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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Alright before I start this I got a question, will my deadlifts/squats be affected negatively? I don't want to lose a bunch of strength in these two because I won't be doing them. Pushups, pullups, and overhead should take care of those areas but body squats doesn't seem like it would be enough :\


cuevas said:
Alright before I start this I got a question, will my deadlifts/squats be affected negatively? I don't want to lose a bunch of strength in these two because I won't be doing them. Pushups, pullups, and overhead should take care of those areas but body squats doesn't seem like it would be enough :\
Of course. You can't maintain a heavy squat or deadlift with squatting and deadlifting heavy on a regular basis.


Low moral character
cuevas said:
Alright before I start this I got a question, will my deadlifts/squats be affected negatively? I don't want to lose a bunch of strength in these two because I won't be doing them. Pushups, pullups, and overhead should take care of those areas but body squats doesn't seem like it would be enough :\

Do your own legs workout instead of Legs & Back every other week (or every week if you simply don't like Legs & Back).

The legs routine in P90X never changes over the 13 weeks of the program, so changing it up shouldn't be a problem. It might actually help, given the whole muscle confusion thing.


TOM f'N CRUISE said:
i just do it by itself later on in the day

Yeah, I used to do that as well, but doing them before the main routine is more convenient, for me anyway.

I3rand0 said:
I just finished Week 11 Plyo. Maybe it's just me, but this seems to be the only workout I have actually gotten worst at as I've went through the program. In the first phase, plyo was such an easy workout for me. Now, I struggle to keep up and have to take breaks during the middle of some exercises. Anyone else having the same trouble? Also, I'm doing this on days after I've been at work for 8 hours. So maybe that can attribute to some of my issues and I should probably do this on my next go through on weekends instead.

Shit kicked my ass tonight, blame it on the week 4 break and not eating right today. Just didn't have the energy near the end.

Played hardcore basketball from age 14 to 24, haven't picked up a ball in 4+ years. My ankles are toast. Jump/land on my toes, but it doesn't matter, Plyo gives my feet/ankles a pounding. 50 minutes of Plyo feels like multiple pickup games.


So, I went on a business trip for the past 2.5 weeks. Back home now and can't wait to pick up P90X again. I started at around 300lbs, and dropped to about 265 after the first two rounds. Then I had to stop for the trip and gained another 10lbs (trip was to TX, so I ate way too much ...), but most of all I noticed how much I missed working out, and how good it is to keep moving, especially since I spend a lot of time at my desk during the day.

So, should I continue to Round 3, or start over with Round 2? I love the cardio stuff so I'm tempted to start again with round 2, especially since I don't mind P90X taking another couple of weeks to complete.


Anybody have any thoughts on introducing creatine supplementation to my P90X workout? Been looking into it some and I'm trying to figure out if it's something I should go for at this phase or not. Essentially, my goal with P90X is to lose about 20 pounds, 4 inches off my waist, and to increase lean muscle mass.

I'm wrapping up my 5th week and I've noticed that my back and biceps are leaner. I didn't do measurements at the beginning or pictures, which I know is a mistake.. But I'm wondering if adding some creatine in my protein recovery shake will help my workouts and muscle gain. The concern and question I would have is whether it's going to deter my plans to lose weight. While I'm aware that muscle mass weighs more than fat and I'm more concerned with inches than fat, I don't also want to be a massive bulky guy. My goal is for lean muscle. Essentially I don't want to be bigger than Tony Horton, that's just not my goal.
andycapps said:
Anybody have any thoughts on introducing creatine supplementation to my P90X workout? Been looking into it some and I'm trying to figure out if it's something I should go for at this phase or not. Essentially, my goal with P90X is to lose about 20 pounds, 4 inches off my waist, and to increase lean muscle mass.

P90x isn't going to suddenly turn you into a meathead. It's not even designed to, so you don't have to worry.

Research shows Creatine is a safe supplement, although, I don't know if it's necessary for you based on your goals, though it wouldn't hurt. You might see a weight increase on the scale, as it's has been known to cause water retention is some people.


Luscious LeftFoot said:
P90x isn't going to suddenly turn you into a meathead. It's not even designed to, so you don't have to worry.

Research shows Creatine is a safe supplement, although, I don't know if it's necessary for you based on your goals, though it wouldn't hurt. You might see a weight increase on the scale, as it's has been known to cause water retention is some people.

I'm not really concerned with whether it's safe, from what I hear you just need to drink more water while you're taking it. The water retention isn't a huge deal. I guess I just don't know if it's necessary or not for the results I'm looking for. Guess I'll keep thinking about it.


Creatine is among the only non-hormonal supplements proven to assist in strength gains. Granted, most studies I've read throw out numbers showing gains of strength between 4% and 9% but that's quite a bit compared to the majority of snake oil sold in supplement stores.

Rage Kage

Neo Member
Hey everyone. New to the program and this thread! Just finished day 1 of p90x and i'm really excited to see where this program will take me.

I'm 5'9" about 150 looking to get more tone and muscle without losing weight.


1) Do you guys set goals every exercise like they do in the videos or do you just go until you max out? Also, do you write them down like they do in the video? I know they say max out on some of the exercises, but when they say set a goal, I don't know if I should set one super high to where I max out to get there or just set one to feel the burn. (i'm using 15, 20, and 25 dumbells)

2) I can't really follow the nutrition guide exactly (living with parents for summer, don't do the grocery shopping) , but I am going to try my best to follow the rough guidelines (less carbs, more protein etc). I'm going to generally eat more healthy, and I am using supplements (pre and post workout), but what are some easy ways to eat like the program suggests?

Thanks for any tips/answers/motivation!


Did the first week, was awesome! My numbers are pretty high because I've worked out a couple of months before, so I'm glad I could hang with Tony and the crew.

Only issue was plyo...jeez did that kill me!


I write down all the push/pull ups. Don't always "max" out, leave something for the second set for exercises which have them (most of the pull up exercises). No point in doing 10 wide grip pull ups if you're going to be spent on the second wide grip set.

With regards to food, I just eat what I normally eat; eggs, chicken, turkey, fish (eg can of tuna), steak, pork, lamb. Been eating a bit more but those are my main proteins. Throw in some yogurt, nuts, fruit for snacks and that's basically it. Probably should eat more but I only want to gain about 15lbs of lean muscle. Gained 5lbs so far.

Edit: Food really depends on your goals, if you want to get up to 170-180 you have to eat more.


Just finished day 90!

Pretty good results, but not great. Might post pictures later, where can I host them?

I will be lifting pretty heavy the next couple of weeks, I would like to bulk up a little more.

Then who knows, another round of p90x, maybe in late fall? I'd like to do some more outdoor activities, biking, hiking, fishing, etc. I will lift here and there. I will continue to eat good.

Edit: Lost 21 pounds. From 208 down to 187. I'm 6'4".

Rage Kage

Neo Member
Thanks for the reply. Just got done with day 3 shoulders biceps and triceps.

I've noticed my left arm is considerably weaker than my right arm when doing curls and i can't get my straight arm flys all the way straight.

Should I just go as straight as I can even if i can't go the entire way or go buy smaller weights so I can do it all the way?

Also, should I work my left arm a little more than my right to get it caught up with my right?

Sorry for all the questions; I just want to make sure I do it the right way.
Alright, this might be a stupid question, but would P90X (or P90) work out well for someone who does not have a lot of upper body strength? As in, can't do even one pull-up?

I'm looking to get fitter in time for my wedding at the end of the year, and this is one of the names that popped up in my research.


The Quiet Man said:
Alright, this might be a stupid question, but would P90X (or P90) work out well for someone who does not have a lot of upper body strength? As in, can't do even one pull-up?

I'm looking to get fitter in time for my wedding at the end of the year, and this is one of the names that popped up in my research.
Yup it's designed for you. Just don't feel discouraged if Tony(or the girls) do more then you. You can get there eventually


The Quiet Man said:
Alright, this might be a stupid question, but would P90X (or P90) work out well for someone who does not have a lot of upper body strength? As in, can't do even one pull-up?

I'm looking to get fitter in time for my wedding at the end of the year, and this is one of the names that popped up in my research.

I can't do pull ups either. Most of that is because I'm about 20 pounds away from where I should be. I've made progress (week 7) since the beginning, but I've still got a ways to go. For people like you and I, the idea is to do chair assisted pullups and chinups and to work to where you can do them unassisted. For me, I'm thinking that'll be near the end.

Pushups are pretty easy, for me anyway.. Except for the 3 to 1 pushups, I hate those with a passion. Also, the pushups where you move side to side between reps either while you're in the air, or at the bottom of the rep.. Ugh. A good pain though.


I did the first day of Asylum yesterday. Ooh man it was tough, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait to do day 2 today. Just looking to shed some weight before my wedding next month.

Alright, this might be a stupid question, but would P90X (or P90) work out well for someone who does not have a lot of upper body strength? As in, can't do even one pull-up?

I'm looking to get fitter in time for my wedding at the end of the year, and this is one of the names that popped up in my research.
Definitely. I wasn't able to do any pull-ups when I started, but slowly made progress throughout the 90 days.


Nightz said:
I did the first day of Asylum yesterday. Ooh man it was tough, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't wait to do day 2 today. Just looking to shed some weight before my wedding next month.

Definitely. I wasn't able to do any pull-ups when I started, but slowly made progress throughout the 90 days.

Have you done Insanity? If so, how does it compare to the MAX videos?


i really need to start p90x. i used to be in pretty good form, but over the last couple of years i have let go. i need a purpose, i need to be active, i need to get my shit together and get off the couch and start doing this! i know there are people who have probably felt the same way i do so what motivated you to get your ass off the couch and start the program and endure the pain? i need motivation to get my ass in gear!

thx in advance.


should be on my 4th week of p90 (i promise to start p90x! i may even start it before the end of p90 tbh) but was ill all last week so having to do week 3 in what should be week 4 :(


ocadman said:
Have you done Insanity? If so, how does it compare to the MAX videos?
Yeah I did Insanity. Like I said I'm only going to do day 2 today so I can't make a thorough comparison. However my initial impression is it's similar, but a little harder. It kind of takes some of the moves learned in Insanity to another level (for example, in and out abs through the different holes in the agility ladder). Day 1 focused on speed and agility, so it made use of the jump rope and the ladder, which I liked. Shaun T's even harder on the people this go-around, but he still does a good job of motivating. I'll post more impressions as I work through the DVD's.


Rage Kage said:
Thanks for the reply. Just got done with day 3 shoulders biceps and triceps.

I've noticed my left arm is considerably weaker than my right arm when doing curls and i can't get my straight arm flys all the way straight.

Should I just go as straight as I can even if i can't go the entire way or go buy smaller weights so I can do it all the way?

Also, should I work my left arm a little more than my right to get it caught up with my right?

Sorry for all the questions; I just want to make sure I do it the right way.

Don't worry about one arm being stronger than the other, not sure there's anything you can really do about it. My left arm is much stronger than my right, don't think anything's going to change that.

Are you bending your arms on the first few reps or on the last couple? Most will cheat on the last couple of reps, especially near the end when you're getting fatigued. Try to do as many as you can with proper form, if you can't then just get smaller weight or a even a resistance band ($8 bucks on Amazon).

My right shoulder was really weak. A buddy of mine, who's a fitness nut, suggested internal & external shoulder rotation exercises to strength that area. Seems to have worked, shoulder feels great after I added it to my shoulder routine. So if anyone's having a trouble with weak shoulders mix it in with your other exercises.

dantehemi said:
i really need to start p90x. i used to be in pretty good form, but over the last couple of years i have let go. i need a purpose, i need to be active, i need to get my shit together and get off the couch and start doing this! i know there are people who have probably felt the same way i do so what motivated you to get your ass off the couch and start the program and endure the pain? i need motivation to get my ass in gear!

thx in advance.

I was really activate as a kid, football/basketball/hockey. Loved competing and being active, I also did olympic style weightlifting in HS. As my friends got older and less active, so did I. Started to to cycle but it's only viable for 6 months out of the year.

Needed something that would keep me going throughout the year, so I took a shot with P90x. Someone else I know was also doing it so I jumped on board. Feels great to just be active again. I'm not overweight, but my muscles/body were terribly out of shape.

Elbow/hip/shoulder were a complete mess going into P90x. All three feel so much better now, my hip feels like it used to. Sitting in a chair wasn't going to make the pain go away, had to get off my ass and do something about it.

There's no pain involved, just some soreness, especially at the start. After the second day of Ab Ripper I was walking around like someone fucked me in the ass, my hip flexors were killing me. Went home that night thinking I wasn't going to be able to do a thing, but I pushed through it. Yoga stretched me out and all the pain went away. Felt great.

If you can fit it into your day then just fucking do it. Won't regret it.
It's definitely legit, but right now I need to focus on losing weight rather than cutting or improve muscular endurance. I'm 6'2" and 248lbs, so I'm jogging 6x a week and eating super clean (apart from one cheat day) to get ready for P90x. My roommates do it on and off (rather than as you're supposed to) and it kicks their ass, lol.


Just started this last week. I consider myself to be in good shape, but after a few days of this, I'm sure that I'll be in the best shape of my life. I've definitely had my ass kicked a few times during Plyo and some of the ab ripper exercises. Kenpo X is definitely the most fun I've had exercising....Street Fighter nuts would definitely enjoy it.
LJ11 said:
There's no pain involved, just some soreness, especially at the start. After the second day of Ab Ripper I was walking around like someone fucked me in the ass, my hip flexors were killing me.
This made me lol so hard... it's a perfect description of the soreness after you start the program.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Haven't updated in awhile, but finished p90x a couple weeks ago and im a week into insanity. shit's tough, but im diggin it. nice change of pace because i was so tired of the p90x workouts (legs/back and yoga were just a grind in phase 3) and the insanity workouts are a lot shorter
I had a ton of pain when I first started back in September. In fact, I actually aggravated my groin in the first week and had to take a break before starting the program in earnest.
Heavy said:
This made me lol so hard... it's a perfect description of the soreness after you start the program.

Yeah. For some reason (I think I'm doing some of the exercises wrong) my lower back hurts after Ab Ripper X. It might also have something to do with the fact I have a weak back to being with (Hurt it a few years ago, it hasn't been quite right since, which is one of the reasons I started to work out harder to lose weight. To strenghten the core and to carry less weight around) I've substited some different core workouts to do and I'm switching out P90X videos with other work our programs.

I've lost about 20 pounds since last year, something is working! I'm 5'7 and down from about 165 to 149 give or take a few pounds.
The Quiet Man said:
Alright, this might be a stupid question, but would P90X (or P90) work out well for someone who does not have a lot of upper body strength? As in, can't do even one pull-up?

I'm looking to get fitter in time for my wedding at the end of the year, and this is one of the names that popped up in my research.
Do negative pull ups (start at the top and lower yourself down), it's a lot better than using bands or a chair.
TwiztidElf said:
Another point about Legs and Back and Sophia.
Towards the end, during the cooldown, when they are doing the huggers, Tony walks over to Dreya and they do a combined hug together, and straight afterwards they cut to Sofia and she has a fake smile masking her obvious displeasure at the friendliness between Tony and Dreya.

I think he's dating Shawna from the yoga video actually. From the New York Times:

Mr. Horton, by all accounts, practices what he preaches. He and his girlfriend, Shawna Brannon, have a home with Hollywood views, where Mr. Horton works out in a tricked-out gym. He rarely eats meat or drinks liquor or coffee.



Tkawsome said:
I can live to be 1,000 and I'll still feel like I'm doing Oblique V-Ups completely wrong.

Those are pretty brutal, but they're one of the ones that I feel do the most work. Bow to boat is pretty brutal, as is the rotating banana to superman exercizes.
today was my first back & biceps workout. My forearms quit on me about 3/4 of the way. Christ almighty, i remember now why i dreaded starting phase 2. Shit wrecks me so bad.


You now belong to FMT.
I only do ab ripper x every other day... I don't do any of the other stuff and it has worked wonders on my abs...
i googled p90x mc 2 and seen this pic

lol hope we dont have to do that hahaha.... but ill try
Any downside to doing an extra Kempo every week? I feel like it gives me an extra day to recover my legs from Yoga/Plyo and it's fun as hell.
Malleymal said:
I only do ab ripper x every other day... I don't do any of the other stuff and it has worked wonders on my abs...
so even if you do only parts of the program, you get good results
good to know
Malleymal said:
I only do ab ripper x every other day... I don't do any of the other stuff and it has worked wonders on my abs...
You do any cardio? Think if I did the ab ripper every other day like you and maybe a little jump rope a few times a week it would work wonders? or do you do like serious cardio

Also how long did it take for you to see these wondrous results? I have a belly


Heavy said:
You do any cardio? Think if I did the ab ripper every other day like you and maybe a little jump rope a few times a week it would work wonders? or do you do like serious cardio

Also how long did it take for you to see these wondrous results? I have a belly

If you have a belly, no ab exercises will get rid of that for you. You can do those and it'll help your ab muscles, but to get rid of the fat you need to change your diet and burn more calories. So cardio has to come into it in some way. For those that hate running, for me P90X has been a pretty good cardio workout even when I'm not doing the "cardio" workouts.


shitting in the alley outside your window
one thing that is annoying me about insanity... Shaun T doesn't seem to know right from left. He's consistently getting them backwards. I tend to notice this during the hip flexor stretches when he's telling you what hand to raise.

The only thing I can think is maybe the camera is mirroring the image for some reason? Doesn't really make sense
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