all.

microsoft had a vision at the beginning of the generation to advance gaming in new ways. gamers didn't like this vision and tore them apart and sent death threats to poor old bill gates. and you know what? microsoft listened. they changed the always onlline, they're letting indie gamers make game. they're humble about their mistakes, even if they werent mistakes but just anger of gamers.

sony on the other hand are getting caught in their own web of lies. indie devs have to pay $2500 for a console to play games, which is insane, the 8gb ram is a lie and kaz has a meth problem apparently. it's going to come tumbling down when gamers realise the ps4 is just a big fat lie.

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