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LEGO City Undercover |OT| This city has no ports


Just bought a WiiU but went for the MK pack instead of this game. Maybe I should had read about it first, it sounds damn awesome.

Phil S.

LEGO City Undercover is definitely one of my favorite original Wii U games. The humor of the dialogue, the awesome city that is dense with collectibles and things to do, how fun the world is to explore, etc.

Thankfully this won't be a rare game, so it'll be easy to find in the future, so no worries if you can't get it now!
Hate to bump this thread but: What's the deal with the price and scarcity of this game?

I've been wanting to try this out for many months but the price for a new copy is STILL $45-50 and none of my local Gamestops or Mom n' Pops ever have the game traded in. It's like some niche JRPG that's hard to find. The irony is that they regularly sell every other Lego game ever made for $5 during sales and such and yet this one is nowhere to be found.


Hate to bump this thread but: What's the deal with the price and scarcity of this game?

I've been wanting to try this out for many months but the price for a new copy is STILL $45-50 and none of my local Gamestops or Mom n' Pops ever have the game traded in. It's like some niche JRPG that's hard to find. The irony is that they regularly sell every other Lego game ever made for $5 during sales and such and yet this one is nowhere to be found.

Published by Nintendo. It's also possible those that own it have kept it and not traded it. Hard to know if Nintendo is still printing copies but I would imagine they might be but in smaller batches. Unless copies I've seen in stores are from the initial run. It's worth the full price I feel but it being published by Nintendo is likely why the price hasn't dropped. People must be buying them as well at the full price for stores not to slash it themselves just to clear out stock if they have any.


Hate to bump this thread but: What's the deal with the price and scarcity of this game?

I've been wanting to try this out for many months but the price for a new copy is STILL $45-50 and none of my local Gamestops or Mom n' Pops ever have the game traded in. It's like some niche JRPG that's hard to find. The irony is that they regularly sell every other Lego game ever made for $5 during sales and such and yet this one is nowhere to be found.

i'm glad this thread got bumped so i can big-up it again

it's still pricey sure, but it's also still the best Lego game ever made.
Yeah, I guess the reason there aren't too many trade-ins is because the game is just that good!

Though I'm a bit bugged that I still don't have a Wii U to play this game... I know that this will be one of the first games, if not the first game, I get for the Wii U. I've been waiting so long to actually play this! XD


I wanted to buy it new, but yeah, the price doesn't really drop. I ended up buying it used for 35 (well, 10, after using ebay credit) a while ago.
Is this game worth getting at full price still? This is one of those Lego games I've always heard was real good, and like most Lego games, I kept hoping some day it would go down in price. Sadly it seems because this was published by Nintendo, the idea of ever going down in price never happened, and instead even used copies of the game go for $40.

I have kinda gotten to the point where I submit to the fact that I'm probably not gonna get it cheaper, so I wanted to ask if it's worth getting even when it's close to full price still? Is it the best Lego game on the Wii U, or am I better off getting one of the cheaper ones like Lego Batman 3, or Lego movie?


The Birthday Skeleton
Is this game worth getting at full price still? This is one of those Lego games I've always heard was real good, and like most Lego games, I kept hoping some day it would go down in price. Sadly it seems because this was published by Nintendo, the idea of ever going down in price never happened, and instead even used copies of the game go for $40.

I have kinda gotten to the point where I submit to the fact that I'm probably not gonna get it cheaper, so I wanted to ask if it's worth getting even when it's close to full price still? Is it the best Lego game on the Wii U, or am I better off getting one of the cheaper ones like Lego Batman 3, or Lego movie?

It is the best Lego game in my opinion. My girlfriend is really passionate about LEGO games lately, so she played Lego Batman 2, Lego City Undercover and Lego Pirates of the Carribean back to back practically. I watched and so I remembered how great this game was (I played it at launch). The story of LCU, with all the movie references and the jokes and the very nicely done characters (without the backing of a movie) and the huge amount of content that is has and the diversity of the content puts LCU way above any other LEGO game I played and saw. I played also Lego The Movie and a bit of Lego Batman 3, so I have a pretty good basis for comparison. There is no other Lego game like this.

Edit: be aware of the big loading times (at the start of the game and when you switch between the city and the police station - which shouldn't happen too often)


Yes. The size of the game is pretty impressive and the humor is genuinely funny. To this day I still think it's worth the full price. I still go back to it from time to time.
Agreed. I've been toying with a replay myself…


Agreed. I've been toying with a replay myself…
So I actually started replaying this a week or so ago.

I wish I could skip the levels and just stick to the city. The city is the best part of this game by far. Levels were okay the first time, but the city has more staying power.

Reminds me of how every time I replay Ocarina of Time I think that I'd rather primarily play dungeons and skip walking across the slow overworld.


Not sure what the rule is for old OT threads, but the game just came out on the PS4, XB1, and NS today. More people get to play it now!
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