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Minecraft PS4/Xbone |OT|


I have a question about the "Passing the time" trophy.

Can you get this trophy in someone else's world? I have only been playing on my friend his world, I don't even have my own world. I have managed to get all other trophies on his world except the "Passing the time" trophy" and I have been playing for a long time on his world.

Yeah, I got mine on my friends world, I did have my own world too though.


Regarding the dlcs, will I still get them for PS4 if I buy them for the PS3 or was that just during release?
In the store they appear as PS4 or PS3 and not PS3|PS4|PS Vita but everywhere I look it says it's cross buy, could someone please confirm it for me?

Daffy Duck

Well I got the new update.....bit disappointed to see that some of the blocks in my house had disappeared, there was also a creeper in my house that blew up a load of chests.

Also zombies now seem to just flood to my front door constantly, I am upstairs in my attic and I can hear them breaking down my door. It seems like they are on steroids, I'm on the default difficulty setting as well.
Well I got the new update.....bit disappointed to see that some of the blocks in my house had disappeared, there was also a creeper in my house that blew up a load of chests.

Also zombies now seem to just flood to my front door constantly, I am upstairs in my attic and I can hear them breaking down my door. It seems like they are on steroids, I'm on the default difficulty setting as well.

I don't think the zombies can actually break down your door unless you are playing on Hard difficulty. They will still bang on the door and make tons of noise though.


Still waiting on the new update in North America. Sony was nice enough to put up a Christmas mash-up pack that's useless without the new update.There's nothing like that feeling of building on a Christmas themed world in January. Can't say I'm surprised since it was November before they managed to get the Halloween texture pack up for download. Someone at Sony really needs to light a fire under these people. North America is far from decided and things like this make it hard to recommmend the PS4 to people interested in games like Minecraft.


Still waiting on the new update in North America.

Yep guttered to still be waiting, I play with a friend who has a PAL copy of the game and we can't play together as his has updated and mine hasn't. Sony probably on holiday atm so I can't really see it coming up too soon.
me three
my son couldnt play with his friend after psn came back.
version incompatible.

sometimes, some days, it seems barely anything tech works right.


I wish I had read this thread before buying the Festive Mashup texture pack. I guess it's just par for the course that Sony is selling the content pack without also providing the update required to actually use it.


So after a very long break, I finally started playing again. Disappointed that new new patches to add in the missing things... :/

Anyways, started work on my big castle again. Also started work on a big zombie pigmen farm. Currently sits at 38 nether portals. Plan is to make giant cubes surrounded by glass. So 3x3 cubes wide and 6 high. Which would be 144 portals. All dropping them into a water trap that leads them to the end so I can kill them for experience and get their gold/etc.

Been looting the obsidian from the Ender world lately for it. Already nearly destroyed 1 full tower.


Finally going to give minecraft a go but not sure which version to get.

I own all consoles/handhelds, is the best buy still to get the PS3/Vita version and then updating to PS4? Ill happily pay the extra $5 to have it on Vita and PS4. Or is the XB1 version the one to get now that MS own MC? Is the Star Wars stuff on Playstation systems?


Keep in mind that PS3/Vita is not cross-play with PS4. You can upload/etc your game to the PS4, but not the reverse. So unless you see yourself playing both the PS3/Vita version and a PS4 version separately in different worlds a lot, you may be wasting $5.

Other then that, not sure which one you might prefer between Xbox One and PS4 version.


I ended up scrapping my Vita world and now if I want to play on Vita, I just remote play the PS4 version. The PS3/Vita versions have laughably small worlds that just don't do it for me.


My zombie pigmen farm is almost complete! All the portals are done, just need to finish all the glass blocks around it. Then it will be complete. Works well so far, gotten a lot of gold bits so far.

I want to start a iron gollem farm soon too. Will be interesting building it in Survival only mode. Construction should be simple, getting at least 2 villagers will be interesting. Do have one village far away I can use to kidnap 2 villages and let the rest auto-spawn.


My zombie pigmen form is now complete! Looks nice. I have 144 portals active, that is 6 high (5 above ground). Get a steady supply of gold now. I can see myself expanding it down 1 layer, as I do have room. Possibly expand the bottom 2 layers outward as well. If I did that, it give me a total of about 256 if my math is correct.


Well the patch came out for US PS4 and... they screwed up online play between US and EU versions :( The build number is slightly different and they can't connect. Sucks because we haven't been able to play since the EU patch hit, and now we'll be waiting until at least the next patch before we can play again.


What does the patch have? Does it finally contain some of the missing contents?
Edit: Awesome! I looked it up, been waiting for this. Going to have fun with the new content. :)

In side-news, I am now working on my iron golem farm. About 60% done. Main goal is getting 2 villagers from the far-away village to it. Just need to get the rails touching their new apartment!

I am already thinking up ways of turning my zombie-pigmen farm into a auto-collect with hoppers/etc.


Uhh, I think that update may have broken a few things. Having a lot of issues with Pistons and Sticky Pistons. They don't work anymore..

I can sometimes get them to work by placing a lever next to one to manually trigger it, and then the redstone works..

But then, they eventually stop working again...

bob page

I can't join people outside NA anymore- says they're running an older version even though we're both on 1.12. Any ideas?

Edit: never mind, just saw the post above.


Can anyone else confirm the PS4 Piston issue? Currently in my world, they barely work. Redstone/triggers/levers will barely effect them.. Can someone test in their world post-update? Leaves me having to break holes in a lot of my special doors/etc..

My iron golem farm coming along nicely. Has currently 6 villages and 1 kid. So tonight I'll likely have my 1st golem. It sadly took me like 5 tries to get villagers in that containment... Dumbly didn't enclose the whole thing, so some escaped. lol.


Iron Golem farm is completed! Got 10+ nice villagers all helping to get me that nice iron. Already gotten like 100+ iron from it. I started on a 2nd village 50 blocks above the current one. But it seems that is too close to the current one. As the 1st village now has like 20 villagers.. lol. Oh well, deconstructing it all and will move up at least another 20 blocks. Apparently need to be like 64ish blocks away from a village, so being 70 away should help. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to build yet another village 70 above that! I already have 5 villagers up there, so transferring them up 20 blocks won't be much of an issue, mine cart system already up there.

Started work on a brand new food farm near my castle too (on other side) near my Gold farm. Something similar to the flat version featured here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwEUXpuApgI . Got a nice are laid out, but only tiny right now, as I'll need a lot of hoppers. That and issue with pistons..... Since I'm so close to my Gold farm, working on the food farm helps me gain lots of gold.

Thank god for Hoppers!
Well the patch came out for US PS4 and... they screwed up online play between US and EU versions :( The build number is slightly different and they can't connect. Sucks because we haven't been able to play since the EU patch hit, and now we'll be waiting until at least the next patch before we can play again.

Is this all fixed yet?
Hey folks. Swooping in to ask a question here. Is the PS4 upgrade discount still active? I want the PS4 version and plan to do this if I want to play on the Vita:

I ended up scrapping my Vita world and now if I want to play on Vita, I just remote play the PS4 version. The PS3/Vita versions have laughably small worlds that just don't do it for me.

But it seems like I might as well get the Vita/PS3 version, too, if it's only a few bucks more. I might like to play hardcore survival games on the Vita, but main on the bigger PS4 version where I'll actually build lots of stuff. Decisions...

Any impressions of the PS4 version are welcome, too. The demo seems pretty rock solid to me but I'd love to hear from those who are really deep into playing it.


Been busy lately with a few new projects. I decided to put a hold on my Castle and take on new projects. Like taking a swim in lava with 2 diamond pickaxes!....

Anyways, now have 2 different Iron Golem farms. One that is near my Gold farm, food farm and around my Castle. This is 2 farms on top of each other actually. It got bugged a week ago and half the villagers got deleted.... Took me a while to fix the bottom portion, as they wouldn't make kids anymore. Top portion up in the skies is still being odd with 9 people and won't make that 10th. For a while, I had 10, but wouldn't produce a golem, so killed one to restart it, didn't work. I'll prob try transferring a villager up.

I have another iron golem farm set at my spawn chunck so it's always helping to produce iron even if I'm not around. Same set up, but smaller and more refined, esp as I know what I'm doing now. Top portion is complete, but haven't transferred any villagers up there yet. Will work on that today. Apparently you can't have lava at spawn chunk, so I used suffocation by pistons.

My latest thing was building a rail system all the way to The End so I can have easy access (minute or so ride). Made a huge exp farm in The End. 12 sets high, 15 across on each side with sticky pistons. So that was 360 pistons. Plus like 100 more for falling off and dying several times... Lost a few good stuff that way too.

It does work nicely, but will try to add 5 more on each side later on, as doesn't generate them that often. Problem is likely that even though i'm at Y 0 and and edge of map, still to close to island. I've been placing lights on the island to help get rid of extra spawns and focus them over here. So takes about 5 to 10 minutes to get to lv 30 now. Not too bad, but would like to improve it.

I need more diamonds...


Well that sucked.. My son and his cousin have been playing a world for the past few days and it just randomly crashed and corrupted his save. I turned off cloud saving for Minecraft a couple days ago because it used up 600mb of space and nothing could be uploaded so no backups of it. 'But I really loved my puppy' sigh.

I don't think ive ever had a dog in minecraft last for more than a few minutes but he's had that since they started that world. So moral of the story I guess is..buy more cloud space hrm automatically backup to usb stick ah, manual daily backups!

N° 2048

Update 1.15 out:

Changes and Additions:-

– Added Pattern Texture Pack trial content.
– Added Mass Effect Mash-up Pack trial content.
– Fixed issue placing Pistons, Dispensers and Droppers.
– Added Quick Move to the Horse Inventory.
– Made some fixes to player privileges.
– Corrected Baby Zombie hit boxes size.
– Added “Where are we now” Music Disc in Survival Mode.
– Fix for a bug where a Chest didn’t disappear when destroyed.
– Fix for player sometimes taking fall damage while in a boat.
– Fixed an issue where a player’s wolves could teleport to them when they were in a boat, and kill them.
– Updated Lapis Lazuli block texture.

– Fix for intermittent split-screen problem where players and mobs went invisible.
– Fix for a split-screen crash after prolonged gameplay.
– Fix for an issue causing client players to hang when creating a Wither.
– Fix for graphic corruption with Red Stone Comparator.
– Fix for a crash when a player is fishing.
I didn't realize there was a separate OT for the console versions.

Anyway, I've recently ran into some skeletons with golden armor, weird. also, I made a wall of fire around my house but for some reason, mobs still spawn on the inner side of it.


Mobs will always spawn as long as you are far enough way and the area has low light level. So even if your inside of house is blocked off, if there is not enough lights, mobs can spawn. Add a lot of candles.


Yeah, your place is dark. Light it up with candles everywhere!

The spawning system works on light level. nothing else. You can make a solid box, that is hollow inside but has walls with no entrance/exit and they still spawn in there if not enough light.

Here is a good video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmlEkoPmb8E

Here is an image:

See those dark areas between the light sources? Enemies can spawn there.
Yeah, your place is dark. Light it up with candles everywhere!

The spawning system works on light level. nothing else. You can make a solid box, that is hollow inside but has walls with no entrance/exit and they still spawn in there if not enough light.

Here is a good video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmlEkoPmb8E

Here is an image:

See those dark areas between the light sources? Enemies can spawn there.
oh my god, that's ridiculous! and the area where I encountered the creeper isn't nearly as dark as those spots in between in the picture you posted.

but yeah. I guess what this will come down to is me putting a torch on every single block of my yard.


but yeah. I guess what this will come down to is me putting a torch on every single block of my yard.

You don't have to do every block. A torch will propagate light out like 6 blocks or so and still be at/above light level 7.

Also keep in mind that monsters can spawn within 150 or so blocks of where you are and then walk to where you are.
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