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Media Create Sales 10/1 - 10/7 2007


Frillen said:
How do you know that the press conference+MH3 announcement didn't move any Wiis last week? Are you god or something? Also, you aren't exactly the right person to speak about who's a fanboy and who's not. And if I'm a Nintendo Fanboy then it's pretty ironic that I only have 2 Wii games compared to 8 PS3 games and 27 360 games.

If you dont want to be called a fanboy then you should stop acting like one, and the i have x games for x console so im not a fanboy arguement is weak at best and belongs on gamefaqs. Guess what i have 17 games for my 360, 3 for my wii and 5 for my ps3, yep that's conclusive science right their. Now lets get this thread back on track and talk about the numbers, what do you think is a sucessful amount of consoles to sell each week in japan for the wii and ps3? Also is it fair that nintendo fans can says mario and wii fit will save the wii and boost sales but metal gear, final fantasy and gran turimso 5 wont save the ps3?
doicare said:
Weeks of dropping sales? Going by famitsu numbers which is where this figure of 8400 came form, in the past 4 weeks the ps3 has done 11k,13k,11k and 12k, that looks pretty consistent to me. But hey why argue, lets just call it common sense that ps3 sales are down this week because of the impending price drop and new colour coming out.

IIRC, didn't hardware sales for the PS3 look something like this over the past few months:

July 16 - July 22

July 23 - July 29

July 30 - August 5

August 6 - August 12

August 13 - August 19

August 20 - August 26

August 27 - September 3

September 3 - September 9

September 10 - September 16

September 17 - September 23

September 24 - September 31

October 1 - October 7

October 8 - October 15

Looks like "weeks of dropping sales" to me.

Also is it fair that nintendo fans can says mario and wii fit will save the wii and boost sales but metal gear, final fantasy and gran turimso 5 wont save the ps3?

I don't think any reasonable poster is suggesting that MGS4, FFXIII or GT5 won't boost hardware sales of the PS3, but when the system has been so low for so long and is lagging so far behind one of its rivals, it seems unlikely that any of those games will "save" it, any more than Mario Sunshine or RE4 or whatever other major release you fancy could "save" the GameCube once it had dropped so far.


Cosmonaut X said:
IIRC, didn't hardware sales for the PS3 look something like this over the past few months:

July 16 - July 22

July 23 - July 29

July 30 - August 5

August 6 - August 12

August 13 - August 19

August 20 - August 26

August 27 - September 3

September 3 - September 9

September 10 - September 16

September 17 - September 23

September 24 - September 31

October 1 - October 7

October 8 - October 15

Looks like "weeks of dropping sales" to me.

The ps3 was consistantly selling 10-13k most weeks with the exception of when mini no golf 5 came out and that boosted sales for a few weeks.
So on a minor note I made some simple fixes for my charts that I've been meaning to do for some time. It will now display the proper dates. If you ask for a line starting July 5, 2007, it will correctly display that it's actually starting with July 9, 2007. If you ask for a pie chart of the weeks of December 29, 2002 through May 6, 2003, it will correctly tell you it's displaying the weeks of December 30, 2002 through May 5, 2003. Or the biggie: if you ask for Media Create data from 2000, it will be obvious that it's actually starting with 2003.

The others basically use a single week, so either you'd give correct data or get an error anyway, so no change.

doicare said:
Also is it fair that nintendo fans can says mario and wii fit will save the wii and boost sales but metal gear, final fantasy and gran turimso 5 wont save the ps3?
I don't want to get in a fanboy argument, but in general I think it's fair to say a console selling X units per week will be helped more by games arriving in 1-2 months than a console selling 1/2 X units per week will be helped by games arriving in 5-? months (less if counting Prologue).


provides useful feedback
doicare said:
3. Wii sales have been poor recently and the wii is still yet to prove it can be the market leader that has a wide range of successful games from most genres. Mini games and non games in the console space have also yet to prove longevity, personally this genreation in japan i see the handhelds being the number 1 platform.

What? The Wii already is the market leader, by a good 2 million units at least. There is very little that will change this around seeing as the games library for all three are growing on a daily basis.

Saying that handhelds are going to be the number 1 platform is a horrible scapegoat too, since we have always classified handhelds and consoles as different markets, AND handhelds will always outsell consoles. At the moment both are being dominated by the Nintendo machines and Sony aren't doing a lot to alleviate this problem. It's a catch 22 situation the PS3 is in at the moment and there is not a lot that can be done about it - a permanant price drop will only fuel sales for a few weeks; to carry the sales on the machine needs more exclusives to hit immediately afterwards or it will sink back down to the same sales figures as before.

Mario Galaxy, Wii Fit and Smash Bros. Brawl may have equal top-tier counterparts on the Ps3 in the guise of Metal Gear Solid 4, FF13 e.t.c., but the thing is those are going to be hitting the market within the next few months. Metal Gear isn't going to be until the Spring, and Final Fantasy 13 probably won't even be in 2008.
doicare said:
The ps3 was consistantly selling 10-13k most weeks with the exception of when mini no golf 5 came out and that boosted sales for a few weeks.


What you seem to be suggesting is that the PS3 steadily dropped back to the 10-13k level over the past 12 weeks after this boost, held there for a couple of weeks and that now a 2k drop isn't a further fall in keeping with that pattern or a weekly wobble, but rather that it's a symptom of the price cut. Is that fair?

My point initially - and it feels like bloody ages ago - was that claiming this (and especially saying it was a fact) was daft. It's hardly a huge drop, it's not out of keeping with the general pattern of falling sales and pending any info on post-cut sales it's silly to leap to conclusions either way. In fact, it's just as bad as looking at the Wii sales this week and claiming a 4k rise is due to the conference/MH3/SMG/Wii Fit/whatever and not just the kind of relatively small weekly wobble we see all the time.


Not sure if nobody saw it (bottom of last page), it just got lost in the bashing, or nobody knows but just in case ...

mepaco said:
So, I know that we have heard from a couple of people that some stores have already started selling PS3s at the reduced price. When did that start and does anyone have any impressions of how they are selling at these locations?

EDIT: Just noticed that someone said Amazon dropped the price immediately after the announcement. Is that true? If so, sales really should have gone up for this period.


Well when is the official price drop for Japan?

We will see soon enough if that has any effect, that's the nice thing about JPN numbers.


provides useful feedback
oo Kosma oo said:
Well when is the official price drop for Japan?

We will see soon enough if that has any effect, that's the nice thing about JPN numbers.

I think it might increase the weekly average of PS3 sales to 16-19k once the initial bump is over and done with. It could fall again back down to the sub-10k levels but it will do so slower than before.

That's not counting the holidays, of course.


doicare said:
If you dont want to be called a fanboy then you should stop acting like one, and the i have x games for x console so im not a fanboy arguement is weak at best and belongs on gamefaqs. Guess what i have 17 games for my 360, 3 for my wii and 5 for my ps3, yep that's conclusive science right their. Now lets get this thread back on track and talk about the numbers, what do you think is a sucessful amount of consoles to sell each week in japan for the wii and ps3? Also is it fair that nintendo fans can says mario and wii fit will save the wii and boost sales but metal gear, final fantasy and gran turimso 5 wont save the ps3?

The Wii doesn't need saving. MGS historically sells under a million in Japan and that was on the PS2 with a much larger user base, it isn't as big as you're making it out to be. Who knows when FFXIII is going to come out. And Gran Turismo will provide a boost for a few week, just like GC games did when they came out.


Xeke said:
The Wii doesn't need saving. MGS historically sells under a million in Japan and that was on the PS2 with a much larger user base, it isn't as big as you're making it out to be. Who knows when FFXIII is going to come out. And Gran Turismo will provide a boost for a few week, just like GC games did when they came out.

As I Wii fan I think Wii does need saving. I really don't care how much the Wii sells if games I like aren't on it. If Wii's selling base on the back of mini-games while games traditional don't sell and they all end up on the DS then Wii can sell 200 millions system and I wouldn't give a shit about it.


Hmm I thought the 40gb launch on the same date as the price drop.


ccbfan said:
As I Wii fan I think Wii does need saving. I really don't care how much the Wii sells if games I like aren't on it. If Wii's selling base on the back of mini-games while games traditional don't sell and they all end up on the DS then Wii can sell 200 millions system and I wouldn't give a shit about it.

Word my man. I agree as a fellow Wii owner. Wii could sell 200 million systems but I'd still play more on my PS3 if that gets the games I want. And so far it seems to be going that way.


basik said:
did it just come out and only sell 2900? ouch! has it been released on the wii in japan?
The Wii version has not been released in Japan, no. The 360 version was released back in January and had reached 10,615 the last time we saw it.
basik said:
did any version of scarface come out there?
I don't think so.
ccbfan said:
If Wii's selling base on the back of mini-games while games traditional don't sell
But traditional games DO sell.


PS3 under 10k again? wow. And the new Elite didn't push the 360 higher than 7k? No reviving the dead, I guess. Wii isn't selling anywhere near its previous level either. Still high enough to shame the other two, though.

Slowly but surely, Japan is becoming handheld country and while I love my DS, I hope that the Wii pulls through and keeps the console business floating and relevant.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Yeah, I'll never understand why people persist in using FireFox either.

Maybe they're furries?
I'd rather be a dirty furry than use IE.

Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Uffffff. Your attitude is not better then what a typical Nintendo or Sony or Microsoft fanboy do, you know ?

Say that PS3' sales are good just doesn't make sense at all. Yes, we can say that it's the price-cut effect, but before this annoncement, how were PS3's sales ? Pathetic. It has to be seen if the price cut will have some long-term effect. Unlikely, but not impossible.

On the other hand, say that Wii's sales are good is not true in my opinion. Sure, better then X360 and PS3 combined is already something, but we cannot forget how well the console was selling just 4 weeks ago. Now the console is simply NOT selling good. or at least, not good enough. Period.
But Wii has some strong point that PS3 doesn't have:

1) This slow period lasts since only a month. PS3's sales have been ridicously low since its launch.
2) Wii has BIG games that are coming for both hardcore and casual audience. PS3 hasn't for anyone before Q1 (maybe Q2) 2008.
3) Wii has already an installed base almost as big as the Gamecube has sold during the entire lifespan. PS3 has sold what PS2 sold in a little bit more then 5 weeks (Joshua correct me if I'm wrong).

These are facts that cannot be forgotten.
This is a good post.


Haunted One said:
PS3 under 10k again? wow. And the new Elite didn't push the 360 higher than 7k? No reviving the dead, I guess. Wii isn't selling anywhere near its previous level either. Still high enough to shame the other two, though.

Slowly but surely, Japan is becoming handheld country and while I love my DS, I hope that the Wii pulls through and keeps the console business floating and relevant.

I'd rather be a dirty furry than use IE.

This is a good post.
IE almost killed my moms computer. she got some nasty virus that disabled AV software and put a blood red background screen on the desktop as well as slowing down everything. No I.E. for me, thanks.


ccbfan said:
As I Wii fan I think Wii does need saving. I really don't care how much the Wii sells if games I like aren't on it. If Wii's selling base on the back of mini-games while games traditional don't sell and they all end up on the DS then Wii can sell 200 millions system and I wouldn't give a shit about it.

Welcome to a sales thread. I don't care about your personal preference. It's sales do not need saving. It's the fastest selling console ever.

Traditional games do sell.


FYI IE displaying 'code' differently than all other browsers is due to it interpreting tabs at double the "standard" width or something. Using regular spaces instead should work fine in all browsers afaik.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Generally computer usage goes better if you don't paw at everything that appears on your screen accompanied by bright colours and "YOU WIN CLICK HERE".
Not using a monopoly OS targeted by half the internet would also take away most of the danger.
Innotech said:
IE almost killed my moms computer. she got some nasty virus that disabled AV software and put a blood red background screen on the desktop as well as slowing down everything. No I.E. for me, thanks.
Generally computer usage goes better if you don't paw at everything that appears on your screen accompanied by bright colours and "YOU WIN CLICK HERE". That was probably your mom's problem.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Generally computer usage goes better if you don't paw at everything that appears on your screen accompanied by bright colours and "YOU WIN CLICK HERE". That was probably your mom's problem.

no I think she might have gotten it through email on IE. firefox usually blocks that shit before it shows up. One hting against FF is that it is very much a resource hog.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Generally computer usage goes better if you don't paw at everything that appears on your screen accompanied by bright colours and "YOU WIN CLICK HERE". That was probably your mom's problem.

Yeah, I switched my parents off of IE hoping it would keep me from having to format their computer every time I came home. It didn't work. I had even put a little banner over the monitor that said 'Always click NO!' or something to that effect and they still installed all sorts of stupid pop-up crap. I finally gave up and just put Linux on there (Ubuntu) and gave them a quick lesson. It has worked well so far.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Generally computer usage goes better if you don't paw at everything that appears on your screen accompanied by bright colours and "YOU WIN CLICK HERE". That was probably your mom's problem.

I love you, click here...

I swear, 95% of women click on that. :D


doicare said:
If you dont want to be called a fanboy then you should stop acting like one, and the i have x games for x console so im not a fanboy arguement is weak at best and belongs on gamefaqs. Guess what i have 17 games for my 360, 3 for my wii and 5 for my ps3, yep that's conclusive science right their. Now lets get this thread back on track and talk about the numbers, what do you think is a sucessful amount of consoles to sell each week in japan for the wii and ps3? Also is it fair that nintendo fans can says mario and wii fit will save the wii and boost sales but metal gear, final fantasy and gran turimso 5 wont save the ps3?

Except the fact that the Wii doesn't need any saving. It has a good life to date number in Japan, the PS3 doesn't. That's what matters. even in a slump it's still selling twice as much as the PS3. The combination of Wii-Fit, Glaxy, Mario & Sonic + Brawl in early 08, alone is enough to drive Wii sales for a LONG time. The PS3 needs to atleast break the 20k barrier and STAY there. But that won't help much either compare to the Wii. So the PS3 will undoubtly struggle for quite some time in Japan.


Frillen said:
Except the fact that the Wii doesn't need any saving. It has a good life to date number in Japan, the PS3 doesn't. That's what matters. even in a slump it's still selling twice as much as the PS3. The combination of Wii-Fit, Glaxy, Mario & Sonic + Brawl in early 08, alone is enough to drive Wii sales for a LONG time. The PS3 needs to atleast break the 20k barrier and STAY there. But that won't help much either compare to the Wii. So the PS3 will undoubtly struggle for quite some time in Japan.

If the wii doesnt need saving then you're saying 20k sales per week is fine :lol, when it is not so you're wrong. The wii needs those games you've mentioned to save it. The ps3 gets it's best games in 2008 plus a price drop now plus another price drop next year in all likely hood, the ps3 will be just fine.


doicare said:
If the wii doesnt need saving then you're saying 20k sales per week is fine :lol, when it is not so you're wrong. The wii needs those games you've mentioned to save it. The ps3 gets it's best games in 2008 plus a price drop now plus another price drop next year in all likely hood, the ps3 will be just fine.

Uh, yeah, the Wii definitely needs those games, but once it does, sales will skyrocket again. In the end though it doesn't really matter that much this holiday season because the Wii will most likely be sold out no matter what. Plus, again, it has already built up a solid LTD, so it doesn matter if it has a slow period.

The Ps3 however, desperately needs some Software, but it won't get any until 08. The question however is; How much will FFXIII and MGS boost PS3 sales? Undoubtly much in the beginning. But will the PS3 fall like a giant rock the following weeks after? That's the important question.

It happened to the Gamecube. People said "wait for Mario, wait for Zelda etc. etc". What happened was that the Gamecube only got an instant boost with those games (Zelda Wind Waker, Sunshine etc.) but fell pretty hard the following weeks. That could happen with the PS3 with FF & MGS also. The PS3 is infact selling at a slower rate than what the Gamecube did in the same timeframe.


Innotech said:
no I think she might have gotten it through email on IE. firefox usually blocks that shit before it shows up. One hting against FF is that it is very much a resource hog.

Maybe she opened the attachement in the mail. Then it doesnt help if you use FF or IE. A virus is just a program that does nasty stuff. The virus/program must be executed before it does any harm. Maybe its possible to use a security hole in IE that executes the virus and not in FF, dunno about that.

Frillen said:
The question however is; How much will FFXIII and MGS boost PS3 sales? Undoubtly much in the beginning. But will the PS3 fall like a giant rock the following weeks after? That's the important question.

The same question can be asked about the big upcomming Wii titles too :) Galaxy, Brawl and WiiFit will without a doubt boost the hardware sales, but no one knows how long it will stay high. It can be for months, it can be for weeks. For some reason i have a feeling that WiiFit wont be that big in Japan. Maybe it will sell really good in the begining, but the lasting effect? Bandai also have their own version of "WiiFit". Speaking of that, anyone knows when it comes out and how much it will cost?


Frillen said:
Uh, yeah, the Wii definitely needs those games, but once it does, sales will skyrocket again. In the end though it doesn't really matter that much this holiday season because the Wii will most likely be sold out no matter what. Plus, again, it has already built up a solid LTD, so it doesn matter if it has a slow period.

The Ps3 however, desperately needs some Software, but it won't get any until 08. The question however is; How much will FFXIII and MGS boost PS3 sales? Undoubtly much in the beginning. But will the PS3 fall like a giant rock the following weeks after? That's the important question.

It happened to the Gamecube. People said "wait for Mario, wait for Zelda etc. etc". What happened was that the Gamecube only got an instant boost with those games (Zelda Wind Waker, Sunshine etc.) but fell pretty hard the following weeks. That could happen with the PS3 with FF & MGS also. The PS3 is infact selling at a slower rate than what the Gamecube did in the same timeframe.

Yeah i know all of that, except sony isnt nintendo, the ps3 isnt the gamecube. The ps3 has more top rated and selling first + third party games coming out in the future than the gamecube ever did. The ps3 has games still to come out in 2007 that will sell very well and the price drop will make a difference. The wii is the one that has had the big drop off in the past few weeks i'd be more worried about that.


doicare said:
The ps3 has more top rated and selling first + third party games coming out in the future than the gamecube ever did.
How do games get rated and sold before they're even out? The power of Cell?


doicare said:
The wii needs those games you've mentioned to save it. The ps3 gets it's best games in 2008 plus a price drop now plus another price drop next year in all likely hood, the ps3 will be just fine.

You got that backwards. The PS3 needs saving, and the Wii is fine. Oh, wait. You're doicare. Go about your business.
doicare said:
Yeah i know all of that, except sony isnt nintendo, the ps3 isnt the gamecube. The ps3 has more top rated and selling first + third party games coming out in the future than the gamecube ever did. The ps3 has games still to come out in 2007 that will sell very well and the price drop will make a difference. The wii is the one that has had the big drop off in the past few weeks i'd be more worried about that.

So the Wii dropping off at a sales rate still about twice as great as the PS3 is reason to argue that the PS3 is poised to become the market leader and the wii won't because the PS3 will have a price drop and games (Whilst ignoring the Wii's pricedrops which will bring it to the mass market price of when PS2 sold best pretty soon) and also while ignoring Wii's games and the state of future development support. Do you think capcom is going to be the only company to switch a major exclusive to the wii because of the sales outlooks for the platforms?


listen to the mad man
test_account said:
Maybe she opened the attachement in the mail. Then it doesnt help if you use FF or IE. A virus is just a program that does nasty stuff. The virus/program must be executed before it does any harm. Maybe its possible to use a security hole in IE that executes the virus and not in FF, dunno about that.

ActiveX is by far the largest virus vector, and exists only within IE and the IE rendering engine. The real issue is not opening executables, it's opening the mail at all; embedded ActiveX can execute as well as an executable file can. To be fair to Microsoft, in both the last several versions of Internet Explorer and the last several versions of Outlook, ActiveX content has been clamped down on. But, yes, because of ActiveX, IE has systematic security flaws versus FireFox.

There are also problems that all programs share but that IE has substantially worse than Firefox. The most common example of this is the use of malformed benign content (IE images or other things that are supposed to be safe) to do a remote buffer overflow (using data to "overflow" the memory in the program and trigger virus or unwanted code) which can lead to privilege escalation (gaining more control over the computer than the program is supposed to have).

IE is both more vulnerable to this than FireFox (as in IE has more remote buffer overflows, has had more, has worse auditing tools to prevent them, and will continue to have more) and it can do more damage; because IE is so built in to the operating system, a privilege escalation is likely to hit a lot of other critical subsystems.


Dragona Akehi said:
I can agree with that. Always had a soft spot for Fedora though.

Yeah, I really like Fedora as well. I use Fedora on my development machine and Ubuntu on my laptop (dual boot unfortunately). If I could just get my stupid smart card reader to work in linux, I'd never have to use Windows.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Stumpokapow said:
It's more likely a character encoding issue given that Pureauthor is Filipino. Although it could still be a browser thing. the CODE tag works fine for me in Safari and Firefox.

I am filipino, but that doesn't have to do with anything.


Segata Sanshiro said:
Windows and IE. Come on people, they're from the makers of the Xbox 360, what could possibly go wrong?

Blue Screen of Death the Father of the Red Rings

Anyways so Crisis Core wont sell 2 Million? Could have sworn the Mangod had predicted that one.


Orlics said:
If you're going to attack Windows at least suggest an alternative that's, you know, better.
You mean the alternative that a significantly large chunk of GAF uses? Linux had its moment where it could claim utter superiority over both OSes. That time has come and gone, or at least it will be in 9 days for certain. Can't blame anyone but the many developers of Linux who were more concerned about it being hardcore and less concerned about it being accessible. Ubuntu is here now, but Apple filled the approachable UNIX-based OS billing long ago, so it's too little too late for most people.
More to the point, when it comes to viruses and spyware, yeah, OS X has that all wrapped up.
Grecco said:
Blue Screen of Death the Father of the Red Rings

Anyways so Crisis Core wont sell 2 Million? Could have sworn the Mangod had predicted that one.
Maybe he meant worldwide? It should handily sell that much worldwide. Think of all the FF7tards in North America alone.
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