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Two Minutes Hate, redux

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aku:jiki said:
I hate the OT forum, and its elitist attitude towards the gaming forum. I mean, how fucking retarded is that anyway? Two sub-forums on the same website hating each other (or actually, the gaming side doesn't care about the OT side so it's just one side hating the other). Seriously, anyone who whines about the retardation of the gaming forum is who's retarded. If you know a smarter gaming forum, that is as active and large, please post a link or shut the fuck up already. Hint: They don't exist! Every gaming forum on the internet is stupid -- GAF even happens to be among the less dumb. Also, your political threads, Cruise fetish and undying adoration for any teen actress with a boob job is more retarded than our sales threads.

as i said, Gaming Forum is devoid of any humour. how can anyone think tracking sales data is better than looking at hot babes.

every gaming forum isnt this stupid, GAF itself wasnt like this way before, both OT and GF were combined and we had a good time. we actually had fucking discussions about games, rather than competing about freaking sales data and sales predictions.

oh hey, how did xx company's yy game do this month? let me add that to my database. oh yeah, fuck, that makes me feel GOOD. i am gonna cum now!!! sales data is sooooooo sexy!!!!!!!!!!!

THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!



im glad Ninja Scooter changed his avatar of an annoying face to another avatar of another annoying face. the old one was getting annoying. (took me awhile to even realize it was the same person. i cant stop looking at the face long enough to check the name above it. i find you funny as hell lately too. sorry wrong thread)

this thread was a great idea.


the problems with Filipinos are that roughly 75% of the ones living here are Republican. I think its the whole Marcos regime being toppled that hits close to home with Sadam in Iraq and about 90% of them being Roman Catholic. Religious zealots. Many of my Filipino friends are republican, and I rag on my girlfriend all the time for being such a tool when it comes to politics.


I hate Xbots of the stupid kin like bitwise (worthless), CrimsonSkies, open_mouth_ (thanks God he got banned), cyberheater, Mr. "If I see one post from you bashing Xbox I'm going to put you on ignore" GhaleonEB, MINDLESS I mean COCKLESS, etc.

Strange that those^^ guys post interesting, clever stuff in the OT but lose their minds while defending their Xbox in the Gaming forum.

Xbots of the smart kin (like Ryudo, Shogmaster (put down the Killzone hate!), op_ivy, VALIS, Hitler SMP etc.) are cool guys, I respect their opinion.

Odnetin pisses me.

I hate all kinds of elitist attitudes. Willco ruins for me every movie thread, (ManaByte does the same), that's why I don't post in movie threads and pretty much avoid posting in the OT forum.

Favourite poster?

Borys said:
Odnetnin pisses me.

If I could push a button and ban one person from the forum, it would be him. He represents everything wrong with annoying-ass Nintendo fans. Sony and MS have their annoying fans too, don't get me wrong, but only Nintendo fans manage to make threads about unreleased controllers hit 500 posts.


force push the doodoo rock
Borys said:
I hate Xbots of the stupid kin like bitwise (worthless), CrimsonSkies, open_mouth_ (thanks God he got banned), cyberheater, Mr. "If I see one post from you bashing Xbox I'm going to put you on ignore", MINDLESS I mean COCKLESS, GhaleonEB etc.

Strange that those^^ guys post interesting, clever stuff in the OT but lose their minds while defending their Xbox in the Gaming forum.

Xbots of the smart kin (like Ryudo, Shogmaster (put down the Killzone hate!), op_ivy, VALIS etc.) are cool guys, I respect their opinion.

Odnetin pisses me.

I hate all kinds of elitist attitudes. Willco ruins for me every movie thread, (ManaByte does the same), that's why I don't post in movie threads and pretty much avoid posting in the OT forum.

Favourite poster?


Manabyte ruins every thread

and i agree with your list of decent xbots


pollo said:
the problems with Filipinos are that roughly 75% of the ones living here are Republican. I think its the whole Marcos regime being toppled that hits close to home with Sadam in Iraq and about 90% of them being Roman Catholic. Religious zealots. Many of my Filipino friends are republican, and I rag on my girlfriend all the time for being such a tool when it comes to politics.

Guess I'm in the other 25% then...of course I'm only half and I was born here so this comment was pointless. >_<

aku:jiki said:
I hate the OT forum, and its elitist attitude towards the gaming forum. I mean, how fucking retarded is that anyway? Two sub-forums on the same website hating each other (or actually, the gaming side doesn't care about the OT side so it's just one side hating the other). Seriously, anyone who whines about the retardation of the gaming forum is who's retarded.

blah blah blah irony blah blah blah

shut up
I agree Manabyte just seems to have the worst taste in movies EVER.

I enjoy all the Anime threads in OT because genrally everyone seems to have great taste in Anime (cept Konex:p).

I enjoy anime but i am getting tired of everyone praising the Art in generic looking anime inspired RPGs while mocking most western art (yes sudeki is horrible tho).

I hate motherfuckers who troll shenmue 2.

SSX annoys me cause he is willing to defend ANYTHING on ps2. ANYTHING!

Sonycowboy annoys me because he trys to hide his true colours, as if the name was not giving it away.

I love all my xbot brothers except crimson skies cause he makes the rest of us look bad in comparison.

I dont understand why posters have to type out their signature at the end of every post. It is fucking Retarded PEACE!


Me el stupido, forgot about these:

seismologist, peedi (or futami, whatever), woebemassamina, trmas

They've never contributed anything to GAF, never ever.
it's demi, the uncreative attention whore who hopes to make up in posting quantity what he clearly lacks in quality!

P.S. I like your avatars
P.P.S. You are a good guy really, just make less stupid posts
I know Diablos is banned, but it's best to get this out of the way.

Post random lyrics thread #1

Listen - wanna just start it? ...Ready, Flood?
Yeah. 1, 2, 3, 4...

Stay with me, I'll set you free
'Cause I can tell you once were pretty
Rose so sad you've lost your petals
Lost the luster off your tattle tales

I need a love to help me find my way
I need a strength that I can not betray
I need a word to say what I can't say
I need a lover, lover
I need a lover, lover

What are we waiting for?
What are we waiting for?
Time has lost its hold on me

Hatred sleeps inside my bones
In the stillness of cool air
All the boys have been left for dead
'Cause we go where they fear to tread
The beautiful one's the one's we'll remember
The precious one's our greatest pretenders

I need a love to help me find my way
I need a strength that I cannot betray
I need a word to say what I can't say
I need a lover, lover
I need a lover, lover

And if you lose yourself
Could you take me, too?
Could you rest inside the sleep?

Stay with me, I'll set you free from you...
Stay with me, I'll set you free from you...
Stay with me, I'll set you free from you...
Stay with me, I'll set you free from you...
I need a love...



I don't think people should be defending MS, Sony or Nintendo for their lame ass short comings. It's really annoying seeing people trying to force themselves into acceptance of half assed attempts at "next gen" gaming.


I respect GTA 3 for its presentation - the sprawling city, the gritty atmosphere, the pure adult theme, refusing to pander to children. The other two deserve absolutely no credit. It's just more of the same. How people can turn these into pivotal games for a system and drool over every new one is ridiculous. The franchise is fucking stagnant. The combat sucks ass. You can only go on so many killing sprees before it gets stupid. Hearing that people think of the PS3 as the ultimate system because of their likely deal for GTA exclusives(at least for a certain amount of time) is retarded. Play something with some damn innovation. Helicopter missions and driving fucking trains can't disguise that this game appeals to those who have a high tolerance for playing the same game over and over and over again and shelling out $50 each time for it. Recognize the food and fitness system for what it is - a timesink. Let Rockstar move its considerable talent onto something new and exciting instead of more of the same thing.


fart said:
you're attacking a heterosexual by calling him gay. that's an attack on his sexual orientation, doofus.


It's a figure of speech. His sexuality has NOTHING to do with anything I said. "Mod dick sucking ass" = "sucks up to the mods."

How the fuck can peope not understand this?


Other groups that annoy me:

Radiohead fans.

Anime fans who can't understand japanese but refuse to watch dubbed anime.

Anyone who can't understand japanese but insists that "the original japanese VA is sooo much better OMG!" about a videogame or movie or whatever. How the fuck would you know? You don't even understand it!

Manga readers period.

Atheist zealots; Scientology defenders.

PA haters, PBF haters, and VGC likers. People who post comics and put the punchline in the thread title.

Folks who end their post with "Peace" or "DCX" or whatever. Sigs are disabled beacuse they're retarded. Stop trying to make them yourself.

People who post song lyrics.

Video game journalists (yes, there are several exceptions). Sorry, but most of you are just poor writers. Blog-style writing with too much personal info does not a good read make.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Cyan said:
Other groups that annoy me:

Radiohead fans.

Anime fans who can't understand japanese but refuse to watch dubbed anime.

Anyone who can't understand japanese but insists that "the original japanese VA is sooo much better OMG!" about a videogame or movie or whatever. How the fuck would you know? You don't even understand it!

Manga readers period.

Atheist zealots; Scientology defenders.

PA haters, PBF haters, and VGC likers. People who post comics and put the punchline in the thread title.

Folks who end their post with "Peace" or "DCX" or whatever. Sigs are disabled beacuse they're retarded. Stop trying to make them yourself.

People who post song lyrics.

Video game journalists (yes, there are several exceptions). Sorry, but most of you are just poor writers. Blog-style writing with too much personal info does not a good read make.

You should write for IGN.


Cyan said:
Other groups that annoy me:

Radiohead fans.

Anime fans who can't understand japanese but refuse to watch dubbed anime.

Anyone who can't understand japanese but insists that "the original japanese VA is sooo much better OMG!" about a videogame or movie or whatever. How the fuck would you know? You don't even understand it!

Manga readers period.

Atheist zealots; Scientology defenders.

PA haters, PBF haters, and VGC likers. People who post comics and put the punchline in the thread title.

Folks who end their post with "Peace" or "DCX" or whatever. Sigs are disabled beacuse they're retarded. Stop trying to make them yourself.

People who post song lyrics.

Video game journalists (yes, there are several exceptions). Sorry, but most of you are just poor writers. Blog-style writing with too much personal info does not a good read make.

It's because I don't understand it that I prefer it... strange as it might sound, because I understand english so well, I also know what constitutes good voices, innotation, speech, dialect, blah blah blah. That and the english voice actors hired are typically junk; not saying there aren't good english voice actors... but they're typically hired for more legitimate stuff then dubbing anime or games.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
More hate

Drone and his incessant trolling (not so bad now that the psp is getting it's ass handled by the DS) and I hate how he trys to come across as if he weren't a nintendo troll.

MIYURU and his annoying avatar



I do not care for JackFrost's anti-Harmonix trolling....which always seem to start as "Frequency/Amplitude are not as good as other music games" and slowly devolve into "Harmonix games are an affront to God" :D
border said:
I do not care for JackFrost's anti-Harmonix trolling....which always seem to start as "Frequency/Amplitude are not as good as other music games" and slowly devolve into "Harmonix games are an affront to God" :D

I'm Guitar Hero fan #1! Harmonix has seen the error of their ways and I am there to make sure Guitar Hero gets coverage in as many Ziff Davis publications as possible, so help me!

Frequency/Amplitude are still shit however!


Count of Concision
FoneBone said:


You never responded to this post... I'll just quote it (I'm allowed to do that, right?) since EviLore put it way better than I could.

And like that, I lost most of my respect for you.

Oh well-- c'est la vie. :) I said what I felt I wanted to say, and if that wasn't enough for you, then you're free to not respect me. Unlike you, however, I don't "not respect" people just because of a single view they may have which I do not agree with, and I generally find this to be a more productive and sane way to live life. If I "lost most of my respect" for those who have stated things which I vehemently disagree with, I'd only "respect" about 3 people here. Yet I do actually respect most of the people here (with the exception of obvious trolls), even if they disagree with my strongly-held beliefs. As I stated in that thread, if you want to sit there and believe that I have no rational reasons for believing what I do, then that's your prerogative. I'd like to think that my posting history would indicate otherwise, but I suppose that's just seen as "self-righteousness" and being "full of shit" (see: Minotauro's comments). You don't respect me just because I disagree with your views, yet I personally respect all people (yes, even <gasp!> homosexuals) unless they've repeatedly proven to me that they're unworthy of that respect by way of their conduct.

But beyond this, believe me when I tell you that I'm not going to sit here and defend myself. You think that it wouldn't be easy for me to "lose most of my respect" for, oh, about 70% of the forum populace due to the incessant religion-bashing that goes on? And not just the qualified sort (e.g., "religious people who think/do such and such are bad"), but the generalizing, nonsensical bullshit that's seldom punished around here (e.g., "religion is a crutch for the weak-minded; religious people are inherently irrational; Christianity is bullshit; religion is responsible for all of man's woes" etc.). Do I vehemently disagree? Yes-- just as much as you disagree with my views on homosexuality, I'm sure. But in general I don't allow one's opinion on a single topic-- no matter how important it is to me personally-- to determine my overall view of them, or to influence the level of respect I accord them. If you're not mature enough to see why such a way of thinking is more sensible and productive than what you're implicitly espousing, then that's not really my problem, now, is it?

Minotauro said:
This is going to be unpopular but I detest Loki. I think he's full of shit and a self-righteous prick. Additionally, his posting style is incredibly irritating.

I'm "full of shit"? Okay. :) I've never been anything but honest here, so I'd ask that you please define "full of shit" for me. If it means "he has opinions that I don't agree with", then that is evidence of your immaturity, not mine.

"Self-righteous prick"? Why, because I have strong opinions and don't hesitate to make them known? I back up everything I say, and that's one of the reasons my posts are typically quite long (the other reason is because that's just how my mind works, and my manner of expression reflects that). If I were as "self-righteous" as you suppose, I'd simply walk into topics and say "you're wrong", and leave it at that. After all, I'm better than everyone else, right? I shouldn't deign to elucidate the reasoning behind my opinions, right? Yet I do. So you're wrong.

In my opinion, the purpose of his verboseness is to discourage people from making any sort of reply. Honestly, does it take five fucking paragraphs to explain why his opinion is better than everyone elses?

Because the purpose of those five paragraphs is not to "explain why [my] opinion is better than everyone else's," but rather to explain my reasons for holding that opinion in the first place. But in a sense you're right-- the length is to discourage replies...a certain type of reply, that is. As I've often stated, I write at the length I do so that others will have access to my full thoughts on the matter, and so will not be able to merely fire off some ill-considered one-liner in response, or argue against a strawman, or raise trivial objections while ignoring the sum total of my thoughts. I loathe captious people, and I do my best to ensure that they have no grounds by which to attack my thoughts.

And yet people still do reply to my posts, oftentimes at length (Azih, Saturnman, Mandark, Hitokage at times, among others). So why were they not "discouraged from replying"? My personal opinion is because they are capable of comprehending and responding to an argument in a logical, coherent manner, something I'm quite certain you're incapable of doing judging by your posting history.

Do me a favor-- the next time you disagree with something I say, make a post and explain yourself as opposed to taking unwarranted cheap shots in topics like this. I'd argue that the reason you detest my "style" so is not because of some inherent flaw in my manner of expression (though I've always admitted that I could stand to be more concise), but rather because you're incapable of formulating a cogent argument and debating the points raised in a coherent manner. Next time I post something that's "full of shit", as you say, quote it and argue against it, if you're so convinced of its foolishness. You needn't even read my entire post (since that seems to be an issue for you)-- just read a paragraph here or there, and when you find something objectionable, respond to it. I'll be glad to show everyone precisely why you have a problem with me: because you do not have the faculties necessary to engage an argument on anything other than a superficial level.

The point is: many people have expressed their distaste for my personal manner of expression, including people I respect and am close to, such as Hitokage, -jinx-, and White Man. I can respect that, and can even admit that their argument has merit. However, when someone takes it to such an extreme as you have, where they literally detest me because of it, and feel that I'm "full of shit", it evinces something much deeper about you. And I hold that what it shows is that you're insecure and angry at your own intellectual impotence. See? You can analyze me, and I can analyze you. Sucks to be Minotauro. :)

I mean, Jesus, you're taking me to task, but have you ever actually contributed anything of substance here?

<awaits for a ten page reply explaining down to the minutest of details why Loki is smarter than me and why my opinion is invalid>

Your opinion is invalid because it has no basis-- it has nothing to do with which of us is "smarter," though I'm sure that people can come to their own conclusions about that as well.

I have debated civilly and at length with people on this forum whom I feel are more intelligent than I am, as well as those whom I feel are less intelligent; that is because one's level of intelligence is not what makes one "worthy" of a civil, thorough response. All people deserve that respect when entering into a discussion with another person. I'm giving you that same respect right now, instead of just consigning you to my mental "asshole bin" and leaving it at that. You can thank me later.

In closing, please grow up, Minotauro. :)

As for my own "hate", well, it's limited, but there are a couple of things that irk me:

1) Mandark's usage of my name in topics I am not involved in. It strikes me as a tad juvenile, and I'm at a loss to explain it. I'm not seriously peeved about it or anything, since it's only happened two or three times, but it's kinda peculiar, especially considering that I don't do the same.

2) The whole bannable catchphrases thing. I understand the reasoning behind it, but feel there are better ways to go about improving the quality of discussion than by enforcing such hard and fast rules. I didn't mention it in the threads about it several weeks ago, since I didn't feel it was my place to tell people how to run this forum, but since this seems to be where we can let our feelings be known, I'm making them known. I mean, many of the variants on the catchphrases were quite witty/funny (not Drinky Crow-level witty, but witty nonetheless), and I don't feel that such rules effectively account for the more worthwhile usages of these expressions while eliminating the worthless ones. I used to laugh at "sell your X, it's all over!"...now I laugh no more. :'( Then again, maybe (nay, in all likelihood) I have a terrible sense of humor. ;)

I guess it's easier for a mod to search for "FHUTA" on the database, and do some pruning that way, than to search for "horrendously shitty posts" and have to make judgment calls on whether or not an entire post was "valid." But still...eh. :p

That's about it, actually. I don't hate anyone here, really, I'm sorry to say. :p Nobody whose name I'd recall off the top of my head, at least.


Loki, you're an alright guy, but being verbose doesn't make you smart or smarter than anyone else. Brevity can be just as powerful as whatever the fuck it is you type out. You could probably troll everything ever and no one would ever notice since no one wants to take the time to read your posts.
Hate's a strong word, but...

I hate every one of you bastards with an animated avatar. If your avatar's over 50k in size, then chances are that, on some level, I hate you for that. Even when I had DSL, I found it an inconvenience, a mild annoyance to be endured. But now that I'm relegated to the hell that is dialup for the forseeable future, it's become so very f*cking unbearable! In most cases, I can finish browsing a page's contents before your 10-second movie trailer ever finishes loading. I'd put you all on ignore, were it not for the fact that the boards would then appear so empty, because it seems more and more of you jerks are starting to use them.

SolidSnakex, you're the worst one of all. I don't think I've ever seen you use a non-animated avatar. You should try it sometime.


Count of Concision
Wellington said:
Loki, you're an alright guy, but being verbose doesn't make you smart or smarter than anyone else.

Did I ever say or imply that it did? Answer me that.

Wellington said:
since no one wants to take the time to read your posts.

To each his own. :) No one is under any obligation to read my posts. I just don't see why, instead of just skipping over them, people like Minotauro read a LOT into them that really isn't there. They're simply as good a representation of my thoughts on any given issue as I can offer, nothing more or less. But for this I deserve to be "detested"? As Shinobi would say, "fuck that noise." :D

sp0rsk said:
do you expect us to read all that?

Not at all. Especially considering that the bulk of it was a response to two posters in particular. Only the last portion of it was my personal response to the topic of the thread.


Count of Concision
border said:
Good ol' Loki!

I meant with regard to the whole homosexuality issue in particular, which is what he took issue with. I meant that I'm not going to defend those views here. I should have been more clear.


I think Loki is an alright guy but there's no way in hell I could be bothered to read his defense post.

Oh, and I do find demi pretty annoying although I respect his enjoyment of Spaced and Shaun of the Dead. :(
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