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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor |OT| One Title to rule them all


Haha, I so love caragor stealth kills, especially this animation where she just grabs the guy with her paw to slam him into the ground before going for the kill, it's wonderful.

I feel like I'm going to get lost in this game for 10 more hours, this DLC being about beasts was the best idea they could have (haven't even fought a mounted warchief yet).


My brother just got this for me on xb1 as an early gift. I went ahead and bought the season pass too as it was on sale (for ~~$16).

On xb1 there is a challenge expiring in 5 days that says "kill 250 enemies with Taliob's dagger".

Is this doable for a newbie? I probably will only play about 30 minutes max each day, as I'm in the middle of The Evil Within right now. I wont be miffed if I miss it, as I usually only care about actual achievements + Gamerscore and I've skipped/missed a lot of timed challenges with no foreskin off my back.
So I finally got around to play this... Put about 2 hours in and just be finished the mission where I help ratjob kill one of his nemesis.

I'm kind of not digging it like at all... Does it get better?


So I finally got around to play this... Put about 2 hours in and just be finished the mission where I help ratjob kill one of his nemesis.

I'm kind of not digging it like at all... Does it get better?
Yeah I think it gets better, you're still pretty much at the beginning. I think it picks up around the half way mark (look at your mission progress, I think it was mission 11 it got a bit better for me, or somewhere around there).

I don't think it was as good as people here say though, it was alright but I still feel a bit let down with it.


I'm still at the part where you have to kill 4 warchiefs. only one (out of two) left, but it's just no fun.
tried doing some sidequests but it always comes down to this: combat sucks. yes, i suck at combat too, probably, but it's really no fun if you're trying to get shit done, get swarmed and then two additional captains show up.
I die, they get promoted. that sums up this game for me. :((


I'm still at the part where you have to kill 4 warchiefs. only one (out of two) left, but it's just no fun.
tried doing some sidequests but it always comes down to this: combat sucks. yes, i suck at combat too, probably, but it's really no fun if you're trying to get shit done, get swarmed and then two additional captains show up.
I die, they get promoted. that sums up this game for me. :((

Fleeing/re-disappearing back into stealth when shit gets real is a very viable option, moreso than in any game (the orcs are easier to loose than you might think).

Meaning that when you get in a bad spot and start "failing" at combat, you don't "have" to just die. It's better to run away or disappear and reapproach, as death has real and unusual consequences in this game (but for me it's the good part).

Also, don't forget to play with the environment, get the "campfire explodes" skill asap if you don't already have it, and make very liberal use of it, shoot grog barrels where you can, shoot caragor cages, caragor baits, beehives, etc, etc in camps there's always a billion thing you can shoot. When you're out of arrows, save 2 for a last shadow strike on a lonely archer, to quickly disappear and drain/loot more of them (also, regain focus and health, and go potentially back into stealth if that's your thing or if your target is vulnerable to that)

Of course, depending on weakness/strengths of the warchiefs and captains in place, and your personal skills (can you tame caragors ? you should buy this skill too :D), those elements can always come to bite you in the ass if you don't do your intel job before, but again that's a positive for me and one of the many reasons I love this game.


So I bought the season pass on ps4 today online, and now all the add on content is listed as free. I see that it says do not repurchase lord of the hunt, so there's no separate download for it or do I add the free version that's listed on the ps store? I added all the runes and the extra warbands already since I didn't see that same message on repurchasing. I'm at work otherwise I would just go into the game to see if its unlocked. Thanks!


^^ what Ramenman said.

I'm still at the part where you have to kill 4 warchiefs. only one (out of two) left, but it's just no fun.
tried doing some sidequests but it always comes down to this: combat sucks. yes, i suck at combat too, probably, but it's really no fun if you're trying to get shit done, get swarmed and then two additional captains show up.
I die, they get promoted. that sums up this game for me. :((

IMO, while there are consequences for dying, it's not as bad as it feels. Yes, they guys get stronger, but you will get stronger more quickly. Do a lot of side quests to gain XP and unlock more abilities, buffs, and rune slots. Once you get the hang of combat and gain some skills, you will be just about unstoppable.

After a time, the only thing that would kill me were Caragors, but even that stopped once
I got the shadow mount ability

Last night I was in a fight with two captains and a warchief plus a horde of normal uruk. Sounds impossible, but it's not at all once you're buffed enough. Late stage in the game the challange becomes not staying alive and killing everything, but instead
keeping your branded captains and warchiefs alive
. In a massive scrum it can be tough to do that.


So I bought the season pass on ps4 today online, and now all the add on content is listed as free. I see that it says do not repurchase lord of the hunt, so there's no separate download for it or do I add the free version that's listed on the ps store? I added all the runes and the extra warbands already since I didn't see that same message on repurchasing. I'm at work otherwise I would just go into the game to see if its unlocked. Thanks!

At least on PC, there was a 3.4 GB patch for everyone that basically included Lord Of The Hunt, so I'd say there probably isn't a separate download for it. But I don't know about PSN.
Yeah I think it gets better, you're still pretty much at the beginning. I think it picks up around the half way mark (look at your mission progress, I think it was mission 11 it got a bit better for me, or somewhere around there).

I don't think it was as good as people here say though, it was alright but I still feel a bit let down with it.

Yeah I'm going to keep at it. I think initially I was super intimidated. They kind of just throw you into this world and I'm not sure what I can and cant do.

I feel like the controls are garbage. Maybe it's because I'm coming from sunset overdrive lol but when I had to get across the base to find that ratjob quest I found it very daunting and was caught and swarmed a couple of times which I just ran away from.

Also I did the side quest where you have to stealth kill 5 guys and it kept saying I was spotted when I would drop down on someone if I was facing them when I did it. Kind of annoying.


Im at the last missions and I need the Combat Brand ability to make it easier, is not because is hard to fight but is hard to not kill them lol.


Was talking to a friend today about
my inability to tear myself away from Destiny to play
SOM and I told him about the captains and their funny commentary. First thing out of my mouth was:

"What are you doing? I thought I killed you yesterday!"

And then I remembered that wasn't from SOM but from a Flight of the Conchords flashback..

Anyone remember Albi? LOL


Question: Should I pick up shadow of mordor for PC or for Xbone?

PC is an i7 4770, 8gb ram, gtx 750 TI FTW.

Not sure how noticeable the improvement may or not be with my gpu...
hey can any of you gents help me out,just purchased lord of the hunt dlc from the ps store,it's installed but when i launch the game it's says the dlc is still locked at the main menu,thanks.
So, would you say that the Hunt DLC is integral to the story? As in, to get the whole experience you really need to play this?

Or, is it just a decent compilation of non-integral missions with a bit of story tying them together?

Hopefully what I posted made sense. I'm really on the fence about buying it.


hey can any of you gents help me out,just purchased lord of the hunt dlc from the ps store,it's installed but when i launch the game it's says the dlc is still locked at the main menu,thanks.
If you purchased it on another region's store, you might need to launch the game and the DLC on that region's account before it unlocks on all. Was like that when I bought the game and season-pass on US store, it didn't unlock anything from the season pass until I launched the game on my US account.


So, would you say that the Hunt DLC is integral to the story? As in, to get the whole experience you really need to play this?

Or, is it just a decent compilation of non-integral missions with a bit of story tying them together?

Hopefully what I posted made sense. I'm really on the fence about buying it.

It's not at all. It's just fluff / extra stuff for fun.


Just finished it with 100% all collectables/side missions/main missions. Took me 21 hours 50 mins according to in-game save files.

Really loved this game, combat was awesome. Ending was kinda meh like others said, but the journey there was great. Hope season pass will be worth it in the end!
In case anyone is wondering, you can unlock the general gameplay trophies from the main game trophy list even if you're playing on the Lord of the Hunt map. So it doesn't lock you into doing the DLC trophies only. Pretty nice.

The DLC in general is pretty fun if you already enjoyed the main game. Nothing substantial though. What's disappointing though is that it isn't integrated into the main game, but rather separate. I also don't think that anymore beast-riding warchiefs spawn after the initial wave, which is pretty fucking dumb since it's the whole gimmick of the DLC. Though someone can correct me if I'm wrong about that.


What's the best way to get quick XP post completing the game? Need to unlock abilities to complete the weapon legends.

Must say this has quickly turned into one of my favorites of the year.

Game time says 46 hours but I think the game counts time it spends in Suspend/Resume on XBO.... At least I hope so!
What's the best way to get quick XP post completing the game? Need to unlock abilities to complete the weapon legends.

Must say this has quickly turned into one of my favorites of the year.

Game time says 46 hours but I think the game counts time it spends in Suspend/Resume on XBO.... At least I hope so!

Give death threats to every captain and warchief, assign a few branded captains as bodyguards for one warchief, go fight the warchief and win, then press down on the dpad to kill all the captains left standing.

Should give tons of XP, and a big chance to get some epic runes as well.


My apologies ahead of time for this incredibly noobish question, but is there a way to see what the current bonus objective is for a mission? Is there a way to check if it has been completed or not?

Playing this on Xbox.



Just got this and been playing all day. Love the way they present the Tolkien world. So far the combat and traversal are really entertaining. I could see myself getting addicted to this.


Just beat it. Weak ending

Not even a boss fight? A frickin' quick time event? Are you kidding me?

And man, not even an ending just "We've got work to do so play the sequel!"

Great fun game but that ending was super weak.
I just got the Rise and Fall achievement. Pretty funny how it happened. I got to the second area and stumbled by a stronghold and triggered maybe 3 captains at once. Eventually I killed 2 and the third one was green so he started running. I got sidetracked fighting goons and he got away. A little while later I'm ready with some intel that says he'll be instantly killed by a caragor so I get one but then he also has the ability that makes him go incredible hulk when he sees one too. He slaps the caragor from right under me. I kick his and his goons asses but right as I'm about to extract info about his war chief, ratbag jr pops out of nowhere and stabs me in the back. I had gone down already so he got the insta kill. Blah blah, promotion, fuck you. So I go back, murder the guy finally after the third time and then I go to take out his war chief. He's instantly killed be stealth so the fight is all of 2 seconds. I see the promotion screen but as it cuts back to the action I see an uruk running away. I pin him with my bow a few times and he goes down. Turns out he became the new war chief so when I get the promotion screen again it shows that little knob is the new war chief now! I was about to shut down the game but I was like nah, fuck that shit. Rolled up on him and he had a beast 2nd in command and he was in the middle of a stronghold too packed with enemies. I had to pop execution mode and it took the whole thing to kill his lieutenant. After that I spanked that would be war chief up and down the grassy plains of Nurnen.

Emergent as fuck.


Just beat it. Weak ending

Not even a boss fight? A frickin' quick time event? Are you kidding me?

And man, not even an ending just "We've got work to do so play the sequel!"

Great fun game but that ending was super weak.

It's kinda hilarious they got Nolan North for the Black Hand, given how he has literally 3 lines in the entire game.


You can fight your way through that giant army and try to Combat Brand the warchief if you want. You can also stealth your way through the stronghold and try to Stealth Brand them.

Or, you can do it the way I did, which is to find one of their bodyguards, Brand that bodyguard, then order him to Betray the warchief. That will initiate a mission where you can go in and help your Branded captain take down the warchief, and he'll become the warchief himself, and you will have branded a warchief through a neat indirect method.


think i'm feeling the same way as a few of the posts on this page.

this brown world has felt lifeless to me so far. just been murdering orcs and generally find exploring the world boring. i don't think i've actually done much yet though...just met ratbag...so maybe i need to give it a little more time.


I just wanted to ask (I have my finger on the buy button in the Steam sales) from reviews and walkthroughs, the scenery looks so utterly bland, everything seems to look barren-like and same-y. Is it different when you actually play it, how does it look and feel in-game?

Edit: I just saw the post above.. Doesn't sound good..


I just wanted to ask (I have my finger on the buy button in the Steam sales) from reviews and walkthroughs, the scenery looks so utterly bland, everything seems to look barren-like and same-y. Is it different when you actually play it, how does it look and feel in-game?

Edit: I just saw the post above.. Doesn't sound good..

just to note i've played about a hour or two maybe. :) it probably also doesn't help that i just finished alien isolation which was very good in recreating the world from the movies. whereas i've yet to see any of the beautiful scenery that is present in lotr in mordor.

going to call it quits for the night and try and pick it up again tomorrow. i am leaning towards just dropping this game and playing gtav instead. bought it for $20 on bf and could probably trade it in for profit. :\


think i'm feeling the same way as a few of the posts on this page.

this brown world has felt lifeless to me so far. just been murdering orcs and generally find exploring the world boring. i don't think i've actually done much yet though...just met ratbag...so maybe i need to give it a little more time.

There's an entire second area further on in the game that's far more lush and green.


just to note i've played about a hour or two maybe. :) it probably also doesn't help that i just finished alien isolation which was very good in recreating the world from the movies. whereas i've yet to see any of the beautiful scenery that is present in lotr in mordor.

Yeah, that's exactly "what I wanted to hear / did not want to hear". I've been searching high and low, and ended up thinking it was weird that I couldn't find a single screenshot or a video that showed iconic scenery or scenery change. As confined as Dark Souls was geographically, everywhere you went had its own atmosphere. This game appears to me to have no identity in that respect.


Alright, picked the game tonight and played for many hours.

I read somewhere that I should not bother much with the side stuff before unlocking the branding ability. Is that true ? The mission that unlocks it the last mission in the Gollum side, isn't that a bit too far down the way ? I have just finished The one Truth (the mission that unlocks Shadow Strike) and I don't have access to the next Gollum Mission. Do I need to make some progress on The Outcast and Ratbag first ?

Apart from that, is there anything I need to know ? So far, I only had trouble in the fights including Caragors since I'm not quite confortable with the whole gameplay yet. Anything Uruk related is easy enough (except when captains keep joining the party and it ends with you vs 5 captains).

Oh and last thing. I thought I'd have the Dark Ranger DLC included but I didn't (for valid reasons). It's sold at 10€ which is a lot. Season Pass is at 25. Is it worth it ? Does it include every little thing you could buy for the game (Dark Ranger, runes, and regular story DLCs) ? Can I get it cheaper (on PS4) ?


No Scrubs
So what exactly makes the Nemesis system so next gen? I don't see why it would be difficult to implement it in previous consoles.

It takes a lot of computing power, the 360/PS3 ports actually had to go with a watered down version of the system because they couldn't use the actual one.
It takes a lot of computing power, the 360/PS3 ports actually had to go with a watered down version of the system because they couldn't use the actual one.
Seems odd. However if it couldn't run on the PS3 ir 360 then it couldn't run on it. But as I play the game maybe it will become more apparent.


Whenever available, the sword glows blue and the combo counter becomes red and shaky, and if you play on PS4, there is a hissing sound coming from the controller (I guess the sound is still present on other systems, just not from the controller).
Questions about the Bright Lord DLC. I haven't followed the game and also can't find any recent news regarding that one: Is The Bright Lord still supposed to release?


man maybe i just suck at these type of games (see a lot of posts and reviews saying the game is too easy)...but some of these warchiefs are doing a number on me.

one random captain just keeps showing up and shooting me with poison arrows while i try and fight off like 20 orcs. sigh...and he keeps taunting me too. won't even finish me and just mocks me and leaves the battlefield lol


Finally finished the story mode. I'm sure I'm echoing the sentiments of many and it has been said a million times before but, god damn that brand ability should have been available much much sooner.

I loved this game but I was in and out with it since it came out. By the second area I really couldn't bring myself to bother with the collectibles and just played with the nemesis system and powered through the rest of the story. The branding ability makes this game a hell of a lot better.

All in all the gameplay was damn good. Constant action and always a fun romp jumping into the fray against 15+ orcs.

lamest last boss fight ever god damn. Not only a quick time event but the quickest time event.


Ok I guess it was like just that one specific Orc or something. Just got to the second map and the game is much easier now that I've unlocked more abilities and gotten decent tunes.

Also the game is not a ugly brown all the time now. Some green! Yay lol. Still kind of last gen looking though. Reminds me a bit of black flag.
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