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Media Create Sales 5/14 - 5/20


StevieP said:
No, it IS far-fetched to say so. The 360 is far less affordable in "Other" (though, funny enough, it's cheaper than the Wii in many places in Europe and still doesn't sell well) countries that it sells in, and Australia/New Zealand aren't going to push a half million units either.

Nobody here does. The people buying the system to play Wii Sports think it's about 50 times better, though.

Dude, it doesn't matter, even if you estimate 50% for Europe(which would put it at 2.7 million) you have SOLD figures from NPD for US and Canda and from MC in Japan that puts it at around 9 million units SOLD.

Considering it is released in other countries as well, it's impossible for the 360 to be <9 million WW SOLD.
360 is closer to 9M than 10M.

Assuming Europe is 50% of the US is a stretch, and then assuming that 360 sold 1.5M units outside of US+EUR+JPN is silly.

I'd say ~9M. If 360 sellthrough was within 1-1.5M of its shipped number (which would be the case if it was at 10M or above), it would almost be in shortage and MS wouldn't be shipping a paltry 500k last quarter. Or another paltry 1.5M this quarter.


jimbo said:
You're delusional if you think the Wii's line-up is ANYWHERE near as strong as the 360's.
YOU are delusional if you think everybody like FPSes and "mature" games.
People are buying Wiis for the party/casual games. Not for GTA or Halo 3.
The wii's fall line up is far more appealing to the alpha mom than the 360 one, and there are far more alpha mom than hardcore gamers.


Speevy said:
Halo and GTA both outsold every Nintendo franchise released on consoles last gen. Just something to consider.

Hmm... neither Halo outsold Smash Bros, I don't think. Unless you're talking cumulative. And GTA, well, no doubt that pushed systems. But the systems weren't $400+ either. The value of titles like GTA, in my opinion, are diminished when the casuals who played the game last time balk at the hardware prices.
Speevy said:
Halo and GTA both outsold every Nintendo franchise released on consoles last gen. Just something to consider.

Super Smash sold a lot WW if I'm not mistaken (7 M?). It's unfair to compare to GTA anyway, as that was on a console with multiple times the userbase of GC.

SSBB absolutely will be one of the most dominating franchise releases of this generation.
Speevy said:
Halo and GTA both outsold every Nintendo franchise released on consoles last gen. Just something to consider.

Might be a better idea to base estimates off current popularity.

GameCube failed for a variety of reasons, and brought its games down with it. And SSBM still came pretty close to either Halo game.


Xzbeat said:
YOU are delusional if you think everybody like FPSes and "mature" games.
People are buying Wiis for the party/casual games. Not for GTA or Halo 3.
The wii's fall line up is far more appealing to the alpha mom than the 360 one, and there are far more alpha mom than hardcore gamers.

Ah ok, well Alpha Mom should be pleased then.
jimbo said:
Ah ok, well Alpha Mom should be pleased then.

Yeah the titles releasing this Fall are only attractive to Alpha Moms. There's no way the AMs are part of a larger, more encompassing demographic that Mario games appeal to...

I should go cancel my Galaxy pre-order.

Edit: Sorry about the DP \/, I figured somebody would have replied by now. =(


RiskyChris said:
Yeah the titles releasing this Fall are only attractive to Alpha Moms. There's no way the AMs are part of a larger, more encompassing demographic that Mario games appeal to...

I should go cancel my Galaxy pre-order.

I'm sure there are but there's still a market of over 100 million gamers....faithful gamers, that like games other than platformers and a brawler.

Anyone interested in racing games, role playing games, action games, online games, fps, tradional fighters....are going to find the 360's lineup much more appealing this fall.


RiskyChris said:
I hear the sales of Xbox 360 have more than tripled in the past 6 months.

jimbo said:
I'm sure there are but there's still a market of over 100 million gamers....faithful gamers, that like games other than platformers and a brawler.

Anyone interested in racing games, role playing games, action games, online games, fps, tradional fighters....are going to find the 360's lineup much more appealing this fall.
I'd like to know where the 100M figure comes from? PS2 sales? Pfft.


jimbo said:
You're delusional if you think the Wii's line-up is ANYWHERE near as strong as the 360's.

Ive been a gamer for quite a long time now and i love all kinds of games from casual to hardcore. Id say the Wii lineup for 2007 is the strongest one for me, but not everybody has to agree ofcourse.

Aside from Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers and Metroid im looking forward to Wii music, Big Brain, Batalion Wars and Project hammer. Add some third party stuff like Manhunt2 and Guitar Hero and theres already a lot of games to buy. Not to mention there are some other games that will probably be huge hits like Wii Health and Mario and Sonic. The recently released Mario Strikers is awesome BTW and i feel that that game is the beginning of a period of quality game releases for Wii. Im not even counting the SE or Capcom games, which look awesome.
jimbo said:
I'm sure there are but there's still a market of over 100 million gamers....faithful gamers, that like games other than platformers and a brawler.

Anyone interested in racing games, role playing games, action games, online games, fps, tradional fighters....are going to find the 360's lineup much more appealing this fall.

Granted, how big do you think that base of gamers really is? How many of them are not already invested into a 360/PS3? How many of them are not at all interested in Galaxy, SSBB, or MP3?


jimbo said:
I'm sure there are but there's still a market of over 100 million gamers....faithful gamers, that like games other than platformers and a brawler.

Anyone interested in racing games, role playing games, action games, online games, fps, tradional fighters....are going to find the 360's lineup much more appealing this fall.

I find the 360 lineup more appealing too, but it's going to do jack shit against the Wii this fall in the worldwide market.

Besides, everyone knows platformers are the superior genre (to anything) anyway.


RiskyChris said:
Granted, how big do you think that base of gamers really is? How many of them are not already invested into a 360/PS3? How many of them are not at all interested in Galaxy, SSBB, or MP3?

Let's see I'm guesing over 120 million WW of which 20 million owns one of the three. Probably a lot less since many own multiple consoles.

I don't know but I am guessing since none of the previous titles sold 50 million copies world wide, the majority of that 100 million are not.
jimbo said:
Let's see I'm guesing over 120 million WW of which 20 million owns one of the three. Probably a lot less since many own multiple consoles.

I don't know but I am guessing since none of the previous titles sold 50 million copies world wide, the majority of that 100 million are not.

So you're saying the entire PS2 userbase was attracted to the console because of those genres?

:lol I see you obviously weren't trying to be serious. Good show, chap!

:lol :lol :lol


jimbo said:
I'm sure there are but there's still a market of over 100 million gamers....faithful gamers, that like games other than platformers and a brawler.

Anyone interested in racing games, role playing games, action games, online games, fps, tradional fighters....are going to find the 360's lineup much more appealing this fall.
I give up. You're just too funny. :D


Just read AniHawk post. # of casuals/soccer moms > hardcore gamers.

Looks like you don't remember what happened between the NDS and the PSP.

Hint : Nintendogs killed Liberty City stories.


RiskyChris said:
So you're saying the entire PS2 userbase was attracted to the console because of those genres?

:lol I see you obviously weren't trying to be serious. Good show, chap!

:lol :lol :lol

No it must have been platformers and brawlers, you know, since those were the PS2's strongest genres.


Xzbeat said:
I give up. You're just too funny. :D
He's past funny. He's between "Almost had you there, haha!" and "But it were funny, huh?".

jimbo said:
No it must have been platformers and brawlers, you know, since those were the PS2's strongest genres.
The PS2's strongest genres were a cheap price and a massive game library. Oh, and the "me too" factor that made everyone buy one just because everyone else was bying one. Does that remind you of a console?


Speevy said:
And San Andreas (the PS2 version) outsold all the console Pokemon games put together?

The only versions of Pokemon people actually care about are the portable ones. The console ones have always been shit.


I'm just saying you can't compare sales of handheld games to sales of console games.

Just because a casual-centric game like Nintendogs outsold LCS, doesn't mean the same will hold true.

And moreover, the combination of Smash, Mario, and Metroid this holiday season includes not one of these Wii Sports/Nintendogs-like titles.

They're all games that sell to Nintendo fans.


Speevy said:
And San Andreas (the PS2 version) outsold all the console Pokemon games put together?
:lol San Andreas was released on a 100+ million base (roughly SNES + N64 + NGC installed base) PSP and DS were about on par in the US and European markets when these games got released.


Speevy said:
And moreover, the combination of Smash, Mario, and Metroid this holiday season includes not one of these Wii Sports/Nintendogs-like titles.

You just ignored Wii Music and Wii Fitness...
They're all games that sell to Nintendo fans.
Of course, New Super Mario Bros. also only sold to Nintendo fans.


I'm interested in Wii Music mostly for the novelty of conducting a symphony. Hopefully they get some good songs in the disc.
Speevy said:
I'm just saying you can't compare sales of handheld games to sales of console games.

Just because a casual-centric game like Nintendogs outsold LCS, doesn't mean the same will hold true.

And moreover, the combination of Smash, Mario, and Metroid this holiday season includes not one of these Wii Sports/Nintendogs-like titles.

They're all games that sell to Nintendo fans.

Right, it supplements the casual titles, meaning it makes the Wii library stronger...


Guys, you know Speevy ALWAYS wins!! :lol
Add to that, that he did a 180 degree turn from Nitnendo fanboy to anti-Nintendo. :D

So don't continue quoting him to argue with him! :lol


Speevy said:
I'm just saying you can't compare sales of handheld games to sales of console games.

Just because a casual-centric game like Nintendogs outsold LCS, doesn't mean the same will hold true.

And moreover, the combination of Smash, Mario, and Metroid this holiday season includes not one of these Wii Sports/Nintendogs-like titles.

They're all games that sell to Nintendo fans.

:lol Dude, EVERYTHING outsold GTA: LCS. Final Fantasy III, Yoshi's Island DS, Tetris DS, NSMB, Animal Crossing: WW, etc.

I think you're just foolishly looking at this and saying "Well, GTA's a console game, not a portable game. Pokemon sells a ****load more on certain systems too." It's way more than just that.

Nintendo's on a high right now. Everything they do gets instant praise from the media, everything they make sells and sells now. This is a completely different Nintendo now and there's also a different Sony and MS. The market has changed so that a Mario game now has sold over nine million worldwide. The market has changed so that each GTA that comes out sells worse than the last. We're seeing the results of increased sales, hype, and demand for all things Animal Crossing, Mario-related, as well as successful "non-games" as I'm sure you'd like to call it.

SSBM, Mario Sunshine, and Metroid Prime appealed to some of the biggest die-hard Nintendo fans last generation. But now that the userbase and mindshare is with Nintendo, it would not be surprising for each of these games to sell better than their predecessors did last generation.

Go ahead and look at sales of something like Gundam Musou. That's a game you'd think would sell extremely well... if the userbase was there. Ratchet and Clank was a couple million seller last generation. How much do you think the upcoming PS3 game will sell? It won't be anywhere close to those numbers.
Jesus ****ing christ, this discussion sucks!

Does it really matter how many 360's have been sold? Is there such a big difference between 9 and 10 million? If we go back to the original question, we can answer quite easily: Yes, the Wii will surpass 360's LTD within a pretty short time.


What will happen at christmas, no one knows. You can't underestimate the power of Halo, but I also agree most of the Halo-buyers are the ones who have a 360 anyway: the 'hardcore' userbase, and going by the tie-ratio's of 360's software: Yes, it's the core. Why no casuals? Price.
BUT, you also can't underestimate the power of the Wii + Mario + pricepoint: I think this gives Wii the edge, since it quite simply just attracts a faaaar larger audience than the 360 (let alone the PS3) at the moment.

My prediction is: by the end of this year, the Wii will have the largest userbase. How large "the largest" is, depends on how many consoles they can stock.


Professional Schmuck
The only significant thing about the 360 in Japan is that it will never even hit 500k units sold. Not even half a million. One cannot expect a console to win any other region unless Japan is also won. We've known that since the beginning, and its still true.

That's why Japan matters, that's why Media Create sales threads have value, and that's why the 360 will never, ever win this generation of world-wide sales.


I wonder if the PS3 has definately lost its major third party support in Japan now.

I hear around that the third parties will come back to the PS3 when it will have sold a lot more, later ... But I just can't believe it.

Third parties need revenues during this year and it will be pretty brutal for the smaller ones if they try to make profit on the PS3 now. So they would develop for the Wii and that implies that they would fix their series' audience on this console.

Am I mistaken somewhere ?


Kafel said:
I hear around that the third parties will come back to the PS3 when it will have sold a lot more, later ... But I just can't believe it.
I agree. Why would third parties abandon the PS3 now, only to come back to it later? With the long development times of next-gen titles, such a strategy seems doomed to failure. And if third parties abandon the PS3, what exactly is going to make it sell "a lot more?"
Matt said:
I agree. Why would third parties abandon the PS3 now, only to come back to it later? With the long development times of next-gen titles, such a strategy seems doomed to failure. And if third parties abandon the PS3, what exactly is going to make it sell "a lot more?"

Virtua Fighter 5


the smegma spreader
i want to know how anyone can justify comparing the situation last gen to what is going on right now. anyone thinking that the sales trends of the ps2 days will carry over into this new gen has not paid attention to the DS. the fact that it is a portable is of little relevance; sony wanted to show that hardcore gaming is preferred over casual gaming, and failed. simple as that.

the wii is burning it up right now. not to mention a myriad of non games (i mean that in a good way lol) on the way, the nintendo holy trinity is coming, this year. halo 3 is going to sell a ton, and deservedly so, but you best believe that SMG will outsell it WW. The times, they are a-changin'.

PS3 - 8600 :lol

PantherLotus said:
The only significant thing about the 360 in Japan is that it will never even hit 500k units sold. Not even half a million. One cannot expect a console to win any other region unless Japan is also won. We've known that since the beginning, and its still true.

That's why Japan matters, that's why Media Create sales threads have value, and that's why the 360 will never, ever win this generation of world-wide sales.



come on, more list wars!

also, lol @ hypocrites frowning on party games and then praising dumbed down fps games on consoles


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
AdmiralViscen said:
GameCube failed for a variety of reasons, and brought its games down with it.

Personally, I'd say it was the opposite. The Gamecube games brought the GC down.

Eteric Rice

Sweedishrodeo said:
i want to know how anyone can justify comparing the situation last gen to what is going on right now. anyone thinking that the sales trends of the ps2 days will carry over into this new gen has not paid attention to the DS. the fact that it is a portable is of little relevance; sony wanted to show that hardcore gaming is preferred over casual gaming, and failed. simple as that.

the wii is burning it up right now. not to mention a myriad of non games (i mean that in a good way lol) on the way, the nintendo holy trinity is coming, this year. halo 3 is going to sell a ton, and deservedly so, but you best believe that SMG will outsell it WW. The times, they are a-changin'.

PS3 - 8600 :lol


Thank god, too. For a while I was getting worried that things were becoming waaay to static.
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