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FRIDAYTON: God abandons PS4 as The Great Flood wipes out Sony HQ [Up: Reveal in OP]

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"Ahora mismo yo no lo veo para nada como una chorrada. Ya se verá mañana o pasado, según lo que aclare (o no) Sony."

Here he states that right now he sees this as all a "chorrada." Chorrada means bullshit in spanish (specific spanish countries). But he does state that Sony will clear the rumors up tomorrow. So the twitter handle doesn't necessarily know if what is being claimed is true or not. Kinda defeats the sensationalist headline. Oh well. Now we wait.
I'm going on a limb and saying that its production shortages. I can't think of their being a downgrade. The systems innards have been talked about for months, a downgrade is definitely not the problem...

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
They found this inside:
The most realistic guess to make is that there will be launch system shortages due to the complexity of system.

And that is bad news but It's what a;always seems to happen on new high tech products.


Junior Member
"Ahora mismo yo no lo veo para nada como una chorrada. Ya se verá mañana o pasado, según lo que aclare (o no) Sony."

Here he states that right now he sees this as all a "chorrada." Chorrada means bullshit in spanish (specific spanish countries). But he does state that Sony will clear the rumors up tomorrow. So the twitter handle doesn't necessarily know if what is being claimed is true or not. Kinda defeats the sensationalist headline. Oh well. Now we wait.

Dude if you don't know Spanish don't try and translate.

he says the exact opposite. He states that he does not see this as something stupid right now.
"Ahora mismo yo no lo veo para nada como una chorrada. Ya se verá mañana o pasado, según lo que aclare (o no) Sony."

Here he states that right now he sees this as all a "chorrada." Chorrada means bullshit in spanish (specific spanish countries). But he does state that Sony will clear the rumors up tomorrow. So the twitter handle doesn't necessarily know if what is being claimed is true or not. Kinda defeats the sensationalist headline. Oh well. Now we wait.

You're reading it wrong.

"ahora mismo yo no lo veo para nada como una chorrada". I'm not spanish, but I think he's saying that right now he doesn't see it as bullshit.


Por ciertos sitios dicen que todo mentira y que la memoria se queda como esta,al final sera para tanto o sera una chorrada?
In some places its said that its all a lie and that the memory stays the same.. In the end will this be worth while or something stupid?

Josep Maria Sempere ‏@kr3at0r 3h
@VICIUSLIVE Ahora mismo yo no lo veo para nada como una chorrada. Ya se verá mañana o pasado, según lo que aclare (o no) Sony
Right now I don't see this as something stupid. We shall see tomorrow or the day after, depending on what Sony clarifies.

@kr3at0r Pero por que no sacais la noticia sin depender de sony?acaso no sois independientes que no teneis que depender de comunicados
But why not put out the news without waiting for Sony? Aren't you independent? Do you really need to depend on Press releases?

Josep Maria Sempere‏@kr3at0r @VICIUSLIVE En el 99% de los casos la respuesta siempre es "sin comentarios" o directamente pasar del tema, pero en este caso no ha sido así
99% of the time the answer from companies is "no comment" or simply ignore the question, in this case it hasn't been so.

It sounds like he uncovered something pretty big, if it has prompted a response from Sony.
Well will find out tomorrow.


They should just release what info they have and let Sony clarify later, label it as a rumour if they're unsure. At this point it's just going to blow up in Eurogamer Spain's face if it's a dud.


this is not surprising at all.

microsoft had a vision at the beginning of the generation to advance gaming in new ways. gamers didn't like this vision and tore them apart and sent death threats to poor old bill gates. and you know what? microsoft listened. they changed the always onlline, they're letting indie gamers make game. they're humble about their mistakes, even if they werent mistakes but just anger of gamers.

sony on the other hand are getting caught in their own web of lies. indie devs have to pay $2500 for a console to play games, which is insane, the 8gb ram is a lie and kaz has a meth problem apparently. it's going to come tumbling down when gamers realise the ps4 is just a big fat lie.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
@VICIUSLIVE Y lo del "comunicado" no se de dónde ha salido. Hacer declaraciones no es publicar un comunicado.

Translation: "The rumor is that George Lucas has purchased Sony and will be re-selling the PS2 with all the good parts taken out of it."
Bookings Taken At The Crow Cafe:

Time to fire up the popcorn

Denial — starting now...
Anger —
Bargaining —
Depression —
Acceptance —

Hoping for a ram reduction. Don't care about next gen consoles, just wanna see tears and the Cerny wank-fest come to an end

the other part of me is desperate to see Sony-GAF get a punch to the gut to send them back to earth. I'm so conflicted!

Sony fans already in denial. Tomorrow is gonna be fun.

I really hope that there is only 4GB. Perhaps people would stop believing Sony all the time.

I guess bad Sonys news would bring some party to the console war.
Xbox fanboys all over the internet would rub it into the faces of sony fanboys.
Sonys is no longer infallible.
In other news PS4 cancelled due to the announcement of the Sega Super System with a 8 Core 3Ghz Processor, 16GB GDDR5.

Launch Titles (1st Party)
Sonic Adventure 3
Crazy Taxi Reloaded
Shehumue 3
Virtua Fighter 6
Yakuza 6
Skies of Arcadia 2
Space Channel 5 Part 3

The next gen we deserved but didnt got :'(
Alluding to what? You yourself called him out for saying absolutely nothing.

Yes i did. But in light of this news i'm trying to figure out if this is what he was talking about.

I hope this is all bullshit really. Xbox fans will not give Sony fans a break for the rest of the year.


I'm going on a limb and saying that its production shortages. I can't think of their being a downgrade. The systems innards have been talked about for months, a downgrade is definitely not the problem...

Indeed. The 4Gbit chips on the other hand could be the cause of the issue. Either it's a matter of shortages due to yield issue (could be prone to greater malfunctions or failures) as opposed to their 256MB chips.


I'm seeing several people with Xbone slanted post histories going on about "denial" here.

"Denial" about what exactly? We know nothing about what this is.
So we'll see on Saturday if Sony chooses to explain it?


Either Friday or Saturday. I guess if it's that bad they won't wait a full day. He said that Sony made comments about the news, so I guess he means he's unsure Sony will make a more official statement.


They should just release what info they have and let Sony clarify later, label it as a rumour if they're unsure. At this point it's just going to blow up in Eurogamer Spain's face if it's a dud.
Even if it's the tiniest bit of bad news, we'll be knocked back by a concussive blast of howls from pent-up Xbox fans.

I miss this feeling. Feels like the "Megaton" days!


The wording with chorrada makes me believe that actually is a minor detail. And LOL at tomorrow or after tomorrow, let's keep on fuelling the spanish stereotypes.
Anyone thinking that they are switching from gddr5 to 3 needs their head examined.

It is possible that something unintentional was uncovered/leaked during the fcc filling, some sort of downgrade or clarification on specs that closes the gap between the consoles...

All we can do is wait. It could very well be nothing. I would still suggest popcorn for the imminent meltdowns either way it goes.

OR it could mean something that grows the difference between them; it's still theoretically possible for Sony (and Microsoft, for that matter) to up the clock speed of their CPUs. It could very well be something along those lines. "Drama" could imply bad, yes, but that doesn't mean it has to be bad for Sony.

But I'm thinking it's either the 20 GB/s thing for the CPU bus got mistaken by some reporter as the total RAM bandwidth (I don't see how one could make that mistake), or there's been a downclock in the CPU (hopefully not).

I guess we'll find out tomorrow; hoping for no major alterations for either system besides CPU clock bumps since they're so close to launch.
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