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Warriors Series Community Thread | Analyzing the complexities of Square and Triangle

So I've been meaning to get into Samurai Warriors but all these WIIU and Japan only PS3/360/Vita releases are making it hard for me.

Should I just get Samurai Warriors Chronicle for the 3DS? Is that like the only way I can play a recent Samurai Warriors games if I don't have a WII/WIIU? Or should I just get Sengoku Basara 3?
Get which ever interests you, SWC is a fun game and gives the characters more personalities as you are "building friendships" with them. If you don't mind Samurai Warriors/Dynasty Warriors mash up, I.e. Screw history; Warriors Orochi 3 will be worth a look, though you can always wait for the PS4 and Xbone Ultimate version and then SW4 should be out shortly after. Sengoku Basara 3 is also a viable option if you can find a copy. But if you want historically accurate, lol, it won't be what you want.


Get which ever interests you, SWC is a fun game and gives the characters more personalities as you are "building friendships" with them. If you don't mind Samurai Warriors/Dynasty Warriors mash up, I.e. Screw history; Warriors Orochi 3 will be worth a look, though you can always wait for the PS4 and Xbone Ultimate version and then SW4 should be out shortly after. Sengoku Basara 3 is also a viable option if you can find a copy. But if you want historically accurate, lol, it won't be what you want.

Yeah I've already played Warriors Orochi.

In what way is Sengoku Basara 3 not accurate?
Is it like how Dynasty Warriors is loosely based on a book that's loosely based on history?

I think I'll just wait for SW4, or get Sengoku Basara 4.
After playing DW on the PC and PS4 it's hard going back to a Warriors game with 5 peons on the screen.
Yeah I've already played Warriors Orochi.

In what way is Sengoku Basara 3 not accurate?
Is it like how Dynasty Warriors is loosely based on a book that's loosely based on history?

Nah even more crazier, here's Honda Tadakatsu, the renowned general of Sengoku era, depicted by Sengoku Basara:

Edit: As said it is your choice what you want to play.
Yeah I've already played Warriors Orochi.

In what way is Sengoku Basara 3 not accurate?
Is it like how Dynasty Warriors is loosely based on a book that's loosely based on history?

I think I'll just wait for SW4, or get Sengoku Basara 4.
After playing DW on the PC and PS4 it's hard going back to a Warriors game with 5 peons on the screen.

Basara is more over the top as shown by HONDAM. The gameplay is more combo focused with a terrible camera. There's also things not accurate history wise like characters that should be dead not being dead and rivalries that shouldn't occur (Hi, Yukimura vs. Masamune) I mean it's just as fun though but much more loosely based compared to Dynasty Warriors.

And yeah, the main problem with the 3DS game is that its on the 3DS.


uhh basically sengoku basara is like maximum anime status. it's so anime that it got a dang anime series and a movie. it doesn't really follow any sort of history and the characters are anime trope dudes even moreso than modern DW chars.

on the other hand sengoku basara's masamune date is pretty much dante

he acts exactly like dante and the guy who voices him is reuben langdon, who is dante's motion capture actor and voice actor.

as for gameplay:
after playing SB3 i actually found that only the core concept of the gameplay is the same- SB3 is pretty different from the DW games in terms of stage and overall gameplay design.

SB3 is more like going from segment to segment and clearing areas to get to the boss fight. very classic design, with the core 'kill a ton of mooks' gameplay refined by the brilliant action minds at capcom

it lacks the battlefield management and story aspects of DW that personally make the series interesting to me beyond the mook killin'

alongside that, seriously SB3's 'story' stuff is so sparse... it's really bad. i have no idea what's going on in the story at all and the characters don't really have a lot of unique chatter in the stages

but the action mechanics are significantly better than dynasty warrior's

i wish there was a compromise between the two...


Since there doesn't seem to be a Dynasty Warriors Community thread, I guess I'll ask this here. My brother somehow got into Samurai Warriors 2: Empires and is enjoying the strategic side of conquering territory and unifying Japan and all that. He's more of a PC gamer who loves Civilization, Alpha Centauri, Total War, and other sim/strategy/historical-based games. He said if there was a game like this based on American history he'd be all over it.

What games would you recommend he try next? I don't know much about these sorts of games and I hear they get a "another Dynasty Warriors? 7/10" type of reaction from the press and reviewers.

I also gotta say it looks like you guys have some great discussion in here, I look forward to reading this if Hyrule Warriors convinces me to get into the series.

Cross post from the DW8 thread since search failed to find me this thread. Can ya'll help me out?


it lacks the battlefield management and story aspects of DW that personally make the series interesting to me beyond the mook killin'

Does DW8 have any meaningful "battlefield management"? The only management I had to do was babysitting other officers that were on the other side of the map.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Does DW8 have any meaningful "battlefield management"? The only management I had to do was babysitting other officers that were on the other side of the map.

XL lets you have up to three bodyguards to command with different abilities. It adds a bit more tactical depth, although you have to be familiar with the structure of certain battles to make the best use of them.


Wasn't crimson sea a spinoff? Or was that non-omega?

I just wish they made an original musou that isn't based off history/another ip so they truly can go wild.


So, this past week I picked up DW8 and I am hooked. Finished Wei and into Shu's campaign atm.

It doesn't feel like the old games I played before that's becomes "button mashy" - well I can still do it, but somehow I'm enjoying what I've played so far, collecting better weapons and trying to temper them. I think I change my outlook on the game/genre as I get older. :p

Co-op is swell - aside from finishing the objective it's pretty much a race who beats who quicker and raising the KO count. It's fun to trample and disrupt my coop's combo/finisher thus me getting the last hit on that officer! :p

All in all - WO3U and SW4 within the next few months, I'm going to get them day one.


Does DW8 have any meaningful "battlefield management"? The only management I had to do was babysitting other officers that were on the other side of the map.

nope, which is a large reason why i dislike it too. the missions suck and are ultimately way too easy alongside being tedious somehow

i mean, babysitting officiers is basically the main part of 'battlefield management' but it's way too easy and not really frantic in a good way that like say, the nanman campaign for shu is in DW4

dw7 also lacked it but made up for it by not being dw6 which was garbage city USA

the empires series is my favorite version of DW (and it didn't come out on 360 or pc which are the only two systems i own..) for that reason

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
nope, which is a large reason why i dislike it too. the missions suck and are ultimately way too easy alongside being tedious somehow

i mean, babysitting officiers is basically the main part of 'battlefield management' but it's way too easy and not really frantic in a good way that like say, the nanman campaign for shu is in DW4

dw7 also lacked it but made up for it by not being dw6 which was garbage city USA

the empires series is my favorite version of DW (and it didn't come out on 360 or pc which are the only two systems i own..) for that reason

Man I still have fucking nightmares about DW4 Shu Nanman. ;_;


quick question: Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate is a complete package unlike DW8's XL (which is an expansion to the base game) thus I wouldn't need to get a copy of vanilla WO3?


Only just now managed to afford jumping into the DW8XL train with birthday money funding cuz Koei are cheap as fun about discounting the PS4 version. Was pleasantly surprised to learn about the PS3 > PS4 save transfer, so I hopped right into Lu Bu's story with a lvl 99 5 Star weapon behemoth.

Losing all of my Ambition Mode officers though.... That was a low blow. :(

(This also begs the question of whether I want to get SW4 or WO3U so soon after this)
(This also begs the question of whether I want to get SW4 or WO3U so soon after this)
Hmmm have you played the original WO3? If so may not be worth it, especially with number of improvements SW/DW characters have gotten since WO3's usage of DW7 & SW3's weapon/characters.

Also can't remember but does Lyte Edge have a Wii U? Would love to hear impressions of Zelda Musou when it comes out next month =D

And when the OT appears I'm gonna post this with the caption: "I liked the Musou series before all you came along!" =P



Only reason I'm even considering WOU is cause I've been promised that the trophy list doesn't require getting every single character to S rank Proficiency again.
Need help from someone who's played Sengoku Basara 4.

Unfortunately for me, Yoshitsugu's final level for me is the Motochika/Magoichi one, which I've avoided in other playthroughs. I finally got to Motochika and then his bloody machine activated. Is there a time limit to killing this thing or will it upgrade to the huge one no matter what? It took me 15 minutes but I was so close to killing it and I died. I wanted to break my controller. Does Motochika appear after that big upgrade?

Fuck, I hate SB Motochika.


Need help from someone who's played Sengoku Basara 4.

Unfortunately for me, Yoshitsugu's final level for me is the Motochika/Magoichi one, which I've avoided in other playthroughs. I finally got to Motochika and then his bloody machine activated. Is there a time limit to killing this thing or will it upgrade to the huge one no matter what? It took me 15 minutes but I was so close to killing it and I died. I wanted to break my controller. Does Motochika appear after that big upgrade?

Fuck, I hate SB Motochika.

If that's the level I am thinking of the machine always upgrades. Once you break it you still have to beat the pirate dude up.
Oh man that's horrible news.

Is there an easier way to take it down besides attacking the back of the first form and the mouth of the second?
Oh man that's horrible news.

Is there an easier way to take it down besides attacking the back of the first form and the mouth of the second?

Not really, the big bosses in BASARA are usually a drag.

Though, there is an alternate route in that stage that I haven't ever gotten to yet that might let you bypass it, dunno.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Finally jumped into DW8 PS4. Really enjoying it and many of the upgrades from DW7 vanilla are quite nice.

Still, I am a bit displeased by the amount of grinding in Ambition mode. I really dislike the bodyguard system, though it only takes a few battles to max out the meter to 99 with a character, I find myself not really engaged with its implementation. Hard to tell how effective certain abilities are, and its such a bother pausing the game to use abilities that just aren't all that useful...seemingly. :/

Grinding for materials and gems isn't all that tough with the various ways you can increase their counts using your grown buildings(barracks, farm, etc...) but its just a pain and really dull. I suppose I am just not at all intrigued to keep pressing on and only do so as some of the upgrades feed into other modes like the blacksmith fusing. Conquest in Dw7 also had its issues with grinding(bonds!!) and redundant play experience, but I actually think Amibition is worse.

Some people have made long comparison posts between the older PS2-gen DW games and the newer gen stuff, and I mostly agree. Older games made battlefields feel like a constant tug of war reacting to shifts in the morale gauge. DW8...I barely understand how morale even works, and it matter little given that there is no tug of war any longer. You aren't conquering a map so much as merely following the event structure to eventual success. Even failed events have yet to make the experience that much more challenging for eventual victory, just a few more hoops and generals to work through. Nanzhong in DW4 is the classic example of a musou map experience I miss that the last several releases fail to deliver.

So many of the weapons for characters feel poorly balanced as well. Diaochan's whip (for instance) is just poor all around. Slow to execute attacks, lacking in a useful range and power, and her charge strings are mostly lackluster to deal with crowds and solo targets. Some character weapons are godlike however in even their basic movesets(non EX) and I am finding myself drawn more to using them to replace the problematic default sets. The ratio of good character and weapon strings to poor is sadly growing as I experiment with more and more of the cast. A shame as it really steals away the uniqueness of the characters with the dual-equip feature.

Many other little issues abound but I am still kind of hooked, at least until the onslaught of possibly "better" Musou games launch starting in Sep. Just kind of letdown given the perception that DW8 is considered a real return to form.

I do love playing on the PS4 though. Loading is snappy, the amount of enemies on screen dwarfs any other games released on other platforms, and I absolutely ADORE the voiced incidental battle messages and dialogue coming out of the controller speaker. Easier to track objectives and I find myself looking at the onscreen text far less due to this. Hope its a continued trend in upcoming releases.

Still addictive and it is nice to revisit the series again after several years of hiatus from DW7, but it could have been much better.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Dunno if any of you have heard of this, but there's this recent Dynasty Warriors game, Dynasty Warriors Blast that came out/is coming out on mobile, and while I can't say anything of the game's features or quality (no clue on either) one thing that is interesting is that it features a bunch of new and unique designs for officers in the three kingdoms (and others) that have been generic thus far. There are quite a few, so I wouldn't count on any of them being added to the next Dynasty Warriors, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they visited some of these designs for those characters that do get added. In any case, it's an interesting look at how Omega Force might envision these officers.

Here's the Koei Warriors topic that lists all the designs that have been discovered so far: http://s13.zetaboards.com/koeiwarriors/topic/7220992/1/

Kingdom By Kingdom:


Wang Ping (surrendered from Wei. Tried to persuade Ma Su not to make his big mistake at Jieting)


Yan Yan (served Liu Zhang, then was beaten and surrendered to Shu. Design here is supposed to emphasize an unexpectedly youthful vigor from an older man)


Zhao Cang (Fictional. Former Yellow Turban. Rocking that half-helmet, half-sombrero.)


Fu Shiren (Betrayed Guan Yu and defected to Wu. Tried returning to Shu later and was executed by Guan Xing. D'oh!)


Jian Yong (A vassal of Shu who was born in the same home village as Liu Bei and joined his lord as an envoy and strategist. Noted for being humorous)


Liao Hua (former Yellow Turban. Served Shu from it's rise to it's fall. May actually be suffering from progeria. [bad joke, but seriously, he looks way too young to be old[)


Mi Fang (served all three kingdoms. Betrayed Guan Yu at Fan Castle and defected to Wu)


Zhang Yi (defended Yi Province during the northern campaigns)


Xiahou Ji (Niece of Xiahou Yuan. Captured by Zhang Fei, and made his wife when she was 13/14. Great pick!)


Xi Shi (Not one of the 4 beauties of ancient china.)



Cao Hong (Cao Cao's cousin. He and Cao Ren helped raise Cao Cao's army)


Man Chong (assisted in the defense of Fan Castle)


Wen Pin (served Liu Zhong, then submitted to Cao Cao)


Cao Xiu (Cao Cao's nephew. Notably skilled archer. Succeeded Cao Ren as commander-in-chief of the Wei army)


Cao Zhen (raised by Cao Cao as one of his own sons, though adopted. Became commander-in-chief of Wei's western armies)


Zhu Ling (Astrid?)


Wang Lang (Yuanji's grandad)


Bian Shi (wife of Cao Cao, mother of Cao Pi. Hopefully wouldn't be Zhang Chunhua 2.0)


Zhao Equin (mother of a Wei dude. Killed a guy once to avenge her father)



Cheng Pu (Wu 3-generation veteran)


Gu Yong (was a Wu prime minister)


Jiang Qin (Former pirate. Led volunteer forces that helped out Sun Ce in a battle)


Sun Yi (another one of Sun Jian's kids. Was a rival to Sun Quan, then was assassinated at a banquet. Great pick!)


Xu Sheng (officer who served in Chi Bi and invasions into Wei)


He Qi (joined Sun Ce, served him and Quan, known for extravagance)


Lu Dai (served late Wu. Longest recorded lifespan [96 years] of any 3 kingdoms figure)


Yu Fan (convinced Mi Fang and Fu Shiren to defect from Shu)


Zhu Zhi (another 3-gen vet. Watch out Huang Gai, you might have to grow a personality.)


Zhu Huan (excellent commander, though a bit insane)


Wu Guotai (fictional wife of Sun Jian and sister of Lady Wu)


Lady Xu (Wife of Sun Yi. Helped avenge his murder)


Lady Yuan (daughter of Yuan Shu and wife of Sun Quan. Rejected the chance to become empress)



Sima Hui (teacher of Zhuge Liang and Pang Tong. Bodyguard guy in Dynasty Warriors 5


Gao Shun (Lu Bu general. Defeated Xiahou Dun at Xiapi)


Hua Xiong (Yuan Shao wonders if there are any warriors here [Si Shui gate] who can defeat him)


Wen Chou


Yan Liang (great expression)


Gan Ji (gave Sun Ce evil ganja)


Huang Zu (served under Liu Biao. Ultimately responsible for Sun Jian's death. Commanded Gan Ning before the latter turned on him and killed him, then joined Wu)


Li Jue (served Dong Zhuo, then later took control of the imperial court with Guo Si)


Yan Baihu (fought against Sun Ce in the Wu territory battles. Sun Quan/Liu Bei's evil blonde brother)


Ji Ling (officer of Yuan Shu)


Yuan Shu (I'm totally the emperor guys)


Zang Ba (served Lu Bu and Cao Cao)


Dong Bai (Granddaughter of Dong Zhuo)


Hua Man (Fictional daughter of Meng Huo)


Lady Zou (someone's wife who Cao Cao was attracted to. Oh Cao Cao.)



He touched the black heart of a mod
That's one hell of a triumph against genetics. Not that I'm complaining. Add her to the next main game please.

Don't be ridiculous, in ancient china, it was impossible to be ugly if you were a girl. It just didn't happen. That's what the vidjo games taught me.


Dunno if any of you have heard of this, but there's this recent Dynasty Warriors game, Dynasty Warriors Blast that came out/is coming out on mobile, and while I can't say anything of the game's features or quality (no clue on either) one thing that is interesting is that it features a bunch of new and unique designs for officers in the three kingdoms (and others) that have been generic thus far. There are quite a few, so I wouldn't count on any of them being added to the next Dynasty Warriors, but I also wouldn't be surprised if they visited some of these designs for those characters that do get added. In any case, it's an interesting look at how Omega Force might envision these officers.

Here's the Koei Warriors topic that lists all the designs that have been discovered so far: http://s13.zetaboards.com/koeiwarriors/topic/7220992/1/

I'm not mad this is a card game, I'm astounded by how great almost all of those designs. Seriously, I want Liao Hua, Cheng Pu, Bian Shi, and Man Chong already.
Though no Sima Fu makes me sad ;__;
Assuming DW9 is a thing to be in the future, I expect a flood of new characters to fit to the DLC weapons introduced in DW8, if the jump from DW7 > 8 was anything to go by.

Guess we'll be seeing some of that list above, for sure.

(Looks like Dong Bai was using Zhuge Dan's baton before he was)


He touched the black heart of a mod
Assuming DW9 is a thing to be in the future, I expect a flood of new characters to fit to the DLC weapons introduced in DW8, if the jump from DW7 > 8 was anything to go by.

Guess we'll be seeing some of that list above, for sure.

(Looks like Dong Bai was using Zhuge Dan's baton before he was)

Maybe so. It'd also be interesting to have different styles attached to the same type of weapon, like Warriors Orochi 3 did. Liu Shan, Yuan Shao, and Sima Shi all used the rapier, but they each were given unique movesets. At the very least, it'd give the baton a chance to not have such a terrible moveset.


I'm not mad this is a card game, I'm astounded by how great almost all of those designs. Seriously, I want Liao Hua, Cheng Pu, Bian Shi, and Man Chong already.
Though no Sima Fu makes me sad ;__;

Don't despair! I had to add 3-4 characters a little while after my initial post because they were found during that time. There are sure to be more as well.
Oh, trust me, I already have my reply well prepared and photoshopped. ;)

Haha, I like, just a note that you've spelt pursue wrong, so might wanna change that before you post it on the OT.

But really the amount of people now going "I actually kind of like the warriors/musou series" because of Hyrule warriors is funny to me XD

Those cards really reminds me of RoTK officer icons, but more fictional as opposed to RoTK's historical imaginings.


Haha, I like, just a note that you've spelt pursue wrong, so might wanna change that before you post it on the OT.

But really the amount of people now going "I actually kind of like the warriors/musou series" because of Hyrule warriors is funny to me XD

Whoops. The problems of Photoshop not having an autocorrect. ;)

I just made it since every time a Muou thread goes up, there always seems to be at least one guy going: "this whole series sucks! I don't see the point of these games!"
To which I always want to reply that I don't see the point of a post like that.
Whoops. The problems of Photoshop not having an autocorrect. ;)

I just made it since every time a Muou thread goes up, there always seems to be at least one guy going: "this whole series sucks! I don't see the point of these games!"
To which I always want to reply that I don't see the point of a post like that.

Haha the image is actually much needed lol, wished it was around for that guy who actually made a thread saying exactly that about the musou series XD
Really liking the designs of the new characters and at least it shows who is Koei taking an interest enough out of the NPCs to make them unique. Though yeah, they look more ROTK than Musou, though having Xun Yu look almost the same might give hope.

They can totally add all the Wu characters and Bianshi and I would totally be fine with it. *whistles*


Haha the image is actually much needed lol, wished it was around for that guy who actually made a thread saying exactly that about the musou series XD

Yeah, me too. :)
Had something like this in mind for a while, but the latest Zelda Musou threads of the past week have pushed me to finally put it together.

Might get quite a bit of use looking at all the games being localised in the coming months. :)
Judging by the reactions in the threads, most people will be distracted enough by the Zelda skin over a Musou game that some people will accidentally hit Y during a combo and be floored when they realize that their controller has inputs other than X and the left analog stick.

I really don't understand the phenomenon of trying to purposely play the games as inefficiently and boring as possible. I can't remember the last time I mashed Square.

Reminds me of the gametrailers(?) Ken's Rage review where they said the best tactic is to just spam triangle. Not only is that wrong, that's a really boring way to play the game.

unless it follows the dw7/dw8 route, If the warrior series went back to giving stat boosts based on difficulty level and how long you could combo commanders, then that would give people incentive to try weapon combos/different movesets for variety and NECESSITY's sake.

where as the old days you could just bumrush the enemy general to end a stage as fast as possible (and denying yourself the boost stats, a drawback to this method), now you are just FORCED to complete in stage achievements to even move forward with little incentive for it aside from just being able to finish the stage (you wont be able to get to the enemy general unless you complete this MAZE/protect this dude/destroy this URN/protect the engineers to put up a single ladder!)

some could say that the better quality weapons replace the stat drops and necessity for this, but with the introduction of weapon modification, weapon collection becomes nothing more than fodder that piles up in your LIMITED inventory


I'd really like to see Hua Xiong as a non-generic. It was kinda jarring having him be kinda significant in Lu Bu's 8XL story while just having a generic male model.



My completely non-biased opinion would really like this guy in future DW games. I love the design so much, I might make an avatar of this(but I'm not really sure how to go about this :<).


It's also worth noting that there isn't any officer from Jin's side. Looking forward for Jia Kui, Yang Hu, Du Yu, and Sima Fu on that one.
Cao Cao is a wilf lover.
His ambition isn't enough to be stopped by Bianshi only.
My completely non-biased opinion would really like this guy in future DW games. I love the design so much, I might make an avatar of this(but I'm not really sure how to go about this :<).

Junior Member
You just scream to be name-quoted aren't you?
It's also worth noting that there isn't any officer from Jin's side. Looking forward for Jia Kui, Yang Hu, Du Yu, and Sima Fu on that one.

It seems that's due to the mobile game not including Jin, lol

Think of all those lost interest not having Wang Yuanji in the game.

This could be their excuse to ignore Late Wu too, since most of the new characters are from the early days,
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