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Minecraft PS4/Xbone |OT|

256 height

4800x4800 map size

thanks I went to X: 0 and Y: 0 and went up to the roof of my first home is Y: 126 I guess I still got room to grow

now let me see how many weeks it will take to explore the full map from point zero

maybe I should build a rail system like GulAtiCa's to get around faster


Finding a bunch of abandoned mine shafts helps a lot. That is where good bit of my rails come from.

I'll have pictures of the new project I've been working on soon! :)
Xbox One update is out!

Mainly bug fixes, but also adds the Doctor Who skins ( https://twitter.com/4JStudios/status/519944066487050240 )!

Change log: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...s/2230175-xbox-one-content-update-change-logs

Change log for upcoming Content Update – 2nd October 2014


- Fix for tile entities not being saved correctly in unloaded chunks. (Empty Chests, Spawners turning into Pig Spawners, etc.)
- Enable hiding mashup-pack worlds from the saves list, and re-enabling them all from the options menu.
- Change to ‘disable saving’ setting so that it remains set for a specific save when reloading that save.
- Fix for Glass Blocks placed next to each other rendering incorrectly.
- Fix for enchanted items not destroying blocks as quickly as they should.
- Changed 3D sound attenuation to have linear fall-off, with special cases for thunder, Enderdragon & Ghast sounds. (Sound volumes incorrect bug)
- Improved frame-rate in Jungles.
- Fix for missing chunks in Superflat world on host console.
- Fixed an issue with mob spawning rates.
- Fix for hit box on Torches sometimes being incorrect.
- Fix for entities being duplicated (every save/load cycle) for transferred worlds (Multiple Enderdragons bug).
- Fix for 'Can Build and Mine' not functioning correctly.
- Fixed issue with mobs still being aggressive while player is invisible (using Potion).
- Fixed an issue recording Spider Jockey kills.
- Fix for players riding Boats/Minecarts sometimes being invisible to remote players.
- Fix for Maps placed in an Item Frame appear as blank to other players.
- Fix to move HUD down when tooltips are disabled.
- Fix for camera resetting when going through Nether or End Portals.
- Fix for issue with Xbox 360 Save transfer when the save is exited without saving on Xbox One.
- Fixed an issue with gamer pictures occasionally causing a crash.


- Added a 'Copy Save' option to allow people to 'back-up' their world to another save.
Yes they do.

I always treat them as long-term projects and work on them on the side rather than going full out on it all at once. Up to you, though.

long term projects is for my survival mode file.

Just built for fun today, It passes the time, I abandoned survival mode in favor of wasting some hours on creative and got addicted.

fly around build and no need to go hunting for supplies, could not do this on survival I can waste 12 hours in one sitting but survival would have taken months to gather the amount of rails I used today.

I hate to looks of Glowstone I wish I had a nicer looking light source to build my bridge with.

So no PS4 updates yet? I want to see what MS does to the PS4 version if anything.
unexpectedly reached the edge of the map (both ways) east and west, but only with one line of glow-stone I use for my rail light should that me about two weeks of game time to finish

only problem is that I built my tracks too high up wanted to be able to tunnel into mountains and hills but I just sail over them all

maybe I'll make my North-South route on ground level

wanted to upload a 15 minutes PS4 share video but it gave me Facebook

I'll post it later if I ever get it to youtube


My new courtyard & castle bridge/gate going well. Right now I am experimenting with a 3 vertical sticky piston device that I'll put in the courtyard as a secret bunker. (found video on Youtube) Boy is it complicated! But cool as hell. I made a test version above ground, and now I'm making one underground. It's default state is being fully up and with a simple pressure plate I'll have it be lowered for about 2 seconds before going back up.

Should be all finished today or tomorrow. Will have video/pictures soon!

N° 2048

I still don't understand how maps work rofl

My Minecraft PS4 is still using the PS3 map. I tried to create a new one but it's still the PS3 one.
When is PS4 getting that promised Youtube Streaming?

I made myself a new challenge along with finishing my mega rail system that travels in all directions from point zero of my map to the 4 end of world wall. I am going to focus on building some of my favorite buildings and skyscrapers into my playtime.

The first building I wanted to try was the World Trade Center (I know but in High School my favorite thing to do was drive the 30 minutes to NYC and spend the day watching the city from the top)

I have watched some youtube videos to see what others are building but most of the builds are empty shells that kinda look like the building they are trying to reproduce from the outside but nothing inside and much smaller scale.

I want to set a goal of each building having at least a few working floors.

I wish the build height was taller so I decide to reclaim land from sea level would be better to start a build but it takes so long just to put blocks unto the water


Completed my new train station courtyards, with a bridge, castle gate, and secret bunker!


View from above


Inside looking that the gate. Uses an XOR logic setup so can be locked/unlocked from either side easily


Look at complicated 3 vertical sticky pistons above ground before I placed it under ground.


Another view of the bridge and stairs going up.
Think I'll make a castle at top

View of all it in action here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6FYtCgVeS4&feature=youtu.be
Been playing the PS4 version for the past two days, having a blast but I'm disappointed that I can't browse other people's games. Are there any GAF "servers" online?
Been playing the PS4 version for the past two days, having a blast but I'm disappointed that I can't browse other people's games. Are there any GAF "servers" online?

I don't think they have persistent servers for any of the console versions yet. You would have to join a friend's online world while they are playing.


Construction on my new castle, has begun!

I'm going to need a lot of stone.... Will likely go to middle of area of where castle be and dig a big huge wide hole to get all that nice stone material. Not entirely sure how large the castle will get, but have some ideas for the walls/walkways.
this is my new project on a super flat world save file


I am having fun building it. It is very time consuming and I want to make it as detailed as I can but already had to scale it down so much just to be able to fit the height into mine craft limits

just to count those outer beams and strips in comparison photos I counted 57 of those vertical gray beams in the real towers when I tried using minecraft blocks counting 57 blocks with one block space in between each the building would have been massive at that scale would have loved to build that scale with the 57 if there were no height limit or the height was a tall as the map is wide it would have been a project I would have loved to work years on. Just love buildings.

so here is where I counted 57

would have loved to build it like this

also sad by scaling down so much to a thin tower this is what I wish I COULD MAKE
the ground floor

the super flat world is kinda boring but it gives me at least 60 more block height to work with

so I'll finish this project and start building other favorite towers and create my own as well

hope someday someone makes a clone that addresses some of the height issues
I found out you can cover up those ugly glowstones with carpet and the light still shines the same! wow now if we only had wallpaper to cover it up on the sides too

also decided to go for the whole WTC complex and plaza, need to learn how to use graph paper so I can make circles

edit: without bumping the thread


this part of the plaza has taken me longer to solve than the towers will update with pics of my minecraft version of that plaza when I wake up


I haven't really decided what I'm going to do for the Castle itself. I got the whole outer walls covered of course. And that itself will take me at least a week to finish, esp with needing a lot of stone.

For castle, might do something simple and have 4 columns (like the circle ones you see in my pic on outer edge) that go way above everything else.
I haven't really decided what I'm going to do for the Castle itself. I got the whole outer walls covered of course. And that itself will take me at least a week to finish, esp with needing a lot of stone.

For castle, might do something simple and have 4 columns (like the circle ones you see in my pic on outer edge) that go way above everything else.

you are building on survival right?

So it means you have to find your own stuff, but there are still thing you can make that creative can't?

I was trying to make stain glass I am not sure if it is because I am on creative or the console version does not have stain glass


Yeah, I'm in Survival mode. So this will take a long long time! haha. It may take a while to dig all these resources, but I feel very accomplish after all the stuff I've completed cause of that. Some iron pickaxes and diamond pickaxes with non-breakable enchants help a lot to get these stones (esp if it has silk touch.)

Sadly stuff like stain glass isn't in the consoles. Neither is stuff like red sand. :( :( :(

New pictures on my progress!

View from sky-rail.

View from other side of castle outer walls, and I have now completed octagon. It's quite large. 53 meters for long straight sections and for the diagonals 35ish(25 sides with 35ish as the diagonal to form a 90 degree angle as seen in above pic.)


I got killed so many times from not know the controls I deleted my save and went into tutorial for the past few hours, now learning what I need

is there a way to channel water to where you want it to flow?

what size world is best for the game?

also got like 8 trophies just playing the tutorial, I did not know I lost this many hours lol

I like that the time never changes you can take your time and build but had a lot of issues with hunger

The best thing to do is to play it with the biggest world. If possible, build your house somewhere close to where you have spawned. Reason why is because if you ever build a compass it will always point to where you spawned. This way if you get lost outside the borders of your map (or even if you're inside the borders) all you have to do is follow the compass. You cannot change the location where the compass points towards. If you create a map outside the borders of the map you were given, you will be able to see which direction you are facing and you will also be able to "unlock" the map as you discover. Also, there is a day and night cycle in the game. Be sure to make a lot of torches! Enough torches is never enough.


Not as grand as GulAtiCa but here's what I've been working on. Just a pic from the exterior of a structure that was built in a cave!


Where you see dirt at the top with an iron fence is where I grow my crops. I never go hungry turning wheat into bread. It grows fast enough to keep me from starving.

On the left side where you see the wooden fence is where I keep all my livestock! This world was meant to be more for obtaining trophies. I've got them all except for one, play for 100 days.


Here it is at night time. Sad chicken is sad he can never build without thumbs.

Hunter S.

I hate how my last gen version of minecraft is on 360 and my this gen version is on PS4 because I cannot pull my 360 maps to PS4. Or as far as I know I cannot.


I like the look of that.

I've been using some enchanted diamond pickaxes I had to gather lots of stones. Already used 1/4th of pickaxe to get like 1000 stones. I think I might have another silk touch pickaxe in my ender chest. Hopefully, as works much better instead of having to smelt 1000s upon 1000s..

Though I certainly have plenty of trees to cut down to make some more charcoal!


I microwave steaks.
Seeing all of these creations is inspiring. Right now a friend and I have a modest house. I managed to make a skycoaster that goes up to the top of the skybox, which is where i keep my wolves, in a glass box. Was thinking of moving our house to make an underwater base, but the planning that goes with that is immense, and i've never done it before, but man it would look awesome.
Decided to hunt for clay tonight. Loaded up my world with the Mass Effect mash-up pack. It feels like cheating but I don't care. Clay sticks out like a sore thumb using that pack. :)


Wow my name makes a terrible seed. I have water everywhere. I will probably die of hunger before I can find food.

Don't worry, you can die from hunger (at least not from Easy). It will just make your health go down to half. Getting food, from animals, is best choice. Even the rotten meat is an option.
Don't worry, you can die from hunger (at least not from Easy). It will just make your health go down to half. Getting food, from animals, is best choice. Even the rotten meat is an option.

How about some poisoned potatoes? I didn't even realize that was a thing until I started up my potato farm recently.
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