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Pillars of Eternity |OT| You must gather your party before venturing forth.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The question mark is there if you haven't completed the bestiary entry (which is automatic as you kill more of that creature) and indicates you don't know the exact value. The upper number (defenses) is basically the number your attack roll has to beat to hit them (after bonuses and whatnot, it's all behind the scenes stuff.) The lower numbers are actual damage reductions, and the numbers listed there are subtracted from attacks of that type.

So for example, if you see a 10 next to the damage reduction symbol that looks like a sword, a slashing attack that does 30 base damage would do 20 after damage reduction.
The question mark is there if you haven't completed the bestiary entry (which is automatic as you kill more of that creature) and indicates you don't know the exact value. The upper number (defenses) is basically the number your attack roll has to beat to hit them (after bonuses and whatnot, it's all behind the scenes stuff.) The lower numbers are actual damage reductions, and the numbers listed there are subtracted from attacks of that type.

So for example, if you see a 10 next to the damage reduction symbol that looks like a sword, a slashing attack that does 30 base damage would do 20 after damage reduction.

Ahhh, got you, ok, thank you!

And when I hover the cursor over the enemy, the number there with a question mark is the same?
I am at the start of the
Burial island
. How much further? I am wondering if I should do all my other quests.

If you want to do the other quests, do them now. Once you enter the actual final dungeon, there's no going back, although it does create a save file of right before you enter.

The final dungeon itself takes about an hour.


Any help with doing this final bounty?
Sserkal!! I cant get away from the 30 second stuns!

Edit: Nvm, got it. Lucked out! Only got half of the bunch attacking me, then was able to clean up.
Gotta start the bounties soon, so much content in this game... just did the
Dyrford Village underground Skaen quest,
so epic and I LOVE how the consequences actually mean something in this game.

Also, I love the Stronghold mechanic - brilliant fun and a good carryover after Fallout 4's settlement obsession of mine :D


Any advice for the
last battle
?? Keep in mind, I have not done any crafting and playing on normal. I have a
two handed paladin, sword and board, Mage, priest, chanter and cypher.

Edit: Never mind, got lucky and won. Although
He healed himself from Near death. I almost did not win after he did that!
Wanted to share this moment with PillarsGAF: Od Nua battle that went down to the wire... Edér left with 3 Endurance, rest of the team wiped.

It's moments like these that make me so stoked on RPG life.


Everyone ready for White March II?

What's the exact date again? I want to say the 26th, but I'm probably wrong...

Definitely ready, though!

Edit: Feb 16th... I had a feeling it was Feb, but you asking if I'm ready or not madme me think it could be earlier! Now I'm sad I have to wait.


I'm interested in playing both parts once it releases. Having waited on White March 1, and surely some general QoL patches I've missed, should feel like a whole new game.


3.0 beta patch notes are up and the beta is live if people want to check it out.

  • New content for the Stronghold that has you, as lord or lady of Caed Nua, decide the fate of your vassals and send your companions on new and exciting adventures.
  • There is also a new quest line that allows you to defend your claim to Caed Nua (will be released in 3.0 final).
  • Knockout Injuries have been added as an option for those that want it. Injuries are added to characters that are knocked out in battle and are only removed by resting.
  • Story Time mode has been added. This difficulty setting is for people that want to experience the Pillars of Eternity story without having to build a party of adventurers focused on combat.
  • Athletics has been revamped so that it allows characters to cast Second Wind. A powerful healing ability. A higher Athletics skill increases the size of the heal.
  • Survival now grants rest bonuses. A higher Survival skill will unlock more rest bonuses or increase the strength of existing bonuses.
  • Many new creatures have been added to the Bestiary.
  • The Action Bar has been reorganized so that it is easier for players to see their Per Encounter, Per Rest, and Watcher abilities.
  • The end of the game (Act 3 and second half of Od Nua) has been revised to remove the number of "trash" encounters and increase their difficulty.
  • A high level scaling option has been included for anyone that enters Act 3 at a high level.


"A high level scaling option has been included for anyone that enters Act 3 at a high level."

Well, I guess I can play it again... Again.


I'll probably main a tank paladin again. Stats are great for combat and talking and having two tanks can be pretty useful, at least early on.
Uh, so I haven't received my physical rewards from the Kickstarter yet and I notice Obsidian's site says "Shipped" ... I received no notification when this was Shipped, and honestly can't remember if this was the case last time I checked. Spending a handful of seconds looking at this thread it seems people go their rewards last June.

So, there's no known shipping issue I should be aware of, right? I take it I should take my case to http://eternity.obsidian.net/backer/contact ?


Nice to seem them keep improving it.

Still not a fan of everything giving you attribute bonuses, makes them feel really arbitrary. It's supposed to be your character's defining bedrock that is really hard and equally rewarding to improve.


This sure was one amazing game. Loved every minute of it (Bit iffy on all the mind control effects, but nothing a corner pull doesn't fix XP), and I liked how some aspects of the choices DO shape the story. This really is how I like my games, and I am so glad it exists. This really leaves me hungry for Torment. :)

I really like the backstory as well, especially the way it panned out in act 3 and four.

That said, there's an ending related question I have. The ending effected me quite a bit more than I thought I would, particularly due to how one route of choices played out.

Spoiler with an ending question, spoils up and including act 4.

With the choices given when replying to Thaos, I ended up saying that my character, in her past live as inquisitor, loved Iovara. Which of course made the story really match up well with "Your soul must have had unfinished business" because...
...in my character's past life, she essentially sold out her love, who died in a horrific way for it. It felt quite effective and really, really sad to me.

Which leads me to the question: Is there actually a way to end the Iovara conversation differently? I basically could ask her for forgiveness once, and then essentially erase her soul. Was there some way to have my character do penace for what her past self did? "When this is done, I'll bind myself to this pillar, just as you are", for example?

Just a silly question. I thought it would have been quite appropriate, and was surprised no such option existed - at least when I tried.

I know, at the end, it's a game, it cannot take all choices into consideration, nor offer all of them, I just wondered, cause this part hit me unexpectedly hard, in a way usually only (tragic) movie stories do.

(I mean, my character would, at this point, also have attempted to use the souls to do something against the gods, but I definitely understand why that was not an option, heh)

Apologies if this seems a bit silly, but!


Just started a new playthrough of this.
Have they changed Durance's voice actor?
Seems slightly different from what I remember.
I'm coming up on finishing out Act 3 and it's sidequests. I'll probably be level 11 or 12 by that point, should I try the high level White March option or keep it standard?


That's what I'd read, but I didn't know quite how difficult the high level switch made things.

I appreciate the combat more than I do in other CRPGs, but I'm not looking for a PotD challenge or anything.

If you choose to not play standard, I think the enemy levels level scale to match your levels.


I put about 25 hours into this at release and kinda drifted away then but now that it's going to 3.0 and the second part of White March is releasing it's time to jump back in. Roll on next Tuesday, going to start a new game.


I put about 25 hours into this at release and kinda drifted away then but now that it's going to 3.0 and the second part of White March is releasing it's time to jump back in. Roll on next Tuesday, going to start a new game.

That's exactly me. 30 hours in and I stopped playing for some reason. Then I decided to wait for all the patches and expansions. Next week I'll start a new playthrough.


I am really looking forward to getting back, I did not play the first part of the expansion so I can do both at once. I just hope it's not too easy with a full level 12 party, but there's no way I am playing the whole game again.


I am really looking forward to getting back, I did not play the first part of the expansion so I can do both at once. I just hope it's not too easy with a full level 12 party, but there's no way I am playing the whole game again.

I'm in the same position having not touched the expansions. I finished the base game; do we still have to load an earlier save before the last stretch to play the expansions?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'm actually planning to go ranger on my new run, as it's not a class I've messed with much before. The new companion seems cool, barbs are pretty dope for AoE damage. New companions in general always seem like an issue for me though, due to how much of the party feels almost necessary (durance, aloth, eder or zahua unless your PC is a tank, almost always want a cipher etc).


I'm in the same position having not touched the expansions. I finished the base game; do we still have to load an earlier save before the last stretch to play the expansions?

I think the game made a save before you enter the last dungeon, I guess we can use that one to enter the expansion
For anyone jumping back in to do White March with a high level party, I chose Standard and I am absolutely destroying things so far. Standard may as well be story mode. Not sure how much more difficult High Level is.


Do we know when the expansion releases tomorrow?

Also, any recommendations for a damage dealer that would be focused on might, intelligence and perception? I really want int and per because they align perfectly with the stat checks I want to roleplay. I also want to play a rogue but int would be largely wasted there if I'm not mistaken.
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