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Life Is Strange |OT| Rewinder Me


I think it's a fair critique, but enough of the elements were poignant enough that it made it worth it. Plus the slight horror elements worked on me since I was playing that part pretty late at night.

Man, that final decision in the game, though. I was staring at the screen for like 10 minutes trying to figure out which one I should take. Eventually I decided to
sacrifice Chloe (though I would've preferred the wording "Save Chloe" and "Save Arcadia Bay"), mostly for three reasons: 1) although there were a lot of assholes in the town, there were also way too many innocent bystanders, 2) Chloe herself had accepted her fate and denying that would've not completed her character arc in my opinion, and 3) Chloe was right in that it felt she was "destined" to die, when practically every reality had her die in some form or another, and the only reality in which she lived was so obviously fucked from a physical and moral standpoint that it was obvious she just wasn't meant to live.

I actually really liked that ending, and I was surprised so many people felt it was weak. I think it was very meaningful. I know some people complain that it "undoes" everything you do, but I think it makes sense as to why that's the most "correct" way of doing things. It kind of closes the circle across all 5 episodes for me, because I realized that the whole game was essentially Max trying to defy reality and refusing to accept Chloe's death. Then reality fights back. At every turn Chloe is fucked. If she doesn't die from Nathan, she'll die by train, or die by tornado, or die by Jefferson. Max then just goes all out and tries to change everything from the very "beginning" when her dad dies, and yep she dies in that reality too.

It's at Episode 5 where the hopelessness unravels. Episode 3's "photo time jump" was such a big leap, and in Ep 5 she had to make tons of them. She needed to constantly jump across realities just to "advance" an inch. Even the "best" timeline where she wins the contest, Jefferson gets arrested, and she's basking in the glory of everyone admiring her work, Max firmly believes the timeline is not fixed because the tornado still flattens the town and kills Chloe. Even in the best outcome the world is fucked. By the time you finally make it with Chloe out of harms way at the light house I realized this was just wrong. It wasn't satisfying. Yes, I saved Chloe, but the cost was enormous and the time leap abuse was just too much.

It's about that old adage about how the only winning move is not to play. It's not about the story of some intrepid hero who saves the world by changing little things about time, it's about the finality of letting go. She has all this power, and over the course of a week she's tested physically, mentally, and morally, and she goes through hell and high water to do what she genuinely believes right. But at the end of the day, fate and time and the "proper" order of the world is still there. After Max decides to let Nathan kill Chloe in the bathroom and after seeing how everything else unraveled, I thought "yeah, this actually was the best outcome all things considered". After the murder, Nathan rats out Jefferson, which means his plan and the "Dark Room" get discovered, the incident with Kate becomes obvious once they go over the photo binders so she gets the help she needs instead of getting bullied, etc. Things don't work out for a universally happy ending, but with the way all the plot threads concluded in that reality, I really felt like it was the most natural. It's not about Max just going back in time to that bathroom that she's just "undoing" what she did throughout the game, it's her having finally realized after everything that has happened that the original, most natural "timeline" was simply the objectively "correct" one. It just took her all that time to finally come to terms with that.

Anyway, I was just typing what came to mind so forgive me if some of that sounds like random rambling, but I really felt the ending I chose was one of the best conclusions to any game I've played. It was just the right amount of bittersweet. If they can keep up this kind of quality for Season 2 I'm definitely on board!

Definitely agreed. You're hitting on some of the same points I made after I finished the game a page or so ago. I loved that ending and how it fit into everything.
I just finished episode 4.
Fuck everything.
I had to go outside for a cigarette after that.

I then turned to my friend who has been watching my entire playthrough who was equally shook and I said:

"I was onto that old hipster fucks game from day 1."

leng jai

Took me a while but I found this finally:


OST cover art from the LE edition.
And now I just finished it all.
What a ride.

Fuck arcadia. Yeah i wiped it off the map what of it? Then we drove into the sunset no fucks given.


Couldn't find a better thread to ask a question.

Through entirely no fault of my own, some idiot managed to blurt out what seems like it could be a huge spoiler. And being the OCD person I am, I now can't forget it. I'll say what they said in spoiler tags below.

I bought the collector edition. How badly is the game spoiled? Like, if something that happens in Episode 1 has been spoiled for me, I don't care. If this is the solution to the whole case, I'll be very upset. Or if it's the solution, but it's a very small part of the overall experience, that'd be good to know.


"I never guessed it was Jefferson!"

That's all this person said before I inflicted MASSIVE GLARES OF RAGE AND FURY at him

Thanks for any advice!


Couldn't find a better thread to ask a question.

Through entirely no fault of my own, some idiot managed to blurt out what seems like it could be a huge spoiler. And being the OCD person I am, I now can't forget it. I'll say what they said in spoiler tags below.

I bought the collector edition. How badly is the game spoiled? Like, if something that happens in Episode 1 has been spoiled for me, I don't care. If this is the solution to the whole case, I'll be very upset. Or if it's the solution, but it's a very small part of the overall experience, that'd be good to know.


"I never guessed it was Jefferson!"

That's all this person said before I inflicted MASSIVE GLARES OF RAGE AND FURY at him

Thanks for any advice!

It's... ah... bad, a late game spoiler for sure. My advice - go for it, the central mystery of the game is only a small piece of its charms. There is a lot left to experience, definitely not the only mystery there is in this game :)


I chose the opposite ending.

I've meddled so much in time that I felt morally obligated to continue on with the abuse of power that I chose to wield. I destroyed the town from the beginning trying to fix every problem, and now I can ultimately fix the final destruction by wielding that same power. No, this time I'm going to accept the destruction and let events unfold with out my intervention. Enough meddling.

Phenomenal game.

That was my exact same reasoning as well. It kinda fit with the whole coming of age thing too. Also, it was simply not as cliche.


I chose the opposite ending.

I've meddled so much in time that I felt morally obligated to continue on with the abuse of power that I chose to wield. I destroyed the town from the beginning trying to fix every problem, and now I can ultimately fix the final destruction by wielding that same power. No, this time I'm going to accept the destruction and let events unfold with out my intervention. Enough meddling.

Phenomenal game.

Yup. That was my exact reasoning as well. No guarantees were given that meddling further wouldn't just fuck everything up even more.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Just finished it. Aside from that dull
stealth sequence
, the game was phenomenal.

As for the ending..
Fuck Arcadia, Chloe all the way.


Just finished it. Aside from that dull
stealth sequence
, the game was phenomenal.

As for the ending..
Fuck Arcadia, Chloe all the way.

Yeah, i didn't go through so much shit to sacrifice her at the end. pff Arcadia ... and you never know, maybe some people survived in the bunker.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Me and you.
We just became best friends, see above.

Yeah, i didn't go through so much shit to sacrifice her at the end. pff Arcadia ... and you never know, maybe some people survived in the bunker.

Yeah, I didn't go through all those alternate realities just to sacrifice Chloe to save a bunch of characters that didn't mean as much to me as Chloe did.

Well, besides Kat, Joyce and Pompidou. I hope they survived.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Btw, the packaging for the PS4 limited edition release says it includes the director's commentary, but when I select that option on the game's start screen I just get sent to the PSN Store where Squenix will graciously allow me to buy the director's commentaries for each episode. What's up with that? :|
Btw, the packaging for the PS4 limited edition release says it includes the director's commentary, but when I select that option on the game's start screen I just get sent to the PSN Store where Squenix will graciously allow me to buy the director's commentaries for each episode. What's up with that? :|

I have the normal disc and i got the commentary free...


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
The commentary is a separate download that isn't included on the disc.

Kinda lame.

Ah, figured out what was happening. Rather than open the PSN Store's page with the director's commentary, selecting the director's commentary at the start menu took me to the page where I could buy the game itself. Seems like a bug or something.

Red Hood

So I've started playing Life is Strange two days ago, finished episode 1 yesterday and episode 2 just now. I have to say, it's growing on me. It's pretty good. At the end of episode 2,
Kate killed herself
. I was convinced it was scripted and just meant to progress the story, since I was kind to her all the time, did everything I could, and then after the credits I see you can actually save her? Fuck. I'm seriously contemplating to restart episode 2 and see what I did wrong. But on the other hand, I think that would defeat the purpose of these kind of games. I need to stick with my initial choices and deal with them.

Anyway, I felt like sharing, lol. I'll start episode 3 tomorrow. Good ride so far.


So I've started playing Life is Strange two days ago, finished episode 1 yesterday and episode 2 just now. I have to say, it's growing on me. It's pretty good. At the end of episode 2,
Kate killed herself
. I was convinced it was scripted and just meant to progress the story, since I was kind to her all the time, did everything I could, and then after the credits I see you can actually save her? Fuck. I'm seriously contemplating to restart episode 2 and see what I did wrong. But on the other hand, I think that would defeat the purpose of these kind of games. I need to stick with my initial choices and deal with them.

Anyway, I felt like sharing, lol. I'll start episode 3 tomorrow. Good ride so far.

You can do everything right up to that point
and kate still jumps off the roof if you botch the conversation. i'm not sure if there is only one right choice for each dialog choice though
. I luckily got it the first time :)
You can do everything right up to that point
and kate still jumps off the roof if you botch the conversation. i'm not sure if there is only one right choice for each dialog choice though
. I luckily got it the first time :)

I'm pretty sure
both sister and dad are valid choices. I wasn't paying enough attention to the stuff in her room at the start of the chapter and chose her mum and she jumped right off though ;_;

And I don't know if she even has brothers? So that would probably make her jump too :p


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
I'm pretty sure
both sister and dad are valid choices. I wasn't paying enough attention to the stuff in her room at the start of the chapter and chose her mum and she jumped right off though ;_;

And I don't know if she even has brothers? So that would probably make her jump too :p

IIRC she
never mentions any brothers, and in the family photos there's only her two sisters. Also, I think it was briefly mentioned that her dad was the one who was always supportive of her and loved her regardless of what she did, so her dad would be the safe choice during that conversation on the roof.

Red Hood

You can do everything right up to that point
and kate still jumps off the roof if you botch the conversation. i'm not sure if there is only one right choice for each dialog choice though
. I luckily got it the first time :)

I chose her
as the answer, I remember finding out
was the most supportive and protective of her. Before that, I told her to
wait for proof instead of going straight to the police
, and I answered her call after that. But I think I fucked up with
the bible quotes
, I picked the
one. It's the only thing I did where I felt like I might have picked the wrong answer. Sucks that you couldn't rewind at that time, but I suppose it would have otherwise ruined this pretty emotional moment.

Busy day today so I haven't been able to start episode 3 yet, hopefully tomorrow.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
Finished it just now. Great game. A very slow burner start but I was happy to have finally played it through successfully.

What a story I would have missed if I would've stopped halfway on episode 2. Dodged a self inflicted gaming bullet right there.

I might have put this in my GOTY Gaf list but it's too late now.

Oh man. Happy times. Bedtime.
So I've started playing Life is Strange two days ago, finished episode 1 yesterday and episode 2 just now. I have to say, it's growing on me. It's pretty good. At the end of episode 2,
Kate killed herself
. I was convinced it was scripted and just meant to progress the story, since I was kind to her all the time, did everything I could, and then after the credits I see you can actually save her? Fuck. I'm seriously contemplating to restart episode 2 and see what I did wrong. But on the other hand, I think that would defeat the purpose of these kind of games. I need to stick with my initial choices and deal with them.

Anyway, I felt like sharing, lol. I'll start episode 3 tomorrow. Good ride so far.

Holy shit! I never got around to asking if Kate can die. I thought in true video game fashion your actions really didn't effect too much. Wow I'm blown away and upset for Kate.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
Holy shit! I never got around to asking if Kate can die. I thought in true video game fashion your actions really didn't effect too much. Wow I'm blown away and upset for Kate.

Every episode finishes with a world/friend statistic on the choices/events. It was there pretty clearly. I want to play through again to see what actually changes with this.


Just finished this up. Thoughts on the ending below.

What would letting Chloe die have accomplished? I haven't watched the other ending as I stuck by the choice to "Sacrifice" Arcadia Bay.

By this point in the storm everyone should have gotten the fuck out of there unless they are the dumbest people ever.

I can imagine Chloe dies and the tornado stops for some reason. But that doesn't make sense as you got your powers after having a vision of the tornado, and that's what started this whole thing. Tornado was the first to show up narratively so it was the catalyst for saving everything.

Saving Chloe becomes a thing that basically seems to be a side-mission to saving the town, and to me it became more and more apparent that the Storm was gonna hit Arcadia Bay regardless.

I get the whole butterfly effect thing was going on, but again: the tornado vision started all this, so blaming Chloe for all this happening doesn't make any sense with what we've been shown.

Great game though. =P


I don't know why I listen to that last song every now and then...

Not sure how people that haven't played LiS react to that song, but with the conext of the story it's devastating. I can't hear more than a few beats and feel awful.
What's up with the anti-vaccine/naturalist medicine view point of max. It's so weird.... I saw the vaccine poster in ch 1, thinking it was odd, then in chapter 4, max comments on the medicinal herbs in the medicine cabinet saying. It's good to see she takes natural medicine as well... really strange. I wonder what the developer commentary says, if anything, on this.

Green Yoshi

Just finished this up. Thoughts on the ending below.

What would letting Chloe die have accomplished? I haven't watched the other ending as I stuck by the choice to "Sacrifice" Arcadia Bay.

By this point in the storm everyone should have gotten the fuck out of there unless they are the dumbest people ever.

I can imagine Chloe dies and the tornado stops for some reason. But that doesn't make sense as you got your powers after having a vision of the tornado, and that's what started this whole thing. Tornado was the first to show up narratively so it was the catalyst for saving everything.

Saving Chloe becomes a thing that basically seems to be a side-mission to saving the town, and to me it became more and more apparent that the Storm was gonna hit Arcadia Bay regardless.

I get the whole butterfly effect thing was going on, but again: the tornado vision started all this, so blaming Chloe for all this happening doesn't make any sense with what we've been shown.There is no storm if you sacrifice Chloe but her funeral

Great game though. =P

I think the message is that you should accept your destiny and don't alter the course of time. In my first playthrough I sarified Arcadia Bay as well, but in my second run I sacrified Chloe. This is the better ending in my view. Who says that Chloe won't die anyway? She even dies in an alternative reality. It's like Final Destination, her death is inevitable
What's up with the anti-vaccine/naturalist medicine view point of max. It's so weird.... I saw the vaccine poster in ch 1, thinking it was odd, then in chapter 4, max comments on the medicinal herbs in the medicine cabinet saying. It's good to see she takes natural medicine as well... really strange. I wonder what the developer commentary says, if anything, on this.

There are very liberal pockets of this country that are anti-vaccine and into natural medicines. I forget what city it was in Oregon, if I'm not mistaken, but they even voted to remove fluoridation from their water, and then there have been small outbreaks of preventable diseases in California by parents refusing to vaccinate their kids; also, go into a whole foods grocery store and you can see the quackery of organic and medical "tonics". So whether or not the developers are commenting on it or endorsing it, or just adding it as a slice of life detail since this takes place in the Pacific Northwest, I don't know. But it makes sense given the character and the location to me.


I think the message is that you should accept your destiny and don't alter the course of time. In my first playthrough I sarified Arcadia Bay as well, but in my second run I sacrified Chloe. This is the better ending in my view. Who says that Chloe won't die anyway? She even dies in an alternative reality. It's like Final Destination, her death is inevitable

Yep, this is how I see it too.
Chloe's gonna die anyway, so what's the point in sacrificing so many innocent lives for her? I was legit shocked when I saw that around 47% of people saved Chloe.

In any case, I disliked her character throughout the game, so it was the easiest choice in the game for me. She was just a bad influence on Max imo, and it was clear that Destiny was going to kill her soon anyway. That's the whole point of the game, or me anyway.
I love reading everyones interpretations and reasoning on this game in particular and seeing how they in some way headcanoned their max.

Its odd, some folks said
"theres no way chloes worth a town and besides i didnt even like her."
Me, I said "Shes worth 1000 of these shitholes and ill blow up the goddamn world if thats what it takes." As for destiny which I dont believe really existed at all in this game,it was maxs original power use that set it all off and had the consequence of the storm. I think it was a moral of not fucking with powers beyond your control and taking responsibility...which is why I came to the conclusion that using those same powers EVEN FURTHER to avoid the storm would seem like running from the consequences of your actions.
So we held hands and watched it go down then drove into the sunset.
As for any kind of destiny were it to exist then my personal headcanon based on all else id done so far, would be that if it were chloes destiny to die...then max just made it her own destiny to stay with her and keep her safe
There are very liberal pockets of this country that are anti-vaccine and into natural medicines. I forget what city it was in Oregon, if I'm not mistaken, but they even voted to remove fluoridation from their water, and then there have been small outbreaks of preventable diseases in California by parents refusing to vaccinate their kids; also, go into a whole foods grocery store and you can see the quackery of organic and medical "tonics". So whether or not the developers are commenting on it or endorsing it, or just adding it as a slice of life detail since this takes place in the Pacific Northwest, I don't know. But it makes sense given the character and the location to me.

Oh sure, I know there are these ultra liberal holistic medicine communities, especially in the northeast, but you would think if the developers disagreed with these opinions they would have another character, like Warren, refute some of them in a scene.


What's up with the anti-vaccine/naturalist medicine view point of max. It's so weird.... I saw the vaccine poster in ch 1, thinking it was odd, then in chapter 4, max comments on the medicinal herbs in the medicine cabinet saying. It's good to see she takes natural medicine as well... really strange. I wonder what the developer commentary says, if anything, on this.

She comments that the flu vaccine is bullshit and always gives her the flu. A lot of people that aren't necessarily anti-vaxxers also share this point of view.
She comments that the flu vaccine is bullshit and always gives her the flu. A lot of people that aren't necessarily anti-vaxxers also share this point of view.

Yes, like I said it was the other scene that made me question the intention of the first scene more. First it's fuck the flu shot then it's oh I'm so glad she is taking medicinal herbs. Having family members who share the natural medicine, anti-vaccine, anti-gmo, anti-pharmaceutical mindset, it just caught my attention.

Nuke Soda

I love reading everyones interpretations and reasoning on this game in particular and seeing how they in some way headcanoned their max.

Its odd, some folks said
"theres no way chloes worth a town and besides i didnt even like her."
Me, I said "Shes worth 1000 of these shitholes and ill blow up the goddamn world if thats what it takes." As for destiny which I dont believe really existed at all in this game,it was maxs original power use that set it all off and had the consequence of the storm. I think it was a moral of not fucking with powers beyond your control and taking responsibility...which is why I came to the conclusion that using those same powers EVEN FURTHER to avoid the storm would seem like running from the consequences of your actions.
So we held hands and watched it go down then drove into the sunset.
As for any kind of destiny were it to exist then my personal headcanon based on all else id done so far, would be that if it were chloes destiny to die...then max just made it her own destiny to stay with her and keep her safe

My Chloe is still alive too. Couldn't sacrifice her after all that shit poor Max went through saving her ass.
Just finished two. This is going to be hard to finish. Lot of personal life shit coming out through this game.

It's done in such a cliche, yet strong manner. I might be a 33-year-old dude, but I sure am feeling like a 18-year-old girl right now :(
So I just finished episode 4 and
??? Oh shit, gonna start episode 5 right now.

For some reason I figured it out in episode 2 when he was given as an option to pin the blame for Kate's death in the principle's office. The game tries to put the blame on Nathan and David too often that it became the normal mystery story of it's always the person the narrative wants you to least suspect. At the end of Chapter 4, I was sort of hoping that it would be a Rant situation, where Jefferson is a time traveler and there are multiple Jefferson's at different periods of their life, e.g. Nathan, Jefferson, and Samuel, but this is me just fantasizing


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Just a little ways into chapter 2. Unfortunately I made the mistake of starting the game when my girlfriend was over and now she doesn't want me playing it without her, so progress has gone slow... It's a bit too over-the-top hipster at points, and some of the dialogue feels like what older people think millenials talk like, but I do like how interactive it is for a game of this genre. Curious to see where all these decisions I've been making will lead me.

I also like the SE references in the game, like a mention of Lara Croft and FF The Spirits Within :p I'm really hoping there's a CT reference somewhere, it seems like it would be an obvious fit for this.
For some reason I figured it out in episode 2 when he was given as an option to pin the blame for Kate's death in the principle's office. The game tries to put the blame on Nathan and David too often that it became the normal mystery story of it's always the person the narrative wants you to least suspect. At the end of Chapter 4, I was sort of hoping that it would be a Rant situation, where Jefferson is a time traveler and there are multiple Jefferson's at different periods of their life, e.g. Nathan, Jefferson, and Samuel, but this is me just fantasizing

I had a strong feeling it was
Jefferson too, however I didn't want to raise suspicion until I knew for certain, so I put the blame on Nathan. Does the story play out differently if you go straight for Jefferson?

I keep staring at the game on my dashboard and keep toying with the idea of a second playthrough.
I picked nathan at the time because he seemed like the a bigger threat in the immediate future, and I wasn't sure how successful it would be trying to suspend david or jefferson as they were faculty and staff.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
I had a strong feeling it was
Jefferson too, however I didn't want to raise suspicion until I knew for certain, so I put the blame on Nathan. Does the story play out differently if you go straight for Jefferson?

I keep staring at the game on my dashboard and keep toying with the idea of a second playthrough.

I blamed
Jefferson because he was too nice. And of course I do not know what happens if I would not have done that. Nothing really happens in the game until the end of Ep. 4 with him. Only a single scene where Max apologises to him for the blame and cancelled participation in the Everyday Heroes competition. In my game the step-douche David came to my rescue in the dungeon because I outed Jefferson in the principals office.

I keep toying the same idea because I could play it with the commentary track on.

Red Hood

Finished the 5th episode yesterday I and chose to
sacrifice Chloe
. Felt very fitting, good ending. Very nice experience overall. I looked up the other ending and man, that would have been a big let down. You're responsible for
the destruction and death of all Arcadia Bay - except for Max and Chloe - and they have the nerve to give each other a smile
? Felt so wrong. Morbid even. Uncharacteristic. Anyway, glad I didn't choose that.

I didn't expect much from Life is Strange - not a big fan of "interactive games" - but I'm very pleasantly surprised. I felt a sense of unease because it's over. I guess only good games make you do that, right? Or at least, good characters.

Looking forward to replaying this in the near future with totally different choices.
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