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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


I've played about 10 hours and I've died maybe twice, but now I'm at the point where every mission is to kill a war chief. No matter what I do, I end up in some massive fight with a war chief, two captains, 6-8 defenders/berserkers and 15-20 orcs. I'm so surrounded I can't even get my counters off without being attacked, let alone build up a kill streak to try and use a special ability. Am I doing something wrong or am I just not good enough at the combat? Trying to keep straight the different enemy types and how you need to attack them when you're fighting off 10 guys at a time is borderline impossible.

Mix brutalize kills in your gameplay, especially when you are taking on a stronghold. It's going to give you a good margin of time where a captain won't get major reinforcements even if he has bodyguards with him.
You can also use brutalize kills to clear an area when you want to pick up a rune or an artefact without getting arrows in the knees.
And there are many runes which add brutalize properties to finishers during combat, which will trim down considerably the amount of uruks around you in a fight.

ha! I spawned a giant group of cargs to just destroy a stronghold. At the end I had like 12 just demolish everything. Everytime an ork spawned one of the cargs would be on it and kill it in an instant.

Ugh, I now have this one Captain that wont fucking die. He's level 20 now and immune to basically everything. Dude is like the fucking terminator or Micheal Myers, he just appears out of nowhere.

There's a difference between weaknesses and invulnerabilities. A lot of invulnerabilities will go down when you use a weakness. Also strongholds have a lot of mogfly hives and caragors bait and grog barrels. You could just shoot that stuff: eventually something will affect him. If you keep teleporting with the shadow strike not even enraged captains will be able to track you.
Or you can let him track you and lead him to a Graug/ caragor/ ghouls hotspot XD Hit his leg to incapacitate his movement and watch him getting butchered.

Guys Ive branded a Warchief but he got attacked and killed by the Urks!
What am I missing?

It wasnt a powerstruggle where I need to protect him. He just got attacked by a lot of them

Edit: Bump

Probably a rivalry with another captain. In the second map there are more rivals.


Unconfirmed Member
Guys Ive branded a Warchief but he got attacked and killed by the Urks!
What am I missing?

It wasnt a powerstruggle where I need to protect him. He just got attacked by a lot of them

Edit: Bump

When you and the branded Uruk(s) get overwhelmed, just sprint away to safety and teleport to the nearest tower (before that Uruk gets killed). Teleporting to the towers resets some states, which includes removing hostilities between branded Uruks and the normal Uruks (present out in the field).


Got fucking pissed and deleted it, I mean how is it possible to kill like 50 Uruks at the same time 10 of them had Shields, like 3 captains, all at the same time, maybe Im really weak now and I need more skills and shit.

Will download it again next week lol once my anger disipates.

I need some serious tips sure being good at combat is one but with this many enemies?
I need some serious tips sure being good at combat is one but with this many enemies?

The "Vault Stun" ability is immensely useful in large groups like that. You can't be hurt [unless maybe by arrows?] while you're vaulting over someone and you also stun one of the group at the same time. I often keep doing that if I'm backed into a corner until I can move about a bit
Just finished this. Thought it was fantastic, but the qte end fight was lame and I don't really get the story implications with the larger lord of the rings story.


Just finished this. Thought it was fantastic, but the qte end fight was lame and I don't really get the story implications with the larger lord of the rings story.

I just finished it as well and agree. Does ANYONE like QTEs?

I really thought Talion was gonna end up
getting turned into the new hand or mouth of Sauron. Or heading off to recover the two lost wizards. I guess he can control Mordor such that Sam and Frodo can get through in the sequel?


Just bought this, can't wait to start enjoying it....

First I have to akwardly relearn how to use the analog sticks with a third person camera since the options only offer one invert direction option.


And it's such a trivial thing to add in development.


I just started playing this and I am in love. But, as I'm mostly a shooter fan, I could use some basic help with best ways to upgrade my character so I don't die to these captains. I can beat the easier ones but I've lost a few fights and they just keep leveling up. I can't tell what level I am either. I have even mistakenly started a revenge battle just to be beaten again. When he said I wasn't worth the time to kill, I died a bit inside.

Is there a particular post in the thread with some tips? I don't want spoilers so I'm leery of just googling.


If you're having trouble with the captains, the best thing you can do is try to exploit their weaknesses. Gain Intel for each captain you're going up against and it will tell you if they're weak to ranged attacks, stealth attacks, afraid of certain animals, etc. That is going to be more important than picking the right upgrades. For upgrades, just pick the stuff you use most or that sounds fun to use. You'll have most/all of them by endgame anyway.
Was gifted this game from the GAF secret santa and I've been playing around with it for a bit. I have most of the areas unlocked in the initial map (towers) and I just finished the mission where you poison the grog (it's only like the 4th one). I've been running around a lot and just killing stuff b/c it's fun / satisfying.

Any tips for someone really just starting to concentrate on the story? I've intervened in a couple of power struggles, should I always be doing this?


If you're having trouble with the captains, the best thing you can do is try to exploit their weaknesses. Gain Intel for each captain you're going up against and it will tell you if they're weak to ranged attacks, stealth attacks, afraid of certain animals, etc. That is going to be more important than picking the right upgrades. For upgrades, just pick the stuff you use most or that sounds fun to use. You'll have most/all of them by endgame anyway.
Thanks for the tips. I think I'll back off from the revenge stuff for a bit until I have more Intel.


So this is basically "divide and conquer" how to win against warchiefs and 3+ captains at the same time, use you enviroment, bees, fire, caragors, put yourself at an advantage point at all times, no need to fight 40 uruks, 3 captains and a Warchief all att he same time if you dont want, yo would get overwhelmed fast unless you are a badass at the combat, since Im still on teh learning curve stage I divide them all and run, not for my life but for them to look for me, taking out a few in stealth, etc.

I don't know if this "cat and mouse" for of gameplay was designed that way but is a legit way of taking them out IMO and a very satisfying one, yuo start against 50 enemies and by the 20 minute mark you are against only the warchief a mile away of where you started it.

Also the 15 sec OP ability, if I unlocked the bow one, is only onece per full charge or they stack? meaning I can do one and the other after it? they have different cooldowns?


I got my platinum trophy on this this weekend ... my first PSN plat, ever.

Loved the game, but I was more than a little disappointed by the ending. Great purchase, though.


I hate to give up on a game, but I think I'm through with this one. The constant battles where you're surrounded by 20-30 enemies are just too lengthy and boring, and it seems like those are the only missions available at the point where I am. I loved sneaking around Mordor and taking on normal groups of enemies and trying to be stealthy, and the giant fights vs dozens of orcs are the total opposite of that. Good game otherwise.


I hate to give up on a game, but I think I'm through with this one. The constant battles where you're surrounded by 20-30 enemies are just too lengthy and boring, and it seems like those are the only missions available at the point where I am. I loved sneaking around Mordor and taking on normal groups of enemies and trying to be stealthy, and the giant fights vs dozens of orcs are the total opposite of that. Good game otherwise.

Felt exactly the same, I even deleted it when I got pissed off, redownload it and now if I dont want to engage 40 uruks I just ran away.


Unfortunately I can't progress until I beat 3 missions which all involve those huge fights, or believe me, I'd just skip them.


Looks like it was downloaded but isn't released yet. Probably arbitrary lock until a certain day.

yeah that's weird, there's still no official release date, no word on their twitter, not possible to buy it on steam, but it's now downloaded and locked in game. Weird.

Also, expectedly, a lot of people are furious because they think the DLC is out and their Season Pass isn't working.

I mean communication-wise it's a very weird thing to do.


Im a slow learner I know but now I realize I NEED to take out warchief's bodyguards if I want a smooth kill, if not is all chaos and shit.

Learn vulnerabilities and killing bodyguards will make you life easier in Mordor, also unlock that brutalize stealth kill as soon as possible, it will make them run and leave you alone for hunting collectibles.

Now I get it lol, game is awesome.


Okay. Some impressions and note.

Only takes place on the second half of the map, it seems.

Looks like the main goal is to kill 5 warchiefs each with a specific beast related goal to draw them out. For instance, one of them it says to use a Wretched Graug (new beast) on his archers, one says to mounted-stealth kill his supporters to draw them out.

So far it seems like for each "main" (yellow) mission, you learn of one warchief. There are also some white missions that the UI mentions doing will unlock the "Blazing Steed" power and 10 Torvin Journals to collect.

Not sure if you can reassign the skin. I was set of Lithareal earlier but plaything through this I was put as the beastmaster skin. I had all the abilities unlocked in my main file and they seemed to all transfer over.

I actually had a fair bit of difficulty on one of the white missions involving a Graug. The main missions have been easy though.

Edit: Also I had to reassign runes to my weapons, and those didn't seem to carry over.


Oh wow, one of the Warchiefs
comes in on a graug that you have to take down.

Looks like the dlc on its own is 10 dollars.


Did everything in game for the DLC, still missing two achievements but I'm unsure I will bother.

One requires a Matron Ghul which are annoying as hell to spawn, the other requires practicing the Test of the Wild challenge, which would require probably a fair bit of time to get good at, and I'm just not fast enough.

I think the DLC was meaty enough considering I got the season pass for cheap early on, but probably not worth 10 flat unless you're a real big fan or have lots of disposable income. Like I said earlier, it's basically 4 little story missions and 5 warchiefs and 10 collectables. Having a version of the second map so filled with caragors and stuff is pretty neat though. I don't like that it's so separate from the main game. It's pretty much standalone, only you also get the beastmaster skin for your main file, I suppose.


Neo Member

Am I missing something, or is it actually impossible to kill this captain?


I think the DLC was meaty enough considering I got the season pass for cheap early on, but probably not worth 10 flat unless you're a real big fan or have lots of disposable income. Like I said earlier, it's basically 4 little story missions and 5 warchiefs and 10 collectables. Having a version of the second map so filled with caragors and stuff is pretty neat though. I don't like that it's so separate from the main game. It's pretty much standalone, only you also get the beastmaster skin for your main file, I suppose.

Yeah but since you start out without any runes and the ones you get are all new (at least for me so far, but I only got 3 of them), I'm guessing with that + infinite generation of Uruk Captains you can pretty much keep dicking around for a while, like with the main game.

I also very like that so far the few warchiefs and captains that I've seen all have brand new designs and names, basically there's new fresh meat in the orc generator.

Anyway, started playing, really enjoying it so far ! Stealth Caragor is as cool as it sounds :D


One of the new achievements requires you to really master the "Test of the Wild" challenge, which seems like it's going to require a lot of time and practice. You have to kill a lot of captains quickly, with a high score, and while using monsters to kill half of them. I'm not sure I'm skilled enough to do that.


Season pass worth it guys? Really really tempted to buy it so I can have everything.

So far the Beast dlc was sort of bleh. It's not bad, but not super interesting.

The Celebrimbor DLC they're advertising for 2015 will hopefully be a bit more substantial.
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