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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Junior Member
Phoenix Fang said:
Holy shit. Fuckin lol.


Fricken Onion is hitting hard.

"Today the American people have made their voices heard, and they have said, 'Things are finally as terrible as we're willing to tolerate," said Obama, addressing a crowd of unemployed, uninsured, and debt-ridden supporters. "To elect a black man, in this country, and at this time—these last eight years must have really broken you."
Ouch. Kinda true.


DeathNote said:
GAF likes laughing at meltdowns.
Yes, it's a disturbing trend that seems to have carried over from the gaming side...

I understand that people like the schadenfreude of it, but rapture-ready is just creepy. Maybe there should be a separate thread for schadenfreude.

I've lost enough brain cells to this election already, what with all the hopium and alcohol. Don't need to kill any more reading that kind of mindless drivel.


DeathNote said:

A complete Fox News meltdown is unlikely. Sure, you'll probably get it from Sean Hannity, but who else? O'Reilly has been downright diplomatic to him. Fox News centrist strategy is in full effect.


nightez said:
how can you be so sure he only owns three suits?

The Obama's have a policy of spending their own money on clothes. However many suits he owns, they were paid for with his own money. As are his shoes:

President-elect Barack Obama is strongly considering Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a Cabinet post, Democratic officials told Politico.
Obama’s transition planners are weighing several other celebrity-level political stars for Cabinet posts, including retired Gen. Colin L. Powell for secretary of defense or education, the officials said.

Kennedy's cousin, Caroline Kennedy, who helped Obama lead his vice presidential search, is being considered for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, although some Obama officials doubt she would take the post. Obama is indebted to the Kennedy family for a hearty endorsement at a crucial point in the Democratic primaries.


You know what? Rasmussen's final poll was
Obama - 52
McCain - 46

the final outcome was
Obama - 52
McCain - 46

They hit it out of the park.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
DeathNote said:
GAF is laughing at you truthfully waiting for you to say something stupid enough to get banned. There has already been two so far saying "ni****s"
They can laugh all they want, im laughing right back, this is hilarious.
As i said i dont particularly care about the presidential election. I cared more about my local election particularly keeping an no experience having, non accountant out of the tax assesor's office to keep my property taxes from going up.

PS Yes, I REALLY am crying myself to sleep at my desk at work. /eyeroll :lol


harSon said:
I have Lou Dobbs, Hannity and Colmes, The View, and Bill O'Reily set to record :lol
Oh I can't wait for "Mr. Independant'. Should be priceless. "Acorn, Wright, Ayers. Did people not look at this? Amazing."


Cyan said:
I understand that people like the schadenfreude of it, but rapture-ready is just creepy. Maybe there should be a separate thread for schadenfreude.

I've lost enough brain cells to this election already, what with all the hopium and alcohol. Don't need to kill any more reading that kind of mindless drivel.

It's also the day after a bitterly fought election. People are blowing off two years worth of victorious steam. It will calm down after a day or two.

I'd be down for a separate lulz thread, though.


I'm enjoying the tears from the crowd who said that people who wouldn't get behind Bush unpatriotic, un-American, etc now saying that Obama isn't their president and they're going to go after him like dem libruls did with GWB.

So bitter, yet so sweet.


Cyan said:
Yes, it's a disturbing trend that seems to have carried over from the gaming side...

I understand that people like the schadenfreude of it, but rapture-ready is just creepy. Maybe there should be a separate thread for schadenfreude.

I've lost enough brain cells to this election already, what with all the hopium and alcohol. Don't need to kill any more reading that kind of mindless drivel.
Well, 11:00 EST is when GAF ejaculated with victory pictures as anticipated. I'm also sure everyone including the mods anticipated getting to laugh at meltdown for the next few days. It's all following suit. PoliGAF will not die and we will migrate intelligent conversations soon.


shooting blanks
Oh I can't wait for "Mr. Independant'. Should be priceless. "Acorn, Wright, Ayers. Did people not look at this? Amazing."

Exactly, I cant wait to see lou dobbs tonight. Hopefully he'll have an aneurysm while he's raging about Obama.
devilhawk said:
A year from now they will hate us again. Just watch.

I can understand you if you're young. Many people only have memories of a Bush presidency, which is why they come to conclusions like this. But, before Bush we had an awesome America, one that was a real trendsetter and one that every other nation aspired to be like. Obama will most likely turn the US back on track.

The world only hated the US because of the last eight years. You really cannot sink as low as you did then. There's only one way for America to go, and that's up - and it's going to be a hell of a ride. Many think that just voting Obama in as president is the single act of redemption, but actually the US is just getting started. I absolutely cannot wait to watch what happens. It's going to be fantastic I think.

I think it's the older guys that are most excited; the ones that long for the days of the Clinton years, where everyone absolutely loved them. Instead of Bush and Medvedev threatening each other with missiles, it was Clinton and Gorbachev laughing at each other's mistranslations and having a joke about it in front of everyone. Little things like that.


besada said:
It's also the day after a bitterly fought election. People are blowing off two years worth of victorious steam. It will calm down after a day or two.
Um, yes. Good point. Soon enough, we'll all be used to the phrase, "President Barack Obama." :D


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
artredis1980 said:
More WOrld pictures

Pictures from the MOMENT it was announced

Seoul, South Korea

Awesome, although the more I see these pictures I wonder how in the world Obama can live up to the hype. Then again, after the last eight years...


In five minutes Limbaugh blamed the market on Obama's election. Said prop 8 isnt controversial because his side won and that given the facts is the sensible side of the argument compared to the raging libs. Said Obama is the most liberal candidate in history, is gonna govern from the far left and that Chris Wallace on Foxnews shouldnt be trying to tell viewers that Obama will try to be centrist because we shouldnt be assuming about him yet, yet thats exactly what he did 30 seconds prior.

I cant stand to listen to him, what he spews is so goddamned misleading, divisive, manipulative and flat out false most the times that it sickens me that people like him get to use the finite space of the radiowaves and spew bullshit like that!
ChrisGoldstein said:
Exactly, I cant wait to see lou dobbs tonight. Hopefully he'll have an aneurysm while he's raging about Obama.
Dobbs was actually on the air last night on CNBC after Ohio was called. He just seemed his usual jackass self.
Oh I can't wait for "Mr. Independant'. Should be priceless. "Acorn, Wright, Ayers. Did people not look at this? Amazing."

yeah, Hannity just emasculated himself...hopefully nobody ever gets their talking points from him again


Oh I can't wait for "Mr. Independant'. Should be priceless. "Acorn, Wright, Ayers. Did people not look at this? Amazing."

Is it me, or does he ALWAYS have a segment on illegal aliens or immigrants on every freaking show? I get home from work around 6:30 PM CT, and while channel-surfing, I end up on CNN, and 90% of the time it's "Next on Lou Dobbs: Immigration and how it's destroying our economy."


Jonm1010 said:
In five minutes Limbaugh blamed the market on Obama's election. Said prop 8 isnt controversial because his side won and that given the facts is the sensible side of the argument compared to the raging libs. Said Obama is the most liberal candidate in history, is gonna govern from the far left and that Chris Wallace on Foxnews shouldnt be trying to tell viewers that Obama will try to be centrist because we shouldnt be assuming about him yet, yet thats exactly what he did 30 seconds prior.

I cant stand to listen to him, what he spews is so goddamned misleading, divisive, manipulative and flat out false most the times that it sickens me that people like him get to use the finite space of the radiowaves and spew bullshit like that!

I am friends with a man who was a Special Assistant to Ronald Reagan during the 1980s. He said, and I quote, when he listens to Rush Limbaugh he feels like he is listening to an early 1930s Nazi rally. That is something he is qualified to say, because he has a phd in German political history.

That pretty much says it all about Limbaugh.
Hannity is a twat, just look at him. His square-jawed face, the ridiculous eyebrows.... screams HURR ME DUMB REPUBICLAN. Don't listen to what he says.


Zedsdeadbaby said:
I can understand you if you're young. Many people only have memories of a Bush presidency, which is why they come to conclusions like this. But, before Bush we had an awesome America, one that was a real trendsetter and one that every other nation aspired to be like. Obama will most likely turn the US back on track.

The world only hated the US because of the last eight years. You really cannot sink as low as you did then. There's only one way for America to go, and that's up - and it's going to be a hell of a ride. Many think that just voting Obama in as president is the single act of redemption, but actually the US is just getting started. I absolutely cannot wait to watch what happens. It's going to be fantastic I think.
I can understand this if you were born in the late 80's. Some of us are older and remember the Clinton presidency and realize we weren't constantly receiving massive shipments of roses from foreign countries. It was better than Bush, of course, but so was every other presidency. Realistically, the good will you see here will not last long.
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