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Media Create Sales 5/14 - 5/20

Oblivion said:
Personally, I'd say it was the opposite. The Gamecube games brought the GC down.
The GC was a moderate success. Just like the PSP is, the XBOX and N64 were, and the 360 will be.

The only problems that are really apparent with the GC are when you compare it with the PS2. The PS2 was (and kinda still is) a ****ing monster. The PS2 garnered the Hype & Support that most consoles only dream of. It was way bigger than the what Wii had before launch.

It was the *same* hype that the PS3 *had* until E3 06 when the price was announced.

That's the point where you can nail it all going down hill from. At that point 2,000,000 super-hardcore gamers and 1,000,000 moderate casuals who really really like the PS2 were still planning to get a PS3.

They left an opening.

Nintendo stepped in.

The rests will be history in a couple of years.
PantherLotus said:
The only significant thing about the 360 in Japan is that it will never even hit 500k units sold. Not even half a million.
I believe you are wrong on this. Let's not assume any particular holiday or game bumps to keep things simple. If for the rest of this year it gets 2K each week, for all of 2008 gets 1K each week, and for all of 2009 gets only 0.5K each week, it will be over 500K by the end of 2009.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
bmf said:
The GC was a moderate success. Just like the PSP is, the XBOX and N64 were, and the 360 will be.

The only problems that are really apparent with the GC are when you compare it with the PS2. The PS2 was (and kinda still is) a ****ing monster. The PS2 garnered the Hype & Support that most consoles only dream of. It was way bigger than the what Wii had before launch.

It was the *same* hype that the PS3 *had* until E3 06 when the price was announced.

That's the point where you can nail it all going down hill from. At that point 2,000,000 super-hardcore gamers and 1,000,000 moderate casuals who really really like the PS2 were still planning to get a PS3.

They left an opening.

Nintendo stepped in.

The rests will be history in a couple of years.

I was talking about the overall library. I was referring to the first party titles.


PantherLotus said:
The only significant thing about the 360 in Japan is that it will never even hit 500k units sold. Not even half a million. One cannot expect a console to win any other region unless Japan is also won. We've known that since the beginning, and its still true.

That's why Japan matters, that's why Media Create sales threads have value, and that's why the 360 will never, ever win this generation of world-wide sales.

Oblivion said:
I was talking about the overall library. I was referring to the first party titles.
Hah. For a bit I forgot what I had been replying to. It wasn't GC games that brought down the GC. It was PS2 games. They had a bunch of high profile, hotly anticipated, good games out, by the time the GC launched. GC didn't stand a chance.

Hype is part of the equation, support is on equal footing, and having a reasonably easy to program system makes up a much smaller third part.

The PS3 had the Hype, but lost most of it at E3, that loss of hype translated in lower than expected sales post launch, which is now heavily affecting their support. It's a downward spiral that they won't recover from.


Professional Schmuck
JoshuaJSlone said:
I believe you are wrong on this. Let's not assume any particular holiday or game bumps to keep things simple. If for the rest of this year it gets 2K each week, for all of 2008 gets 1K each week, and for all of 2009 gets only 0.5K each week, it will be over 500K by the end of 2009.

Ok. It has a chance to hit 500,000 units sold in Japan. Moral victory!
bmf said:
Hah. For a bit I forgot what I had been replying to. It wasn't GC games that brought down the GC. It was PS2 games. They had a bunch of high profile, hotly anticipated, good games out, by the time the GC launched. GC didn't stand a chance.

Hype is part of the equation, support is on equal footing, and having a reasonably easy to program system makes up a much smaller third part.

The PS3 had the Hype, but lost most of it at E3, that loss of hype translated in lower than expected sales post launch, which is now heavily affecting their support. It's a downward spiral that they won't recover from.
Yes, but when you go to the real source of the dying hype, it always comes back down to the price announcement.

The E3 conference on itself wasn't fantastic (PSP as mirror, OMG teh innovation controlr, ...), but everything was still in the pocket untill the very last moment of the conference. The Gaf IRC log speaks for itself.


PantherLotus said:
Ok. It has a chance to hit 500,000 units sold in Japan. Moral victory!

It reminds me that last year we said "wait for [x game] and the X360 sales will take off in Japan".

example : Blue Dragon

Thinking about this situation and what the usual speech for the PS3 is about today is scary.

The X360 will also hit 500,000 units in Japan thanks to the bumps it will get : Trusty Bell, Lost Planet, Cry On ...
Souldriver said:
Yes, but when you go to the real source of the dying hype, it always comes back down to the price announcement.

The E3 conference on itself wasn't fantastic (PSP as mirror, OMG teh innovation controlr, ...), but everything was still in the pocket untill the very last moment of the conference. The Gaf IRC log speaks for itself.

Yep. It was the price announcement. That was the biggie that killed it. None of the other stuff, like "Massive Damage" would have been remembered without the the price announcement that really put everything in perspective.


PantherLotus said:
Ok. It has a chance to hit 500,000 units sold in Japan. Moral victory!

Nah - Blue whatever made them buy X360 last time 2 is bound to come out and cause a sales spike so I'm thinking closer to 550,000 :D

Oh and looking at the hardware sales this week in the 'declining market' systems with no new games released into the top of the chart took the biggest sales hit. DS looks like it's dip was slightly harder than most though. Vinnk (he da man :D - my GF remarked she would have probably eaten half the pudding before she'd have noticed the proposal...) says that DS isn't supply constrained in his sample so I'm thinking that last week was still Golden Week/FF bump for the DS and this week the sales dropped back from the artificial high. Only if the next week DS drop is above the rest of the hardware market would I expect that the demand is stabilizing to match supply.
The Wii however kept stable sales without any extra games released - this indicated that the system (is still at least to some extent) has the potential to sell more if the units are out there in the right stores - supply chain is just as improtant as manufacturing capacity.

Europe are getting all the spare Wii at the moment - expect press releases on Tuesday (mon is bank holiday) from our PR guy saying how the bank holiday had 30k sales in the UK and massive Mario Football sales across Europe.


Kafel said:
It reminds me that last year we said "wait for [x game] and the X360 sales will take off in Japan".

example : Blue Dragon

Thinking about this situation and what the usual speech for the PS3 is about today is scary.

I think it has something to do with not being a japanese console too, not just the selection of games.
test_account said:
I think it has something to do with not being a japanese console too, not just the selection of games.
Sorta kinda in a peripheral kind of way. It's more of a catch-22 on getting Japanese developers to support the console when there's another console that's made domestically, and has sold a lot more units already, it's hard to get a foothold.

*IF* Nintendo had gone 3rd party or some other sort of ludicrous thing, and the 360 was half the price of the PS3 (is it in japan?) then maybe, just maybe, Microsoft would have had a shot at getting the support they would have needed to take Japan eventually. It might have ended up like the Genesis/SNES split in the US in 1993.

Of course this is really just a big exercise of what ifs, not to be taken seriously.

As for the launch advantage, it was probably assumed by publishers that the PS3 would sell 3 million consoles in the first 3 months a couple of years ago when they were gearing up to develop games for it.
jimbo said:
I am not talking about SHIPPED. I am talking sold.

The 8.5 million represents SOLD numbers in the US, Europe and Japan.

Canda alone has ~300,000 units SOLD. So you can estimate 9 million for the 360 with just Europe, Japan, and NA.

And you still have to add the remaining countries in which is not far fetched to say they account for roughly another million units.

Therefore 360's estimated SOLD WW TOTALS is roughly 10 million, not 8.5.

8.5 is low balling like hell.

You are overestimating the importance of "Others" outside of Europe and Australia in terms of marketshare way too much.

edit: I just realized this conversation was done 2 pages ago.

Speevy said:
Halo and GTA both outsold every Nintendo franchise released on consoles last gen. Just something to consider.

But this is this gen where the Wii and DS both dominates. Mario is back, big time, on a very popular Nintendo home console, and indeed, the only one with a realistic chance at number one.

I like this, btw. Thank you, xbots for being such nice people and taking the place of the sonythings. I'm serious.
Speevy said:
-Halo 3
-Heavenly Sword
-Assassin's Creed
-Mercenaries 2
-The Darkness
-Project Gotham Racing 4
-Devil May Cry 4

Oh, I'm going to be flamed to all Hell for saying this, but.... I don't know what half those games are. People bring stuff up like "it's gonna have ASSASSIN'S CREED, etc." and it's just meaningless words to me. I guess I could look it up, but I dunno, I'm just not curious enough I suppose.
Mariah Carey said:
Oh, I'm going to be flamed to all Hell for saying this, but.... I don't know what half those games are. People bring stuff up like "it's gonna have ASSASSIN'S CREED, etc." and it's just meaningless words to me. I guess I could look it up, but I dunno, I'm just not curious enough I suppose.
You're showing signs of complete disinterest. If someone had shown you a list of PS2 games in 2001, would you have had the same disinterest?


bmf said:
You're showing signs of complete disinterest. If someone had shown you a list of PS2 games in 2001, would you have had the same disinterest?

basically, yeah

not to answer for mariah there, but i have my selection of games i'm interested in and i sort of follow and don't really look at anything else and couldn't tell you the first thing about them. there's a gaffer i talk to on msn a lot since and he'll ask me what i think of haze or what i think of the games at sgd or whatever and i honestly tell him i haven't seen the first thing on those games and really don't care. it's not a slight against the games, developers, the system, but if it's not going to be on a system i see myself owning in the next year or two or five, then i don't even bother finding out what's going on with them. there's tons of games on the system that i could see myself buying that i don't even care to follow. i'll grant the rare exception if it's an existing ip i'm interested in because of prior systems, such as final fantasy or whatever the next god of war turns out to be.
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Wii Health
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Battallion Wars Wii
Mario Party 8
Wii Music (?)
Dragon Quest Swords
Manhunt 2
No More Heroes

Is nothing to scoff at either. A lot more balanced that MS' lineup which is pretty much all aimed at one demographic. Nintendo will sell pretty much every Wii they can manufacture from here until the end of the year with ease most likely. If they can't even supply enough now, with all these games coming out + the fall shopping rush ... yikes.

In the end though, I'm not a huge believer in "list wars" ... mindshare, market momentuem, regional strength (are you strong in North America but got nothing in Japan?), and brand momentuem are more important.

I also think there's an important distinction also between "GameCube fans" and "Nintendo fans".

"Nintendo fans" grew up with the NES, there are millions of us out there. Not all "Nintendo fans" are "GameCube fans" ... so when people say the Wii is only selling to "Nintendo fans", I agree to an extent ... but that audience is broader than just "GameCube" fans.

There are lots of people interested in the Wii or buying the Wii who owned a NES or SNES but never had an N64 or GameCube. For a lot of people the Wii brings back the "play with your family/friends" appeal of the NES in addition to the virtual console functions ... the GC never could capitalize on either of these crowds.
They also...ummm...all sound the same. If I didn't know anything, I would think that Mercenaries is the same as Assasin's Creed, Heavenly Sword with Devil May Cry, etc. The names also....ummm...at the risk of getting flamed as well...sound "juvenile". Like something an angsty teen would come up with.

I mean if you're a casual, Alpha Mom™, which would is more attractive? Grand Theft Auto, Devil May Cry, The Darkness, Assasin' Creed, Mercenaries or Wii Health Pack, Wii Music, Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, Boogie, Super Mario Galaxy?


titiklabingapat said:
They also...ummm...all sound the same. If I didn't know anything, I would think that Mercenaries is the same as Assasin's Creed, Heavenly Sword with Devil May Cry, etc. The names also....ummm...at the risk of getting flamed as well...sound "juvenile". Like something an angsty teen would come up with.

I mean if you're a casual, Alpha Mom, which would is more attractive? Grand Theft Auto, Devil May Cry, The Darkness, Assasin' Creed, Mercenaries or Wii Health Pack, Wii Music, Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, Boogie, Super Mario Galaxy?
That is the problem we really dont know.
Come on guys, I know some of you are Nintendo fans, but in that case you are far better off arguing using the facts instead of "those other games have stupid names and all sound the same" type nonsense.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Come on guys, I know some of you are Nintendo fans, but in that case you are far better off arguing using the facts instead of "those other games have stupid names and all sound the same" type nonsense.

It's a legitimate complaint, though I'd probably phrase it differently. In that 360 list that was posted previously, I plan on getting most of those titles, but as far as garnering appreciable 360 sales? They've got no chance (barring Halo 3/GTA4).
RiskyChris said:
It's a legitimate complaint, though I'd probably phrase it differently. In that 360 list that was posted previously, I plan on getting most of those titles, but as far as garnering appreciable 360 sales? They've got no chance (barring Halo 3/GTA4).
Insofar as Japan, I absolutely agree, those games have little chance of making any waves. But in other markets, who knows? I wouldn't have called GTA3 as the big hit of last gen when I was just looking at its name on a bullet-point list, especially if I, like many of the folks here, hadn't been arsed to even find out the first thing about it.

I'm as firm a believer in Nintendo's success as anyone here. Factually they are kicking butt right now and taking any bet other than Nintendo winning the gen is taking a risky bet. But when a person starts taking a list of the potential top games coming out for another system and says "I don't know what they are but they all sound the same" while cheerleading a first party lineup that is seemingly fifty-percent made of mini-games, they tend to look a bit silly.


The biggest thing the Wii has on either the PS3/360 and its games is its infinitely larger potential to have a worldwide or cultural phenomenon.

These games like Assasin's Creed, The Darkness, etc. might be really good games, but what would make the world go crazy about it? People went crazy for Halo, and people went crazy for GTA much like they did for Super Mario 64.

Since then every huge hit that has been released as been for a Nintendo system. Nintendogs was unproven at the time, but everybody could see how potentially big the games could be. That potential was high and it was fulfilled. The same deal occured with Tetris years ago and happens to Brain Age now. It's what's happening with Wii Sports, and it can easily happen with Wii Health Pack.

Nintendogs appealed to a huge audience. It appealed to females, dog lovers, people that actually wanted a damn game for their DS at the time :)lol ), and those that love the idea of sims in general.

Brain Age appealed to a huge audience as well. It appealed to older people, it appealed to females, it appealed to parents/kids because of the thought that it was beneficial for one.

New Super Mario Bros. also appealed to a huge audience. It was very pick-up-and-playble. It was a perfect fit for a handheld the way the game was designed. It appealed to nostalgic Nintendo fans and it appealed to the younger audience that enjoys colorful and easier games.

All three of these games have sold at least seven million worldwide. When I look at stuff like Heavenly Sword, I think that the best case scenario for it were if it were likened to a Goddess of War. But even God of War wasn't HUGE.

The potentially huge sellers I see are GTA IV, Halo 3, and Forza Motorsport 2, for pretty obvious reasons. But GTA IV won't be like GTA III just like Super Mario Sunshine didn't get results like Super Mario 64 did.

It's easy to see how games like DDR, Guitar Hero, Brain Age, Wii Sports, Pokemon, etc. became huge for gaming. I don't see much on the horizon outside the ones I listed for 360 and especially PS3.
You also have to figure -- how many people grew up on the NES/Famicom?

Figuring just about every household that had one had 2-3 kids playing it, you're talking at least 130+ million people who all grew up with that type of gaming.

The GameCube was NOT a system that attracted Nintendo fans ... it only appealled to very hardcore segment of the Nintendo fanbase.

The Wii is bringing back a lot of those "lost" Nintendo fans, Japan is proof positive of this ... I'm willing to bet a lot of the Japanese buying the Wii grew up on the Famicom/Super Famicom but never owned the GameCube.

Nintendo also has a more powerful sense of nostalgia ... lets face it. You play the Super Mario Bros. theme for anyone and they'll smile and instantly recognize it ... but now 10 years later ... if you put Tomb Raider or WipeOut infront of the average person ... do they really care?
Mariah Carey said:
Oh, I'm going to be flamed to all Hell for saying this, but.... I don't know what half those games are. People bring stuff up like "it's gonna have ASSASSIN'S CREED, etc." and it's just meaningless words to me. I guess I could look it up, but I dunno, I'm just not curious enough I suppose.

Hell, the 360 is my primary console and I don't know much about most of the games listed. I only know OF them through people's posts on GAF. With very, very, very little exception, I don't find myself looking into a game until it's already out. Halo 3? Gonna get it, but do I know anything about it at all? Definitely not, even though there's a stickied 13k+ thread dedicated to the beta.

...I get more excited at the VC and XBLA game announcements. When I get a PS3, I'm sure PSN will be the main thing I care about, too.
titiklabingapat said:
They also...ummm...all sound the same. If I didn't know anything, I would think that Mercenaries is the same as Assasin's Creed, Heavenly Sword with Devil May Cry, etc. The names also....ummm...at the risk of getting flamed as well...sound "juvenile". Like something an angsty teen would come up with.

YES! That's exactly it. I hear "Lair," "Heavenly Sword" and I get an image of Generic Western PC Dungeons & Dragons-Esque Medieval RPG, and stuff like "Mercenaries" conjures up images of Generic Western PC War Shooter Possibly Post-Apocalyptic. For all I know, the games might be completely different (or maybe not even Western). But in short, the word that jumps into mind is "Generic."

I realize I am probably incredibly closed-minded by weighing my interest by a game's title, but I really can't help it. I guess titles are just one of those things that we kind of take for granted. Titles that use character names ("Sonic the Hedgehog," "The Legend of Zelda"), titles that sound like crazy fun ("Super Monkey Ball," "Smash Bros"), or even titles that don't seem to make sense at first or at all ("Pokemon," "Galaga," or hell "Wii") could get the whole "I wonder what that's about" ball going.

(EDITed lol)

bmf said:
You're showing signs of complete disinterest. If someone had shown you a list of PS2 games in 2001, would you have had the same disinterest?

Hmm that's a toughie, because last generation was the one where I was probably drifting the furthest away from videogames. I was onboard in the beginning of the generation, and was excited for stuff like Tekken, Metal Gear, and Final Fantasy and of course all the Nintendo franchises (I wasn't keen on Xbox because I was weary of the hardcore PC mentality it seemed to carry). It was a while back and I can't recall my reaction upon hearing about new IPs so I really can't say. Intense career pressures took my attention away from gaming for a year or two; and when I came around I found that the aforementioned Xbox hardcore PC mentality seemed to have rubbed off on the industry and if the DS hadn't come out soon after, I probably would have lost nearly all interest in videogames entirely.


Mariah Carey said:
Oh, I'm going to be flamed to all Hell for saying this, but.... I don't know what half those games are. People bring stuff up like "it's gonna have ASSASSIN'S CREED, etc." and it's just meaningless words to me. I guess I could look it up, but I dunno, I'm just not curious enough I suppose.
Yeah, this is the problem with list wars in general, on any side. I don't know what 90% of the anticipated PS3 or 360 titles are, and if it wasn't for the fact that I own a Wii already, I probably also wouldn't have a clue what 90% of anticipated Wii titles are. Even as it is, I don't know what ~70% of Wii titles are--and that's despite the fact that most Nintendo-centric sites I've seen tend to dredge up every Nintendo-related article from every corner of the interweb and I end up scrolling past all sorts of game names I'll never read again.
Mariah Carey said:
YES! That's exactly it. I hear "Lair," "Heavenly Sword" and I get an image of Generic Western PC Dungeons & Dragons-Esque Medieval RPG, and stuff like "Mercenaries" conjures up images of Generic Western PC War Shooter Possibly Post-Apocalyptic. For all I know, the games might be completely different (or maybe not even Western). But in short, the word that jumps into mind is "Generic."

I realize I am probably incredibly closed-minded by weighing my interest by a game's title, but I really can't help it. I guess titles are just one of those things that we kind of take for granted. Titles that use character names ("Sonic the Hedgehog," "The Legend of Zelda"), titles that sound like crazy fun ("Super Monkey Ball," "Smash Bros"), or even titles that don't seem to make sense at first or at all ("Pokemon," "Galaga," or hell "Wii") could get the whole "I wonder what that's about" ball going.

(EDITed lol)

I mean...I sort of agree with you, but um...do you actually own anything besides Nintendo consoles? You've always seemed very pro-Nintendo; though, I'd never consider you a troll.
I am going to go to my grave believing Mariah Carey posts on NeoGAF, and I don't know who she is, apart from being famous.

Sorry, just had to get that out there.

Also, thanks for the good times, Xbox fellas.
For me, looking at a list of hotly anticipated PS3 games is kinda like looking at a list of N-Gage games:

Red Faction
Requiem of Hell
Rifts: Promise of Power
Roots: Gates of Chaos
Shade: Wrath of Angels

I don't know much about most of them, and I'm not terribly excited.


FlightOfHeaven said:
I am going to go to my grave believing Mariah Carey posts on NeoGAF, and I don't know who she is, apart from being famous.

Sorry, just had to get that out there.

Also, thanks for the good times, Xbox fellas.

are you doing that right now or are you just talking in general?
Forgotten Ancient said:
I mean...I sort of agree with you, but um...do you actually own anything besides Nintendo consoles? You've always seemed very pro-Nintendo; though, I'd never consider you a troll.

I'll admit I'm a Nintendo player all the way; I've had them all since the NES. But I don't have any particular hate for any other platform, and I did own the PS and PS2. I guess I'm not "into" videogames to the point where I feel like I must own every console. I'll admit I did feel disenfranchised with the direction videogames seemed to be headed late last gen and yes, I am having a little vindicative fun watching the industry make a course change. In the end, I hope I don't come off as a troll, it's not my bag.


Mariah Carey said:
Oh, I'm going to be flamed to all Hell for saying this, but.... I don't know what half those games are. People bring stuff up like "it's gonna have ASSASSIN'S CREED, etc." and it's just meaningless words to me. I guess I could look it up, but I dunno, I'm just not curious enough I suppose.


A lot of fans bring up X game and say how huge it's going to be. What they don't understand is that it's only the hardcore who even know what that is. The hardcore group around these games and hype builds from screenshots and videos. Meanwhile the real world hasn't seen shit and couldn't give a crap either way.

Usually my first exposure to such games is the 1up Show. Last episode introduced me to Crysis, and I was blown away. That game looks incredible. But I'm sure the hardcore gamers look at me with mystified faces that I haven't even heard of the game before that point.

Like Mariah and others. I just don't click on the threads that talk about 'generic shooter 3' or 'chick with breasts and a sword kills guys 7'. I used to play games like that. For years and years. But I've just grown out of them. These days I prefer something different and interesting.

It's easy to mark someone who's like this as a 'Nintendo fan'. But if anyone knows my post history. I'm certainly not one of them. I don't like Mario games, I don't like most of Nintendo's franchises. I do happen to favour their attitude at the moment though. And there's the simple fact that I want a 360, and to a lesser extent a PS3. But I'm waiting for a price drop.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Segata Sanshiro said:
If you don't know about them, that's your ignorance, not the game's fault. I can discredit all manner of things by doing the same thing.
I don't think anybody is discrediting games but just coming up with explanations why their exposure and success may be limited in regards to other stuff.
elostyle said:
I don't think anybody is discrediting games but just coming up with explanations why their exposure and success may be limited in regards to other stuff.
Trying to predict how an entire list of games will perform based solely on "I don't know much about them and they sound awfully generic to me" counts as discrediting in my books.


Segata Sanshiro said:
If you don't know about them, that's your ignorance, not the game's fault. I can discredit all manner of things by doing the same thing.

But that's exactly the point. We're on GAF. If a large part of its members don't even know about these 'huge' system selling games, how does the average joe down the street compare?

All I'm saying is. There's a bunch of games coming out that fans of the particular console believe will sell lots of systems. What they don't understand is that it's only the people who already own the console that even know what those are.

It's like saying a PS3 owner should be getting excited about 'Mario plays generic sport 6'. When in actuality it's only the Nintendo fans that even know the game is coming.


Forgotten Ancient said:
I mean...I sort of agree with you, but um...do you actually own anything besides Nintendo consoles? You've always seemed very pro-Nintendo; though, I'd never consider you a troll.
I woned a Ps2 alongside my Gamecube and the only games of even remote interest were ICO, burnout 3, Okami, Klonoa 2: Lunateas Veil, Katamari Damacy. Like MC said, the titles were definitely interesting to begin with and the games also proved to be. Out of the few thousand games on that console, a tiny handful ever really stood out to me.
Segata Sanshiro said:
If you don't know about them, that's your ignorance, not the game's fault. I can discredit all manner of things by doing the same thing.

No one is saying the games are bad. This is a sales-age discussion, and lack of mainstream knowledge means the games are irrelevant.
Segata Sanshiro said:
If you don't know about them, that's your ignorance, not the game's fault. I can discredit all manner of things by doing the same thing.
Off the top of your head, what do you know about "Shade: Wrath of Angels" for the N-Gage?
Mar_ said:
But that's exactly the point. We're on GAF. If a large part of its members don't even know about these 'huge' system selling games, how does the average joe down the street compare?

All I'm saying is. There's a bunch of games coming out that fans of the particular console believe will sell lots of systems. What they don't understand is that it's only the people who already own the console that even know what those are.

It's like saying a PS3 owner should be getting excited about 'Mario plays generic sport 6'. When in actuality it's only the Nintendo fans that even know the game is coming.
Perhaps the same could be said of all religions

RiskyChris said:
No one is saying the games are bad. This is a sales-age discussion, and lack of mainstream knowledge means the games are irrelevant.
I'm not even talking about the quality of the games either, really. I'm also referring to the sales potential. The conclusion is a fair one, but the argument propping up the conclusion is based on arguments so weak that only the choir can agree that they would be sound.

With rare exceptions, the mainstream doesn't know about any game until the month of its release. The majority of trajectory-changing, transcendental games don't achieve their status with the mainstream until *after* their release. At any rate, none of this matters. You cannot prop up the conclusion that these games won't sell well simply by saying "I don't know much about them but they sound generic to me". It's patently ridiculous.


Mar_ said:
But that's exactly the point. We're on GAF. If a large part of its members don't even know about these 'huge' system selling games, how does the average joe down the street compare?

All I'm saying is. There's a bunch of games coming out that fans of the particular console believe will sell lots of systems. What they don't understand is that it's only the people who already own the console that even know what those are.

It's like saying a PS3 owner should be getting excited about 'Mario plays generic sport 6'. When in actuality it's only the Nintendo fans that even know the game is coming.

Thats the problem here, how can you not know about the PS3 big titles there are countless threads on them. And Sony just had a huge gamers day were they released the latest information. The problem is people think the PS3 is too expensive so they just completely discredit the games coming out for it as auto failures. Or they just discredit them because there Sony first party and peoples perspective of Sony 1st party is that its trash.
bmf said:
Off the top of your head, what do you know about "Shade: Wrath of Angels" for the N-Gage?
Well, first off, this is obviously a trap question because the N-Gage is so far past dead it's not even funny, but...

Off the top of my head, I know nothing about Shade: Wrath of Angels. I guess that makes me extremely qualified to determine how well it's going to do?


Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, first off, this is obviously a trap question because the N-Gage is so far past dead it's not even funny, but...

Off the top of my head, I know nothing about Shade: Wrath of Angels. I guess that makes me extremely qualified to determine how well it's going to do?

yes. it's going to bomb because it's on a dead system.

see, now you see how people can comment on ps3 games.
Segata Sanshiro said:
Well, first off, this is obviously a trap question because the N-Gage is so far past dead it's not even funny, but...

Off the top of my head, I know nothing about Shade: Wrath of Angels. I guess that makes me extremely qualified to determine how well it's going to do?

The implied question is, who's to blame for your lack of knowledge of this very cool sounding title? It sounds almost as cool as God of War or Devil May Cry.

Does the fault lie at your feet, or at the feet of Cenega Publishing and Nokia, who failed to properly notify you of it's existence and motivate you to investigate whether or not it's really really cool.

I bet the people at http://forums.arena.n-gage.com/ could tell us all about that particular title if we asked. It may have even been as cool as it sounds.

I think that if you went to that forum in particular, and inquired about that title in particular, that someone there might be be able to extol the virtues of said title so well that you might find yourself compelled to go out right now and purchase an N-Gage just so that you could play that game in particular that has a really cool title.

Or you might show up, ask about it and find out it's a POS. You won't know unless you try.

Edit 2:

I had way too much fun writing this post.
Segata Sanshiro said:
I'm not even talking about the quality of the games either, really. I'm also referring to the sales potential. The conclusion is a fair one, but the argument propping up the conclusion is based on arguments so weak that only the choir can agree that they would be sound.

With rare exceptions, the mainstream doesn't know about any game until the month of its release. The majority of trajectory-changing, transcendental games don't achieve their status with the mainstream until *after* their release. At any rate, none of this matters. You cannot prop up the conclusion that these games won't sell well simply by saying "I don't know much about them but they sound generic to me". It's patently ridiculous.

I'm not going that far at all (though perhaps others are, I'm not certain). If these games are all stellar and get the right exposure then it doesn't really matter what the titles are, they should theoretically do well. All I'm saying is that at least for me personally, the titles to a lot of these games are so bland that it doesn't encourage me to find out about them.

JudgeN said:
Thats the problem here, how can you not know about the PS3 big titles there are countless threads on them. And Sony just had a huge gamers day were they released the latest information. The problem is people think the PS3 is too expensive so they just completely discredit the games coming out for it as auto failures. Or they just discredit them because there Sony first party and peoples perspective of Sony 1st party is that its trash.

Well, what's happened with me is something like:

Person 1: "Hey did you hear about the press event where they showed off all those games?"

Person 2: "Really, what'd they show?"

Person 1: "They had LAIR and ASSASSIN'S CREED and MERCENARIES 2 and..."

Person 2: "???.....zzzzzz....."

A title will never make or break a game or property, but it can certainly be used to help put the very first initial "spark" of interest into someone's head. Just about everybody hated the name "Wii," but I bet you the first thing anybody on the street thought when they first heard the name was "What in the world is a WII?" And they soon went about finding out. Also, like how people first heard *ahem* The Emancipation of Mimi
and thought "What is THAT all about?" It, of course, became the biggest selling album of 2005, but I digress. All I'm saying is that having an interesting title shouldn't be underestimated.
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