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Shinji Mikami's THE EVIL WITHIN |OT| Where's everyone going? Tango?


At the beginning of The Assignment I'm thinking, "why is she wearing high heels, that's just silly."

Juli stabs a monster right through the chin

Well played, Tango.


the piano man
are the DLCs considerably shorter than the main game??

I am kind of interested but I am of burnt out of this game and don't want to play longer (at least not now) if each dlc is longer than 3 or 4 chapters of the main game


are the DLCs considerably shorter than the main game??

I am kind of interested but I am of burnt out of this game and don't want to play longer (at least not now) if each dlc is longer than 3 or 4 chapters of the main game

They're much shorter than the main game, it's roughly four 90 minute chapters.


are the DLCs considerably shorter than the main game??

I am kind of interested but I am of burnt out of this game and don't want to play longer (at least not now) if each dlc is longer than 3 or 4 chapters of the main game

Like -MD- said, they're about 3 hours each. But they're almost entirely stealth based and much more instant kill happy than the main game, so if you're burned out, you might want to pass, at least for now.


the piano man
So I just started my akumu playthrough, I think it really helped that people have made such a fuzz about it being the ultimate most horrid challenge ever in gaming that I think I am going into it with the right mindset.

I will play one chapter every session and (try to) enjoy my time while I am at it. If something seems impossible (looking at chapter 6) I'll go youtube and see a walkthrough.

yesterday I died like 30 times in chapter 2 and it took me something like 2 hours to beat it but since I know very well where's everything and when the chapter concludes, for some reason I never lost motivation.

I had lots of fun thinking about the strategy: which one first? which ones will be lured to the traps? which one will be killed with a torch? which ones with bullet to the leg/match?

I have to say my heart was pumping when I was ready to leave but still wanted to get the madonna key in the optional house to the right path, I went for it, sneak-killed the first torch guy, went through the window, grabbed the key quickly before the haunted lying on the floor could stand up and attack and ran as fast as possible back to the window and never looked back.

phew... that was close.

Now I am about to take on the sadist on chapter 3, I can see a fake ruvik there.. WTF...I'll probably go straight to the boss fight.

They're much shorter than the main game, it's roughly four 90 minute chapters.

Like -MD- said, they're about 3 hours each. But they're almost entirely stealth based and much more instant kill happy than the main game, so if you're burned out, you might want to pass, at least for now.

thanks! will look into it after I am done wth this


the piano man
so I am now in Akumu-Chapter 5.

I think things are about to get nasty. the crowded place near the end of Chapter 4 before you run away from Laura was a taste of it. Took me many tries to kill everyone and not get hit in the process but I can definitely see how can people do an Akumu-no-upgrade playthrough.

So far, there has always been a "safe way" to pass through things, which I always figure out after dying many times lol

in that part for example, I didn't realized I could go to up the stairs in the one room back and just shoot everyone approaching me. Since there's a hole to the other side and haunted don't jump over gaps, I just had to kill everyone in front of me.

first I used a grenade to kill the first 5 or 6 enemies then moved there.

taking it easy and looking forward to chapter 5 tonight. I am enjoying it in spite of the many tries in specific parts. I guess I am a masochist.

(I hope you people don't mind my updates)


so I am now in Akumu-Chapter 5.

I think things are about to get nasty. the crowded place near the end of Chapter 4 before you run away from Laura was a taste of it. Took me many tries to kill everyone and not get hit in the process but I can definitely see how can people do an Akumu-no-upgrade playthrough.

So far, there has always been a "safe way" to pass through things, which I always figure out after dying many times lol

in that part for example, I didn't realized I could go to up the stairs in the one room back and just shoot everyone approaching me. Since there's a hole to the other side and haunted don't jump over gaps, I just had to kill everyone in front of me.

first I used a grenade to kill the first 5 or 6 enemies then moved there.

taking it easy and looking forward to chapter 5 tonight. I am enjoying it in spite of the many tries in specific parts. I guess I am a masochist.

(I hope you people don't mind my updates)

Chapter 6 beginning is going to be a treat. But after that the game becomes more manageable atleast if you are upgrading also.

I actually enjoyed the Akumu mode also even if it sometimes felt like total BS.


the piano man
Chapter 6 beginning is going to be a treat. But after that the game becomes more manageable atleast if you are upgrading also.

I actually enjoyed the Akumu mode also even if it sometimes felt like total BS.

ok I haven't even made it to chapter 6 and yep I can confirm, Akumu is brutal.

I just died what seemed like 150 times in the scene where Kidman is trapped in the water container,

Most of the time it was Joseph refusing to stay alive, he would just stay there, take blows and die, getting near him to heal was sometimes impossible, I tried several strategies but I think it was mostly luck that got me through it. The explosive agony bolt kind of helped keep the bad guys at bay but yeah it was luck.

Sprint is really important here... the bastards won't stop chasing. Running at regular speed will get you nowhere.

I think I am about to fight Laura. Since she is instakill in any difficulty setting, I am hoping it won't be as hard as the difficulty setting suggests.


ok I haven't even made it to chapter 6 and yep I can confirm, Akumu is brutal.

I just died what seemed like 150 times in the scene where Kidman is trapped in the water container,

Most of the time it was Joseph refusing to stay alive, he would just stay there, take blows and die, getting near him to heal was sometimes impossible, I tried several strategies but I think it was mostly luck that got me through it. The explosive agony bolt kind of helped keep the bad guys at bay but yeah it was luck.

Sprint is really important here... the bastards won't stop chasing. Running at regular speed will get you nowhere.

I think I am about to fight Laura. Since she is instakill in any difficulty setting, I am hoping it won't be as hard as the difficulty setting suggests.

I forgot what the major difference for Laura was on Akumu. I think you just have to burn her a couple more times than on normal.

Not sure though. And yeah you're gonna want to have 6-8 seconds of sprint before you hit chapter 6.


ok I haven't even made it to chapter 6 and yep I can confirm, Akumu is brutal.

I just died what seemed like 150 times in the scene where Kidman is trapped in the water container,

Most of the time it was Joseph refusing to stay alive, he would just stay there, take blows and die, getting near him to heal was sometimes impossible, I tried several strategies but I think it was mostly luck that got me through it. The explosive agony bolt kind of helped keep the bad guys at bay but yeah it was luck.

Sprint is really important here... the bastards won't stop chasing. Running at regular speed will get you nowhere.

I think I am about to fight Laura. Since she is instakill in any difficulty setting, I am hoping it won't be as hard as the difficulty setting suggests.

That water container part is a taste of what to come. Luckily you don't have to work about Joseph anymore.

Sprint is really useful but don't upgrade it to max since the last upgrade is really expensive.

Laura isn't that much harder IMO. There is fewer bodies and barrels to use but same tactics should work fine in that encounter.


the piano man
the beginning of chapter 6 is ridiculous.

Joseph takes forever to open the doors and I am hit by everything, I sometimes get insta-killed after reloading the game cause there's a guy that throws an axe.

I have managed to get to the 2nd door a couple of times but it only gets worse, the enemies come at different moments so that I can't catch them call in a flash bolt shot and breath.,If I let too many get together, I won't find a nook to shot the flash bolt. AND there's a brick wall that looks traversable but isn't so he dies if he stumbles upon it...

is there a third door? lol.

I'll try tomorrow, I died like 200 times


I spotted this game for only £12 today for the X1 (in CEX for you UK people if interested). What was the general consensus on Gaf, good game? Is it difficult? In my olding age I'm getting put off by games that are too hard, I know I'm lame :/


I spotted this game for only £12 today for the X1 (in CEX for you UK people if interested). What was the general consensus on Gaf, good game? Is it difficult? In my olding age I'm getting put off by games that are too hard, I know I'm lame :/

General consensus seems to be that it isn't that great but lot of people really like it though. Game is hard at the beginning but gets easier as you get familiar with the controls and upgrade stuff. Have only played the easiest setting with everything upgraded so can't say how hard that is. Hopefully it is not too hard for you.

edit. IMO it is worthy successor to RE4 and sometimes even tops it.
I spotted this game for only £12 today for the X1 (in CEX for you UK people if interested). What was the general consensus on Gaf, good game? Is it difficult? In my olding age I'm getting put off by games that are too hard, I know I'm lame :/

I think the game is really good if you can overlook the technical issues(which I think are minor).

The game is pretty hard on normal (survival) difficultly, though. You are going to die a lot and sometimes in pretty cheap ways.


Cheers for your thoughts guys, definitely food for thought.

I just bought Bowser's Inside Story today so I'll be playing that first anyway, and I think that's supposed to be quite long..


the piano man
Nope just the 2 floors. That's probably the hardest part of akumu so if you can manage that you'll be alright.

I made it through the doors and now I am stuck in the part with the hanging turrets I have to shoot down (they are 4 right?)

I am not sure what to do or where to go here. I forgot already what I did on my first playthrough. I destroy the first two turrets but as soon as I go to the right area to try to bring down the third, it all goes downhill, there are two levers that I don't know what they do, Joseph refuses to follow me (I walk, not run). He has definitely been dumbed down, he wasn't this stupid in the survival and casual modes.

but my biggest problem is that I don't know what to do and the monsters seem to be infinite so I try to kill everyone till something hits me or joseph dies.

any tips for this area??


I made it through the doors and now I am stuck in the part with the hanging turrets I have to shoot down (they are 4 right?)

I am not sure what to do or where to go here. I forgot already what I did on my first playthrough. I destroy the first two turrets but as soon as I go to the right area to try to bring down the third, it all goes downhill, there are two levers that I don't know what they do, Joseph refuses to follow me (I walk, not run). He has definitely been dumbed down, he wasn't this stupid in the survival and casual modes.

but my biggest problem is that I don't know what to do and the monsters seem to be infinite so I try to kill everyone till something hits me or joseph dies.

any tips for this area??

I just shot the turret guys and immediately ran to doors where the chainsaw guy spawns. That will trigger a checkpoint and you can die and explore the area for goodies and all the enemies should also disappear. Killing everything seems to be way too risky unless you can keep your distance but it takes too long IMO.


I made it through the doors and now I am stuck in the part with the hanging turrets I have to shoot down (they are 4 right?)

I am not sure what to do or where to go here. I forgot already what I did on my first playthrough. I destroy the first two turrets but as soon as I go to the right area to try to bring down the third, it all goes downhill, there are two levers that I don't know what they do, Joseph refuses to follow me (I walk, not run). He has definitely been dumbed down, he wasn't this stupid in the survival and casual modes.

but my biggest problem is that I don't know what to do and the monsters seem to be infinite so I try to kill everyone till something hits me or joseph dies.

any tips for this area??

I did it pretty straightforward, I hung out on the top floor of the first building with Joseph and let him take out some enemies while I helped/healed him, I took out the first 2 turrets while doing so. Moved across to the other side of the bridge, took out the 3rd turret, went to the ground level and cleared the rest of the enemies. Took out the 4th turret and then killed the sadist.

You can also do what myco666 did if you just want to make all the enemies disappear.
I made it through the doors and now I am stuck in the part with the hanging turrets I have to shoot down (they are 4 right?)

I am not sure what to do or where to go here. I forgot already what I did on my first playthrough. I destroy the first two turrets but as soon as I go to the right area to try to bring down the third, it all goes downhill, there are two levers that I don't know what they do, Joseph refuses to follow me (I walk, not run). He has definitely been dumbed down, he wasn't this stupid in the survival and casual modes.

but my biggest problem is that I don't know what to do and the monsters seem to be infinite so I try to kill everyone till something hits me or joseph dies.

any tips for this area??
You just need to know the trigger points for each turret. I believe the first one is triggered as soon as you get close enough as you approach from the left. After you take out the first, run back to the bridge to get the second one to open. The third triggers on the other side of the bridge by the ladder. If you can pop each enemy on the turret quickly and move on to do the next , you will only have to kill a couple enemies that are coming to you. Now you need to rush to the ground level in front of the last turret to activate it. Kill the enemy Then the Sadist will come out. And if I remember correctly, once he comes out there will be a checkpoint. So if he kills you you'll respawn at the top of the stairs with the turrets done with.
Pretty early on but I'm really not feeling the controls so far; never liked the Uncharted style movement in RE6 so it's disappointing to have Evil Within play that way. The ability to run into the camera to avoid enemies while keep an eye on them is not nearly as tense as playing RE4/5 where you have to face away from your pursuers in order to get some distance from them.
Pretty early on but I'm really not feeling the controls so far; never liked the Uncharted style movement in RE6 so it's disappointing to have Evil Within play that way. The ability to run into the camera to avoid enemies while keep an eye on them is not nearly as tense as playing RE4/5 where you have to face away from your pursuers in order to get some distance from them.
Of course if the controls were like RE4/5, the game would be further criticized for having antiquated controls.


Pretty early on but I'm really not feeling the controls so far; never liked the Uncharted style movement in RE6 so it's disappointing to have Evil Within play that way. The ability to run into the camera to avoid enemies while keep an eye on them is not nearly as tense as playing RE4/5 where you have to face away from your pursuers in order to get some distance from them.

Well in RE4 and RE5 enemies are really slow so that you don't really need to see them. In TEW enemies are much faster and aggressive so you really need to see enemies and especially bosses.


the piano man
so I am about to finish chapter 6, it took me 3 sessions and countless attemps.

on the first two doors, it was all about killing the first two enemies with fire and then paralyzing the next wave with a flash bolt. In the 2nd part it's about running in circles, joseph takes longer to open the 2nd one so no use killing everything in sight unless you wanna lose precious shotgun/agonybolt ammo.

In my opinion, the next maze-like area is a bit harder. By that point you have only 5 rifle bullets so you can miss any shots. my order of events were:

.- Shoot the first turret in front of me.
.- run as fast as possible the stairs down and take the center one
.- run back as fast as possible up the stairsand take the third one
.- kill a batch of enemies in the area where you shoot the third turret.
.- before I triggered the 4th turret, I point/zoom the spot in which the enemy will appear, shoot and kill the first time it appears.

the last point was the hardest of course, cause everything can happen while you are at it. Joseph falling on the bridge, a random axe hitting you, missing the shot in the last turret, etc. but once it's done:

.- RUN.. RUUUUUUUUUUN to the center area down stairs and trigger the checkpoint.
.- breath heavily and then go collect goodies, including disarming all traps, no matter how many tries it takes, you want the trap parts for later.

after the sadist, the two ogres gave me a bit of trouble, the second one was an asshole, would run straight to me and instakill. I tried to go the back part of the area and hide in the small corridor where the oger can't kill me and with Joseph's help and a couple of agonybolts it went down.

now I am at the big dog and when I kill it later today I'd be done with chapter 6....

what a pain in the ass... only for true masochists.
Of course if the controls were like RE4/5, the game would be further criticized for having antiquated controls.

Both RE:R2 and Dead Space follow the same mentality of not allowing the player to run into the camera and weren't criticized for that design. You were limited to stepping back slowly if you wanted to face whatever was coming at you.

Well in RE4 and RE5 enemies are really slow so that you don't really need to see them. In TEW enemies are much faster and aggressive so you really need to see enemies and especially bosses.

Yeah I suppose I'm just encountering the easiest enemies now, sounds like I'll be more thankful for the option in the later chapters.
so I am about to finish chapter 6, it took me 3 sessions and countless attemps.

on the first two doors, it was all about killing the first two enemies with fire and then paralyzing the next wave with a flash bolt. In the 2nd part it's about running in circles, joseph takes longer to open the 2nd one so no use killing everything in sight unless you wanna lose precious shotgun/agonybolt ammo.

In my opinion, the next maze-like area is a bit harder. By that point you have only 5 rifle bullets so you can miss any shots. my order of events were:

.- Shoot the first turret in front of me.
.- run as fast as possible the stairs down and take the center one
.- run back as fast as possible up the stairsand take the third one
.- kill a batch of enemies in the area where you shoot the third turret.
.- before I triggered the 4th turret, I point/zoom the spot in which the enemy will appear, shoot and kill the first time it appears.

the last point was the hardest of course, cause everything can happen while you are at it. Joseph falling on the bridge, a random axe hitting you, missing the shot in the last turret, etc. but once it's done:

.- RUN.. RUUUUUUUUUUN to the center area down stairs and trigger the checkpoint.
.- breath heavily and then go collect goodies, including disarming all traps, no matter how many tries it takes, you want the trap parts for later.

after the sadist, the two ogres gave me a bit of trouble, the second one was an asshole, would run straight to me and instakill. I tried to go the back part of the area and hide in the small corridor where the oger can't kill me and with Joseph's help and a couple of agonybolts it went down.

now I am at the big dog and when I kill it later today I'd be done with chapter 6....

what a pain in the ass... only for true masochists.

when i did it all with no upgrades.... i wanted to die, i stopped played for a week after i was stuck on that room. Eventually powered through it. By the end i still had 30-40 trap parts. Save your magnum ammo for the boss at the end of 14


.- breath heavily and then go collect goodies, including disarming all traps, no matter how many tries it takes, you want the trap parts for later.

I really like this part. I remember that every single Akumu guide said don't bother with disarming bombs because it is too risky. Did it anyway and I had so many parts that I really didn't need to worry about using ammo super efficiently. Died bunch of times trying to get them though.

Yeah I suppose I'm just encountering the easiest enemies now, sounds like I'll be more thankful for the option in the later chapters.

Enemies are same almost throughout the game. The encounters get way trickier and that is why you need to be able to see properly all the time. Also ch5 boss really needs the camera work like it does or it would be total BS.


I didn't disarm any traps in akumu, too risky and I didn't want to add to my death count.

The game throws a ton of parts at you toward the end too.
Both RE:R2 and Dead Space follow the same mentality of not allowing the player to run into the camera and weren't criticized for that design. You were limited to stepping back slowly if you wanted to face whatever was coming at you.

Yeah I suppose I'm just encountering the easiest enemies now, sounds like I'll be more thankful for the option in the later chapters.
I see you what you mean now that you mention those games.


I didn't disarm any traps in akumu, too risky and I didn't want to add to my death count.

The game throws a ton of parts at you toward the end too.

It only added my death count during the first few chapters and then I learned to time it properly and managed to get them usually everytime. It was super nerve-racking though so wouldn't really recommend it.


the piano man
when i did it all with no upgrades.... i wanted to die, i stopped played for a week after i was stuck on that room. Eventually powered through it. By the end i still had 30-40 trap parts. Save your magnum ammo for the boss at the end of 14

Krauser Kat, I can't believe you actually did an akumu no-upgrades runthrough.

Was it your first akumu? I can't possibly imagine taking on the game on that difficulty setting for the first time and soldiering through it.

no sprinting has to be a REAL pain in the ass. running in circles at the beginning of chapter 6 in those rooms was hard at is was with level 4 sprinting....

I really like this part. I remember that every single Akumu guide said don't bother with disarming bombs because it is too risky. Did it anyway and I had so many parts that I really didn't need to worry about using ammo super efficiently. Died bunch of times trying to get them though.

so far I am not feeling the "woah I have too many trap parts", I am glad I disarmed them, it pays off.

the one thing I would have changed is upgrading the handgun, it's fucking useless most of the time, as soon as two enemies are present, you can forget the handgun.

I shotgun is where it's at.

so I am hitting the gym now and afterwards I'll fight against the dog, any tips or things I should know? there are foot traps there ....:/


the one thing I would have changed is upgrading the handgun, it's fucking useless most of the time, as soon as two enemies are present, you can forget the handgun.

Pistol is incredible.

And to answer your question about the dog, toss down some electricity traps around you which will stun the boss for a moment and allow you to unload into him.


the piano man
Pistol is incredible.

And to answer your question about the dog, toss down some electricity traps around you which will stun the boss for a moment and allow you to unload into him.

I suck at aiming with it, that's probably the reason why I don't like it.

thanks for the tip it actually helped, I used one flash bolt on the beast then unloaded 4 explosive bolts and died right there. it was also a very "bullshit" fight. it insta-killed me probably a hundred times

in chapter 7, I can upgrade but I can't decide where to invest my gel.

what do you akumu-guys think are important skills that should be upgraded as I progress in the game and why? I kind of wanna upgrade the shotgun but I should probably upgrade the rifle since I just got it. or maybe I should save the money to upgrade the magnum later??
I suck at aiming with it, that's probably the reason why I don't like it.

thanks for the tip it actually helped, I used one flash bolt on the beast then unloaded 4 explosive bolts and died right there. it was also a very "bullshit" fight. it insta-killed me probably a hundred times

in chapter 7, I can upgrade but I can't decide where to invest my gel.

what do you akumu-guys think are important skills that should be upgraded as I progress in the game and why? I kind of wanna upgrade the shotgun but I should probably upgrade the rifle since I just got it. or maybe I should save the money to upgrade the magnum later??
Definitely upgrade stamina to at least 4. I didn't really focus much on the rifle or the shotgun other than stock. I think I focused on the pistol and the crossbow. I feel like the rifle is already powerful and you don't need to increase the critical to get headshots. And with the shotgun I try to use only when the enemy is point blank. But for akumu there are definitely times where I had to use it because a horde of enemies were charging me and I didn't have time to line up shots with the pistol.

If you really want an equalizer, get the fire harppons. Very powerful and it's only two parts for each.


I suck at aiming with it, that's probably the reason why I don't like it.

thanks for the tip it actually helped, I used one flash bolt on the beast then unloaded 4 explosive bolts and died right there. it was also a very "bullshit" fight. it insta-killed me probably a hundred times

in chapter 7, I can upgrade but I can't decide where to invest my gel.

what do you akumu-guys think are important skills that should be upgraded as I progress in the game and why? I kind of wanna upgrade the shotgun but I should probably upgrade the rifle since I just got it. or maybe I should save the money to upgrade the magnum later??

Critical in shotgun and few levels for rifle damage. Stock for everything so that you don't have to leave anything behind. Magnum damage upgrades are also really useful in the last boss battles. Harpoon bolt to +4 or +5 if you feel like spending 50k for cheap instakill weapon. Flash bolt upgrades are really useful too.

Only if you are on PC, imo.

Pistol is good even on consoles. You get bunch of ammo for it and if critical is upgraded you will pop heads almost everytime.
Pistol was next to useless on my no upgrade run, but on a regular run it's phenomenal. Once you fully upgrade accuracy and then critical, you get a goddamn death machine in your hands.


the piano man
you guys sure are convincing me of upgrading the gun. There's a ridiculous amount of ammo lying around, most of it I had to leave it behind.

want to upgrade the magnum though, I can see the squid like boss in chapter 14 being a real pain so I want to make it explode as fast as possible.


you guys sure are convincing me of upgrading the gun. There's a ridiculous amount of ammo lying around, most of it I had to leave it behind.

want to upgrade the magnum though, I can see the squid like boss in chapter 14 being a real pain so I want to make it explode as fast as possible.

I highly suggest upgrading magnum damage. Makes ch14 boss and ch15 boss way easier.
Krauser Kat, I can't believe you actually did an akumu no-upgrades runthrough.

Was it your first akumu? I can't possibly imagine taking on the game on that difficulty setting for the first time and soldiering through it.

no sprinting has to be a REAL pain in the ass. running in circles at the beginning of chapter 6 in those rooms was hard at is was with level 4 sprinting....

so far I am not feeling the "woah I have too many trap parts", I am glad I disarmed them, it pays off.

the one thing I would have changed is upgrading the handgun, it's fucking useless most of the time, as soon as two enemies are present, you can forget the handgun.

I shotgun is where it's at.

so I am hitting the gym now and afterwards I'll fight against the dog, any tips or things I should know? there are foot traps there ....:/

I went through survival twice and then just jumped into akumu with only youtube as my guide. My final time and death 6:34 minutes and under 200 deaths but i abused the save system so thats why.

i am thinking of playing akumu again but with upgrades now that i have the brass knuckles.

Best Akumu Upgrades or things i wish i had during my akumu run.
1-2 upgrades of stamina would have helped, but they can run faster than you and for longer so this matters a lot less than you would think. They usually stop running when you do unless they sprint to attack with their arms flailing.

More matches, maybe, i never really felt like i was out of any ammo or matches during my whole run. I only killed what i had to and that was almost always with a handgun to the leg and then matches.

Upgrade Agony Stock
Flash Bolt Timer
Electrical Timer

You can use the main bolt to stick, the fake ruviks to walls or the floor so you can then burn them with matches. This was how i killed most if not all of them.

Magnum Power, there are only 18 bullets in the game, make them count. Used all of them on the chapter 14 boss.

The rest of my money would go to faster reloads and Fire bolts. There was so many times i just shot flash bolts and ran through areas, like the death traps in chapter 10. i didnt kill single.

Also get really good at throwing bottles at face level when they start wearing masks. it helps so much


the piano man
chapter 6 took me several days to beat and died hundreds of times and today I completed chapters 7,8,9 in one sitting...

what the fuck was mikami/tango thinking there, the difficulty in that one chapter is gigantic.

so far everything else has been doable, the only part that presented a challenge was the cabin at the end of chapter 9, there I also died lots of times but at the end I also beat them.

tomorrow I'll do chapter 10 and if it goes smooth then chapter 11 too.

I upgraded the critical on the handgun. let's see how that turns out. I am leaving some gel for later too.

Magnum Power, there are only 18 bullets in the game, make them count. Used all of them on the chapter 14 boss.

including the bullets we get from one locker?

do you know perhaps by heart the location of that ammo? I wouldn't want to miss it and so far I only remember one on a ledge in chapter 11 (12?) I know where it is.


do you know perhaps by heart the location of that ammo? I wouldn't want to miss it and so far I only remember one on a ledge in chapter 11 (12?) I know where it is.

There's a box of ammo in chapter 11 behind a car in the area where you encounter the fake ruvik. Ones in a small briefcase that you can't miss in chapter 13.

Aiming just feels so slow with the controller for me, which is fine when you dealing with one enemy, but it just feels too risky otherwise.

Hmmm, yeah I dunno I guess it's just up to personal preference. I use a Dualshock 4 when I play on PC and enjoy using the pistol, I'll use it against multiple enemies as long as there's decent distance between us.


chapter 6 took me several days to beat and died hundreds of times and today I completed chapters 7,8,9 in one sitting...

what the fuck was mikami/tango thinking there, the difficulty in that one chapter is gigantic.

so far everything else has been doable, the only part that presented a challenge was the cabin at the end of chapter 9, there I also died lots of times but at the end I also beat them.

tomorrow I'll do chapter 10 and if it goes smooth then chapter 11 too.

I upgraded the critical on the handgun. let's see how that turns out. I am leaving some gel for later too.

including the bullets we get from one locker?

do you know perhaps by heart the location of that ammo? I wouldn't want to miss it and so far I only remember one on a ledge in chapter 11 (12?) I know where it is.

Yeah chapter 6 is hardest by far. Chapter 11 comes close in couple of sections but was still way easier. Probably because you have better upgrades at that point.

Aside from the points -MD- listed there is Magnum ammo right after the cart part. You need to jump over a gap to get it and only get one try. If you just sprint towards it you should get it.


So Mikami just tweeted for the first time in nearly 2 years


Between chrome and google translate (lol) I believe it says
I want to challenge you to something different

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