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GOG | News and Updates 2017 - Back to the basics


So, I've got to ask:

Am I alone in being utterly disappointed with GOG as of late? I felt like they were on the right track a year ago, with them securing some major publishers and putting out some really good games on a pretty regular cadence. But this year? It's been a near-endless stream of junk. It feels like every other game is another shoddy PnC adventure or a managerial sim. And it probably doesn't help that there's more variety than ever on Steam.

Dunno, it's just kinda frustrating. I like DRM-free, but I would also - as it turns out - like to play good games, too.

It's not like Steam isn't the exact same way. And the old games take a long time to get put up.


Am I alone in being utterly disappointed with GOG as of late? I felt like they were on the right track a year ago, with them securing some major publishers and putting out some really good games on a pretty regular cadence. But this year? It's been a near-endless stream of junk. It feels like every other game is another shoddy PnC adventure or a managerial sim.

I think they've improved a bit in the recent months, at least on the indie scene. Various games on my radar (No Man's Sky, Hyper Light Drifter, Gungeon, Superhot, PoE) have been approved in regular succession and have been available both for pre-order and day one of release (or a bit later in the case of Undertale).

On the back of the discussion a few pages earlier about their seemingly strict approval policies it's a nice change. They stated earlier in the year they have a major publisher on board IIRC, so we'll see what comes of that.
Eh, it doesn't really feel any different from usual. They've always padded out their release schedule with sims and management titles, to the point that I just tune them out entirely - and they still manage to surprise me every so often, such as getting a version of Shadows of the Empire working on modern computers when I'd since assumed doing so with a physical copy was a lost cause, let alone getting it onto GOG for sale.


Nordic Games sale

You guys have 10 minutes to stop me from buying DS1 and DS2 again, cuz those drm-free prices are tempting.

In case anyone was wondering though
DS1 is an action adventure game
DS2 is an action rpg game with loot and exploration

Both games have decent puzzles and platforming too
DS1 is generally considered the better game since DS2 suffers from being a fetch quest @_@


I remember Darksiders 2 had some crashing issues but I think they released a patch and it fixed some of the technical issues? I didn't play the new version to completion.


Witcher sale. It will last for 16 days.

I have a question. Already own Witcher 3 but want the season pass. If I buy the Base game + Expansion pass package, do I get another copy of Witcher 3 as a gift?


GOG has been amazing lately. I have to completely disagree with the notion they've mostly been releasing crap. Maybe if you focused on Steam and looked to GOG to fill the gap with old classics that could be the case, but for a person trying to build their library to be DRM free as much as possible the last year has been amazing and extremely promising for the future.

As others have noted, with hot new indie releases they are keeping up better than ever before, plus they have added a ton they were missing, they secured LucasArts games, expanded their support from Deep Silver/Devolver/Paradox, got more anime stuff like XSEED/Nepnep/Carpe Fulgur, expanded support for DLC which opened up a bunch of games that had it, and have had better sales than ever with a lot of -80% (even -90% on bundles) deals on their big promotions. All of this while developing Galaxy, opening a location in America, and doing a great deal of work to help publishers make games work on modern systems and remove DRM. And if it weren't for the influence of GOG who knows how many people offering DRM-free versions on their own would still be doing that.

I love what they're doing and that they released something great as Witcher to be well secured and at the same time prove you can have one of the most profitable games in the industry without DRM.


Cross-posting from the Steam thread:

Hiding the talkie version of World of Xeen deep in the submenu is like the weirdest decision ever on GOG's part. I imagine a lot of people don't even realize it's there and just play the floppy disk version (which is what launches by default if you press the big green "Play" button).

EDIT: To elaborate, I'm speaking about M&M: World of Xeen in GOG Galaxy. The full-voiced version is accessed via the "More" menu: "More" → "Other" → "Might and Magic 4-5 (F..." (that's literally what it says in the menu, but it's actually "Full-Speech version"). Keep that in mind if you ever decide to play World of Xeen and also note that savegames seem to be NOT compatible between those two versions.



Looks like GOG is going to moderate their user reviews from now on:


Of course people then complaining about SJWs, censorship, ethics in user reviews etc.
Praetorians is worth the 0,59€ for the soundtrack alone. Very atmospheric.

Haven't actually launched the game yet... love it when a game has good extras. One of my favourite things about GOG.


Not played either of the Torchlight games. Is there any reason not to jump straight in with #2?
No reason. Torchlight 2 is straight up superior in almost every way.

The only thing I can find lacking compared to #1 is that there's no real possible minion master build (think Diablo 2 necro) early. Most summons are the type that are powerful, but unsummon in half a minute or so.
No reason. Torchlight 2 is straight up superior in almost every way.

The only thing I can find lacking compared to #1 is that there's no real possible minion master build (think Diablo 2 necro) early. Most summons are the type that are powerful, but unsummon in half a minute or so.

Nothing in the way of story that necessitates playing I?


Nothing in the way of story that necessitates playing I?
No. There was barely any story in Torchlight 1, and whatever there was, TL2 will tell you of it in further detail. There's actually a decent bit of story in TL2, it gives personalities to the 3 classes you used to play as in 1.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
The nice thing about Torchlight 1 is that it feels a bit more focused. Like, it's a straight-up dungeon crawl, and nothing else. Depending on what you're in the mood for, that can be a good thing.

But Torchlight II is easily the better game overall.


Having a procedural quest every 1-4 dungeon levels, and if you didn't finish/find it, you wouldn't get the next one, drove me absolutely bananas.


Odd. Noticed 'g's displayed in Windows Explorer disappeared once a couple weeks ago, too.


The typeface gremlins are after my fonts.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Seeing the new Momodora game on GOG is encouraging. I want to believe it means that they'll make more of an effort to, in addition to the typical boring-ass GOG game, try and release something a bit different, too. Cuz like, I was totally ready to be annoyed that SimplePlanes was today's game. Shit looks booooorrrrriiiiiiinnnnnggg.

Li Kao

I need some help with Gog.
Since I started Witcher 3 some days/weeks ago the fucking galaxy communicator process keep crashing in-game once every few hours. The thing is, I'm really not an achievement fanatic, but fearing that the process being down could stop the unlocking of new achievements I each time have to restart my computer.
And the novelty of that wore off pretty damn quickly.

So can somebody tell me if the process is really linked to achievements or can I simply let it crash ?


All you need to do is whitelist the process in your antivirus then enter your SSN and bank account at the first achievement.


How would you lads rank the Theme Park series?
Which is the best ver. of The original Theme Park for that matter?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Sales are honestly just a nuisance to me at this point. GOG needs more games first, and that's exactly what we don't get while sales are going on.
GOG sale rambings...

The good:
- Tropico sale!

The bad:
- No Tropico 5

Hoping Alpha Centauri goes on sale soon. Also a little annoyed about Prison Architect - bought it on sale for 50% off last week, now it's 67% off. Haven't even gotten around to launching it yet... Grrrr.


ModBot said:
Instructions for Ludens:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away an item. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Ludens, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Dragonsphere GOG -- MB-93F2AE41598E3D77 - Taken by Zeeman. 4 entrants total.



Noticed regional pricing doesnt affect the xp given by games. So got all the free games by buying Anno 1404, Homeworld collection and Prison Architect.
GOG has pissed me off a bit with this sale.

Tropico bundle? Yeah, bought it, because Tropico 5 wasn't on sale and it's standard practice to at least put all games from the same series on sale at the same time. I figured they weren't going to put T5 on sale for whatever reason.

And now the Complete version of Tropico 5 is on sale. Not part of a bundle, so I can't even get an extra discount there. Smacks of dishonesty.
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