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Trials Fusion |OT| webm required for proper OT experience!


If I played Trials HD on XBLA, is it worth to try out Trials 2 on Steam? I'm unclear on how much content these two games share. I'm definitely going to pick up Trials Evo: Gold on Steam in the future but I was planning on checking out Trials 2 beforehand.


If I played Trials HD on XBLA, is it worth to try out Trials 2 on Steam? I'm unclear on how much content these two games share. I'm definitely going to pick up Trials Evo: Gold on Steam in the future but I was planning on checking out Trials 2 beforehand.
Trials HD and especially Evo are much more refined, but they share zero content between the two games and Trials 2.


Super Sleuth
If I played Trials HD on XBLA, is it worth to try out Trials 2 on Steam? I'm unclear on how much content these two games share. I'm definitely going to pick up Trials Evo: Gold on Steam in the future but I was planning on checking out Trials 2 beforehand.

Trials 2 is not a good game. The control is way more digital.


So has it been discussed how for some players, at least I am assuming there are others as I am affected, that the Season Pass bug for the PS4 is still present?
I have the update downloaded and installed.
Under Related Items it says I own the Season Pass.
However the game itself says I do not own it.
The new DLC is locked.
Season Pass in the game is asking me to purchase it.

I have contacted Ubisoft support directly, but wondering if anyone knows of a fix without waiting 5 days for them to get back to me.
So has it been discussed how for some players, at least I am assuming there are others as I am affected, that the Season Pass bug for the PS4 is still present?
I have the update downloaded and installed.
Under Related Items it says I own the Season Pass.
However the game itself says I do not own it.
The new DLC is locked.
Season Pass in the game is asking me to purchase it.

I have contacted Ubisoft support directly, but wondering if anyone knows of a fix without waiting 5 days for them to get back to me.

Had the same issue on PS4; solution is go to the PS Store ->Games -> New This Month -> DLC for Trials Fusion is near the bottom. "Buy" it (it's free). Restart game then go to career. It'll be unlocked.


Had the same issue on PS4; solution is go to the PS Store ->Games -> New This Month -> DLC for Trials Fusion is near the bottom. "Buy" it (it's free). Restart game then go to career. It'll be unlocked.
And this is why I came here. Thank you!! Worked right away.
Thanks again.


Neo Member
I can't stop laughing at the scene that plays when you find one of the DLC squirrels.

Miley Cyrus parody.
Bravo, RedLynx.
I really love these new DLC tracks. The visuals and art are fantastic, and the driving lines equally well done. I just wish there were more.

Thankfully the next track pack appears to be closely following this one. The trophies are already listed for it.
Well, I caved in and bought the season pass even though it feels like a rip-off when compared to the previous Trials DLC packs. Most of the original extreme tracks are still just too difficult and frustrating so needed some new fresh challenges..

And how good is End of Assembly?! The dude is already the leader in all of those DLC tracks. Dem skills.
what difficutly are the tracks?
how many hard and extremes?

3 medium, and one of them is one of the hardest medium tracks in the game. 2 hard, one of them is one of the toughest hard tracks in the game. One extreme, and I haven't finished it because I tend to not have the patience for extreme tracks.

Well, I caved in and bought the season pass even though it feels like a rip-off when compared to the previous Trials DLC packs. Most of the original extreme tracks are still just too difficult and frustrating so needed some new fresh challenges..

What platform are you on? I could recommend some really good user tracks, so that really extends the life of the game.


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
3 medium, and one of them is one of the hardest medium tracks in the game. 2 hard, one of them is one of the toughest hard tracks in the game. One extreme, and I haven't finished it because I tend to not have the patience for extreme tracks. .

ah man. fuck it, i will also cave in then.
I wouldnt if I could Play the user tracks that are build with dlc Content.


Got golds on everything on the DLC, pity about the number of tracks because they're all really good. The skill game is pretty good, too. I think the extreme track was one of the easier ones, aside from the obstacle I mentioned above. Great stuff, just should have been more of it.
What platform are you on? I could recommend some really good user tracks, so that really extends the life of the game.

I'm on PS4 so if you have any track recommendations let me know. I haven't checked out that many user tracks yet. Been trying to zero fault all the original tracks apart from the extreme tracks and still have some work to do on those.


Holy crap, that looks insanely difficult. Are the extreme tracks even fun? They look so frustrating.

Good job on the platinum, btw.
Once you're to a certain level of skill they're fun, I think particularly if you have the mentality of zero faulting everything. Like for everything else for the most part it's generally not too hard to zero fault (outside of some hard tracks), at which point they become more about speed (granted it's also fun finding the fastest way through a track).

You kinda need extreme tracks just to make zero faulting alone a real good challenge again. And luckily the platinum times generally aren't too bad with the way I play at least, I tend to work my time down as I'm going for zero faults anyway.

(And there's another skill level beyond that if you check out custom tracks, people call them ninja difficulty...I feel the same way when looking at those in YouTube as you do about extremes)


Holy crap, that looks insanely difficult. Are the extreme tracks even fun? They look so frustrating.

Good job on the platinum, btw.

They're very frustrating, very fun, and very rewarding once you've reached a certain skill level.

Once you're to a certain level of skill they're fun, I think particularly if you have the mentality of zero faulting everything. Like for everything else for the most part it's generally not too hard to zero fault (outside of some hard tracks), at which point they become more about speed (granted it's also fun finding the fastest way through a track).

You kinda need extreme tracks just to make zero faulting alone a real good challenge again. And luckily the platinum times generally aren't too bad with the way I play at least, I tend to work my time down as I'm going for zero faults anyway.

(And there's another skill level beyond that if you check out custom tracks, people call them ninja difficulty...I feel the same way when looking at those in YouTube as you do about extremes)

Yep, very much this. Hard tracks aren't really a challenge for me to get through anymore. Sure, it might take a few tries to zero-fault the more difficult ones, but generally they're a bit too comfortable for me. For that real challenge and rewarding feeling I need Extreme tracks now. Those are at just the right level of difficulty to be daunting but completely doable for me. Still haven't zero-faulted the last few in Fusion...


Neo Member
Yeah Extremes are difficult but fun. It takes many hours to get to a certain point though. Ninjas on the other hand...


On that track, the front tire is not allowed to touch pink and the back tire not allowed to touch blue. I don't even bother attempting these things.

Stuff like this is why I love Ninja tracks (although I can't do any that are near this difficult). The game adopts borderline-puzzle elements, in trying to figure out how to get over an obstacle, on top of the already insane execution.


Which one's that?
The second last obstacle, which is basically this

part 2. Except different enough that it tripped me up again. The really annoying thing is that this would be my first extreme platinum if it wasn't for that.


The second last obstacle, which is basically this

part 2. Except different enough that it tripped me up again. The really annoying thing is that this would be my first extreme platinum if it wasn't for that.
It's a lot easier with the Rabbit. I was having trouble getting it down consistently with the Pit Viper but after switching it became so much easier. You don't even have to do it in one big swoop, you can do a full stop on the platform and still build up enough speed and motion to get over the lip.


Does anyone else find this game hilarious? I have never tried this game series before, tried the demo, and the crashes had me rolling. Pretty cool game!


The second last obstacle, which is basically this

part 2. Except different enough that it tripped me up again. The really annoying thing is that this would be my first extreme platinum if it wasn't for that.
I just jump and hope for the best.
Also, Extreme tracks are the only fun ones!


It's a lot easier with the Rabbit. I was having trouble getting it down consistently with the Pit Viper but after switching it became so much easier. You don't even have to do it in one big swoop, you can do a full stop on the platform and still build up enough speed and motion to get over the lip.
Yeah, got it first try on the Rabbit but have a harder time on some of the other parts. I definitely can't do it in one swoop! I've found the best way with the Pit Viper is to stop on the platform and pull back just before accelerating, rather than pulling back and accelerating at the same time which is what I tried a lot.

I just jump and hope for the best.
Also, Extreme tracks are the only fun ones!
Ha ha, fair enough. I think you're better than I am anyway, though! Also, I pretty much agree that extreme are the best, but there were some pretty fun hard tracks and the medium ones in the DLC were good.


Yeah, got it first try on the Rabbit but have a harder time on some of the other parts. I definitely can't do it in one swoop! I've found the best way with the Pit Viper is to stop on the platform and pull back just before accelerating, rather than pulling back and accelerating at the same time which is what I tried a lot.
I do something like land into a bunny hop into forward jump...course there's a bunch of variables in how that works, but that's the gist. I think the key is the front wheel being off the ground for the bunny hop which enables the forward push over the top.
Ha ha, fair enough. I think you're better than I am anyway, though! Also, I pretty much agree that extreme are the best, but there were some pretty fun hard tracks and the medium ones in the DLC were good.
Yeah the DLC tracks are good, not too hard to zero fault but has a nice flow and difficulty when speed running. The extreme track is easier than it looks, although I only played it once so we'll see. There's difficult bits but nothing like the wheel/barrel hop section in Inferno 4 for me, like each obstacle seems doable (so the difficulty is putting it all together in a single run) vs that barrel part alone just consistently eating up faults most of the time.


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
He calls this one the hardest track he's ever completed so it probably makes it the hardest track ever in a Trials game.


Yeah i have seen this one, too.

This is some serious god-tier shit.
If youva played Trials Long enough to know what he is doing here you know that this is one of those Displays of skill (in gaming generally, not on one particular game) you dont see that often.
absolutely insane!


He calls this one the hardest track he's ever completed so it probably makes it the hardest track ever in a Trials game.


Oh man. I'm pretty comfortable with most Extreme tracks, and can usually force my way through easier Ninjas, but this crazy balancing stuff I can't do for shit. When I download a new user track and it's something like this I just quit out of it. There's just no way.


I've found all the squirrels but it's only showing 19/20 and the game won't even make the noise for the Eco Park squirrel which I've done 4 times now. This is infuriating. Anyone else have the same problem?
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