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The Final Bosman Show

Good to see him breaking through.

Its nice to have someone doing one of these kind of shows who isnt constantly cursing and yelling.
And that he's coming at it from the point of "we" always. Like he's one of us. Not up in some ivory tower bestowing scores and preaching about "the reality of modern game development" to the entitled peasants.


Geoff Keighley
Kyle is great! Ongoing show now.
Next week Kellee Santiago's new show launches, hope you guys dig that one too.
I liked his new video as much as the Playstation Meeting one. I don't normally watch or listen to gaming podcasts, but I'll definitely regularly tune in to his shows. Great stuff, especially loved "....I think I just described Knack."

The Lamp

Loved this new episode. He's just so pleasant, regardless of if you agree with him or not. I didn't find the dead bodies suggestion very important but I liked hearing him rant about it :)


tagged by Blackace
I like this guy a lot. I agree with all his points, and they're pretty intelligible.

My only problem is if not all enemies disappear, it makes your environments look like shit and your just swimming through pools of ragdoll bodies, which was fun in 2005, but now? No thanks. I'd take Promethean disintegrating animations over that any day. But if they stay there until I've progressed past that point in a linear game, I could care less because I'm not going back.


Great show. He seems really humble, which is such a change from what the industry is used to. I hope the show can maintain it's appeal in the long run.


This gif would be perfect were it not for the camera pan in the beginning.

How about this?


Also, show was great. Others have already said it, but it's refreshing to see a personality who isn't trying to appear outrageous or over-the-top.


I really liked his E3 video and I kinda liked this one, but I have a feeling that I will get tired of this guy quickly.

Something about his style and voice might get under my skin later on.


I swear there used to be an option to watch videos in SD on GT, but I don't see it anywhere. Am I just blind?

I wish my computer hadn't died and left me stuck with this garbage netbook so this wouldn't be a problem. :/
I really like this guy's style and comedic timing. The Knack line was basically perfect (music stops, slight camera zoom, brief pause for thought, and great delivery).

I'm definitely gonna keep an eye out for more episodes.


Saw him on Invisible Walls.

He was incredibly awkward and he made me uncomfortable. Love his scripted videos, but him by himself unscripted is bad.

Just watched it, and wow. He seems incredibly different and significantly less...confident? I suppose.


Love these.

He's pretty funny, without coming off as a tryhard.

The closest he came off as one was probably the ending to the vid when he kept dragging that joke. Glad to see him with his own show.


Another great video. Glad he got his own show!

He has a really pleasing voice and effective body language. I know that sounds silly, but I think that accounts for a good portion of why he's so easily likable. (I obviously don't mean to play down the fact that I think he's mostly on-point with what he says).
I agree with him.

The games Sony showcased looked good--great even--however, I want games that stand apart from the standard along with the familiars. Hopefully Sony can deliver that with their push on Indie games.

An example is Journey. Never experienced a game like that. I want more of it.

I've said it before but I'll say it again: Graphics aren't enough this generation. We need gameplay (that isn't gimmicky) that sets this generation apart from the others. I don't care if "it's only possible on PS4" or whatever (if that's the case, cool), I care about gameplay and ideas that stands out. I think Watch Dogs is in that vein but we'll see how that goes.


I don't want to be "that guy" but I find him irritating.

Too try-hard, like "look how weird I can be! - aren't I quirky and down-to-earth?"

It just seems so forced to me.


I wanted to watch the video, but the damn videoplayer won't let me. Always shits the bed after a few minutes and displays a black message box:

I feel like a German on youtube.

Judging solely from the first few minutes: He is way more enthusiastic and hectic in this video compared to the PS4 one... I think. Dunno how I feel about that. The industry basically runs on clowns, so I think I liked his serious persona more than his gif-able one because it stands out more.

Will try to watch again, 7/10.

Edit: Managed to watch most of the rest. What the hell, Oranges? And he didn't even go with "allow me to make Orange juice" but instead wanted to squish/throw them at the wall? Made me chuckle for some reason. But yeah, I can see where he's coming from, and I agree with his issues, although I don't share his inherently positive outlook on nextgen.

Also, why bring Mario into the disappearing enemy reel instead of one of the million other currentgen games that did this way more obnoxiously? Also, on that issue: My first thought was of Doom 1/2 since I'm a nostalgic old fuck; loads and loads of dead bodies littering the stage in that game. Would have loved to see some of that instead. Now I can't go "haven't played that in a while" and go spelunking for my copy of the Teletubby Doom mod.
Aah next gen of gaming journalist keep up that work.
Out with old in with the new.

I don't think I'd call anything he does journalism. It's just commentary. Not dissimilar to what you would find on GAF in your average forum post. I don't think he's trying to sell himself as a journalist either.
I don't think I'd call anything he does journalism. It's just commentary. Not dissimilar to what you would find on GAF in your average forum post. I don't think he's trying to sell himself as a journalist either.

Aah that seems on the same level as gaming journalism.
Sorry for the journalist on this forum but after some shit they pulled in recent years all the cred they build up when i was younger is almost all gone.


I really liked his first videos, but wasn't a big fan of his first "official" video. It didn't feel as fluid. Also way too many oranges! But I really do like this guy. So I hope his next video picks back up.


I liked his new video as much as the Playstation Meeting one. I don't normally watch or listen to gaming podcasts, but I'll definitely regularly tune in to his shows.
Yeah, same here. I can't stand most gaming podcasts/shows, however, this is not just bearable but actually entertaining.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Yeah, same here. I can't stand most gaming podcasts/shows, however, this is not just bearable but actually entertaining.

This guy either:

  1. actually enjoys videogames
  2. is way better than everyone else in the industry at pretending to


I did the EXACT SAME THING in Red Faction on the PS2.

I've wanted more games to let me do that since then.

I really like this guy. He's good people.
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