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LEGO City Undercover |OT| This city has no ports


I notice it saves if you go and change an option like camera invert.

Can you use this to save game progress?

The easiest way we all in the thread used to save our game was to go inside a police booth and back out again. That saves your progress as well!


The easiest way we all in the thread used to save our game was to go inside a police booth and back out again. That saves your progress as well!

Yah. I was just wondering if changing a setting saves as well. It says it does, but maybe it's a setting thing and not game progress.

Fantastic game by the way.


Yah. I was just wondering if changing a setting saves as well. It says it does, but maybe it's a setting thing and not game progress.

Fantastic game by the way.

Glad you're liking it. It's a shame not that many got to experience it. While at it's core it is still a LEGO game, in my opinion it tried so many new things and really suceeded there.
I'm still without a Wii U, but when I do finally get one, you best believe that this will be the first game I get! (Change that name to Lego City: Most Wanted! )

I cracked under pressure long ago and watched a ton of gameplay on YouTube though... I hope that doesn't make the experience any less.


The Birthday Skeleton
I cracked under pressure long ago and watched a ton of gameplay on YouTube though... I hope that doesn't make the experience any less.

I just hope you didn't watch the ending, the final missions. You will still enjoy playing them, but it will spoil the surprise.


How do I get an npc out of the way? I'm in the scrap yard and I'm sliding off a car but studski just stands there and I can't move.


The Birthday Skeleton
How do I get an npc out of the way? I'm in the scrap yard and I'm sliding off a car but studski just stands there and I can't move.

They are usually following you, so try to go to another part of the set. It happened to me too in the scrapyard.


They are usually following you, so try to go to another part of the set. It happened to me too in the scrapyard.
I was sliding off a car so I had no control and studski was standing next to the car preventing me from hitting the ground.

I had to quit out and redo that level.


Are there any developer reviews with this game? Seems like a fascinating concept - the developers, the use of the license and nintendo's involvement.

Are the other Lego games really faithful to the toys as well? I'd like to get an insight into how Lego gets involved with TT. Like do they give them a bunch of models to use and stuff?
Just wondering, how many hours did it take for those who 100% completed this game? I've already put in 44 hours and I'm at like 40%. wtf


I would bang a hot farmer!
Just wondering, how many hours did it take for those who 100% completed this game? I've already put in 44 hours and I'm at like 40%. wtf
Finally went back and 100% it today.


Also, spoiler for after you get 100%.

I didn't use any guides. Once you get the scanner upgrades it make it easy to find everything.
Finally got my hands a copy of this game. It's really the reason I got a Wii U along with Super Mario. As a huge fan of the more recent Lego games and an AFOL, I can't wait to sink many many hours into this. Woo!


Although there is one weird thing: I only have 46/47 Special 1 characters. Was there a character with a code somewhere I don't have?
Never mind! Loaded it up again late last night to go searching for other post-100% bonuses (there is one more, at least…) and I found all 47 were there. Must've been flaking out on me temporarily.


Neo Member
Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.

Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.


Whoa, so you were involved with the development in some way I take it? Time to do a NeoGAF Q&A session, in my opinion! :)


Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.


Don't apologize, I loved them!

Whoa, so you were involved with the development in some way I take it? Time to do a NeoGAF Q&A session, in my opinion! :)

100 times this! Would be great to have you answer some question if you are allowed to.


Neo Member
I was the writer yup, I also had a great script editor in the shape of Andrew Walsh who I'd run the script past every few weeks so he could remind me to put jokes where I'd forgotten to.

I can probably answer some questions, sure, although nothing like an official Q&A as I'm not an official representative of the company. i.e. my opinions are my own and don't reflect blah-de-blah. That said, there's really no dirt as it was a pretty damn wonderful experience writing the game and going to the recording sessions.
I was the writer yup, I also had a great script editor in the shape of Andrew Walsh who I'd run the script past every few weeks so he could remind me to put jokes where I'd forgotten to.

I can probably answer some questions, sure, although nothing like an official Q&A as I'm not an official representative of the company. i.e. my opinions are my own and don't reflect blah-de-blah. That said, there's really no dirt as it was a pretty damn wonderful experience writing the game and going to the recording sessions.

So, were there any major changes to the script, such as a massive change to the plot? Were there other ideas for the final campaign level besides
being set in space

Thanks for taking the time to post in here by the way. LCU is probably my favorite Wii U game overall, and I certainly spent more time with it than any other game so far (though SM3DW is slowly catching up), so it's exciting to see someone involved with the development in here.
Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.


I was the writer yup, I also had a great script editor in the shape of Andrew Walsh who I'd run the script past every few weeks so he could remind me to put jokes where I'd forgotten to.

I can probably answer some questions, sure, although nothing like an official Q&A as I'm not an official representative of the company. i.e. my opinions are my own and don't reflect blah-de-blah. That said, there's really no dirt as it was a pretty damn wonderful experience writing the game and going to the recording sessions.
I just want to say you and the team did a hell of a job. This is without doubt the best Lego game I've played yet and my favorite Wii U game too. I loved the story and the dialogue in particular. So thanks!

My only question would be if there will be another in the series, but I suspect you can't answer that.


Neo Member
So, were there any major changes to the script, such as a massive change to the plot? Were there other ideas for the final campaign level besides
being set in space

Oh yeah, I don't think there's any game project were you don't end up chucking away 50% of the script and writing a new 50% because of gameplay changes. The script is entirely subservient to the design of the game, which is as it should be in my opinion. I'll be honest, occasionally I would get precious about a joke and do my damndest to keep it in, but if it impacts the gameplay negatively, it has to be cut. Or if it bloats and already massively overlong cutscene, it has to be cut. As for massive changes - no. We had a very solid skeleton early on and it was just a case of fleshing it out.

The ending was always going to be a big
style affair, as I recall. That wasn't anything I came up with, though. That was the design. As I say, the script was entirely design-led.

Thanks for taking the time to post in here by the way. LCU is probably my favorite Wii U game overall, and I certainly spent more time with it than any other game so far (though SM3DW is slowly catching up), so it's exciting to see someone involved with the development in here.

It's my pleasure - I've been lurking on Neogaf for yonks anyway. :) I suspect there's plenty of others from the dev-team here, it's just that they're smart enough to keep their yaps shut. ;)


Neo Member
I just want to say you and the team did a hell of a job. This is without doubt the best Lego game I've played yet and my favorite Wii U game too. I loved the story and the dialogue in particular. So thanks!

My only question would be if there will be another in the series, but I suspect you can't answer that.

Cheers and thanks. :) And yeah, I absolutely cannot comment on that kinda stuff.
Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.


Loved the game, and the script was truly amazing. Took the number 4 spot in my GOTY list :)
Thanks. And, for me personally, that's higher than I've ever placed on any other list. ;)
Well it was #2 on my list! And the writing was one of the main reasons why, tremendous job. WIthout a doubt one of the funniest games I have played.

And my unsolicited pitch for a game:

Chase McCain
Frank Honey
Time Machine
Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.


So great to see you posting here. :) I just finished the story portion of the game a couple days ago and had so much fun with it. The charming, witty story was no small part of that enjoyment. I can't remember the last time a game made me legitimately laugh like that. Such a joy.

And my unsolicited pitch for a game:

Chase McCain
Frank Honey
Time Machine

In my extremely biased opinion: yes, please.


Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.


Really loved the game, and I thought the script and humor was one of the greatest parts of it. :)
Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.


Great performances, and one of the better written games I've played. Welcome!


Neo Member
Ha :) Frank's an odd one. I suspect if there were even a *smidge* more of him in the game people would have been all "Oh, yeah - he's actually really annoying." - in fact I know there are a small minority of people for whom he's Jar Jar Binks in a police uniform. He was my favourite one to write, though, as writing idiots makes writing jokes really easy - and if I am anything, it's lazy. ;) You just make them misinterpret *everything* and et voila.

The actor who played him, Trevor White, won an award for his performance, which was really nice.


Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.


The humor and dialogue were great in LCU. This is the only LEGO game in recent years thay I've managed to finish (fair is fair, I had to review it, but it's the only one that kept me playing and where I had a lot of fun). I hope you'll be working on another original LEGO game that's not based on movies and where you can have creative freedom again.


Hey, welcome! Really loved the game.

Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.
The Morgan Freeman bits made up for any slight received.

(And then the LEGO Movie actually had Morgan Freeman… zow.)

Which came first from a writing perspective—LCU or The Chase Begins? And maybe you can't answer this, but were equal writing efforts put into both?


DrDerekDrs said:
Hullo. Sorry to bump, but I finally got a password for Neogaf (woo!) and I just wanted to pop on to say thanks for all the nice things people said about the script for the game in this thread. Cheers, and apologies for the Arnold Schwarzenegger bits.
Congratulations, man! The script was great, and the use of people like Peter Serafinowicz and Adam Buxton was genius. I hope you get to work on something similarly "out there" again soon.


Neo Member
LCU was written first, I only wrote the cutscenes for Chase Begins so I couldn't comment on other aspects of its writing.

And yup, the freedom in writing was amazing on LCU. I was reading Rhianna Pratchett's post about freelance writing on games and how sometimes you really don't get to shape anything and it made me realise just how lucky my position is.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Finished the game yesterday. The final section was something else! The writing and humour is the best part of the game, the rest (missions in particular) became a drag to play through, especially if you've played Lego games before. Maybe it's because I was only doing the story missions. Is there anything fun to do after you finish the game, some optional content that's worth it? Getting 100% in this game seems like a huge chore, I finished it at 26%...

Best bit of dialogue was when Honey mounted the horse on the wrong side and said "so that's why he wasn't happy when I fed him that apple". Love that they put jokes like that in.


I did a good bit of post-game, then put it down for a very long time. When I came back to it (twice) and ultimately 100%ed it on the second time, it was more a reminder of what I loved about the game and made me want a sequel rather than an exercise in tedium.


The Birthday Skeleton
Finished the game yesterday. The final section was something else! The writing and humour is the best part of the game, the rest (missions in particular) became a drag to play through, especially if you've played Lego games before. Maybe it's because I was only doing the story missions. Is there anything fun to do after you finish the game, some optional content that's worth it? Getting 100% in this game seems like a huge chore, I finished it at 26%...

Best bit of dialogue was when Honey mounted the horse on the wrong side and said "so that's why he wasn't happy when I fed him that apple". Love that they put jokes like that in.

What I did is to take a break after finishing the story and come back later to do that 100%.


I've got this game on the way. I'm pretty excited to check it out! I have been meaning to try it for some time but there are just so many other games to play... And its my first Lego game ever, if you can believe that.
This was my first LEGO game also, if you don't count playing and hour worth of demos of the other LEGO games over the course of a few years. It's a fun game.
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