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Official MLB 2k5(Powered by ESPN!) Xbox League: Have another $20 VC, Hell is freezing

- there is no way 18 people are going to play regularly. let me reiterate this again (and i will again and again), if you can't be readily available to play games within 3 days DONT JOIN I don't want to discourage anyone, but it is really inconsiderate and a real shitty thing to do to sign up and then be nowhere to be found. Hate to be a dick about it but if you want to join the league you MUST have AIM and must be on at least occassionally to schedule games. I know it is tough to download and to click sign on while you're browsing the internet, but you'll live. Every player who has ever been reliable in our many leagues has had AIM. And (i hate to say it), but 80% of players who didn't use AIM at least SOMETIMES turned out to be deadbeats.

just be sure you are up to playing a 40 game schedule on 3 day increments per game
league is going to start @ appox. 3pm pst tomorrow (3/7/05) afternoon (maybe a bit earlier than that, maybe a little later), so i want to go over the most important thing:

there is a 3 day maximum. here are some answers to possible questions:

Q: I couldn't play my game this week. What happens?
A: You lose.

Q: I didn't play my game this week, but my opponent admits it was his fault. What happens?
A: You win.

Q: Me and my opponent both flaked on each other on different days. What happens?
A: Coin-flip

Q: My opponent and I were disconnected, and we both want to replay. What happens?
A: I can reset the game (according to past VC games).

Q: My opponent disconnected from me, and it was very shady. It was late in the game and I was ahead by a comfortable margin. What happens?
A: PM me and I'll get into contact with them. Or post it in public, doesn't matter to me. If it is clear that the disconnect was done purposely (which i highly doubt b/c everyone in the league is legit) I will give you the win

Q: My opponent subbed in another starting pitcher in relief. What happens?
A: The minute you see your opponent using a second "starter" as relief in later innings, disconnect your modem. Reason being is that this way I can reset the game, or overturn a loss. If you finish the game, I'm not sure if I can overturn the victory. I doubt this will happen (we're all pals here), but just play it safe. If you don't know who starting pitchers are, consult the league website in the upcoming days to see a list of everyones starting 5.

Q: I have missed 10+ games that were my fault, what happens?
A: I'll find a replacement immediately and you will be blacklisted from all future GAF sports tournaments leagues and box socials!
FrenchMovieTheme said:
For the playoffs (which are a 7 game series), we will have a shorter rotation. i'm not a baseball diehard, so if some of you guys could help me out with the number of starting pitchers used in a 7 game series (i believe it must be a 3 man rotation?) that would be cool

Typically a 3 man rotation for a 7 game series.
I signed up for GAF1A... btu for whatever reason it would't accpt the pass wrod for GAF1 (MVP). Any reason why?

BTW, I'm signed in and I'll be able to play after 4:30 EASTERN today.

Just to share: I had some GREAT games last night (used Indians all 3). First games was come from ebhind victory over BoSox (6-4), second game was a pitchers duel that I lost due to literall one bad pitch. Randy Johnson vs. Kevin Millwood.. SICK CURVE on Millwoods part. (0-1). Thrid game was a ROUT of the Cubs. It got so bad that my PITCHER nailed a HR over the rigth field ivy. (12-2)


FMT: This is a situation that almost came up wit Konex and I last night. We played a 15 inning game and Konex had run out of relievers, I had maybe 1 or 2 left on the bench (Thank you fat Yankees payoll). Would we be allowed to use a starter after exhausting all of our pitching options in terms of relief? Keep in mind this would happen very rarely. I wouldn't want to leave an exhausted reliever out there having another perfectly good pitcher on the bench.

ONLY after running through all other relief pitchers. That should be clear.


FMT: This is a situation that almost came up wit Konex and I last night. We played a 15 inning game and Konex had run out of relievers, I had maybe 1 or 2 left on the bench (Thank you fat Yankees payoll). Would we be allowed to use a starter after exhausting all of our pitching options in terms of relief? Keep in mind this would happen very rarely. I wouldn't want to leave an exhausted reliever out there having another perfectly good pitcher on the bench.

I also didn't anticipate extra innings and used one of my long relievers briefly before I brought in Gagne :lol

If you finish the game, I'm not sure if I can overturn the victory.

They added that option :)
FrenchMovieTheme said:
league is going to start @ appox. 3pm pst tomorrow (3/7/05) afternoon (maybe a bit earlier than that, maybe a little later), so i want to go over the most important thing:

there is a 3 day maximum. here are some answers to possible questions:

Q: I couldn't play my game this week. What happens?
A: You lose.

Q: I didn't play my game this week, but my opponent admits it was his fault. What happens?
A: You win.

Q: Me and my opponent both flaked on each other on different days. What happens?
A: Coin-flip

Q: My opponent and I were disconnected, and we both want to replay. What happens?
A: I can reset the game (according to past VC games).

Q: My opponent disconnected from me, and it was very shady. It was late in the game and I was ahead by a comfortable margin. What happens?
A: PM me and I'll get into contact with them. Or post it in public, doesn't matter to me. If it is clear that the disconnect was done purposely (which i highly doubt b/c everyone in the league is legit) I will give you the win]

Q: My opponent subbed in another starting pitcher in relief. What happens?
A: The minute you see your opponent using a second "starter" as relief in later innings, disconnect your modem. Reason being is that this way I can reset the game, or overturn a loss. If you finish the game, I'm not sure if I can overturn the victory. I doubt this will happen (we're all pals here), but just play it safe. If you don't know who starting pitchers are, consult the league website in the upcoming days to see a list of everyones starting 5.

Q: I have missed 10+ games that were my fault, what happens?
A: I'll find a replacement immediately and you will be blacklisted from all future GAF sports tournaments leagues and box socials!

FMT.... the Bud Selig of the GAF!

i am a man of my word. here it is, 1:00pm, and the highest league ready to go is the 16 man league. but, while i am a man of my word, i am also a man of kindness. i will start the highest # league in 1 hour (2 pm pst).

outcast, this is directed towards you. the 16 man league wouldn't work for you because it was already filled up. if someone doesn't sign into the 18 man league within an hour, you will (sadly) be left in the cold. i know it's shitty but we have to get this thing on the move. so, if anyone wants to seriously be part of the league and at the sametime bail out outcast so he gets in as well, be my guest. otherwise, the 16 man league will go into effect in an hour. i am debating the schedule setup, but here is my idea for now:

If we have....

1. 16 man league: 2 games against everyone in the league (30 games total), then an additional 2 games against 5 "rivals" (10 games) for a total of 40 games. your 5 rivals (which you will have ended up playing 4 games total against throughout the season) will be chosen at random by the commish (which is me). if you have preferences on who your rivals should be you can post them here, but who knows if they will go into effect

2. 18 man league: 2 games against everyone in the league (34 games), then an additional 2 games again 3 "rivals" (6 games) for a total of 40 games. your 3 rival (which you will end up playing 4 games total against throughout the season) will be chosen blahblah you already read that.

one hour ladies. that is how long i give you!


Man please.


"Perfect game,just for you Scoot!"
FMT.. I'll be out of this office in a matter of minutes.

So within the hour I'll be in the 18 man league... sigh.

if it doesn't work I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I'll have to stick to schooling just regular onliners....


FrenchMovieTheme said:
league is going to start @ appox. 3pm pst tomorrow (3/7/05) afternoon (maybe a bit earlier than that, maybe a little later), so i want to go over the most important thing:

there is a 3 day maximum. here are some answers to possible questions:

Q: I couldn't play my game this week. What happens?
A: You lose.

Q: I didn't play my game this week, but my opponent admits it was his fault. What happens?
A: You win.

Q: Me and my opponent both flaked on each other on different days. What happens?
A: Coin-flip

Q: My opponent and I were disconnected, and we both want to replay. What happens?
A: I can reset the game (according to past VC games).

Q: My opponent disconnected from me, and it was very shady. It was late in the game and I was ahead by a comfortable margin. What happens?
A: PM me and I'll get into contact with them. Or post it in public, doesn't matter to me. If it is clear that the disconnect was done purposely (which i highly doubt b/c everyone in the league is legit) I will give you the win

Q: My opponent subbed in another starting pitcher in relief. What happens?
A: The minute you see your opponent using a second "starter" as relief in later innings, disconnect your modem. Reason being is that this way I can reset the game, or overturn a loss. If you finish the game, I'm not sure if I can overturn the victory. I doubt this will happen (we're all pals here), but just play it safe. If you don't know who starting pitchers are, consult the league website in the upcoming days to see a list of everyones starting 5.

Q: I have missed 10+ games that were my fault, what happens?
A: I'll find a replacement immediately and you will be blacklisted from all future GAF sports tournaments leagues and box socials!

It's 3:30pm, start a league! Don't 'Konex' this league! I at least want one successful ESPN league after 4 other games!
I'm looking at the schedule... all I see is BLANK. Whats going on?

I've joined both.. I was online playing... (won one lost one)... WAITING for some type of message and got nothing.


What's going on? I thought that was obvious (sorry to be blunt). FMT needed to fill the 18 man league (he gave one extra hour) for you to make it, since you were the 17th. Sorry :( If someone flakes out, you can be a backup though.


Steroid Distributor
Which league are we gonna use? I have two of them at 17 teams. I thought we had 18 players.

So we are using the 16 team league?
guys, if everyone could please PM me their starting 5 pitching rotation. i know some of you have already posted it, but if you PM me i can post official rotations on the site as they occur.

so, again

please PM me your starting pitching rotation. if you dont know what it is, let me know and i will boot the game up and find out.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
caninusrule,when do you want to play ball?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ummm how am I to get in touch with caninusrule when I dont see a post of his in this thread or an aim name :| Am I blind? :\

Musashi Wins!

Matrix said:
Ummm how am I to get in touch with caninusrule when I dont see a post of his in this thread or an aim name :| Am I blind? :\

My AIM address is at the website. I've added you there. Let's do this :)

AIM: caninusrule


Steroid Distributor
K I just added everyone to AIM that had posted thier names.

I realized that I didn't post mine

AIM = Truelize

The only I don't have if Fifty. What's your AIM nick Fifty? I don't know how we haven't played each other yet in Madden at all.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Musashi Wins! said:
My AIM address is at the website. I've added you there. Let's do this :)

AIM: caninusrule

You around now?


Heh, I'm the only person here (I think) has has their real name as their AIM name, so I'm kinda tentative to give it out. I'd create a new AIM name for tournaments and leagues, but it's too much of a hassle. I will contact you

Musashi Wins!

Matrix said:
You around now?

Good game. ESPN messaging wasn't working for me.

How did you like my catcher getting caught in a glitch behind home, :lol Or those right field fouls we were trying to catch? haha. Crap game.

Matrix didn't just run around the bases while the game was glitching, btw. He is not a cheap bastard!
Anyone notice the fielders act a bit odd on the online games?

I can't have my second baseman run out to get the pop up because it auto switches to the right fielder. ERGH. I screwed up COUNTLESS sure fire outs because of this.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Musashi Wins! said:
Good game. ESPN messaging wasn't working for me.

How did you like my catcher getting caught in a glitch behind home, :lol Or those right field fouls we were trying to catch? haha. Crap game.

Matrix didn't just run around the bases while the game was glitching, btw. He is not a cheap bastard!

:lol I was like wtf thats not part of the game ...btw how did you like my shitty ass D in the first inning :( Im so used to the far better game MVP.

And gg,great pitching,far better than the shit Konex throws up :p


Weird game Ramirez. Neither of us could get a hit because of the amazing infielders...I swear, those guys train with Spiderman, it's ridiculous. I won on a crazy bloop to the middle that probably should have been caught..


Why does everybodys pitchers turn into pusses when I get ppl on base?

Yeah and I lose because my fucking second baseman and right fielder both come in on a ball, watch it drop, and let it roll to the fence for an inside the parker in the ninth.


They were pussies before you got on base! That's how you got on base. Anyway, I pitched a realistic game...I lost control, the final pitch (with 3 men on base) was a fastball down the middle, and that's how I won, because I got lucky and you grounded out. It's easy to go back in time, look how it ended. Anyway, we both read the balls better as it went on, and maybe I'm just not used to playing unrealistically, because in MVP it's never an issue (throwing off the plate)

Anyway, the only problem with that would be that it resulted in too many SOs, well I had none with Speier and only 4 with Roy O. If you're saying I shouldn't pitch defensively in that situation you're crazy! You got on base because of the walks. That's real baseball, and it was a tense situation. would you have preferred to pop out 3 times in a row?


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Ram,got any decent middle relief pitching? I got Viz to trade,he plays short and 2nd base.
fellas my team is stacked defense wise, however i have NO offense whatsoever. if you're interested in any of my players let me know. i have a pretty good infield ramirez. the only player who is off-limits is likely to be torii hunter... but even he could be had for the right price :D
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