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Life Is Strange |OT| Rewinder Me

Finished the 5th episode yesterday I and chose to
sacrifice Chloe
. Felt very fitting, good ending. Very nice experience overall. I looked up the other ending and man, that would have been a big let down. You're responsible for
the destruction and death of all Arcadia Bay - except for Max and Chloe - and they have the nerve to give each other a smile
? Felt so wrong. Morbid even. Uncharacteristic. Anyway, glad I didn't choose that.

I didn't expect much from Life is Strange - not a big fan of "interactive games" - but I'm very pleasantly surprised. I felt a sense of unease because it's over. I guess only good games make you do that, right? Or at least, good characters.

Looking forward to replaying this in the near future with totally different choices.

Re: your spoiler (ending stuff),
it's an impossible choice; if they don't at least have their own happiness after sacrificing Arcadia Bay and its inhabitants, they'd have nothing at all. Budget restrictions shortchanged that ending, but I think the spirit of it was still communicated--basically, that some things just can't be given up; be it for love, loyalty, or just a feeling of destiny.

The sheer range of character you can give Max really impresses me, especially hearing other people's takes. It always sounds organic and natural, compared to how some other games handle choices (in a highly binary, good/evil/selfless/selfish/etc kind of way) such that there's only one or two viable characters to make. It's downright great writing and dialogue, the sort of thing I expect from only the best RPGs--and, lately, adventure games.

Love it.


Finished this yesterday and all I can say is that this is easily one of the best games of 2015 and I personally enjoyed this more than the Telltale games. Loved the setting and the characters.
So, maybe some remember when I said this game had injected me with musical inspiration and I wrote quite a few songs in a few days? I've written about 20 or so over the past 45 days and, now, I have about 13 tracks that I really enjoy and are nearing completion. It will all be put out in a sort of album/mixtape. A free album, naturally.

Just something I wanted to share here before actually putting it all out in a few weeks (I hope). I took Blackwell Academy and sliced it up a lot into something kinda dancey. Mixing it in with what I contributed was... a mess, to put it lightly.




So, maybe some remember when I said this game had injected me with musical inspiration and I wrote quite a few songs in a few days? I've written about 20 or so over the past 45 days and, now, I have about 13 tracks that I really enjoy and are nearing completion. It will all be put out in a sort of album/mixtape. A free album, naturally.

Just something I wanted to share here before actually putting it all out in a few weeks (I hope). I took Blackwell Academy and sliced it up a lot into something kinda dancey. Mixing it in with what I contributed was... a mess, to put it lightly.


nice job. had me bobbing my head :)
I blamed
Jefferson because he was too nice. And of course I do not know what happens if I would not have done that. Nothing really happens in the game until the end of Ep. 4 with him. Only a single scene where Max apologises to him for the blame and cancelled participation in the Everyday Heroes competition. In my game the step-douche David came to my rescue in the dungeon because I outed Jefferson in the principals office.

I keep toying the same idea because I could play it with the commentary track on.

David saves you no matter who you choose in the scene although he gives a different justification; for example, he talked about me picking nathan in the principle's office.
Are there any games that utilize an investigation mechanic similar to the one used in Episode 4?

I thought it was a really neat mechanic but was kind of a one off and I wouldn't mind playing a whole game with a lot of that.
Hey guys, Ever since I played Episode 1 way back in January of last year I knew Life Is Strange was special and more than just a game - the social issues it explores resonating beyond the pixels to make a real impact on people’s lives. There are many different kinds of Life Is Strange fans and there are different communities representing these diverse people: the Reddit community, the Tumblr community, the DeviantArt community, the YouTube community, the Steam Community, the Twitter community, the Facebook community, and the list goes on. Not only that, it’s on a worldwide scale too with fans from all over the globe and the game has even transcended expectations of age and gender. A 40-year old woman from Washington is just as likely to be a fan of the game as is a teen boy from Paris.

With these fans and communities spread out all across the net, I had an idea. Why not create a fansite and social network to bring all these fans together in one place? With all the features you would want and expect such as uploading and sharing Screenshots, Fan Art, Cosplay Photos, Fan Fiction and Videos as well as Forums and a Shop selling relevant content such as Blu Rays of the movies referenced in the game or blue hair dye. And why not break all these down by character with a central hub for each Character? Well, that’s exactly what I did.


It isn't completely finished yet but there's enough content I think for fans to discover and since it will rely on user generated content it will hopefully continue to grow.

Few games would warrant a dedicated social network but its real-world setting and relatable characters ensures that Life Is Strange is one of them. Because its fans are not just gamers, but artists, photographers, indie game developers, musicians, movie buffs, bookworms, and all the rest. And so the site aims to give them a space to explore and share all those interests too, in an effort to bring like-minded people together, but always focused around that one definite shared interest: the amazing game that brought them together in the first place.

There will be monthly competitions, the first of which is a 'Every Heroes Photo Contest'. Submit a photo with that theme and Users can Like it. The photo with the most Likes by the closing date of March 6th will win a custom painted Polaroid 600 camera, reminiscent of Max's yellow camera from Episode 1. It comes with free colour and black and white film too.

The Facebook Page for Life Is Strange Fans is here:


The Twitter is here:


And finally, I've put together a 'Launch Trailer,' which you can watch here:


Would really love to see lots of you here join the site. You can either click the Register button to register with basic details which will allow you to upload, Like, Comment on Photos and Fan Fiction, etc. or you can click the Login button to log in with Facebook or Google+. And just to clarify I have no intention of 'stealing' people away from these communities - the site was built to act as a central hub for all the different communities but of course they should all continue to exist and operate exactly as they are!

Cheers guys, thanks for being an amazing community.


Upcoming pages/features yet to be added:


• Joyce's Kitchen: A place to post recipes/photos/videos of any food you like (waffles and pancakes anyone?)
• David's Garage: A place to post your rides/get mechanical advice/anything vehicle related.
• Samuel's Garden: A place to post pics/videos of any animals, including your pets! Will also include info/links for relevant animal charities.
• Kate's Support Club: A place to get advice/support for any of the social issues Life Is Strange explores, including depression/domestic abuse/drugs. Will also include links to relevant support lines for all countries. A user named Tyler has already posted some in Kate's Support Forum which will be linked to the Support Club.
• Victoria's Fashion Club: A place to post anything fashion/clothing related. That could be your own fashion designs, photos of models showcasing them.
• Alyssa's Book Club: As well as covering any books referenced in LIS such as The October Country and Catcher In The Rye, you can post reviews/articles on books you've read, or share your own original fiction.
• Brooke's Tech Club: Anything tech/gadget related. Post reviews of the latest tech such as mobiles tablets/graphics cards, whatever you want. Post videos of any drone footage you've captured if you're lucky enough to own one...
• Zach & Logan's Contact Sports Club: American Football, Soccer (also just called Football where I'm from), Rugby, Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Volleyball. If it's a contact sport, this is the place for it. Want to blog any of those sports? Be my guest. Post photos, videos, find out where to play in your country.
• Justin & Trevor's Extreme Sports Club: Are you a skater wanting to show yourself off 'destroying some rails'? Captured some amazing GoPro footage of some BMX stunts? Post them here. Anything extreme sports could include, Skating, Skateboarding, BMX, Mountain Biking, Snowboarding, Basejumping, Rock Climbing, Parkour.
• Dana's Water Sports Club: As with the above, but covering Kayaking, Surfing, Swimming, Wakeboarding, anything else water sports related.
• Hayden's Party Club: Post your pics from any great nights out/house parties you've been to. Find the best clubs/pubs in your area.
• Stella's Academic Club: We can't do your homework for you, but maybe the community can help? Got a dissertation on the American Civil War due? Maybe Users who have already completed one or have an interest in that part of history can recommend some books for your research? You get the idea.
• Juliet's Current Affairs Club: Politics more your thing? Want some info or want to blog about this year's Presidential Election. Go for it. Will also allow you to share and discuss news from around the world.

All of the aforementioned Club pages already have Forums ready to post in on the Forums here:


And then there's...
• The Vortex Club: What's in the Vortex Club and how do you get in? For now, that's a secret :)

Besides them, there are 'Classes' to come too.
• Mr Jefferson's Photography Class: Gets tips on photography, the best equipment to use, etc.
• Miss Grant's Science Class: Science is awesome, so long as you don't end up with a face full of purple sh*t cause Max thought it would be funny to give you the wrong formula... news/blogs on anything science related. Captured a vid of a shooting star? Maybe it's a clear night out and the stars are looking particularly awesome. Share it with us!
• Miss Hoida's English Class: Are you writing a novel? Or Maybe you just want tips on how to become a better fan fiction writer? Post your work-in-progress for feedback here, and when it's ready, post the final version in Alyssa's Book Club.
• Film Class: German Expressionism or Final Girl Slashers? What the hell is mise-en-scene? What's an auteur? What does a cinematographer do exactly? As someone with a degree in Film and Video, this is one of my area's of expertise so I'm happy to share what I know with anyone who's interested.
• Videogame Class: Fancy making your own game inspired by Life Is Strange? Or maybe you just want to make a 2.5D platformer for mobile. Whatever the case, making games isn't easy so this is the place to find out how. Already a bit of an indie game developer yourself? Share what you know with other Users, whether it's modelling, texturing, rigging, animating. Post Step by Step Instructions or even Video Tutorials. Or both!
• Art Class: They saw you can either draw or you can't. That might be true, but even those who can draw can always learn more. It's as much about about technique as it is raw talent so share those techniques with others. Traditional or digital? What paints do you use? What WACOM tablet is the best to get on a budget? Have you posted some brilliant Fan Art in one of the Character Rooms? Maybe you recorded the process and would like to share the timeplapse with other users here so they can see first-hand how you did it.
• Music Class: They say it's never too late to learn an instrument. Think you can teach people how to play guitar? Start blogging here or sharing video tutorials. Even if you just get people started learning the basic chords so they can go away and teach themselves you'll have accomplished something and given them the drive to learn something new.
• Tech Class: What's the best router to get for a better XBox Live connection? What useful apps are available for iPhone? Hoe do you install a new graphics card without blowing up the PC? If you want to know any of the above, or anything else tech-related, ask for advice and get it here.
• Contact Sports/Extreme Sports/Water Sports Class: Can you easily explain the rules of a particular sport to people? Do you know the best BMX bikes to get for performing stunts? Do you actually teach any of the above sports? If there are members of the site in your city maybe you can teach them for real. Organise it here.
• Fashion Class: Tips on fashion design, or tips on making your own clothes for Cosplay.

While I'll be moderating all the Classes initially it may get too difficult for me to maintain all of them if the userbase grows a lot. So, eventually I'll be allowing Users to become 'Teachers' for each of the Classes. You'll be able to apply for those positions and your job will be to moderate the 'students' of those classes. Make sure content is of a certain quality and no-one posts anything untoward or illegal. Depending on what the future of the site holds, I may even be able to pay these 'Teachers' a small portion of any revenue from the site on a monthly basis. This will include revenue from ads on the site, but also from affiliate links from any products bought that feature in the Store. At the moment though, all revenue is probably barely going to cover monthly server costs :(


• Achievements: Users will be able to get Achievements for performing specific actions on the site. This might be as simple as registering, changing your profile picture, accepting a friend request etc. But could also include more specific actions like posting a certain number of Fan Art/Cosplay/Fan Fiction or at least one of all 3. Achievements will be appropriately named, such as named after quotes from the game or references to the game.
• Recipe Submission: For Joyce's Kitchen, recipes will be submitted using a plugin that will lay out the recipe nicely with sections for ingredients, steps, photos etc.
• Clickable Tags: At the moment, when submitting images you have to click the Add Tags button which gives you a huge list of checkboxes to select appropriate tags that have been pre-added. This isn't very intuitive but it's a limitation of the plugin, which is otherwise a brilliant plugin. The developers have informed me that proper, clickable tags is a feature they are actively developing. So this means, you'll be able to create tags on the fly, or use existing ones by starting to type them, just as you can when posting fiction in the backend. This also means clicking on those tags will show all images tagged with that tag. Rest assured, when it's available Life Is Strange Fans will be one of the first sites to implement it.
I'll be posting some short videos on how to use the various features of the site soon. In the meantime, thanks everyone who has commented, joined the site and shared it. Please let me know if there are any bugs, broken links, feature requests. Forms for submitting those will be available on the actual site son but for now, please post them here or on the Facebook page:


Thank you.


Just finished this and, wow, what a wild ride this turned out to be... It's been a while since a story made me care about its characters so much. Fantastic experience, and mad props to the developers for making this amazing game.

I have a spoilerish question though.
I ended up going with Chloe all the way and was wondering how much changes in the story if you go the Warren route. Is it worth another playthrough? I can't imagine that final choice being different given how the whole thing started. To be honest, Warren barely got any significant screen time in my playthrough, so I'm left wondering if he's a worthwhile option even.
Man, I'd like this a lot better if the writing wasn't so on the nose. Episode 3(spoliers below) had a great finale but shit
handicapped fund and I'll never leave you was groan central.
Writing was not the best. You can't write in a way that you(the writer), and the characters inexplicty, know the outcome. It's comes off as cheesy. Same shit with
Kate's suicide.
Though to be fair, I only saw
paraplegic Chloe
coming last second. That was a solid twist. It only looks bad in hindsight. 'What are the odds?' and what not.


Neo Member
I have a spoilerish question though.
I ended up going with Chloe all the way and was wondering how much changes in the story if you go the Warren route. Is it worth another playthrough? I can't imagine that final choice being different given how the whole thing started. To be honest, Warren barely got any significant screen time in my playthrough, so I'm left wondering if he's a worthwhile option even.

I actually did another playthrough right after I finished the game for the first time and chose different major and minor choices to see how it affects the game. To answer your question, if you do choose Warren and support him during all minor events in the game the only thing major that changes is that
Max doesn't kiss Chloe at the end. Some of the texts between Max and Warren also change but that's really minor. There are other more interesting choices that add a lot more to the replay value which creates more extra content that gets added (saving Kate for example)that's worth seeing if you really wanted to do another playthrough.
I actually did another playthrough right after I finished the game for the first time and chose different major and minor choices to see how it affects the game. To answer your question, if you do choose Warren and support him during all minor events in the game the only thing major that changes is that
Max doesn't kiss Chloe at the end.

As I said earlier
how much you support Warren isn't the only thing that influences what happens at the end. I'm pretty sure I supported Warren all the way on my first playthrough (at least I don't remember ever turning him down or disappointing him), yet I still got the kiss scene. I believe how much you support Chloe (siding with her in stead of David, not answering Kate's call, not giving Frank the gun etc.) is more important.
The further I get away from Episode 3s ending the less I like it. It didn't really make sense. Maybe they'll add context next episode. Spoilers for Episode 3.

Nothing about this change should have effected Maxs life so drastically. The game has never imparted that William meant so much to her that she becomes a shy recluse, but that's it. Nothing else could have changed her personality so much. She still went to Seattle, and she still didn't talk to Chloe. Yet she changed enough that the Vortex club accepted her, even begrudgingly. Unless the idea is she always had romantic feelings for Chloe, and her getting hurt was enough to move on, because Max would never date her in that situation. I mean she was still getting shit on by the other girls before she remet Chloe. It really didn't feel like Victoria and Max were right on the Edge of bffs. Granted her and Victoria aren't that different and probably should be bffs, but I don't see what changed that would allow this. Maybe the paint sweater scene + Nathan not hating her was enough? Idk doesn't really make sense.


The further I get away from Episode 3s ending the less I like it. It didn't really make sense. Maybe they'll add context next episode. Spoilers for Episode 3.

Nothing about this change should have effected Maxs life so drastically. The game has never imparted that William meant so much to her that she becomes a shy recluse, but that's it. Nothing else could have changed her personality so much. She still went to Seattle, and she still didn't talk to Chloe. Yet she changed enough that the Vortex club accepted her, even begrudgingly. Unless the idea is she always had romantic feelings for Chloe, and her getting hurt was enough to move on, because Max would never date her in that situation. I mean she was still getting shit on by the other girls before she remet Chloe. It really didn't feel like Victoria and Max were right on the Edge of bffs. Granted her and Victoria aren't that different and probably should be bffs, but I don't see what changed that would allow this. Maybe the paint sweater scene + Nathan not hating her was enough? Idk doesn't really make sense.

didn't bother me...they didn't really need to explain it. the title of the episode alone does.

Chaos theory is the field of study in mathematics that studies the behavior and condition of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions—a response popularly referred to as the butterfly effect.[1] Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for such dynamical systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general.
didn't bother me...they didn't really need to explain it. the title of the episode alone does.

Idk. Seems more like a handwave. It really sucks too, because up to that point it had been fairly unquie, but all I can think about now is how closely this matches
The Butterfly Effect.
I guess the idea itself isn't completely original.
That said there were some weird similarities. Like staring at an object from the past photo/diary to change a key event, past actions crippling friends, and getting everything you want with a catch(monkey paw). In particular one ends with him as a prep, where before he was an outcast type character, and his friend mentally disabled. Weird.


Idk. Seems more like a handwave. It really sucks too, because up to that point it had been fairly unquie, but all I can think about now is how closely this matches
The Butterfly Effect.
I guess the idea itself isn't completely original.
That said there were some weird similarities. Like staring at an object from the past photo/diary to change a key event, past actions crippling friends, and getting everything you want with a catch(monkey paw). In particular one ends with him as a prep, where before he was an outcast type character, and his friend mentally disabled. Weird.

she would have left for seattle in a different more positive state of mind if william had survived.

i can't tell how far you are but if it wasn't clear how close Max was to the price family, i think its further elaborated on in ep. 4


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's implied
the death of William triggers Chloe's friendship/dependency with Amber. Without Amber in Chloe's life, her relationship with Max is a lot different and then Max herself becomes a lot different and is able to "fit in" with the cool kids rather than being on the outskirts like Amber and Chloe. Chloe might've even been friends with the Vortex gang before her injury.


Neo Member
As I said earlier
how much you support Warren isn't the only thing that influences what happens at the end. I'm pretty sure I supported Warren all the way on my first playthrough (at least I don't remember ever turning him down or disappointing him), yet I still got the kiss scene. I believe how much you support Chloe (siding with her in stead of David, not answering Kate's call, not giving Frank the gun etc.) is more important.

I was answering JarrodL's question in the sense that he was going to do an exclusive Warren playthrough which means he would have
to neglect Chloe in all choices. This would eliminate any possibility for Max and Chloe kissing in the end. So for example, he would have to make Max refuse Chloe's challenge to kiss her earlier in the game which indirectly supports Warren.

Yes, you are right if you do support both Warren and Chloe in their decisions the chance that Max will kiss Chloe in the end still exists... On a side note, in my first playthrough I answered Kate's call and Max still kissed Chloe in the ending scene so that's definitely not a relevant choice that affects anything.
Just beat the game... I absolutely loved this. Such an amazing game with such a wonderful and impactful story. Max and Chloe had such an amazing story, and I loved every minute of it. Really glad I got the Limited Edition. While I did like doing it in one go, I bet this would've been a lot of fun to discuss and theorize about as it released throughout the year.

I know the ending was controversial, but I liked it.
I sacrificed Chloe. I do love her, and that ending totally crushed me, but to me it felt like that was the right ending. After viewing both endings, I was glad with the decision I made. For me it felt like the better, more thematically fitting ending... But I realize that others will obviously feel differently.
I was answering JarrodL's question in the sense that he was going to do an exclusive Warren playthrough which means he would have
to neglect Chloe in all choices. This would eliminate any possibility for Max and Chloe kissing in the end. So for example, he would have to make Max refuse Chloe's challenge to kiss her earlier in the game which indirectly supports Warren.

Yes, you are right if you do support both Warren and Chloe in their decisions the chance that Max will kiss Chloe in the end still exists... On a side note, in my first playthrough I answered Kate's call and Max still kissed Chloe in the ending scene so that's definitely not a relevant choice that affects anything.

Ah okay, slightly misunderstood your answer then.
And it is a relevant choice, just one of several. Messing up one thing, doesn't immediately change the outcome. There are several factors that decide what happens at the end, and you can "miss" a few of them for example taking the phone call.
So I met the girl who did the motion capture of Chloe at some bar in the East village tonight....

She was in beyond and gonna be in Detroit too.


I'm replaying this now and one thing I can't relate to at all is this childhood yearning. Max and Chloe constantly talk about how they wish they could go back to when they were kids and hang out and stuff. You know maybe Chloe I can understand because that's when her life was happy. But Max, I mean I don't get it. Surely no one actually wants to be a kid again. It's a weird age to feel such nostalgia for I feel.
I'm replaying this now and one thing I can't relate to at all is this childhood yearning. Max and Chloe constantly talk about how they wish they could go back to when they were kids and hang out and stuff. You know maybe Chloe I can understand because that's when her life was happy. But Max, I mean I don't get it. Surely no one actually wants to be a kid again. It's a weird age to feel such nostalgia for I feel.

I dunno, I thought it made sense. (full spoilers)
Both Chloe and Max miss the Old Days™--when Chloe had her dad, and Max had her best friend. When Chloe's father died, it changed everything in Chloe's life and deeply changed Max as well.

For Chloe, losing her father set off a chain reaction that made her hate life. Chloe began wanting to reject everything--feeling her mother betrayed the memory of her father; that her step-father is a bad placebo of the real thing; and that her best friend abandoned her in her hour of need... and again... which led to Chloe's current rebellious lot in life.

And Max went from a friendly and outgoing person to a withdrawn introvert after Chloe's father died. She presumably became fearful that reaching out to others would lead to more painful memories, so she chose to not reach out at all; there's a huge glimpse of Outgoing Max in the alternate reality in Ep 3/4, where she's part of the cool crowd. In the main timeline, in Max's diary stuff and her attitude, it's clear she feels guilty about cutting Chloe out of her life, but this all goes back to the withdrawn nature she adopted after Chloe's father died. Max became an observer in her own life, living one photograph to the next.

Basically, they both miss simpler times.


Just completed this game over the weekend with my girlfriend.

We both feel that the game had a lot of unrealized potential. The voice acting for Max was quite weak. The lip syncing/facial animations were also quite poor. These issues really take away from the experience in my opinion and make it difficult to forget that you're playing a game and, thus, draw close to the characters and the story.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
So, maybe some remember when I said this game had injected me with musical inspiration and I wrote quite a few songs in a few days? I've written about 20 or so over the past 45 days and, now, I have about 13 tracks that I really enjoy and are nearing completion. It will all be put out in a sort of album/mixtape. A free album, naturally.

Just something I wanted to share here before actually putting it all out in a few weeks (I hope). I took Blackwell Academy and sliced it up a lot into something kinda dancey. Mixing it in with what I contributed was... a mess, to put it lightly.


A mess of awesome stuff, perhaps. I really liked it. Hope to listen to the rest of album soon! Nice cover BTW!
Help me GAF I'm listening to Blackwell Academy and I'm being hit with the feels.

Beautiful theme.

Sequel soon plz.

My favorite track in the game. A sequel and bringing back Morali for music = I wouldn't mind at all.

A mess of awesome stuff, perhaps. I really liked it. Hope to listen to the rest of album soon! Nice cover BTW!

Thanks! Working on it almost daily and it'll be... an awesome messy adventure... I'll probably be making a thread about it (after consulting a mod) since it's an unusual creative experience. Just another month probably.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks! Working on it almost daily and it'll be... an awesome messy adventure... I'll probably be making a thread about it (after consulting a mod) since it's an unusual creative experience. Just another month probably.

Looking forward to it!


I just finished Episode 5 last night... then stayed up most of the night unable to sleep. This game wrecked me.
I can't imagine what it must've been like having to wait 2 months between episodes, sounds like I missed something special in the community. I just ran through it within a week.

For the ending, I chose to
sacrifice Chloe, it felt like the most logical choice, and 33 year old me cried.
I reloaded after just to see the other ending.

Unsure if I can play any other games for a while, everything is going to feel so underwhelming.
I just finished the game. was only told it was a great game by some friends but didnt hear about how emotional it can be.

The end of Ep 3 and then start of Ep 4. Fuck that was emotional it had me with watery eyes and think some tears were had. That was more emotional then the end of Teltale's The Walking Dead S1

The end of the nightmare when reliving the week with Chloe was hard to relive, was close to tears there, and ended up picking the ending that saved Chloe and sacrificed Arcadia Bay. Was not an easy choice but i couldnt let her die. Didnt like that they didnt show who survived the storm in that ending.

What a game it was, glad i had let some mates talk me into getting the special ed.


I just finished the game. was only told it was a great game by some friends but didnt hear about how emotional it can be.

The end of Ep 3 and then start of Ep 4. Fuck that was emotional it had me with watery eyes and think some tears were had. That was more emotional then the end of Teltale's The Walking Dead S1

The end of the nightmare when reliving the week with Chloe was hard to relive, was close to tears there, and ended up picking the ending that saved Chloe and sacrificed Arcadia Bay. Was not an easy choice but i couldnt let her die. Didnt like that they didnt show who survived the storm in that ending.

What a game it was, glad i had let some mates talk me into getting the special ed.
The point of that ending is
that Chloe and Max leave Arcadia Bay and don't look back. They leave everything behind and showing who survived and who didn't would've probably made for a weaker ending.
The point of that ending is
that Chloe and Max leave Arcadia Bay and don't look back. They leave everything behind and showing who survived and who didn't would've probably made for a weaker ending.

Yeah i got that, but it still should of been a better ending. It felt empty and that it avoided answering some questions. and didnt have the closure it should of had.

After playing the game its still the ending i feel is the right one for me.

The other ending was handled better


I am kinda finding everyone's reaction at the ending ironic. It barely had any effect on me.

But then again I had played steins gate and maybe that ruined the impact for me.

Cried like a little kid on that one.


Yeah i got that, but it still should of been a better ending. It felt empty and that it avoided answering some questions. and didnt have the closure it should of had.

After playing the game its still the ending i feel is the right one for me.

The other ending was handled better
Yep, it almost feels like they ran out of budget when doing the
sacrifice Arcadia ending.
sacrifice Chloe ending
was handled better, definitely (although it felt disappointing too, for different reasons)

Oh well, episode 5 was a bit of a let down, but the game as a whole is still fantastic. Episodes 3 and 4 have some of the best moments I've experienced in a videogame. So many feels.


I am kinda finding everyone's reaction at the ending ironic. It barely had any effect on me.

But then again I had played steins gate and maybe that ruined the impact for me.

Cried like a little kid on that one.
Yeah I had the similar problem where I've already played/watched/read too many time travel anime/movie/shows/novels and could tell who the murderer and what the ending was gonna be by episode 2 or 3.
I just finished the game. was only told it was a great game by some friends but didnt hear about how emotional it can be.

The end of Ep 3 and then start of Ep 4. Fuck that was emotional it had me with watery eyes and think some tears were had. That was more emotional then the end of Teltale's The Walking Dead S1

The end of the nightmare when reliving the week with Chloe was hard to relive, was close to tears there, and ended up picking the ending that saved Chloe and sacrificed Arcadia Bay. Was not an easy choice but i couldnt let her die. Didnt like that they didnt show who survived the storm in that ending.

What a game it was, glad i had let some mates talk me into getting the special ed.

Hah, I had the opposite reaction during that section. I beat it this weekend and holy shit that nightmare section dragged for me. I get that it was maybe the point, but I had flashbacks of Max Payne 1 crying baby platforming stage. The sneaking sections, the "choose the right door" sections, the "find the right number in the mirror" section... By the time I got to the part where I was running past these moments with me and Chloe stuck in time, I honestly just ran past it all to get through the section.

I enjoyed the game. I liked the soundtrack and atmosphere more than I thought I would and I think it really captured the feel of the characters it sought to represent very well. I didn't care for some of the dialogue, which felt like 40 years olds writing what they thought teenagers sounded like at times to me and the voice acting was iffy to me at times. I also don't get why
if Max using her powers created this cyclone that is set to destroy the town, her using her powers one last time to not stop Chloe's murder would somehow set things right. It felt like it was going too much for a Butterfly Effect-type "arc" of "Oh, here's where Max realizes that the true power she possesses is the power to know that she shouldn't utilize her power" type thing even though it worked against the physical realities of that world, if we're accepting that any use of her powers exacerbates this storm,
but whatevs I guess.

Good game over all. Don't know that I'm as blown away by it as others, but I definitely ended up liking it more than I expected to at the outset.

leng jai

Hah, I had the opposite reaction during that section. I beat it this weekend and holy shit that nightmare section dragged for me. I get that it was maybe the point, but I had flashbacks of Max Payne 1 crying baby platforming stage. The sneaking sections, the "choose the right door" sections, the "find the right number in the mirror" section... By the time I got to the part where I was running past these moments with me and Chloe stuck in time, I honestly just ran past it all to get through the section.

I enjoyed the game. I liked the soundtrack and atmosphere more than I thought I would and I think it really captured the feel of the characters it sought to represent very well. I didn't care for some of the dialogue, which felt like 40 years olds writing what they thought teenagers sounded like at times to me and the voice acting was iffy to me at times. I also don't get why
if Max using her powers created this cyclone that is set to destroy the town, her using her powers one last time to not stop Chloe's murder would somehow set things right. It felt like it was going too much for a Butterfly Effect-type "arc" of "Oh, here's where Max realizes that the true power she possesses is the power to know that she shouldn't utilize her power" type thing even though it worked against the physical realities of that world, if we're accepting that any use of her powers exacerbates this storm,
but whatevs I guess.

Good game over all. Don't know that I'm as blown away by it as others, but I definitely ended up liking it more than I expected to at the outset.

Easily the worst part of the game. Zero chance I'll be replaying it because of that section.
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