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Warriors Series Community Thread | Analyzing the complexities of Square and Triangle

Did they ever end up patching the PS4 and Vita versions of DW8? From what I remember the western releases weren't as up to date as the Japanese versions.


So I was watching some SW4 stuff and I see that Yukimura has a moder outfit... How far have they gone with this stuff in SW4? Are there more things like that? I am temped to doubel dip on SW4 and WO3 on my vita and PS$ talk me into or out of this folks.


So I was watching some SW4 stuff and I see that Yukimura has a moder outfit... How far have they gone with this stuff in SW4? Are there more things like that? I am temped to doubel dip on SW4 and WO3 on my vita and PS$ talk me into or out of this folks.

For the importers

On a scale of 1/10 how awesome is Samurai Warriors
Yeah, I'd love more impressions on SW4 too. I loved the hell out of SW2XL with over 300 hours played, while I hated SW3, but mainly because it was on the Wii.

Musashi's back this time so that's a good start.


He touched the black heart of a mod
How many levels are in DW8 and SW4 respectively?

Can't count at the moment, but there are tons in DW8 Xtreme Legends complete edition. However, a lot of them reuse maps for different scenarios, and some of the XL stages redo the same scenarios from story mode, with slight alterations.
How many levels are in DW8 and SW4 respectively?

I would love to say "one brown level" :D

Level/stage variety isn't a highlight of the Warriors games. Just empty valleys and forests to run through.
But it takes about 30 hours or so to complete a Warriors title. So it's more about length of the games than having actual levels/stages.

oh and sorry if you are already an expert of the series and actually wanted to know like a number of stages for something :D


Trying to play DW8XL on PC with my cousin using 2 wireless 360 controllers. Both get synced, however only P1 works, there is absolutely no input received from P2, does anyone have any experience with this?


Man, I hate modern DLC pricing so much. 6 dollar for Dynasty 8 PC costumes? Why called it "complete edition" if you're going to charge 13 dollars for additional wallpapers? And no discount dlc bundle to sweeten the deal...


Trying to play DW8XL on PC with my cousin using 2 wireless 360 controllers. Both get synced, however only P1 works, there is absolutely no input received from P2, does anyone have any experience with this?

You have him pressing start while your selecting a character right? There is only like one screen where player 2 can join and he has to hit join every single time.


10/10 for me. I loved it!

If you guys want impressions, go back a few pages to around March.

Dd they fix the bullshit changes with mitsuhide story in SW3. Having motochika being one to turn mitsuhide and then be key part in honnuji destroys any emotional or personal tie with nobunaga what they done so well in past 2 games.

They need to tone down incident at honnuji stage have it just mitsuhide in the temple while army is has it surrounded.

Red Mage

So, apparently DW8:Empires comes out in September in Japan. Hope it gets translated.


■Stratagems from Dynasty Warriors 7: Empires return with enhanced features. New grand-scale stratagems take longer to complete but can dramatically affect the flow of battle.
■Weather conditions and time can affect the effectiveness of certain stratagems and change a battlefield's appearance.
■Preset bases now have levels that affect their effectiveness in battle. Simple bases can be constructed anywhere on the map to provide auxiliary assistance.
■If players possess a high rank, they can order other generals.
■Rulers can now set priorities to policies they wish to focus on.
■The fame system has been revamped to allow the option to explore different play styles. Fame is no longer shown visibly.
■New dramatic events are included in Empire Mode.
■The marriage system now enables couples to have children. Offspring inherit their parents' stats and genes.
■Players can keep and reuse their previous edit characters since the same edit features return in this title. They can also edit the appearance of their banner, soldiers, horses, and create scenarios to upload for online sessions. Other players can download them.
■Soldiers - Customizable features include body posture and weapon usage.
■Horses - Customizable features include hair color and size.

Looks like Liu Bei can finally have a decent kid. xD

Red Mage

Hate to break it to you but....

The Historical record seems to indicate the same. Liu Bei had some massive ears (better to hear the suffering of the people).

That's not what he actually looked like. It's symbolic to represnt certain characteristics and virtues he was supposed to possess.

Also, that comic always makes me laught, Samurai_Heart. xD

Can Liu bei throw his kid on the floor heck that should be his air musou

I still say that should have been where the storyline split for Shu in 8. "Save Ah Dou" ==> Bad ending. "Let Ah Dou Die." ==> Good Ending.


Guessing they still making it so if you start on Hu Lao scenario then after doing main battle Hu Lao Gate event you never get chi bi and rest main events still.

I want a scenario that is a historical route so to speak where can start on hu Lao and certain conditions end up with every major event upto Wu Zhang or later
I still say that should have been where the storyline split for Shu in 8. "Save Ah Dou" ==> Bad ending. "Let Ah Dou Die." ==> Good Ending.

You know, the more I think about this, the more angry I get.

The current split between historical and hypothetical paths for Shu in DW8 is at the battle of Fan Castle. I suppose the implication is that if Guan Yu survived, Zhang Fei wouldn't have been killed, and Liu Bei, by extension, would not have launched that disastrous campaign at Yi Ling and died himself of illness (read: profound grief). The entire fate of Shu gets changed as a result. Of course, the real reason it's there is to provide a weak justification as to why they expanded the Guan family roster...

Sadly, as it is now, I can't see them using your scenario since they've made Liu Shan out to be some sort of savant-savior that really knows whats best, but acts like a simpleton in front of everybody else.
Sadly, as it is now, I can't see them using your scenario since they've made Liu Shan out to be some sort of savant-savior that really knows whats best, but acts like a simpleton in front of everybody else.

I wouldn't mind if they explored more of Liu Shan being an idiot, hidden badass like the brief cutscene they did with Imagawa in SW4.

If anything I wish the what-if's were used more to showcase the characters they usually ignore in the game. They did a "somewhat" a good job for them in DW8.


What did the patch add?

Direct quote from the Dynasty Warriors 8 XL/CE OT.

For PS4 Ver.1.01 Update Details:
- The Japanese Voice option (free DLC scheduled for release) can be applied. Coming July 29 (US), July 30 (EU) for free.
- The addition of depth of field adjustment settings in the Options menu.
- The addition of a ‘view all’ and filter function for weapon selection.
- The ability to view the cleared status of stages according to difficulty level in the Free Mode battle preparation screen.
- Options have been expanded when fusing weapons so that secret and unique weapons can also be selected.
- The ability to reset personal best records in Challenge Mode.
- Fixed the bug where depending on the user login order, sound disappears after the game starts.
- Fixed the bug preventing sound output from the 2P wireless controller speaker.
- During online play, the bug preventing the player (host) from setting his/her bodyguard character as the same character as the guest player’s character has been fixed.
- During online play, the bug that causes the game to freeze if the host starts the stage after the guest leaves has been fixed.
- Fixed the bug when interim save data consists of the player character wearing a DLC outfit, the DLC data is then deleted, and when the stage is continued the game freezes.
- Fixed the player character model when knocked down.
- When viewing models in the Gallery, certain character models/motions that did not appear properly have been fixed.
- Fixed the bug where connections are dropped during online play.
- Bugs that prevented progress in certain stages have been fixed.
- The adjustment of the number of enemies that appear in Free Mode only stages.
- Additional game balance adjustments and bug fixes.
So playing through Ken's Rage 2....dear God was Omega Force lazy on this =/

Everyone needed waay more moves and the static 3D model pretending to be like the "manga" panel is just jarring =/ and it was released to celebrate the 30th anniversary...

I can still play through it but you could really tell they rushed it =(

Edit; Kongming Felyne:


So with DW8 XL on sale on EU PSN do I get:

PS4 at €26.99 to remote play (and potentially big screen, obv.)
Vita at €17.99 with bad frame rate


Thoughts? Worth the extra €9 for PS4? Anyone tried this game on remote play?

Btw - never really played a musou game before (except a quick shot at DW Next). Is this a good place to start?


So with DW8 XL on sale on EU PSN do I get:

PS4 at €26.99 to remote play (and potentially big screen, obv.)
Vita at €17.99 with bad frame rate


Thoughts? Worth the extra €9 for PS4? Anyone tried this game on remote play?

Btw - never really played a musou game before (except a quick shot at DW Next). Is this a good place to start?

PS4 definitely.

Definitely! DW8 and WO3 are in my opinion, two of the best Musou games.
Is Gundam Reborn any good? On sale for a tenner and I haven't played any of the Gundam Warriors games.

Edit: Wait, I think it's just all the DLC bundled together and not the game itself.
How long is it meant to take for the data sharing for DW8XL to upload to the server? I did it on my Vita like 12 hours ago and it isn't showing up on my PS4 copy.

Wondering if it is because the PS4 version is US and Vita UK but I transferred from PS4 to Vita no problem.

Red Mage

You know, the more I think about this, the more angry I get.

The current split between historical and hypothetical paths for Shu in DW8 is at the battle of Fan Castle. I suppose the implication is that if Guan Yu survived, Zhang Fei wouldn't have been killed, and Liu Bei, by extension, would not have launched that disastrous campaign at Yi Ling and died himself of illness (read: profound grief). The entire fate of Shu gets changed as a result. Of course, the real reason it's there is to provide a weak justification as to why they expanded the Guan family roster...

Sadly, as it is now, I can't see them using your scenario since they've made Liu Shan out to be some sort of savant-savior that really knows whats best, but acts like a simpleton in front of everybody else.

Well, there isn't much they can do with him, honestly. If they're going to use Fan as the splitting point, then add Liu Feng and make whether or not he betrays Guan Yu as the catalyst. He'd be a neat choice: proven warrior and adopted heir of Liu Bei who is passed over for an idiotic blood child. His saving Yu's bacon could make Liu Bei go against Zhuge Liang's wishes and restore Feng as his heir.


Is Gundam Reborn any good? On sale for a tenner and I haven't played any of the Gundam Warriors games.

Edit: Wait, I think it's just all the DLC bundled together and not the game itself.

I like it better than gw3..though don't like it as much as gw2. Still don't get how kyoji doesn't have DG cell skill in Gundam reborn.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
So playing through Ken's Rage 2....dear God was Omega Force lazy on this =/

Everyone needed waay more moves and the static 3D model pretending to be like the "manga" panel is just jarring =/ and it was released to celebrate the 30th anniversary...

I can still play through it but you could really tell they rushed it =(

Omega Force didn't make the game. It's garbage compared to all the other musous that followed its release in 2013-2014. Can't believe people are buying it in the anime sale, even for $12.50.
Omega Force didn't make the game. It's garbage compared to all the other musous that followed its release in 2013-2014. Can't believe people are buying it in the anime sale, even for $12.50.

Lol I wanted to get into Fist of the North Star series, I liked his inclusion in Jump games.. but the game was a terrible introduction guess I should've went with Ken's Rage 1...
Omega Force didn't make the game. It's garbage compared to all the other musous that followed its release in 2013-2014. Can't believe people are buying it in the anime sale, even for $12.50.
They didn't? Who were the devs then? I always thought that the same team that does OP did Shin Hokuto. The game comes off like a rushed project the team did between OP 1 and 2.

Either way, it's most certainly my least favorite Musou game in ages. They should have just expanded on the first one's content and given it a slight speed boost, rather than ruin the gameplay the way they did.
Couldn't find anything on developer, just says "Koei" but I've looked and see who lead the KR2 project and it was the same guy who made the first OP PW game I was eeeeeh on...
I don't know if i like the storm rush feature. it feels...OP.

i understand it can be turned off but it's hard not to abuse it. it seems like its too much flash and not enough substance.

almost on the level of "press A for awesome"
I think it was probably made to speed up defeating an officer, which is a bonus but if you feel it is OP why not turn it to manual instead of auto?
I don't know if i like the storm rush feature. it feels...OP.

i understand it can be turned off but it's hard not to abuse it. it seems like its too much flash and not enough substance.

almost on the level of "press A for awesome"

Depending on the weapon and element setup, Storm Rush really starts to lose out on efficiency on Chaos difficulty and up.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I don't know if i like the storm rush feature. it feels...OP.

i understand it can be turned off but it's hard not to abuse it. it seems like its too much flash and not enough substance.

almost on the level of "press A for awesome"

Even if you still use it, setting it to manual activation is much better than automatic. That way you can position yourself to the greatest effect, or prevent it from ruining the flow of your fight.

Of course, if you ever are looking for max damage, do note that you can use a musou attack at the end of a storm rush, before knocking all the enemies away.
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