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Hyperdimension Neptunia Community |OT| Pudding Pls (*´`) () (^o^)

Sir TapTap

not bad... until $7 for shipping... slightly more pricey than i'd like :<

Free shipping over $50 or $60 or something, buy it with something else. I'll probably get it when I get Disgaea 5 and get another Etna rubber strap. Already got one but it'll eventually go bad since I'm using it on my keys


Free shipping over $50 or $60 or something, buy it with something else. I'll probably get it when I get Disgaea 5 and get another Etna rubber strap. Already got one but it'll eventually go bad since I'm using it on my keys

hmmm only game i want there is Disgaea 4 vita... but that costs $10 more here than on amazon lol.

Sir TapTap

hmmm only game i want there is Disgaea 4 vita... but that costs $10 more here than on amazon lol.

NIS store is mostly only good for exclusives, like limited editions of games, the nep doll/prinny plushies, wall scrolls, and these cuties

I buy from them at least a couple times a year for limited editions so I can almost always wait for free shipping


Unconfirmed Member
The LE versions are usually announced about a month before release so as Neptunia U is due end of May I expect to see the LE late April.

Yeah that sounds about right. Darn IF has a game coming out every single month :p I wonder if they are going to announce a couple non-Nep games soon?


Yeah that sounds about right. Darn IF has a game coming out every single month :p I wonder if they are going to announce a couple non-Nep games soon?

Well after Omega Quintet at end of April and Neptunia U end of May, the next known release is Rebirth 3 which is scheduled as "Summer" so anytime up to end of August and that's our lot until V II comes out :(

Been spoilt by multiple titles early in the year (4 by end of May) that its gonna be a long empty wait for the next ones.

Sir TapTap

do the last 2 vita games have anything good in the LE's in japan?

Noire had that noire chibi figure, don't know about Rebirth. The JP LEs usually have one much better item in them than the US ones

Edit: Anyone else actually use that calendar from the Reb 2 limited edition? It doubles as an artstand and has some nice pics. I was using the Histy nightgown one for a while and there's some ones that aren't in the game either:


oh yeah, its april now.


think i finally have sometime to go back to Noire srpg. Still kinda near the beginning, so its a good time to get dlc characters.

Any of them any fun, have decent movesets/ HDD etc? Guess I'm looking mostly at sting and claire.


It's basically to make up for the fact that FFF characters will never use more than one weapon. Since she's stuck with Cui, she has ridiculously inflated stats to compensate.
Well that and Fairize counting as an HDD state helps. And great Cure spells to boot.


Just started Chapter 8 on Hyperdevotion Noire and i'm fucked, i;ve barely used the CPUs outside of Noire, and now
I have thee three CPUs at around Level 40 having to fight 3 or 4 rounds against the Generals who are level 50+

The decision to grind or give up and move on is a tough one now.


Amazon and Videogamesplus have had the exact dates months before Idea Factory announced them for Re;birth 2 and Noire.


Phew, just had a marathon 4 hour session and finished Chapter 8, 9 and the game! FInal boss was tough, the first attempt lasted 40 minutes, but clearly I went in with the wrong tactics, was running away, resurrecting Rain and then using her to resurrect others, but then they were getting one hit by the boss....when I retried pressed continue after dying I realised i;d used all my ressurrection stuff, so I only had one attempt before turning off. I was down to 3 party members and
had only whittled off a few thousand HP so though "here's another wasted attempt, but decided to push on and buff Noire with Neptunias main buff, Ain Als buff and then Noires own buff, and then in the HDD modes second move I was able to get her with a critical special from behind for about 6000 damage

Great game. No desire to get any more trophies, i've pumped 30 hours in to this, time for a break!

Sir TapTap

Still need to get back to Noire, finishing a couple other Vita games I was closer to finishing first. Axiom Verge dominated these last few weeks

Sir TapTap

yeah this sucks... character model is real good though, better than any in the games :p

Unless Victory 2 comes out substantially better they should take a look at Live2D, it works really well. Though IMO the animated-2D whatever stuff in Rebirth and Victory works out pretty well. They do more with it in Noire but it's also a bit janky in new ways too.


There's only so much you can do with VN style portraits other than have them slide around. At least the VII ones have multiple poses.

Speaking of which, there was another demo event on the 4th, so have an intro movie/song(kinda reminds me of Persona 4 tunes). The uploader has a bunch more footage but it's mostly variations on the same demo, you can see a couple skills though and it's nice how smooth and polished the game is compared to previous outings.

Sir TapTap

bah. stupid vine videos.

wonder if loli histoire will appear in VII, or have a new 'alt universe' look like everyone else.

Dunno. Hope they keep the Victory costumes as alternates (I prefer Noire's and in general they're pretty good), Histoire's kinda tough though. I wonder if she'll be playable as a standard thing now or just in the rebirth games. And with ten eighty p maybe they could try and give her a more proper scale in 3D. I think she's supposed to be like 1 foot tall


Dunno. Hope they keep the Victory costumes as alternates (I prefer Noire's and in general they're pretty good), Histoire's kinda tough though. I wonder if she'll be playable as a standard thing now or just in the rebirth games. And with ten eighty p maybe they could try and give her a more proper scale in 3D. I think she's supposed to be like 1 foot tall

victory one maybe, full size histy seems about 2-3 feet tall.


Sir TapTap

Thanks to steamspy i just realised that Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 sold fucking well on Steam. Over 60000 Copies allready + invisible ones.


Damn, seems pretty good. Hopefully all their issues are sorted out for reb 2. How's reb 1 these days on Steam anyway? I bought it but didn't really play it much since I platinumed it on Vita (this is going to be a recurring problem). I figured I'd mess with it much later with some all characters/costumes unlocked mod/save.


Oh, I didn't know they narrowed down sales numbers over time, a couple days ago it was 50K +/- 13000 or so. Although I know that about 15% of Steam users never even got past the main menu, and the amount that got to their first battle is significantly less.
About the most surprising thing about those sales is how big a portion the Thailand audience is, but I'm also not really surprised because the community section was flooded with screenshots of an Asian version whose language I just couldn't recognize.

EDIT: Oh hey I guess this is a thing?

Do I make a topic about it or something? Doesn't seem like it'd concern non-San Franciscans(San Fransicites?).
Also woah that 21+ age restriction. That's probably the legal drinking age there right? I'm gonna assume that's why.
EDIT1.5: Durr, there already was a thread. Couldn't find it for some reason.

EDIT2: Might as well keep going with posting stuff (I'm bored and have nothing to do). Here's info on the updated Stella in RB3. Now it's just one dungeon like a regular roguelike, but with different sections. Also a new thing or two.


However, due to her demotion from main character to just another party member, she is treated like a punching bag via some strange backwards-compensation phenomenon. Some say it is because she has common sense in a group of people without any.
Return of the punching bag Mk2.

Sir TapTap

Looks like it was probably due to the last post he made (although it never got edited...)

It wasn't. Don't like to discuss bans but if you know him(?) on twitter you could ask.

Oh, I didn't know they narrowed down sales numbers over time, a couple days ago it was 50K +/- 13000 or so. Although I know that about 15% of Steam users never even got past the main menu, and the amount that got to their first battle is significantly less.

EDIT2: Might as well keep going with posting stuff (I'm bored and have nothing to do). Here's info on the updated Stella in RB3. Now it's just one dungeon like a regular roguelike, but with different sections. Also a new thing or two. .

Huh, the steam backlog stuff is crazy real. Almost all PSN games seem to be started, start-the-game trophies usually have like 95% ownership.

Poor Nepgear

edit: nvm Google Translate decided to translate the already english text, thanks

Sir TapTap

I am way to anxious to see what they have planned for the Neptunia U LE. I need!

I hope they start ramping up the quality of the goodies. Artbooks or a full OST at a minimum, wall scroll was good. No more lunch boxes please. Don't care about pins either.


I hope they start ramping up the quality of the goodies. Artbooks or a full OST at a minimum, wall scroll was good. No more lunch boxes please. Don't care about pins either.

The Japanese set had two drama CDs and a large screen cloth with Neptunia Artwork on. I'd wager we'll get the latter but not the drama CDs, and maybe another artbook.

Sir TapTap

I don't get screen cloth rewards. Hard to display, boring, not going to use them for their "intended" purpose. Figures, art books, OSTs, wall scrolls and fancy cases are all better rewards. I'd even prefer the weird calendar/art stand thing Reb 2 came with. The carrying case from reb 1 isn't a bad idea, but it's too big for me to actually use (not that I use carrying cases since my PSP prinny one.)


I don't get screen cloth rewards. Hard to display, boring, not going to use them for their "intended" purpose. Figures, art books, OSTs, wall scrolls and fancy cases are all better rewards. I'd even prefer the weird calendar/art stand thing Reb 2 came with. The carrying case from reb 1 isn't a bad idea, but it's too big for me to actually use (not that I use carrying cases since my PSP prinny one.)

TBF, all the items in Limited Editions I buy never get used (wallscroll still in box, OST still sealed etc) and artbooks get looked at a few times and that's about it. I just buy them because I want the nicest edition of these games :)

Sir TapTap

Even just for the "having" I prefer a nice little hardbound book over something silly. I won't use most if it means damaging them (I'll happily use my cheap Etna rubber strap but not the limited Neptune pixel art one...especially since it looks way worse than Etna), but I still want the contents to be nice. Even the cards FF Type 0 came with were kinda neat. If only the LE came with an option to turn off the motion blur...
The Japanese set had two drama CDs and a large screen cloth with Neptunia Artwork on. I'd wager we'll get the latter but not the drama CDs, and maybe another artbook.

Boo hope it's different. If it's the same as my import LE I will just buy the standard.

TBF, all the items in Limited Editions I buy never get used (wallscroll still in box, OST still sealed etc) and artbooks get looked at a few times and that's about it. I just buy them because I want the nicest edition of these games :)

Agreed, but I just have to have it sitting on my shelf :3


Never cared about merchandises so I don't really care about this situation but I can't help but laugh at "launchboxes".


Re;birth 1 and all of its DLC is 50% off on Steam. I see you changed the MSRP of the Vita version, but neglected to mention it's on Steam. *kicks CureVylash* I told you that you were a hater!
Hmm I didn't realize Nep U was out in May. I wonder if they will do a LE, pretty sure they will.

I'm planning on getting Neptunia U as my first game in the series and would ideally get the LE if there is one, do they usually get announced close to release? I'm not sure if I should preorder a standard version just in case.

Re;birth 1 and all of its DLC is 50% off on Steam.

Is the PC version a good port? I've always wanted to try the series out and was gonna start with U since I like Musou style games, but if the PC version of Re;birth 1 is good I'll start there.
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