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Pillars of Eternity |OT| You must gather your party before venturing forth.

The latter levels of the endless dungeon are so frustrating with all the mind control enemies.

Although, im loving the game. 30 hours in and i might be approaching the end? I just finished the sanitarium quest


I made a Paladin. It is my usual in RPG's .... so whatever. Why branch out?!

Good choice. Paladins can go full on tanks or half/half supports and do well, so you can just go for whatever suits your needs best at any given time.

The latter levels of the endless dungeon are so frustrating with all the mind control enemies.

Although, im loving the game. 30 hours in and i might be approaching the end? I just finished the sanitarium quest

You've got a good while left.


I am quite enjoying this since I picked it up during the steam sale but god damn clusterfuck doesn't even begin to describe how some of the fights can end up when there's summons on both sides, charmed or dominated units on both sides and aoe spells flying every which way obscuring large sections of the screen. Also the pathing of both enemy and ally AI can be charitably described as quirky.

I'm having a grand time though and already looking forward to my second playthrough with a different pc and set of npc allies. The hardest thing about waiting is leaving alone some side quests so at least some content will be fresh for that run.
I think I'm gonna start playing this today. As I'm not very used to old-school CRPGs, I'm gonna be playing on Easy, but I feel the urge to create a custom party, too. Any particular tips for party composition?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I think I'm gonna start playing this today. As I'm not very used to old-school CRPGs, I'm gonna be playing on Easy, but I feel the urge to create a custom party, too. Any particular tips for party composition?

You'll be missing out on a fair amount of content if you don't use the story NPC's, I'd save custom parties for replays.


I think I'm gonna start playing this today. As I'm not very used to old-school CRPGs, I'm gonna be playing on Easy, but I feel the urge to create a custom party, too. Any particular tips for party composition?
What class will your main be?

I'd go fighter/rogue/rogue/cipher/priest/ranger

Maybe a monk instead of the ranger or one of the rogues.

There are several party compositions that could work.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
What class will your main be?

I'd go fighter/rogue/rogue/cipher/priest/ranger

Maybe a monk instead of the ranger or one of the rogues.

There are several party compositions that could work.

No chanter? Blasphemy.
You'll be missing out on a fair amount of content if you don't use the story NPC's, I'd save custom parties for replays.

Alright, I'll use the story NPCs.

What class will your main be?

I'd go fighter/rogue/rogue/cipher/priest/ranger

Maybe a monk instead of the ranger or one of the rogues.

There are several party compositions that could work.

I'm kinda tempted to go druid, seems pretty interesting, but some sources online are telling me that it's not very beginner-friendly.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Druid isn't any harder to play then any other class.

Just keep in mind that it isn't a classic D&D style druid and is more of a direct damage spellcaster.


Finally started playing this a few days ago. Got a full party now, with a rogue in the lead. Currently at:
I unlocked my keep, then back tracked and took out raedric

Just to make sure, there's no penalties having a rogue backstab/sneak attack with a great sword is there? Far as I can tell there isn't.. and if that's true there's no way I'm not going to play my rogue that way.


Finally started playing this a few days ago. Got a full party now, with a rogue in the lead. Currently at:
I unlocked my keep, then back tracked and took out raedric

Just to make sure, there's no penalties having a rogue backstab with a great sword is there? Far as I can tell there isn't.. and if that's true there's no way I'm not going to play my rogue that way.
Not as far as I know.


Felt kind of weird
having my party killed off at the begging, felt like a abrupt stop at the momentum of the beginning for the stereo typical "Chosen One" revelation. All those choices and stuff effecting the party that early only to have them killed so pathetically after all that left a sour taste in my mouth for some reason. Granted I'm fine with character deaths but I don't think this was done well at all, it felt absolutely terrible really.
Other than that I'm loving this game so far.


Felt kind of weird
having my party killed off at the begging, felt like a abrupt stop at the momentum of the beginning for the stereo typical "Chosen One" revelation. All those choices and stuff effecting the party that early only to have them killed so pathetically after all that left a sour taste in my mouth for some reason. Granted I'm fine with character deaths but I don't think this was done well at all, it felt absolutely terrible really.
Other than that I'm loving this game so far.

It's a very strange start, I felt the same way.
I thought for sure your choices would end up with one of them in your party (for good)...NOPE


Playing as a rogue, I feel the stealth mechanic is really hindered by the "You must gather your party before venturing forth". Getting across a room not being seen isn't much help if the rest of my party needs to be with me to go to the next screen. Wish they would of done away with it :(


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Well, I don't really think that's how stealth is intended to function in the game anyway. It's for scouting and positioning, not really for entirely bypassing whole areas.
Picked this up a few days ago and just hit Defiance Bay. Not to say that I'm struggling because I'm making progress but I don't really get the combat. My main is a monk which is pretty cool but the problem I'm having is that I needed a tank because I couldn't handle taking all the melee damage. I made a fighter to mitigate that but they're getting melted and being all around fairly useless.

Any tips on getting a melee setup going? I'm finding that stuff just runs past them and attacks Aloth and Kana too.

Also with monk do I get bonuses for using no armour at all or is it just unarmed?


Picked this up a few days ago and just hit Defiance Bay. Not to say that I'm struggling because I'm making progress but I don't really get the combat. My main is a monk which is pretty cool but the problem I'm having is that I needed a tank because I couldn't handle taking all the melee damage. I made a fighter to mitigate that but they're getting melted and being all around fairly useless.

Any tips on getting a melee setup going? I'm finding that stuff just runs past them and attacks Aloth and Kana too.

Also with monk do I get bonuses for using no armour at all or is it just unarmed?

Fighters should be pretty sturdy. What stats did you give him? And did you get the NPC character fighter? Eder is usually decently buff.

I haven't played the game in a bit so some of this may have changed, but fighters should also have a stance toggle that gives them the ability to engage more than just one enemy. So if you get him out front when the battle starts he'll draw attention from a couple. But yes, recent AI changes did make enemies focus more on squishies, so you'll have to save some CC for them.

Monks, awkwardly, usually end up wearing heavy armor. No bonuses for not, sadly. Just unarmed. Even then he should probably carry a couple other damages types for when you find crush immune enemies.

Edit: Wow, didn't realize how much fighters had been nerfed in 2.0. Seems like they pretty much have to spec towards being a kinda tanky damage dealer rather than pure tank since they have such shit group utility compared to a paladin or monk or maybe even chanter. Does make me interested in trying a straight dual-wielding DPS fighter though.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
There's a apparently a real good monk tank build (Juggernaut on the PoE forums), so I think I'm gonna use zahua as my tank, drop Eder, and make a custom barb to throw St Ydwen's redeemer on. Or I might just actually use Pallegina this time, since the pally proc for it is pretty good. I got the soulbound bow and tossed it on my watcher, who is a cipher. I'm digging it so far, lightning pew pew.

My party is mostly 7 and I am still getting kind of fucking dominated in the White March areas. I have to cheese every encounter by aggroing a group and trying to pull 1-2 out far enough while the rest leash back. I'm having a hell of a time getting passed the first room of the basement in Galvino's house because those big flesh constructs are so tough.


I keep loosing all my money from my taxes at my stronghold. I have been building defense and everything. Any advice? It is annoying.

I don't remember having much of an issue with the stronghold. Mix defense and reputation. By mid-game, it felt like the stronghold was broken. I was never short on money.


Finally picked this up since it was on sale for $20 CAD.

So far, I'm about 13 hours in and really enjoying it. This is my first game of this type (Iso real time with pause combat) and it's really fun and engaging. I might be enjoying the combat even more than the story so far lol. I'm playing a Paladin which seemed like the safe choice for my first go through.

I just main quest
went into the Temple of Woedica for the first time and am doing a quest for some creepy necromancer guy in the sewers who I think im going to have to kill.

My only complaint so far is that the actual items you get don't seem very interesting. Most of my crew are still wearing their starting gear or generic "Fine X armor/weapon"


Got to 14 then put this away til the level cap gets increased.

Game got really easy once my companion Wizard got a few levels under his belt. Apart from the dragons. Those are just bullshit.


Running around Defiance bay doing random odd jobs. My lvl 6 rogue is a monster, hitting stuff for 50+ dmg.

Sneak Attack's are ridiculous when you can pull of a chain. My rogue
(The Devil)
has a fully upgraded artifact weapon equipped, and her damage output is insane.

Got to 14 then put this away til the level cap gets increased.

Game got really easy once my companion Wizard got a few levels under his belt. Apart from the dragons. Those are just bullshit.

The dragons are great fights, but the game does suffer from a difficulty slump if you do as much content as possible. Act 2 & Act 3 become insultingly easy on POTD if you've taken your time to quest, but the difficulty ramps back up sharpish for the finale.


Yeah I'm glad they're addressing the post- Caed Nua difficulty slump on 3.0. And hopefully WM2 has some great combat challenges.


Yeah I'm glad they're addressing the post- Caed Nua difficulty slump on 3.0. And hopefully WM2 has some great combat challenges.

That would be nice.

I'd like to see some difficulty fights that aren't just enemies with insane stats and an immunity list a mile long.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Sneak Attack's are ridiculous when you can pull of a chain. My rogue
(The Devil)
has a fully upgraded artifact weapon equipped, and her damage output is insane.

Which one, the mace or the estoc?


So for my first real run through should I just be a shameless good guy? It doesn't seem like there are nearly enough options to adequately role play a conniving wizard or bandit, like in Baldur's Gate. It's kind of taking me out of the game trying to be a mad Mage and always having to be like "so tell me about yourself."

I wouldn't mind being a paladin and just doing good right from the get go, I can't really get into this in terms of role playing.

You goodie-goodies make me sick.


Finally looks like I get to leave the city. Also stuff has become a cake walk, looks like I'll have to up the difficulty.


adra dragon
are both kicking my ass my full decked out lvl 12 party (normal difficulty)

i've gotten close to killing the former, tho it took an eternity of scroll spamming, and jjust gave up on the latter

these two unexplicably steep difficulty spikes are kind of dumb


I've finished my first run a week ago and I thought the game was fantastic. Truly a breath of fresh air in the RPG genre which is ironic considering it's a throwback to the greatness we had 15 or 20 years ago.

Played through it in normal, my character was a Death Godlike Cypher and I used 5 standard companions (Éder, Aloth, Durance, Pallegina and Sagani). For the most part I had no real problems with the enemy difficulty although there were a couple of encounter/dungeons that seemed to ramp it sky-high, most notably
Eothas's Temple and Od Nua's 8th level (fuck Fampyrs) and the goddamn Adra Dragon, the only enemy in the game I wasn't able to kill.

I thought the story was quite good and the background lore was absolutely amazing. If I had to point my favorite parts of it it would possibly be
when you arrive at the temple in Twin Elms are greeted by the godlike sisters and the meeting with the gods after that.

I'm going to play through it again as soon as I buy the full expantion, this time in a higher difficulty and with a custom made party. Before that I'd like to know the following:
- How does Path of the Damned increase difficulty? Is it only a numbers tweak, more enemies with more damage and hp, or does it make them "smarter", do they use more de/buffs, don't clump up so much, etc.
- Where do the expansion zones fit? I'm expecting it to be somewhere in chapter 3. Is there any news if the level cap will be increased since they are adding new content?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The expansion zones are actually accessible fairly early. You can first head to the white march after doing the first main quest in Defiance Bay (the temple of Woedica) and I think the actual base level of the area is 8 or so. They do feel significantly harder than equal level areas of the base game though. My party is 8 right now and it's a bit of a slog, and there are traps I can't disarm even though I have a char with high mechanics.


Im constantly floored by how much fun im having with this game for a Kickstarter game to be this good blows my mind, 20 hours in and still have a long way to go.


So I bought the game in the sale. Cannot stop playing it. I am blown away by this game. So much so that it made my top 3 goty
I'm about 20 hours in and just remembered this is why I love RPGs...... this is god-tier gaming.

Haven't felt this way since BG2 to be honest... I'm so giddy, my golden pantaloons are shimmering.


Got anxiety after getting 2 new party members back to back after I've been rolling with the same team for like 15+ hours.

Now sure what I wanna do with them. One I don't like the personality, but the class (druid) is way more interesting than my paladin.. but I need a frontline fighter. So thinking of making him a duel wielding offtank druid?

The other is a cipher which I might replace my ranger with. I really like the ranger's character though... but the class itself is so boring.
So, I got this in the steam sale as I've been eying it up for a while.
Loving the hell out of it, but can someone explain to me what the Enemy GUI means?


Like, I can guess some, but when I select a spell and hover over an enemy, it comes up with the % and a question mark?

Does that mean I'm only going to do that amount of damage or?

If this is explained in the game or somewhere then I apologise as I must have missed it.
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