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The Secret World |OT| Everything is True


Is there a way to look at starter decks and such?
Press N and then it is to the left of your ability wheel.


I'm, maybe 25 hours in? Haven't finished Kingsmouth yet but this is a spiffy little game. I look forward to getting through it and then just popping in for the new issues.


Did I never notice you or are you joining us late? We seem to have a similar taste in games :) TSW is glorious indeed.

I play so many games I sometimes don't post about them. I was a day one guy and still am. One of the best MMO's ever.

I think that its overall system of a smaller choice of powers is why I like Neverwinter as well(not as much mind you) but I dig having the smaller subset of powers in play. And of course the overall world theme is completely utterly fantastic.
I really need to get back to this. I made it all the way to the last area of Transylvania when my windows lunched itself. Haven't had the will to download the entire game again, I even bought episode 6 and haven't started it yet.


Something that really sneaked up on me with this game, is the theorycrafting. In the beginning I found it pretty silty with the whole class-less system but when you get to Blue Mountain you really need to get smarter about your choice of gear and abilities. That and the setting really helps keeping the game fresh all the way through.

It's the first MMO I've ever felt like evolving my character, not just ability-wise but also roleplaying-wise. I want my character to have a role in this world.


Neo Member
Skipped a Steam $15 daily deal for this, missed the Amazon $10 Gold Box deal for this, and I finally got The Secret World for $15 during the Steam Summer Sale. I've been enjoying it ever since (and didn't even mind paying the extra $5). I find the "magic, myths, conspiracies and dark horrors" setting to be very entertaining, and I don't often care for real world settings. The quests are also interesting, including those that aren't limited to the game world and might require use of the in-game web browser. Nearly everything about The Secret World has been a pleasure to experience.

At the moment, I've completed the Maverick, Enforcer, and Commando Decks (in that order), and I've almost finished Champion. After that, I'm not really sure what I really want from a particular build. I've been thinking about going towards the Slayer Deck (Illuminati), but I see with the high AP costs to buy each skill, that's going to be a while.

Should I continue with putting points into other Starter Decks with weapons I haven't used (Hammer or Blood Magic are the only two I haven't tried yet), or is this the point to continue onto more advanced Decks and skills?


I stopped following Decks after two or three, which sounded cool to me but were not fun to play really (that was before they introduced the starter decks, which are a bit more fun). I guess you can go for the uniforms if you really like it - but in terms of gameplay I just used what made sense to me and what is fun.


Have decided to get back into this as it has easily the best story and characters in any MMO and a really fun class system. Slightly jaded by the last month of GW2 as its becoming increasingly apparent they aren't going to fix the fundamental PvE issues.

So, my poor character is stuck in the middle of the first Egyptian zone and I have almost no idea what I'm doing. I might just completely respec (as I have a ton of points saved up) and back to the first zone and learn how to play as a healer, as there don't seem to be any around for dungeon runs. Seems silly to restart from scratch given how things work.

Is gaf still active in TSW at all?


I don't know about gaf itself, but if you want to add me as a friend so we can party, you can add thenightwitch.

Unfortunately, I only just finished kingsmouth and probably won't be on much this weekend.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
After playing FFXIV with a controller for a bit and seeing how well-implemented the control sche is, I've been wanting to get back into TSW because it's so much more interesting to me but I stopped because m/kb on a TV was a big hassle...

But I found a 360 control scheme from a couple places and all it ever does is let me control movement, and xpadder seems really complicated to mess around with. Does anyone have controller support set up that they could help me with? I'd love to use ControlMK but I don't know how to emulate the camera from scratch with it.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I pulled my head out ta my ass and figured out how to work Xpadder, so I got the controller going and it works great.

I just have a question, I've used all my upgrade points in the usual ways and I've finished all the quests in Kingsmouth, but after some of the preliminary quests in Savage Coast I'm just getting my ass handed to me. I can't handle a lot of the single faculty spectres in the University missions, for example. Is there something I can do to help myself get over this hump if I'm soloing? I thought about going back to Kingsmouth but I've already cleared it out...


Sorry for answering late, I have an xpadder profile somwhere to easy switch between 3rd person shootbang and menu stuff...

Your issue with SC seems to be dmg related. IIRC AoE stuff helps a lot in Savage Coaste and later on in Egypt as well. What is the QL of your gear?


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Thanks Feef, I actually got a handle on things once I figured out how to max out my HP and worked on synergy. I'm a shotgun/chaos for life since I just like the way it feels, and trying to find the best way to passively/actively heal during battles I guess.

I just want to say though, that I really would like to find the people who wrote this game and give them a huge bear hug. There really is nothing like this, I hope it doesn't lose steam after this first Lovecraftian region.


Hi GAF...


Impressive "/played" gives me: 34 days, 3 hours, 51 minutes, 52 seconds, or ~820 hours.

Managed to solo Cat God instance on Hard, got the Amethyst Mouser pet as reward. took me around 25minutes, damn my fingers was in pain afterwards.


Can anyone recommend this as a single player game? Noticed it's on sale, and also a "Massive Edition" so wondering if that's worth picking up?

I don't have a microphone, not really into MMO stuff or even playing online for the most part.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I've been wondering how to proceed with using my AP points most efficiently for Chaos/Shotgun. One of my most useful acquisitions was Turn The Tables. Is there a self-heal skill you can unlock that foes even better than the 650hp that gives? And anyone have a suggestion for my build?


You kinda wanna focus, what I'm assuming is your solo build, into killing mobs faster instead of using self-heal abilities. Turn The Tables doesn't scale with your stats so it's usefullness only really comes as an oh-shit-button, and you should instead be using potions for the times when you're overwhelmed.
But regarding your build, what abilities do you have now, and what stats do you have on your gear? It will be easier to make recommendations with that information.

You can use this deck builder: TSW Deck Builder


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
TSW is on sale on Steam for a few hours, and the edition with Issues 5, 6 & 7 is also $20. That's a really good deal if you're new...I think I already have Issue 5 though. If you're interested in a unique MMO with great worldbuilding and storytelling, GET THIS GAME.

You kinda wanna focus, what I'm assuming is your solo build, into killing mobs faster instead of using self-heal abilities. Turn The Tables doesn't scale with your stats so it's usefullness only really comes as an oh-shit-button, and you should instead be using potions for the times when you're overwhelmed.
But regarding your build, what abilities do you have now, and what stats do you have on your gear? It will be easier to make recommendations with that information.

You can use this deck builder: TSW Deck Builder
Sorry, I never noticed your response...I have Shotgun QL8/Chaos QL10 with these abilities right now: Striker, Point Blank, Shotgun Turret (with High Guage passive), Hand of Change, Four Horsemen, Schism and Turn the Tables (with Lick Your Wounds passive). I notice I have a lot of 'weakened' passives that were probably in place before I changed things...


TSW is on sale on Steam for a few hours, and the edition with Issues 5, 6 & 7 is also $20. That's a really good deal if you're new...I think I already have Issue 5 though. If you're interested in a unique MMO with great worldbuilding and storytelling, GET THIS GAME.

Sorry, I never noticed your response...I have Shotgun QL8/Chaos QL10 with these abilities right now: Striker, Point Blank, Shotgun Turret (with High Guage passive), Hand of Change, Four Horsemen, Schism and Turn the Tables (with Lick Your Wounds passive). I notice I have a lot of 'weakened' passives that were probably in place before I changed things...

You have both a chaos and a shotgun builder, thats a mistake. You should start out with something in combat where you have 5 (that would be your chaos), pop that and then build to have five attacks (usually your shotgun). Your chaos have higher dmg so use that as a builder (Hand of Change) for now.

But my name in game and here is Saften, and feel free to ask.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
You have both a chaos and a shotgun builder, thats a mistake. You should start out with something in combat where you have 5 (that would be your chaos), pop that and then build to have five attacks (usually your shotgun). Your chaos have higher dmg so use that as a builder (Hand of Change) for now.

But my name in game and here is Saften, and feel free to ask.
When you say builder, you mean attacks that produce 1 resource? So I should have more Chaos attacks on the hotbar than Shotgun ones?
Is the GAF cabal dead? Or are there still people alive and kicking. If so, I'd like an invite plox.

Ingame name is the same as my gaf name. Whiskeydiver
Is the GAF cabal dead? Or are there still people alive and kicking. If so, I'd like an invite plox.

Ingame name is the same as my gaf name. Whiskeydiver
Which faction? I hop on every week at some point and see if anything going on. Wouldn't mind someone to play with considering I have the urge to dive in again...

If Templar I will send you an invite tonight.


Bought this during the Winter sale. Cannot wait for it to finishing downloading, as I've always been fascinated by this game. Anybody still play?


Got my physical copy yesterday, going to have to leave it updating all day apparently.

Please tell me that this 6GB update is the last one, I already had to remove a ton to make room for the game.


When i saw your post in other thread I told myself "wait until he sees the patch" haha. I downloaded it all and iirc folder should be 36-39gb
So, I'm in Shadowy Forest and I've noticed a spike in difficulty while soloing: most of the mobs are in nightmare mode and you need to switch build quest by quest. The area is low populated and if you don't have shotgun to hinder enemies you can be stuck with the same quest like it happened to me.

That's the only complain I have, until now the encounter design has been pretty much flawless.

Also don't listen to Beastie Boys unless you want to summon arch-demons.

Fun fact: when I started out doing fieldwork, we summoned an arch-demon using a Beastie Boys album. If the Moral Majority had known how much they got right, we'd be living in a theocracy.

Ciao ciao.

So uh, the patcher is still running, it says 6.17/6.08GB(?!).

Should I restart it, or is it actually bigger than 6.08?

Yeah, last time I had to download the game the client went nuts too. Just restart it and it should validate the files.


Ok I need help...

I had and played TSW for a while and then stopped - a friend has just bought it on the daily deal on Steam.

I'm trying to log in with my account but I can't - I've checked my passwords and they're all correct - and when I go to TSW website and try and access my account details it keeps taking me to Age of Conan or Anarchy Online sections of the website...

How do I see if my account is active? I would've thought it would be given it's now F2P


Ok I need help...

I had and played TSW for a while and then stopped - a friend has just bought it on the daily deal on Steam.

I'm trying to log in with my account but I can't - I've checked my passwords and they're all correct - and when I go to TSW website and try and access my account details it keeps taking me to Age of Conan or Anarchy Online sections of the website...

How do I see if my account is active? I would've thought it would be given it's now F2P

Hmm, try from here: https://register.thesecretworld.com/account
And yeah it does not need a sub so it should work. You should also have all of your game accounts on the left dropdown menu after you log in.


I'm working on not-Innsmouth, but the game crashes on me quite a bit.
Could it be because of the video card update warning?

I went Templar, anyway.


Hey guys, I've been looking for something to scratch my mmo itch. So far I've been doubting between tsw and swtor. Ive played both at launch and gave up soon after.

I keep reading these awesome stories of tsw, with how deep the lore is.
I've got a few corncers. A) are there any Australian servers? B) how active are you guys, and is there a guild?

Can someone explain the whole "stories" business. I've got the whole game and had a look on steam for the stories but you can't seem to buy them separately.


Hey guys, I've been looking for something to scratch my mmo itch. So far I've been doubting between tsw and swtor. Ive played both at launch and gave up soon after.

I keep reading these awesome stories of tsw, with how deep the lore is.
I've got a few corncers. A) are there any Australian servers? B) how active are you guys, and is there a guild?

Can someone explain the whole "stories" business. I've got the whole game and had a look on steam for the stories but you can't seem to buy them separately.

The issues are what I assume you mean with stories, they're just the patches in the game like any other mmo, you'd have to get them in the in game store. No point until you've exhausted the previously available content though


Funcom, the authors of The Secret World, was just charged by the Norwegian police for insider trading. Kotaku reported about the suspicions last year at http://kotaku.com/5943281/insider-t...more-bad-news-for-funcom-and-the-secret-world and now formal charges has been filed. The stock exchange released this press release: http://www.newsweb.no/newsweb/searc...Only=true&searchCriteria.osloMarketOnly=false

Økokrim (the Norwegian National authority for
Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and
Environmental Crime) has charged Funcom N.V. based on
suspicion of infringement of the provisions of the
Securities Trading Act with regards to the financial
information given to the market regarding The Secret
World from August 2011 until the launch of the game in
July 2012 and the two months following the launch. In
the view of Økokrim, there also exists a probability
that the company has not maintained the required log
of information within the company during that time.

The Company is fully cooperating with Økokrim.
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