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Hyperdimension Neptunia Community |OT| Pudding Pls (*´`) () (^o^)

Is the PC version a good port? I've always wanted to try the series out and was gonna start with U since I like Musou style games, but if the PC version of Re;birth 1 is good I'll start there.
PC port is great.

Had some issues with it at first (crashing after battles). Setting compatibility to Windows XP fixed it.
IF might have ironed things out by now as well.

Sir TapTap

PC port is great.

Had some issues with it at first (crashing after battles). Setting compatibility to Windows XP fixed it.
IF might have ironed things out by now as well.

They did a ton of patches after launch, haven't really played recently. It wasn't in perfect shape at launch but they seem to be taking it fairly seriously, even doing a beta for 2 presumably to avoid such issues. I think there's also a Durante patch for it for higher res though I'm unsure if it's still relevant to the most recent version.

I'm planning on getting Neptunia U as my first game in the series and would ideally get the LE if there is one, do they usually get announced close to release? I'm not sure if I should preorder a standard version just in case.

The standard edition won't sell out, at least Iv'e never seen that happen. LE are usually up around a month before launch on the IFI store.
PC port is great.

Had some issues with it at first (crashing after battles). Setting compatibility to Windows XP fixed it.
IF might have ironed things out by now as well.

Thanks that's good to know, for $15 it seems like a good time to start the series especially with U coming out soon.

They did a ton of patches after launch, haven't really played recently. It wasn't in perfect shape at launch but they seem to be taking it fairly seriously, even doing a beta for 2 presumably to avoid such issues. I think there's also a Durante patch for it for higher res though I'm unsure if it's still relevant to the most recent version.

The standard edition won't sell out, at least Iv'e never seen that happen. LE are usually up around a month before launch on the IFI store.

Oh ok thanks, I'll wait on pre-ordering standard in that case.

Sir TapTap

Just note there's some awkward difficulty spikes early on in Rebirth 1. Shouldn't be enough to deter you from beating it, just know it's not something to expect in the rest of the series really. I'd actually recommend starting with Reb 2 if not for 1 featuring the "main" characters where 2 focuses on the "sisters"/portables. Both also have some pacing issues and take too long to give you all your characters. Series seems to be getting better about that though.


So interesting VII spoiler, but
Croire is back.
Some people had already guessed this though.
Not a huge amount added to the website this week, mainly some Next form / Compa+IF screens and some info about quests and destructible objects in dungeons.


They're also running a lottery in Akihabara on 23 April (the game's release date), with prizes including the VAs' signatures, posters and a Purple Heart PS4 HDD bay cover signed by Tsunako.


EDIT: Dangit Huge Battleship!
Tiny update on the VII website. A couple more pictures of battles and dialogue, and some explanations on Quests (the usual stuff) and destructible objects (some requires higher levels to break and have items inside).

Wow, so nextgen. This really does look like a PS3 game now.

Grinding out quests is far more streamlined. Now there's a big fat indicator telling you what to kill and where.


Oh I'll get you next time.
Anyway, about that spoiler I mentioned earlier, I finally found a non-scan picture of it meaning I can actually post it here for once!(man does that rule get in the way of news)
So here's the spoiler and the article it showed up in.

Sir TapTap

Grinding out quests is far more streamlined. Now there's a big fat indicator telling you what to kill and where.


And the game looks pretty great IMO, if it's about as good as Shinovi Versus I'll be perfectly happy. Skills and character models are really the only important things, I'm fine with "so lastgen" looking environments, who cares. Do want more variety of environments though.
Actually using IF and Compa is probably Problem #1. They're...probably the worst characters in the game, possibly excepting some Makers. Viral enemies can also be surprisingly dangerous. I can't say I recall a specific difficulty spike there, but I know the drill well enough. Are you doing optional dungeons? They seem to expect you to work on plans and run through the optional dungeons. Make sure you have all the latest gear possible, I usually just buy the best physical defense items for my main crew, weapons for all, life rings as you already know.

BTW, the plan to make the game easier/harder has no other repercussions. It's not like Disgaea where you get lower reward for using a weaken enemies bill. So that's a tiny mercy (I don't know how much easier it really makes it though, it didn't seem super noticable)

Is compa that bad? I'm towards the end of Chapter 5, but I still use her every now and then because she's the only person I have with AOE heals.

Sir TapTap

Is compa that bad? I'm towards the end of Chapter 5, but I still use her every now and then because she's the only person I have with AOE heals.

Compa's pretty useless 95% of the time, yeah. Maybe have her as a switch-in but I just put people with the best passive abilities as support and never actually switch anyone in unless it's a crazy emergency. You get a moderate amount of AOE healing items and you shouldn't really run out of them if you use them responsibly. Plus Plutia is basically Compa but OP instead of awful. She has less healing abilities but she has at least one, I think it might be AOE too. I'd pretty much never consider her heals losing nearly an entire character's worth of damage per turn, especially since items have reduced wait and her healing skills have increased wait.

Plus I pretty rarely stand close enough to get full benefit of AOE heals, maybe 2 at most when both move together explicitly for healing. Best to spread out to avoid AOE.
Compa's pretty useless 95% of the time, yeah. Maybe have her as a switch-in but I just put people with the best passive abilities as support and never actually switch anyone in unless it's a crazy emergency. You get a moderate amount of AOE healing items and you shouldn't really run out of them if you use them responsibly. Plus Plutia is basically Compa but OP instead of awful. She has less healing abilities but she has at least one, I think it might be AOE too. I'd pretty much never consider her heals losing nearly an entire character's worth of damage per turn, especially since items have reduced wait and her healing skills have increased wait.

Plus I pretty rarely stand close enough to get full benefit of AOE heals, maybe 2 at most when both move together explicitly for healing. Best to spread out to avoid AOE.

Her 2nd AOE is pretty wide, so you can 50% HP healed without being close enough for both to be hit by same attack.

I haven't gotten Plutia yet, but I'll look for her later.


Her 2nd AOE is pretty wide, so you can 50% HP healed without being close enough for both to be hit by same attack.

I haven't gotten Plutia yet, but I'll look for her later.

If you're talking about Rebirth 1, then she's a DLC character.

Compa is just bad because you can have an item do what she can do.


Oh, that reminds me, there's yet another stream at some event in an hour and a half from this post (8PM Japan time). I can't find the link to it but it's a Niconico stream. Could be new stuff, could be old stuff.
EDIT: I found it.

Sir TapTap

Ugh, more Arfoire of course. Getting pretty tired of her being in every game, hopefully she's at least not the main villian.

Apparently Compile Heart acquired (part of?) Fellistella? Hopefully this doesn't mean Stella's Dungeon will be a recurring thing. Just make her a Maker and end the suffering.


Getting really sick of Arfoire too, make Croire the main villain for once

hopefully Compile Heart having a but of Felistalla means we'll see more Neptunia from them


Oh, they did the fanartist countdown thing with Victory too.
Also c'mon, what's with the Arfoire hate all of a sudden? We've known about her for a good while now. At most she'll be an early boss then reduced to comic relief for the rest of the game.
I wouldn't mind seeing a mention of whatever U's villain was but that's unlikely. Honestly the villain's probably gonna be something silly like Dark Orange or whoever the hell made Histoire and Croire.

Sir TapTap

Oh, they did the fanartist countdown thing with Victory too.
Also c'mon, what's with the Arfoire hate all of a sudden? We've known about her for a good while now. At most she'll be an early boss then reduced to comic relief for the rest of the game.
I wouldn't mind seeing a mention of whatever U's villain was but that's unlikely. Honestly the villain's probably gonna be something silly like Dark Orange or whoever the hell made Histoire and Croire.

Didn't know she was in. She's just...boring. She is fine in individual appearances but she never really changes or does much of interest. She was best in Victory because it just had the best villain writing all around but still something new would be preferable.

I think I need help. Croire still looks like a trap. I don't know why.

Delicious legs, though.

She's just boyish


I've not met Croire yet, still need to complete Victory, things in life got in the way and I've just not been able to get back into into it for some reason. I'm sure I will one day though before V2 comes out, busy trying to plat rebirth 2 at the moment and just playing other games.

Sir TapTap

Victory is quite good, first game that really "got it" in regards to combat--I kinda appreciate what Mk2 tried to do with SP but transforming and grinding SP was just too much of a chore.

Also like I said it has proper villain writing for once, not even just "okay slapstick villain" like Pirachu (still prefer that name to Warechu). Scouts were a terrible idea though. Honestly it seems like they always add in one thing that's a horribly stupid idea each game. Mk2 added way too many endings in a game that doesn't really support that well, Victory added scouts, Reb 1 screwed up the difficulty curve, Reb 2 has the awful Stella's Dungeon. It's like they take 3 steps forward each game but have one flaw that makes them incredibly annoying to completionists.

Though I think some games do that on purpose. Looking at you, Dangold Ronpaul 1&2


Yeah, mk2 I didn't find too hard to plat as I just saved before the ending on my second play through, grinded the required shares out, got the ending and then just loaded the save again for another ending, was still annoying though and I think most of the endings could have just been made achievable by averaging out each city to say 20% each minimum.

Agreed with rb2 though, I did find it fun initially but I'm missing some required dungeons to get certain items to continue the last tower and I need certain endings for that, plus I just don't want to do the bad ending again! :p


Unconfirmed Member
I honestly think V is more annoying with grinding. Still need to beat it myself (when I get time), but I find it way more grindy than I recall when playing mk2.

Sir TapTap

NG+ makes some of the endings a huge pain, moreso in Rebirth 2. Certain crap for crafting is only in the True ending, so if you start a new cycle too soon you're screwed, or if you go for Conquest too early you need to do another cycle for holy sword. IF you majorly plan it all out you can do it without too much fuss, but it can add multiple playthroughs if you don't plan it all out right, and there's really little point in a replay. Victory has the right idea with the postgame, though it's endings are still a bit annoying (only 3 is a small mercy though)


Am I cheating? I unlocked the
fight at like level 52 and won... twice >.>
new sword as a reward is WTF crazy. It hits so damn hard. Like 3x more powerful than the one I was currently using.

Now, I'm going around and trying to unlock all the
pieces. I think I only need to unlock 1 or 2 more. Also, I'm trying to get
Symbol Attack On
plan from
. I build my EXE meter to Level 4 off trash mobs, then just use Level 2 Neptune HDD move twice and it's dead. Because, at Level 80~, it takes forever when he regens 13k~ each of his turns and hits like a damn truck. So far, of the two times I've fought him, only the
Large Medal N
has dropped. But it still feels like I'm being cheap.

Sir TapTap

Did I miss a japanese stream? I saw some people tweeting new screenshots

Am I cheating? I unlocked the
fight at like level 52 and won... twice >.>
new sword as a reward is WTF crazy. It hits so damn hard. Like 3x more powerful than the one I was currently using.

Now, I'm going around and trying to unlock all the
pieces. I think I only need to unlock 1 or 2 more. Also, I'm trying to get
Symbol Attack On
plan from
. I build my EXE meter to Level 4 off trash mobs, then just use Level 2 Neptune HDD move twice and it's dead. Because, at Level 80~, it takes forever when he regens 13k~ each of his turns and hits like a damn truck. So far, of the two times I've fought him, only the
Large Medal N
has dropped. But it still feels like I'm being cheap.

Yes, that "anime DLC" sword is the second most powerful in the game only second to the one in the holy sword, using it is basically cheating. But if you're at the point where you're grinding for plans and clothes and stuff it's probably not a big deal, not like the difficulty curve past the final boss makes any sense.

Uh are you sure you're fighting the right enemy? Map bosses usually have a near 100% drop rate and I don't think anything with a medal drops anything but a medal. Item drop disks are also super important for farming, but symbol attack on/symbol gain are also amazing. The swimsuits didn't take half the time I expected with all of that set up.

Shame there is basically nothing left to do with any of the fancy clothing since most of it is basically postgame unlock grinding only, wish they'd cut that out.

New countdown image. Hoping the entire thing isn't Arfoire themed.

Hopefully the big reveal is the big bad actually isn't Arfoire but someone with an actual motivation. Story/characterization will be a huge step back from Victory if we're just back to Arfoire's "destroy the world because am evil" stuff


Did I miss a japanese stream? I saw some people tweeting new screenshots

Yes, that "anime DLC" sword is the second most powerful in the game only second to the one in the holy sword, using it is basically cheating. But if you're at the point where you're grinding for plans and clothes and stuff it's probably not a big deal, not like the difficulty curve past the final boss makes any sense.

Uh are you sure you're fighting the right enemy? Map bosses usually have a near 100% drop rate and I don't think anything with a medal drops anything but a medal. Item drop disks are also super important for farming, but symbol attack on/symbol gain are also amazing. The swimsuits didn't take half the time I expected with all of that set up.

Shame there is basically nothing left to do with any of the fancy clothing since most of it is basically postgame unlock grinding only, wish they'd cut that out.

I'm referring to this page here for drops: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/708361-hyperdimension-neptunia-rebirth1/69979177

It says the mob I mentioned drops it, but I've killed it twice now and no drop. Maybe it isn't 100%. Like, I was in that zone and was building EXE meter on trash mobs and got an Angelic Tome to drop (assuming from one of those small mobs that have the wings and 3 red dots).

And I'm just now on Chapter 7. Which sucks, because I'm doing this with
no HDD for Neptune and Noire, Blanc, and Vert all left my party.
So, I'm with Peashy and Plutia. Which is fine, they do good work. Peashy hits like a semi.

Is there a good way to grind the Lily Ranks? I've had Compa partnered with Nepune like the whole game and she's just rank 5. I know it's pretty pointless past 3, I think, anyways, but I guess I'm trying to do as much as I can to 100% this.

Sir TapTap

I'm referring to this page here for drops: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/708361-hyperdimension-neptunia-rebirth1/69979177

It says the mob I mentioned drops it, but I've killed it twice now and no drop. Maybe it isn't 100%. Like, I was in that zone and was building EXE meter on trash mobs and got an Angelic Tome to drop (assuming from one of those small mobs that have the wings and 3 red dots).

And I'm just now on Chapter 7. Which sucks, because I'm doing this with
no HDD for Neptune and Noire, Blanc, and Vert all left my party.
So, I'm with Peashy and Plutia. Which is fine, they do good work. Peashy hits like a semi.

Is there a good way to grind the Lily Ranks? I've had Compa partnered with Nepune like the whole game and she's just rank 5. I know it's pretty pointless past 3, I think, anyways, but I guess I'm trying to do as much as I can to 100% this.

Oh, I guess that's right then, I thought medals were the only drops where they appeared. Like I said, get that item drop thing to help with farming in general.

Once again, disks are EXTREMELY helpful for lily ranks, speeding it up by several times. I think symbol gain counts for it too. You should really make item drop and lilly rank rate up disks ASAP, most other disk effects are pretty useless in comparison. It takes a few minutes to get someone near max with proper lilly rank disks on both partners and symbol gain, it would take like an hour or more doing it without assistance.


Oh, I guess that's right then, I thought medals were the only drops where they appeared. Like I said, get that item drop thing to help with farming in general.

Once again, disks are EXTREMELY helpful for lily ranks, speeding it up by several times. I think symbol gain counts for it too. You should really make item drop and lilly rank rate up disks ASAP, most other disk effects are pretty useless in comparison. It takes a few minutes to get someone near max with proper lilly rank disks on both partners and symbol gain, it would take like an hour or more doing it without assistance.

Yeah, I have the item drop one already, but it feels like it's not on sometimes :p. I haven't made any discs yet (I'm still gathering the mats for them). However, I have the spreadsheet for what it all takes to make all the Godly discs. And okay, I'll look into that disc first. So, making one disc will only sit with one person, correct? If I wanted to have 3 of the same Godly disc, I would have to make 3 discs, correct? How many discs total do you get throughout the game? I think I have around maybe 10~15 right now.

Sir TapTap

Yeah, I have the item drop one already, but it feels like it's not on sometimes :p. I haven't made any discs yet (I'm still gathering the mats for them). However, I have the spreadsheet for what it all takes to make all the Godly discs. And okay, I'll look into that disc first. So, making one disc will only sit with one person, correct? If I wanted to have 3 of the same Godly disc, I would have to make 3 discs, correct? How many discs total do you get throughout the game? I think I have around maybe 10~15 right now.

I never even bothered making the godly disks since mk2, I don't think any of them are actually very useful? If it doesn't reduce grinding it's basically junk or only needed for X Treme coliseum battles. You get one disk for each medal...not sure how many. 26 if there's the full alphabet I guess?

Just immediately make 4 of the best item drop disks and as many Lily Rank boost disks as you can IMO. No sense grinding for them unless you have no level 5 (that's the max right?) drop/lilly disks. You only use a single one and the non-grindy attachments on the disk are worthless--add paralyze chance and magic/physical defense if you can, no big deal if you can't.

Though technically for Lily Rank you only really need 2 for Nepgear + Guest for any story/plan related lily rank requirements.


I never even bothered making the godly disks since mk2, I don't think any of them are actually very useful? If it doesn't reduce grinding it's basically junk or only needed for X Treme coliseum battles. You get one disk for each medal...not sure how many. 26 if there's the full alphabet I guess?

Just immediately make 4 of the best item drop disks and as many Lily Rank boost disks as you can IMO. No sense grinding for them unless you have no level 5 (that's the max right?) drop/lilly disks. You only use a single one and the non-grindy attachments on the disk are worthless--add paralyze chance and magic/physical defense if you can, no big deal if you can't.

Though technically for Lily Rank you only really need 2 for Nepgear + Guest for any story/plan related lily rank requirements.

Yeah, I'm not really sure how high the Lily Ranks go up. Neptune and Compa are a 5 (my highest, yet), but I've read 10 was the highest. I cannot confirm, though.

Sir TapTap

I thought it was 8, or maybe that's just when "Love" starts. I forget what maxes you need for endings, I think the actual partner benefits stop at like 3 or 4.Not a big fan of the lily rank system, it's really slow, seems to ignore who you fight with (as opposed to who you pair with). The "back row" team is also pretty useless IMO beyond their passive buffs. Losing the turn is almost never worth it unless the front character is out of SP and SP, and the combo skills are really bad--so crazy specific only a few pairs of characters can even do them, and the "both need to be in the same HDD/human form" requirement kills it even more. Could do with a big revamp of lily/partner stuff.

Was surprised they included it in Omega Quintet too...not even sure what it does in that game.


I think you guys might be confusing each other with different info/mechanics from RB1 and RB2?
Did I miss a japanese stream? I saw some people tweeting new screenshots

I mentioned one a couple posts above but couldn't actually watch. Could you link those screens/tweets?


I thought it was 8, or maybe that's just when "Love" starts. I forget what maxes you need for endings, I think the actual partner benefits stop at like 3 or 4.Not a big fan of the lily rank system, it's really slow, seems to ignore who you fight with (as opposed to who you pair with). The "back row" team is also pretty useless IMO beyond their passive buffs. Losing the turn is almost never worth it unless the front character is out of SP and SP, and the combo skills are really bad--so crazy specific only a few pairs of characters can even do them, and the "both need to be in the same HDD/human form" requirement kills it even more. Could do with a big revamp of lily/partner stuff.

Was surprised they included it in Omega Quintet too...not even sure what it does in that game.

Ok, so that brings up a question I have about the Coupling Skill. I have yet to take advantage of it, but how does it work? Say Neptune and Noire have a C.Skill that requires both to be in HDD form. Do I put Neptune in HDD form, swap Noire to front, put her in HDD form, then swap back (or use Noire as the C.Skill starter)? Since I haven't put this into practice, I have no idea. But if it is that way, bleh... What a pain!

I think you guys might be confusing each other with different info/mechanics from RB1 and RB2?

Just in case we are, for any reason, I'm referring to RB1.

Sir TapTap

I think you guys might be confusing each other with different info/mechanics from RB1 and RB2?

I mentioned one a couple posts above but couldn't actually watch. Could you link those screens/tweets?

Oh, which Rebirth is it? Almost everything I said applies to both except the nepgear and endings thing though.

I tried to search on twitter and there's assorted info, like here's some new breakable stuff: http://www.siliconera.com/2015/04/1...y-breaking-objects-items/#qJE9EMiYGoBsiKSK.01

I must have missed something fairly major but japanese only so I guess not many western sources picked it up


Oh, that's just from a week old update from the Nep VII website, and before that it was in a magazine. The pictures must have been that.


The If! press event is today right? I wonder if we'll get an Neptunia info, hopefully the Neptunia U LE will be revealed.
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