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Trials Fusion |OT| webm required for proper OT experience!






The 4th game in the Trials series is finally upon us. the success of Trials HD on the Xbox 360 launched developer RedLynx into the forefront as a respected development studio. Their sequel and 3rd installment in the Trials series was very well received with features such as multiplayer and an online marketplace where players could freely share custom made trials tracks. After being acquired by Ubisoft, Redlynx hopes to bring please audiences with their 4th instalment in the Trials series, Trials Fusion.

This is the first outing on next-gen systems (and day 1 PC release), and it is planned to be the definitive next-gen Trials experience. It can be updated thoroughly after the game has been released, and thanks to user generated tracks, it will have a long life similar to that of Minecraft.




  • 60 tracks on day one
  • 1000+ parts to work with in the track creator
  • Local single screen multiplayer
  • Track Editor & Sharing
  • Leaderboards
  • Skill Games
  • Visual customizations for bikes and riders



  • ATVs are brand new to the game. It is a heavier machine to use, and it also controls with 4-wheel drive!
  • Bicycles that were featured in the Evolution DLC are now here on Day 1
  • Tricks are a brand new addition! They are controlled with the right analog stick, and sound very similar to the trick system in the Skate series. The direction of the stick will control where you character will be in correspondence to the bike. It is all physics based, so the movement of your player will affect the handling and position of the bike. There will be a practice mode that will keep you permanently airborne where you can practice tricks.
  • Progression of user-generated tracks will count towards your overall character level
  • 4 square kilometres are open for users to create tracks in
  • A futuristic, high-tech setting, 150 years in the future!
  • Every track has 3 easter eggs hidden in the level
  • "Trials Frontier cross-platform interactions" (What exactly this will do is unclear)
  • Dynamic Leaderboards tournaments
  • On top of the regular medals for speed/faults, each track has challenges such as "Do 10 backflips" or "Find the secret penguin cave"


Ride on - Trials Fusion Trailer [UK]
Trials Fusion | FMX Tricks Gameplay Trailer | PS4
Trials Fusion | NOT APPROVED by Officer Ray -- Introduction [US]
Trials Fusion | NOT APPROVED by Officer Ray -- Peer Pressure [US]
Trials Fusion | NOT APPROVED by Officer Ray -- Pullin' Tricks [US]

Digital Spy
inc gamers



Venture Beat - 90/100
TheSixthAxis - 9/10
Videogamer - 9/10
Saving Content - 4/5
Joystiq - 4/5
Gamespot - 8/10
CVG - 8/10
Edge - 8/10
Eurogamer - 8/10
Polygon - 6.5/10


Why is Trials $40 this time around?
Redlynx and Ubisoft have decided to bundle the season pass this time around with all physical releases, as well as a with the digital version. If you just want the core game, it will available digitally only for $20.

Why no PS3 version?
While the PS4 is much more developer friendly, the PS3 was not. Redlynx is already jumping from 1 platform release to 4, and they decided it the extra development resources the PS3 would take was not worth the time.

What's the resolution/FPS?
1080p is confirmed for the PS4. 1080p is assumed on the Xbox One, but not confirmed. The Xbox One version is 900p. The Xbox 360 version will likely be 720p. The game will run at a solid 60fps on all platforms.

Why is there no online multiplayer this time around?
Redlynx looked at the stats for Trials Evolution online multiplayer and found it wasn't very popular. As a result they decided not to include the features. There is still local multiplaye however, and Redlynx has states that a "completely new type of online multiplayer mode" will be coming to the game post-launch.

How many DLC packs are there?
There will be a total of 6 released that are included in the season pass.









It's finally here! Next-gen trials! Now with the social features of next-gen system I hope the community will become even better. Post screenshots, share your best replays or stream!

I'll be streaming the game and answering any questions midnight EST: http://www.twitch.tv/kowaku


This is one of the damn rare examples where XboxOne box is in front of the PS4.

IIRC it was the opposite last gen.


Nice OT.

Is there perhaps a chart one could acquire that compares the amount of content in this to Trials Evolution?
There's still a lot of unknown info about the game, so that might be tricky. (Same happened with Evolution). I do know that it comes with 60 tracks on day one, same number as Evolution. Not sure about the number of Skill Games.


extra source of jiggaflops
This is one of the damn rare examples where XboxOne box is in front of the PS4.
Enough is enough Ubisoft. You're either with us or against us when it comes to arrangement of boxart!

I think $20 for a season pass for a $20 game is a bit much, but I guess I just not get it.
Day 1 on PS4. Climbing the leaderboards in Trials is one of my favorite things to do.

Feel free to add me if you feel like competing on the leaderboards. PSN ID: OnionPowder


Pardon my atrocious shop skills, but i slapped this together on Paint (at work, and waiting for Photoshop to get installed)

Can't Unsee



Has there been any footage of some tougher courses. The high flying jump tracks get old to me pretty fast. Wanna see the addiction/frustration levels.
never played a Trials game.

Is it like a modern Excite Bike?
Mmmmm kind of. It's awesome, you have to apply the brakes and gas in the right way at the right time to do jumps and go over and above obstacles while also using the stick to balance your guy. It starts off easily enough but becomes insanely difficult. I never finished the last game but I got to a point where I was very happy with my purchase anyway. Even if you're like me and you're not very good there will still be many many hours of fun.
never played a Trials game.

Is it like a modern Excite Bike?

In a sense, but it's very physics-heavy and is more of a time attack thing. I'm sure they'll have a sale soon on Trials HD or Evolution - definitely get Trials Evolution over HD if you can only get one, as it has a lot more content and a massive user-generated content section. There isn't much up for Fusion yet, but that's to be expected with only reviewers having it - within a week of it being available to the public, there will be some great stuff up.
For those that may be worried about the PC version this time, I've been playing the beta through Steam (Uplay) for a little over a week and it runs almost perfectly. The only problem I've experienced is a little bit of a slowdown on the one track with snow falling. Bumping down the graphics settings for that track even just a little solves it so I bet they'll patch that one too. I'm playing at 1440p with a GTX 670. Other than that I have had zero problems. Game plays as well as ever and everything (menus, tracks, garage, etc.) is very responsive.

Now I wait eagerly for the full game. The challenges on each track are fun but what I really want is to tackle the extreme tracks. Perfect runs on those is what Trials is all about.


This is actually really fun, and if you've seen the whole F2P metagame talk in the iOS game thread, this definitely scratches that itch. SmokeyDave, you've got another game to conquest!!
Wait, no online multiplayer? What the hell, Red Lynx?

That was probably my favorite aspect of Evolution. Downloading some custom trials tracks and then playing with a couple friends. Man my hype for this game really just bottomed out after learning that. Was gonna go all in on the $40 version but now I might just wait for a sale on the digital version. Extremely disappointing.


Wait, no online multiplayer? What the hell, Red Lynx?

That was probably my favorite aspect of Evolution. Downloading some custom trials tracks and then playing with a couple friends. Man my hype for this game really just bottomed out after learning that. Was gonna go all in on the $40 version but now I might just wait for a sale on the digital version. Extremely disappointing.
Yeah, I wish they would've at least allowed people to set up their own lobbies and play with friends.


Decided to go X1 for this (3 controllers against 1 DS4 the main reason) no idea if i'll go retail or not though

Hyped for some multi action in local anyway :D


I'm not sure if I'm gonna like this, looks too simple, like Joe Danger simple. Am I wrong?

They are very different games. Where Joe Danger is pretty much a floaty arcade platformer on wheels, Trials is all about mastering the physics of the different bikes to get through increasingly difficult tracks. And they do get extremely difficult. It's one of the few modern games where skill actually matters, and you can tell that you're getting better at it the more you play. Go watch some Extreme tracks from the previous games and tell me if you still think it looks too simple. Of course, highly skilled players do make it look simple, but that's definitely not how you're gonna feel the first time you try such a track. There are a lot of advanced techniques behind flawless runs of the most difficult tracks, and that stuff takes time to learn to pull off.
I'm not sure if I'm gonna like this, looks too simple, like Joe Danger simple. Am I wrong?

You literally could not be more wrong. The first time I played the extreme tracks in Trials HD, I thought I would literally never even be able to finish them, much less get good times with low numbers of faults. After dozens and dozens of hours practicing I could no-fault them occasionally.

The top times on the leaderboards on even the easy tracks, but especially some of the medium through all of hard and extreme tracks, is EXTREMELY technical, advanced, and skilled gaming.
Really can't wait to get this, I was hoping for a Steelcase like Trials Evolution Gold Edition, but Ubisoft said that's not a thing this time around :(

Oh well, I'm sure the game will make up for that, can't wait!


You literally could not be more wrong. The first time I played the extreme tracks in Trials HD, I thought I would literally never even be able to finish them, much less get good times with low numbers of faults. After dozens and dozens of hours practicing I could no-fault them occasionally.

The top times on the leaderboards on even the easy tracks, but especially some of the medium through all of hard and extreme tracks, is EXTREMELY technical, advanced, and skilled gaming.
I remember reaching the 500 crash limit on one of the extreme tracks in Trials HD. Didn't even know that existed until that point, haha. It's really satisfying seeing yourself get better at tracks like that bit by bit. These days instead of it being a matter of finishing at all it's a matter of finishing them without crashing.


Super bummed about the multiplayer. Me and my friends spent hours and hours just downloading extreme tracks and playing them together in the competitive mode. Boo to you RedLynx.
Really looking forward to this, though I am a little disappointed at the lack of online multiplayer. That being said, I totally understand why they did bother with it.


I'm not sure if I'm gonna like this, looks too simple, like Joe Danger simple. Am I wrong?

quite wrong. its all skill based and there is a very real learning curve to the game.

its one of the greatest games of all time imo. infinitely rewarding.


Is the bit about the MP removal really true?

The PC release date is a day before Dark Souls 2 PC.

Uplay is mandatory on PC

welp, I fucking love Trials, but considering all of the above, I won't be getting this. Sorry Redlynx.


Man got burned so badly with the PC version of Evolution. Considering picking it up for PS4, but will wait for reviews. Btw thanks for the Webms


Finished the content available in the beta, really wish I could access some harder tracks. But shit, it's beautiful and runs great. I can't get hot and bothered about UPlay, it takes a few seconds to launch when I start the game.


Thoughts on the PC beta:
I played all the other games on 360 but it looks really damn nice on PC. Lots of shiny shaders and general crispness. Ran without a hitch, just some very quick texture LOD pop-in when jumping back a long distance with the restart button.

The FMX trick stuff seems really well implemented - about as good as I could expect. It feels very balanced and natural, as they've said a lot, it's all physics based. I can see myself putting quite a bit of time into it, when I'm not banging my head against extreme platinums. Now I'm really hungry for more as the beta only includes easy tracks.


For those that may be worried about the PC version this time, I've been playing the beta through Steam (Uplay) for a little over a week and it runs almost perfectly.
Man got burned so badly with the PC version of Evolution. Considering picking it up for PS4, but will wait for reviews. Btw thanks for the Webms
Pretty much, Twinduct. Regardless of whether it was RedLynx who worked on the PC version or not, that Ubi burned users so severely with the worst possible port of the game imaginable is unforgivable, especially considering the game's roots on the platform.

Will buy in a $5 Steam sale. Maybe.
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