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The Secret World |OT| Everything is True

I decided to download TSW again and play. At least the slow as fuck (for me anyways) patching system is the same as I remember. I think I'll roll a templar. Not sure what build I want to go with this time around.


I've wanted to play this for years, but I just haven't had time. I bought it at some point, although I can't remember when that was. I spent the weekend replaying Dreamfall and then doing Dreamfall Chapters book 1, and I just can't get enough of Ragnar Tornquist's brilliance... so I want to finally dive in here. Any tips for someone who has never played? I was doing a little bit of reading and lots of people seem to say it's difficult starting out.


I've wanted to play this for years, but I just haven't had time. I bought it at some point, although I can't remember when that was. I spent the weekend replaying Dreamfall and then doing Dreamfall Chapters book 1, and I just can't get enough of Ragnar Tornquist's brilliance... so I want to finally dive in here. Any tips for someone who has never played? I was doing a little bit of reading and lots of people seem to say it's difficult starting out.

I am not really an experienced TSW player but my just from my personal time playing it the biggest thing I can suggest is that if you can find someone to play with the experience is better (gameplay-wise), as you go along it becomes a bit of a slog to quest solo. But if you are in a position like me where you want to quest alone (or have no one to play with) then I found it best to take some tanking abilities (it is super obvious what is a tanking ability and what isn't within the ability wheel) so you can actually sustain yourself in the time it takes to kill enemies. But like I said, not really an experienced player so I am not sure of more efficient methods when alone. I found it hard to find up to date info on leveling builds just from google searches.

That said, maybe it is best to wait a bit? There was a developer letter from this month that says they are changing a lot of the early game and overall questing experience to be less annoying. I have no idea when those changes are coming (maybe someone else does) but I will say just the change to mob health pools alone is enough for me hold off a bit because enemies do become really annoying and time consuming to kill once you reach the third zone of the game (which is where I currently am).


Just keep in mind that, despite being clearly tornquist, it's an MMO still. There are a LOT of rpg systems and stats adn builds and shit to interact with, so if you're just in it for the adventure gamey quest experiences, your'e going to also need to familiarize yourself with the skills and combat and all of that, and that system is fairly deep. In terms of actual mechanics it's a LOT like guild wars 2 if you played that.


Just keep in mind that, despite being clearly tornquist, it's an MMO still. There are a LOT of rpg systems and stats adn builds and shit to interact with, so if you're just in it for the adventure gamey quest experiences, your'e going to also need to familiarize yourself with the skills and combat and all of that, and that system is fairly deep. In terms of actual mechanics it's a LOT like guild wars 2 if you played that.

On the flip side I'd say it's not really that hard of a game to actually play. At least in my experience most of the challenge has came from getting a setup that works as the execution of it in combat is pretty straightforward. GW2 is a pretty good comparison I think.


Just keep in mind that, despite being clearly tornquist, it's an MMO still. There are a LOT of rpg systems and stats adn builds and shit to interact with, so if you're just in it for the adventure gamey quest experiences, your'e going to also need to familiarize yourself with the skills and combat and all of that, and that system is fairly deep. In terms of actual mechanics it's a LOT like guild wars 2 if you played that.

As an MMO veteran since UO, none of that scares me. It's a non-issue. I was just looking for tips from people, since there tend to be useful things people have to offer for someone who knows absolutely nothing about the game. :)


As an MMO veteran since UO, none of that scares me. It's a non-issue. I was just looking for tips from people, since there tend to be useful things people have to offer for someone who knows absolutely nothing about the game. :)

Just dive in, it's Ragnars world there for you to explore.
TSW will always have a special place in my heart, it's so good.

Oh and enjoy it alone if possible - especially the story quests (those are instanced in most cases anyway).


As an MMO veteran since UO, none of that scares me. It's a non-issue. I was just looking for tips from people, since there tend to be useful things people have to offer for someone who knows absolutely nothing about the game. :)

Honestly you should be fine, there isn't any way to really screw yourself over early on or anything. One of the more interesting features of the questing experience imo is that pretty much every quest (outside of the main storyline) can be repeated with I believe the exact same xp and reward gain, they just have a cooldown on them (like 15-20 hours I think? Not sure of the exact time). If you aren't happy with how your character is developing early on you can just wait a day and grind out some of the starting quests for more xp to dump into the ability wheel. I did that on my current character when I came to the realization I needed some tankier abilities to keep myself alive when playing solo, glass cannon approach doesn't really work out all that well.


The way the system is setup you can jump back and forth between builds as you build them up too. So in theory you could do everything, character progression wise anyway, with a single character. Just will take some time and a bit of grinding. Then again I never disliked doing that in TSW. The missions/quest and area design were so well done usually that I enjoyed going through them. I can't stay that about many other MMOs. Final Fantasy XIV is the only one that has gotten close to that for me.

I constantly kick myself for not putting more time into the game because there really was nothing big that I had issues with other then the chat system giving me issues. I hope that isn't a problem now.


Something that is very practical to know is that you can enter "/reset" in chat to "die". Then you can choose which well/spawnpoint to pop up at. Very handy to get around the map.
And you'll be using that function for. . .other. . .things as well.


TSW had some of the best dungeons in an MMO also if that's your thing. Basic tank, healer + 3 dps but the boss fights especially the final ones felt like mini raids.


As an MMO veteran since UO, none of that scares me. It's a non-issue. I was just looking for tips from people, since there tend to be useful things people have to offer for someone who knows absolutely nothing about the game. :)

Yeah, just throwing it out there since it turns some people off :)

It's a combat system with a LOT more depth than is apparant at first, which I think made people think the combat sucked (seriously, the OT from the beta period is ridiculous), when in actuality it's super super deep. Don't be afraid to branch out, and if they haven't changed anything look for synergistic skills and make sure to get things that apply debuffs. I can't actually remember what all of the status effects are called, but impair? hinder? knockdowns, things like that are hugely important later and you can leave yourself in a bad place if you don't have access to some of them. You can always redo content for more xp/skill points, but if you really need to grind out to get something it can be a pain in the ass. Like, mobs that specifically require X type of debuff for you to be able to damage them, things of that nature.


Enhanced Player Experience is now live, with many changes.


Seems like it will be a bit less of a grind and that there are better rewards, cool!
I also like this:
Players who have finished the main Story Mission in Transylvania may now continue the story for free in Venice, and then move on to Tokyo.

Gonna jump back in, this all sounds great!

Detailed update notes, I said wow:


That's all...really tempting. Getting into the game is the hardest part for sure. Then it becomes sublime, then it becomes super hard to come back to :( It's just TOO deep of a system in many ways which is a damn shame.


I tried the tutorial again yesterday and a bit of Kingsmouth. It's not THAT different but I guess the flow of the game changes more with zone fast travel and all that if you play it in longer stretches.

And yeah, picking up my main character again and playing a Scenario for the first time was hard. Plus a new type of skills pops up and it's all over my head. I think I would have liked them to simplify it more, not make it even more deep.


well not really...yet
Started playing this again...

Is this the most graphically intensive mmo ever?

With a single 980 I max out Guild Wars 2 at 1440p with 100+ FPS, Elder Scrolls max settings, downsampled from 4K, with ~80FPS, But here, downsampling from 4K equals to a big noooooope.gif, and at 1440p, there is definitely stuff that you need to dial down to get an acceptable framerate

Other than that, still see tons of players and am having a lot of fun with it. underappreciated gem.


Started playing this again...

Is this the most graphically intensive mmo ever?

With a single 980 I max out Guild Wars 2 at 1440p with 100+ FPS, Elder Scrolls max settings, downsampled from 4K, with ~80FPS, But here, downsampling from 4K equals to a big noooooope.gif, and at 1440p, there is definitely stuff that you need to dial down to get an acceptable framerate

Other than that, still see tons of players and am having a lot of fun with it. underappreciated gem.

Switch to DX9. The DX11 implementation is very very wonky. The DX9 could run on a toaster.
Yeah, I have the same issue. Runs smooth with DX9, with DX11 there is a lot of lag especially during combat.

I got back into the game a few weeks ago and finished the Transylvania story. Bought the Enhanced Players Experience pack (issues 5-8) which features some excellent storylines, especially issue 7.


Because of you I am active. :0

But yeah, just reached Egypt. Will take some time until I get to the high end stuff.


Heh, I'm still in Blue Mountain.

It never ends!

The Mansion NPC is great, though. Heck, they all are.

I hope one day I have a computer that can run this without crashing. And I'll be very sad when this goes offline.
Will replay the Tokyo storyline before issue 11 comes out, really amazing. Also curious where TSW will go after issue 11, Congo seems to pop up a lot.


I tried to go back to it but I kinda feel my character is all messed up, and I don't have the energy/time to put in the work to make him competent again. I really want to play Tokyo.


I tried to go back to it but I kinda feel my character is all messed up, and I don't have the energy/time to put in the work to make him competent again. I really want to play Tokyo.

yeah :/ I'm not sure the best way to get back into the game if you didn't already have most of the skills unlocked. I can look builds up but I need to put a LOT of work back into SP/AP just to be able to use them, let alone gear (which is lightyears out of date). Thankfully you can repeat investigations and such now, but that seems a bit like a chore. I mean, grinding AP was always slow, with a bad build it's not thrilling sounding.


Secret World did the Enhanced Player Experience not long ago that essentially nerfed all world content before Tokyo. You should be fine even with unoptimized builds until then. Really, if you don't skip every mission, it's getting laughably easy, afrer I finished egypt I wanted to Tokyo and just cut myself through Transilvania's story and arrived in Tokyo without issue. If you have some issues you can get some nice purple 10.1 custom gear out of it too.

If you still have problems, post your builds and gear here and we can take a look at them and improve it. Sometimes even small tweaks can do wonders.


None of the late-game blade builds seem very special. Dancing Blade still out-damages almost everything I've bought in the advanced tier. I pair it with an elemental skillset(mostly for the earth binding spell and Shock).




I wish I had time and energy to go back to TSW :(


I'll wait for some opinions before diving in.

Tokyo is easily the worst part of the game, so I'm hoping the new issue fixes that.


Huh, why do you dislike Tokyo so much?

Compared to any of the other zones: it's small, sparsely populated with quests/npcs/cool bits, has genuinely annoying enemies, is coated in the dumb AEGIS mechanic, doesn't sport a dungeon to support the story elements, has higher performance requirements than any other area and comes off as unfinished/rushed.

Compared to the high standards the start of the game sets? Tokyo is a let down with the tacky AEGIS system cementing the deal.


Done with the story of Issue 11. The reward is really amazing and the floors I encountered are super interesting. Looking forward to repeat the tower.

Compared to any of the other zones: it's small, sparsely populated with quests/npcs/cool bits, has genuinely annoying enemies, is coated in the dumb AEGIS mechanic, doesn't sport a dungeon to support the story elements, has higher performance requirements than any other area and comes off as unfinished/rushed.

Compared to the high standards the start of the game sets? Tokyo is a let down with the tacky AEGIS system cementing the deal.
Well, I liked the tight town area actually. Some places are really annoying to got, like Orochi Housing, because enemies are so tightly packed, but aside from that, it sports really interesting missions, hillarious characters (lookin at you, Daimon) and whacky missions. I know a lot of people hate Bank Heist, but I loved it. I am genuinly sad, you didn't like it at all.
I tried to go back to it but I kinda feel my character is all messed up, and I don't have the energy/time to put in the work to make him competent again. I really want to play Tokyo.

You and me both. I feel like all the info has compounded and I don't even know where to begin again. I sign in a few times a month just to mess around. Im only just beginning the Egypt main story...

Should have been more proactive about playing the story when I was entrenched in it for months.

OK I totally missed the enhanced player experience announcement. This may just help...going to play this weekend then.

Btw I basically spend my grandmaster points on AP injections ahaha. I still have a bonus AP enhancement running. Has to be like a year old at this point .


Just finished (twice, actually) Issue 11.
Pretty damn good. I really, really like all of Tokyo missions and characters. It's phenomenal, the writing is superb.
It's a damn shame that this game is so overlooked.

Compared to any of the other zones: it's small, sparsely populated with quests/npcs/cool bits, has genuinely annoying enemies, is coated in the dumb AEGIS mechanic, doesn't sport a dungeon to support the story elements, has higher performance requirements than any other area and comes off as unfinished/rushed.

Compared to the high standards the start of the game sets? Tokyo is a let down with the tacky AEGIS system cementing the deal.

Eh, I strongly disagree. Except on the new dungeon absence.
You're also right on the AEGIS: it's crap, annoying to use and a pointless farming.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Hey, if anyone needs a free month code for a friend or themselves, just quote this and you'll see it there. Hope people keep getting turned on to this game.



How is the new player experience? Countless characters of mine have been stuck in the part before you go to the mines. Innsmouth Academy iirc :(


How is the new player experience? Countless characters of mine have been stuck in the part before you go to the mines. Innsmouth Academy iirc :(
Everything before Tokyo is very easy now. In fact if you do every quest you can do you even get easily overpowered to the point where you can skip whole areas.
So, very accesible. Until Tokyo and unless you do NM dungeons you don't even have to understand synergies. But you should combining skills is great fun.


Everything before Tokyo is very easy now. In fact if you do every quest you can do you even get easily overpowered to the point where you can skip whole areas.
So, very accesible. Until Tokyo and unless you do NM dungeons you don't even have to understand synergies. But you should combining skills is great fun.

You'll miss a ton of story, though.
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