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Shadowrun Returns |OT| Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.


Finished Dead Man's Switch yesterday. Thought it was a decent campaign, if rather linear, but I suppose this is going to be like NWN and the true strength of the game lies in what other people will create. Looking forward to checking it out.

Also not a fan of checkpoint saving but I guess I'll have to deal with it.


Big patch but no save system fix?
It looks like from the patch notes that they added some message to make it more obvious when the last autosave was. My guess is that they may not be interested in adding a better save system. Maybe I'll be wrong in a month or two though.
I think they know about the save issue, and knew about it for a while, but fixing it is probably a lot harder/more time consuming than one would think and would require a lot of QA time to make sure it didn't break stuff & to fix the stuff it does break. So I wouldn't expect a save fix to come out soon, although I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually happened down the line. They're probably working on easier things to do like balance & squashing the bugs that exist rather than introducing a new system that'd probably introduce more bugs. It sucks but from what I've read it looks like that's where they're at.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Big patch but no save system fix?

They said what the save system was going to be like 6 months ago, people flipped out then and they didn't change it. It's certainly not going to change now in a small patch a week after release.

If it's going to change, I wouldn't expect it until like the Berlin campaign.


New Kickstarter update has the Berlin campaign slated for October, and shows some backgrounds from it.

So just finished the main game. I give the game 4/5.

I think the save anywhere complaint is a mountain out of a molehill at this time. When compared to the fact that we got a decent CRPG with a good story for a decent price (I paid 17.00)

To me it would have been a nice to have and I hope it is implemented in the future.

All of my complaints are really about features that couldn't really be implemented due to budget.

- Would have like to be able to rotate the map 360 degrees in order to get a better idea of the tactical environment.

- I would have liked more armor choices.

- I would have liked to be able to change the armor/weapons/spells/programs of my hired runners.

- Needed more side quests.

- I think it would have been nice if they hid dialogue choices from you totally if you didn't have the requisite ettique/stats to trigger different reactions.

- I feel like Elves are OP they don't take a hit on any stats while Trolls and Orcs take Int hits. I think it would have been nice if they balanced the body for int (I'm aware these are SR rules in place)

- I didn't figure out how to use items with my drone until the final battle. It would be nice to have an optional tutorial section where you could test skills and capabilities.

- I would love to have a respec feature.

- The game, as far as I could tell, led you down the good guy path. I'm not sure if I could have gotten the karmic gains if I would have played as a scoundrel of pure villain? Did anyone play pure villain? And what was your karmic total at end game (mine was 207)?

Can anyone recommend any good user created content?


I started playing this yesterday, and so far (about 4 hours in) I am really enjoying the story and the world they created. The game is fun and so far exceeding my expectations. Never played the original, though, so I didn't know what to expect, really. It was my first Kickstarter, and so far I am pleased with the way it turned out.


ok I don't understand the point in hiring deckers

they're absolute shit in combat and they can't hack wtf

guess I'll have to roll back the last hour...


ok I don't understand the point in hiring deckers

they're absolute shit in combat and they can't hack wtf

guess I'll have to roll back the last hour...

Some people think the fact that they don't affect conversational decking stat checks that the Player encounters is a bug.
I hope it's a bug anyway, because otherwise it's just a broken mechanism.


ok I don't understand the point in hiring deckers

they're absolute shit in combat and they can't hack wtf

guess I'll have to roll back the last hour...

One of my only real complaints about the game.

Moves that lower the AP of an enemy are strong, and it was silly that the shotgun one was a no CD affair while my mage had a multi-round CD on any ability that removed control of something.

Which is the next thing, who on earth would think mages need to be nerfed? They have SO many CDs it's not funny, and for all the talk about Ley Lines being a big thing and the risk associated with them, there certainly aren't enough of them to matter much in the grand scheme of things. A CD reduction on them would also serve to make them stronger, as they weren't that big of a difference. The heal spell was also terrible in a game system where you can be hit for 24 damage and then plinked for 1 damage. Should have another round or two of CD added but heal ALL the damage done during an enemy phase or something.

All that said, was a good game, with a familiar trap of not everything you can spend points in being worthwhile. Still had fun with it. :)


Some people think the fact that they don't affect conversational decking stat checks that the Player encounters is a bug.
I hope it's a bug anyway, because otherwise it's just a broken mechanism.
I dunno if it's a bug or a design oversight but if it's not a bug then what use do deckers have?

these little annoyances bring up the worst about the save system since I gotta redo all that chapter's worth of conversations...
ok I don't understand the point in hiring deckers

they're absolute shit in combat and they can't hack wtf

guess I'll have to roll back the last hour...

I played a pure rigger spec so U always needed a decker. I just went without most of the time.
Johnny Clean recommends a Decker about half way thru that I used for all of my decking.


what's a good team to bring for the last mission (I think)?
harlequin just joined my crew and I gotta go kill bug queen goddess thingie

I'm taking the ghost guy and I'm between coyote and that alex falk dude that's been a pretty decent support mage all game long
what's a good team to bring for the last mission (I think)?
harlequin just joined my crew and I gotta go kill bug queen goddess thingie

I'm taking the aegis guy and I'm between coyote and that alex falk dude that's been a pretty decent support mage all game long

Take Alex and the Ghost. The Ghost gives you an extra bug killing cannon, has good accuracy and firepower also stock up on healing kits for your team.


Take Alex and the Ghost. The Ghost gives you an extra bug killing cannon, has good accuracy and firepower also stock up on healing kits for your team.
cool, thanks

seriously I'm not one to spam quicksave in rpgs but this game has made me appreciate being able to. I dunno why it didn't bother me as much in alpha protocol, maybe because at least they never made you replay non-combat/stealth sections.
cool, thanks

What did you roll?

Have Alex constantly spam buffs to keep your team moving faster and getting extra accuracy/durability. Use Quinn's spells over the sword. It's not that accurate and doesn't do much damage. Especially on a whiff and he is point blank on an auto fire.


What did you roll?

Have Alex constantly spam buffs to keep your team moving faster and getting extra accuracy/durability. Use Quinn's spells over the sword. It's not that accurate and doesn't do much damage. Especially on a whiff and he is point blank on an auto fire.
I'm an adept but at one point discovered pretty much everything after chi focus (two melee, higher crit, no cooldown) wasn't for my taste so I just dumped a bunch of points into strength and melee weapons. I also got me the heal spell because it felt like a really efficient use of karma

I put a bunch of points to charisma too for the dialogue choices but I feel that was kind of a waste.

I do a shitload of damage, specially if I have someone haste me but it's definitely an underwhelming class as far as fun-factor is concerned. you just run up to someone, double slash them, repeat.

I was gonna roll an elf rigger girl after this character but after hearing so much about bugs I may make her a shaman to try out summoning.

also yeah alex is pretty boss, I used him in every mission but this one, since I figured a decker might've come in handy but noes :/


I dunno if it's a bug or a design oversight but if it's not a bug then what use do deckers have?

these little annoyances bring up the worst about the save system since I gotta redo all that chapter's worth of conversations...

I did a 2 way decker matrix run on one of the missions. Shit was tight. They wanted me to go to 2 different sections of the map to hack the security system by a deadline, so I split my guys and their Kill drone programs up and accomplished the task in...well my main character's hack skills were shit so I probably didn't cut it in half, but still.

In THIS scenario, deckers have limited usefulness, because you don't have opportunity for unlimited shadowruns. But in the coming scenarios and fansubmission stuff we might see them becoming more useful. IF they would fix that stat check issue, they would become immediately more useful.

what's a good team to bring for the last mission (I think)?

I brought Mother Machine the rigger, and that Weapons Master street samurai dude. Plus Harley but fuck, he may be badass, but just not in this game. And not against those enemies. I think their stats were too high so they had no trouble dodging most of our attacks. Watching Harle run up at +4 Movement to an enemy for 90% accuracy, and watch him whiff his +3 critical strike, 3 times in a row is demoralizing in the extreme. And suddenly Mother's drones were completely but useless, when they had been damned effective missions before. The LAPD SWAT looking dude was fucking ace with that fully auto m-16 analog though. He saved the day more than 6 or seven times, and was probably more useful than half my squad. So basically...don't do what I did.


yeah I actually think the character system is for the most part alright, it's just that the game doesn't provide you with enough uses for each stat to make them balanced.

I hear there's like less than 10 matrix interactions in the whole game, while being good at shotgunning people in the face (or kneecap) is used like a billion more times

but in general it's kinda nice

also yeah harlequin is useless


I'm a bit worried they say they just started with the Berlin stuff but will release it in October.
Hope it will be a meaty campaign with a good story and not only some loosely connected missions.

Oh and fix the save System!
I haven't started the game in a few days, because i'm not sure how much time i will have to play, and i don't want to start only to realize that i have to quit before i can end a mission and loose my progress.


I'm a bit worried they say they just started with the Berlin stuff but will release it in October.
Hope it will be a meaty campaign with a good story and not only some loosely connected missions.

They've got most of the infrastructure already in place to create things, that should make the process fairly smooth. Also, I got the impression that they've just started with *implementing* the Berlin campaign - a lot of this is prepwork and design away from the computer, and having a chunk of that done would make life a lot easier.
I've run across a problem. I've played this game fine on my Windows PC, but I put it on my Macbook Air, and after starting a new game and creating my character, when it should load in the first scene at the apartment, it instead just puts my character model in an empty all black area. It seems to stay stuck on this screen, it isn't completely frozen, the music plays and I can move the camera around normally like on a map. Any ideas? I'm using the non-DRM version off the harebrained schemes site, not Steam, if that makes a difference.

Edit: Haha, nevermind, I'm still new to using Macs. I guess I was trying to run it out of the installing folder thing? I had to copy it to the apps folder and then it worked fine.


Shotguns need a boost frankly to make up for the low accuracy

Also the last level fucking SUCKS.

I hate everyone. Everyone died but me with a sliver of health, i run to the end and suddenly, TONS OF health packs and revivals.

No fuck this shit. People should be knocked out and come back after combat. This is not fun, this is aggravating.

Bugs should not fucking revive after ONE GODDAMN TURN. 2 maybe, but sometimes I can't even kill the spirit bugs after four shots (because each gun only has 2 shots, hurf durf) because one missed (when i was goddamn standing in front of it with 93% accuracy), and two shots didn't crit, meaning it only did a measly 15 damage.

No 50% revival I could tolerate. Shit, it'd be better if each time it revived the max hp of the host was 25% less, at least I could kill it out of attrition then.

Of course the other guy comes back on the last map, with tons and tons of bugs spawning, a very strong boss that has boosted strength via obelisk things that can only be attacked when she's using them, and she can run across half the map in one of her turns, and boosts the bugs with increased movement and multi attacks.

No I think I am again taking a break from this game because fuck this shit.


finished the game ealier today.

guess we lucked out on a good build. we steamrolled through almost every fight.

story takes a turn for dumbland midway. it's unfortunate but overall still a good experience. i hope they keep on with the series and eventually arrive at the quintessential cyberpunk isometric we need.
Went back and redid the office mission to finish the game.

Thoughts after playing all the way through
-the map /encounter design can't hold a candle to xcom Enemy unknown, as buggy as that game was the gameplay as a whole is on a whole other level, with it being so fresh in mind it makes the gameplay in shadowrun look rather bad.

-second half of the story is just bad, like they stopped caring, I enjoyed the first half.

-too much phone/tablet in the UI, why can't I use space to confirm stuff, why does it seem entirely designed around touch controls, me no like.

- the hacking which could have been a great concept (defend your decker while playing two maps at the same time) was wasted on the poor matrix combat and the poor main game combat.

-buffing is a dull menial chore in the combat.

the 2d Art etc was rather mediocre as well, I can't remember the music at all (after only a few days)
It's a bit of a B game imo (not as in production value, just as in lack of real talent on their team it feels)
Hopefully the community can make it into something good

I'd give it like a 7/10 solely because it has mod support and because of how refreshing it was to play a game like this instead of AAA tripe , despite the poor gameplay.
I'd never replay this campaign though.


Shotguns need a boost frankly to make up for the low accuracy

Also the last level fucking SUCKS.

I hate everyone. Everyone died but me with a sliver of health, i run to the end and suddenly, TONS OF health packs and revivals.

No fuck this shit. People should be knocked out and come back after combat. This is not fun, this is aggravating.

Bugs should not fucking revive after ONE GODDAMN TURN. 2 maybe, but sometimes I can't even kill the spirit bugs after four shots (because each gun only has 2 shots, hurf durf) because one missed (when i was goddamn standing in front of it with 93% accuracy), and two shots didn't crit, meaning it only did a measly 15 damage.

No 50% revival I could tolerate. Shit, it'd be better if each time it revived the max hp of the host was 25% less, at least I could kill it out of attrition then.

Of course the other guy comes back on the last map, with tons and tons of bugs spawning, a very strong boss that has boosted strength via obelisk things that can only be attacked when she's using them, and she can run across half the map in one of her turns, and boosts the bugs with increased movement and multi attacks.

No I think I am again taking a break from this game because fuck this shit.
I feel for you bro

my strategy now is to just rush that bitch with everything I got and ignore the bugs, we'll see. it's definitely not a fun end boss and it doesn't feel strategic at all (also she's immune to ap damage which is very dumb and punishing for the way I like to play).

finished the game ealier today.

guess we lucked out on a good build. we steamrolled through almost every fight.

story takes a turn for dumbland midway. it's unfortunate but overall still a good experience. i hope they keep on with the series and eventually arrive at the quintessential cyberpunk isometric we need.
yeah the bug part of the story sucks

everything before that is great tho
I liked the bug stuff in the story, it felt
very Lovecraft/Cthulhu-esque
which I dig. I played on Normal difficulty so it was never really difficult, thinking about trying again on very hard with a different kind of character sometime in the future to see how that goes.


yeah the bug part of the story sucks

everything before that is great tho

i agree with that.

I liked the bug stuff in the story, it felt
very Lovecraft/Cthulhu-esque
which I dig. I played on Normal difficulty so it was never really difficult, thinking about trying again on very hard with a different kind of character sometime in the future to see how that goes.

if only it were handled with half the grace as a
, i'd have no issue there.


-second half of the story is just bad, like they stopped caring, I enjoyed the first half.

Just finished it and I have to agree there. I stopped caring in the final missions. Maybe it's normal in the Shadowrun universe (that I'm not familiar with), but I felt like they went too far into stupid territory. I think the ending was great though.
Never trust a dead man

Mr. Kluwe is one badass motherfucker, best character in the game by far.

Overall I really liked it, but the last part dragged a bit. Tested Life on a Limb, but couldn't stand the dialogue in the very beginning, so I just quit and maybe I'll give it another chance in the future.

Still looking forward to Berlin :)

yeah the bug part of the story sucks

everything before that is great tho

Yes, this is where it got too far and I stopped caring.


I just finished this a few minutes ago.

All in all, it was a VERY good first effort by HBS, not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but VERY good!

I really do believe they nailed the game's atmosphere nearly perfectly and that compensates for the game's other faults. The writing of the characters and their dialogue was pretty damned solid which made me not miss voice acting one bit. In fact, I've come to the conclusion that I almost PREFER the lack of voice acting because it allows me to create voices for the characters in my head that don't annoy the heck out of me (a problem that can really hamper my enjoyment of an RPG).

Now for the downsides:

  • Lack of side quests: There are really only a handful of side quests and they weren't particularly interesting
  • Difficulty spike: The difficulty spikes tremendously a little past the halfway point which makes the game's save system somewhat of a bother. Fortunately, you can lower the difficulty level from the main menu, but that doesn't excuse a nearly vertical difficulty spike.
  • Inability to upgrade your crew: This is perhaps the biggest downside of the game when compared to the X-Com series. Because you never actually upgrade your crew, you never feel the same "connection" to them that you do in X-Com and they become largely disposable, especially since they don't suffer permanent death and are available for the next mission.
  • Decking is pretty damned useless because there are really few opportunities to use it.
  • There were times when the fixed nature of the isometric camera was a hindrance when an enemy character was on a tile that was blocked from view by another non-movable character.
  • The final mission totally sucks donkey scrotum. Trust me on this.
  • The engaging narrative of the first half takes the express train straight to stupidville in the second half.
Despite have said all this, I REALLY enjoyed my experience with the game -- OK, MOST of the game because that final mission is well and truly goddamned AWFUL, but it doesn't detract too much from the overall enjoyable experience I had! HBS has really laid a solid foundation -- and I really do view this title as a foundation -- going forward and I'm VERY much onboard for the Berlin DLC in October! And there is something really REALLY cool about watching the names of all the KS backers scroll by in the credits, including my own :p

Edit: did anyone catch that the bouncer at the Union was named after the NFL player Chris Kluwe (he was one of the game's major backers)?


so beat this today with alex in my team, plus a lot of cyberenhancements for my dude

basically it was haste+accuracy buffs to my dude, who'd run and triple slash everything. ended up being confusingly easy but the ending was pretty satisfied and I think that it's a pretty terrific game, with a lot of dumb design stuff I don't understand in it.

first kickstarter I backed that turned into a real game (was late to ftl) so pretty happy with what my money got me

still, berlin being dlc just leaves me such a sour taste, eh...
Finally started this and it's interesting so far. The audio hiccuping is my only complaint so far, apparently it's because Unity has issues with multi-core processors or something. But of course the problem gets phenomenally worse when you tell Windows to run it on one core.


Alright I'm having a really hard time starting with the cemetery. I'm a decker with some rigging skills and no matter how careful I am with the guy the
Team B that bursts in
has a SMG enemy that keeps on getting double critical hits and killing me even if I'm at full health. What the heck?


So I finished the main campaign and really enjoyed it. I ended up playing a decker/rigger hybrid and don't think the decker is a shit as everybody thought, mostly because he synergizes pretty well with the rigger who is an absolute monster. S class drones wreck, often do as much damage as a street samurai, have great accuracy from long range, can use all kinds of battle shortcuts and have no chance of breaking.

Overall I really enjoyed it despite the few negatives. They really really nailed the atmosphere quite a bit. Time to dive into the mission editor.

Alright I'm having a really hard time starting with the cemetery. I'm a decker with some rigging skills and no matter how careful I am with the guy the
Team B that bursts
in has a SMG enemy that keeps on getting double critical hits and killing me even if I'm at full health. What the heck?

Heading to the south past team 'A' before team B spawns. Ghouls will come out and keep team B busy for a while allowing you to come in and pick off the remnants.
Alright I'm having a really hard time starting with the cemetery. I'm a decker with some rigging skills and no matter how careful I am with the guy the
Team B that bursts in
has a SMG enemy that keeps on getting double critical hits and killing me even if I'm at full health. What the heck?

Run up to the north east corner and let the zombies & hit team fight it out.


Just finished the game. Clocked in at 13 hrs, but a bit of that was spent idling. So yes, it's a short game for an RPG, but it actually didn't feel short.

Story was very linear, but I really enjoyed it. The writing, the characters, the setting/atmosphere - it all resonated well with me.

Gameplay was nice. It isn't the deepest RPG ever, but I enjoyed the character system. My main was a shaman, so a bit of conjuration spellcasting, a bit of summoning, a bit of pistol gun-toting. Decking (from the story sequences) was nice; felt like hacking, even though it wasn't super fleshed-out. Managing drones with the rigger was fun. I boosted the rigger with haste from my shaman to make up for the lost of AP from activating extra drones. Mage was very useful, liked the variety of spells. Street samurai was pretty standard, and adept was somewhat interesting if not all that useful.

I looved the look of the game, too. Isometric, check. Amazing-looking tileset, check!

In any case, it was great to play a party-based turn-based RPG. I had a lot of fun.Really glad I backed this up.

The save system was actually a complete non-issue, considering how linear the game was.


Thanks for the advice guys. Kinda cheesy, but I guess at this point I should be keeping my main as far away from the fighting as possible. I have no problem with the first batch of guys in any case.


Neo Member
Is it worth buying this now or holding off to see what others create first? I can see myself playing through, finishing quickly and then losing interest. Can't help but feel it might be better to wait until theres some interesting campaigns being developed.
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