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What's this P90X workout stuff?

Battersea Power Station said:
Today's my 3rd day of my P90X / Insanity doubles experiment. YEEEEEEEAAAAARRRRGH /Voldemort
Mine too, but Insanity only.

I workout often, though rarely this intense. My little belly was sucked in on the next day of my first session, very encouraging lol.

Thank god tomorrow is recovery day.
Had to take it real easy during this first rest week. I think all the Yoga and stretching was getting to one of my legs, it occasionally felt like there was a hot needle in my hamstring. It didn't hurt or anything, but it was a strange feeling so I backed off a bit. After a couple of days it's feeling like it's gone so I'm gonna try Yoga again and see what happens. If all is well, I'm starting up Phase 3 tomorrow.

Wish me luck.


I'm on second week of Phase 2 and I could barely do any push-ups, I was toast. I have no fucking idea what's going on but I bet it's either the sleep or the diet.


Etrian Oddity said:
I feel like I need to do extra cardio. I'm doing the Lean routine, but I still feel like I need more. I think I'm going to start waking up in the morning and doing a light jog.

Yoga X today. I'm dreading it.
I usually swap out the Cardio and Kenpo with some of my old Tae Bo tapes. It really doesnt compare. I feel much more of a work out after Tae Bo. But unfortunately its no good for building strength.

Yoga X on the other hand... brutal but I love it. The best thing is to remember is go at your own pace. I remember the first few times I did it, I got so caught up in keeping up with the tape. Avoid that. Breath through every movement. It pretty much changes the whole workout. Its actually as relaxing as its supposed to be.

Ive personally never finished because I get tired of doing it. And hour and a half is a bit much to ask when I get home at 7 every night. I may pop it in one weekend though so I can actually finish.
.GqueB. said:
Ive personally never finished because I get tired of doing it. And hour and a half is a bit much to ask when I get home at 7 every night. I may pop it in one weekend though so I can actually finish.
Yeah, you could move your workout schedule over. Make their Monday your Wednesday so you do Yoga X on the weekend. Fountain of youth!
vatstep said:
Didn't see this posted here yet, but there's a trailer out for P90X2:

Damn, that looks awesome. Looks like it requires more equipment, though: medicine balls, jump platforms, and more. If I get this, I'll have to do put it on my phone and go to the gym.


I recently started another round of P90x after I finished my first 90 days at the end of May. Today is week 2 Legs and Back. My question is for when people are doing Ab Ripper X, if you are struggling to do 25 of an exercise, do you just do as many as you can and let the video continue to run or do you pause and actually complete the 25 reps. I've been doing the former so far, but thinking of switching to the latter.


I3rand0 said:
I recently started another round of P90x after I finished my first 90 days at the end of May. Today is week 2 Legs and Back. My question is for when people are doing Ab Ripper X, if you are struggling to do 25 of an exercise, do you just do as many as you can and let the video continue to run or do you pause and actually complete the 25 reps. I've been doing the former so far, but thinking of switching to the latter.
I usually do all 25 reps just struggle to do certain parts in timely fashion. Always struggle with oblique v-ups so I usually try to start it beforehand to have some room for a quick breather and taking it a bit slower.
I3rand0 said:
I recently started another round of P90x after I finished my first 90 days at the end of May. Today is week 2 Legs and Back. My question is for when people are doing Ab Ripper X, if you are struggling to do 25 of an exercise, do you just do as many as you can and let the video continue to run or do you pause and actually complete the 25 reps. I've been doing the former so far, but thinking of switching to the latter.
I don't like pausing the videos in general because then I lose the rhythm. If I can't do an exercise, I just sit out for 2, 3, or however many reps and get back into it when I can.

This way, I also have some kind of progress meter. For example, when I first started P90X, I sat out for like 6 scissors, then 4, then 2, then I could do them all, or something like that.


Hi guys, I want to get into P90X and I have a few questions.

1. Do I need the pull-up bar? I can't do a single pull up and I won't be able to for a while, so what do i do when the lessons involve it?

2. I'm pretty fat. 25-30% bodyfat right now. Was anyone else in the same boat when they started? How was your experience with the program?

If you guys have any other tips, i'd like to hear them as well. Thanks.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Noirulus said:
1. Do I need the pull-up bar? I can't do a single pull up and I won't be able to for a while, so what do i do when the lessons involve it?

I need to know this too, but it's not that I can't do any pull ups, it's that I have no where to set up a bar.

I suppose an alternative could be doing handstand press ups against a wall?


Noirulus said:
Hi guys, I want to get into P90X and I have a few questions.

1. Do I need the pull-up bar? I can't do a single pull up and I won't be able to for a while, so what do i do when the lessons involve it?

2. I'm pretty fat. 25-30% bodyfat right now. Was anyone else in the same boat when they started? How was your experience with the program?

If you guys have any other tips, i'd like to hear them as well. Thanks.
Hey! I'm starting P90X tomorrow.

1. I've heard that you can use the resistance bands with a door and get similar results. Not as intense as a pull-up, but for beginners/obese people I'm betting they work pretty similarly.

2. I'm 32% and starting tomorrow, so I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.


Einbroch said:
Hey! I'm starting P90X tomorrow.

1. I've heard that you can use the resistance bands with a door and get similar results. Not as intense as a pull-up, but for beginners/obese people I'm betting they work pretty similarly.

2. I'm 32% and starting tomorrow, so I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.

Great to hear! I hope it goes well for you :)

I'll be starting in a few days or so hopefully. Need to buy the equipment first haha.


OK, so I have a few questions about this program.

I want to start doing this exercises, a friend of mine recommended Insanity, and told me it didn't use home gym equipment (as right now I don't have it,and it will be a few month before I can buy it). My question is (and I have read the thread but I'm still confused)

1-Whats the difference between P90x and Insanity?
2-I'm thin (136 lbs, 5 ft 8in), and I will start Insanity, will it help me build muscle (of course I will follow the nutrition program) or is it only to lose fat or will i be skinny if I do Insanity? 3-Should I consider some other program?
4-Do I have to do for example Insanity in the morning and something else after work?

Thanks :) (and sorry for the stupid questions)


Jezan said:
OK, so I have a few questions about this program.

I want to start doing this exercises, a friend of mine recommended Insanity, and told me it didn't use home gym equipment (as right now I don't have it,and it will be a few month before I can buy it). My question is (and I have read the thread but I'm still confused)

1-Whats the difference between P90x and Insanity?
2-I'm thin (136 lbs, 5 ft 8in), and I will start Insanity, will it help me build muscle (of course I will follow the nutrition program) or is it only to lose fat or will i be skinny if I do Insanity? 3-Should I consider some other program?
4-Do I have to do for example Insanity in the morning and something else after work?

Thanks :) (and sorry for the stupid questions)

If you look around the internet, all the "before and after" pictures show people with a lot more muscle than they had to begin with, when they were mostly fat/skinny. So yeah i think it's safe to say it will help you build muscle. :)


Jezan said:
OK, so I have a few questions about this program.

I want to start doing this exercises, a friend of mine recommended Insanity, and told me it didn't use home gym equipment (as right now I don't have it,and it will be a few month before I can buy it). My question is (and I have read the thread but I'm still confused)

1-Whats the difference between P90x and Insanity?
2-I'm thin (136 lbs, 5 ft 8in), and I will start Insanity, will it help me build muscle (of course I will follow the nutrition program) or is it only to lose fat or will i be skinny if I do Insanity? 3-Should I consider some other program?
4-Do I have to do for example Insanity in the morning and something else after work?

Thanks :) (and sorry for the stupid questions)

Doing Insanity at 136 lbs will make you even skinnier. I'd suggest doing a modified version of P90X so you can build muscle, lose fat, and put on some good weight.



Noirulus said:
Hi guys, I want to get into P90X and I have a few questions.

1. Do I need the pull-up bar? I can't do a single pull up and I won't be able to for a while, so what do i do when the lessons involve it?

2. I'm pretty fat. 25-30% bodyfat right now. Was anyone else in the same boat when they started? How was your experience with the program?

If you guys have any other tips, i'd like to hear them as well. Thanks.
Get the bar. I was very obese and had never done a pull up before I started the program. I used a chair (they show you how) to assist. By the end if the program I was repping a few real ones in a row. Now I can do ten, twelve at a time. You won't get the same results with the bands..


Gen X said:
I need to know this too, but it's not that I can't do any pull ups, it's that I have no where to set up a bar.

I suppose an alternative could be doing handstand press ups against a wall?
Don't think those work the back muscles
Noirulus said:
If you look around the internet, all the "before and after" pictures show people with a lot more muscle than they had to begin with, when they were mostly fat/skinny. So yeah i think it's safe to say it will help you build muscle. :)

The reason they *look* bigger is because of the reduced bodyfat.

Insanity is cardio based program, it's not designed to specifically build muscle, although if you've been sedentary, you might see some noob gains.
Noirulus said:
1. Do I need the pull-up bar? I can't do a single pull up and I won't be able to for a while, so what do i do when the lessons involve it?

Yep, or something to hang resistance bands. If you can't do a single pull up they show you how to use a chair to make it a little easier on you. It works great, I use it after I've tired myself out so instead of stopping at my max pull ups I just bust out the chair and get some more in.
Anyone done P90X while on Accutane?
I've already done about one cycles worth of P90X but I want to continue, but I've been told to limit my exercise, tried doing chest and back the other night and about 8 bones and joints in my top half would make a cracking noise during every single push up, so I stopped straight away
I've purchased some vitamins for my joints/bones to try and help, but I'm wondering if I should still be doing it at all?


Luscious LeftFoot said:
The reason they *look* bigger is because of the reduced bodyfat.

Insanity is cardio based program, it's not designed to specifically build muscle, although if you've been sedentary, you might see some noob gains.

Ah, I see. I am not very well versed in this subject so i'm sorry for the misinfo.


Well guys, I tried today (first day). Not giving up, but dammit. I couldn't finish.

Not because I was tired. Not because I didn't have the will. I just got a splitting headache about 20 minutes in. Excruciating pain. Not sure if it's because I didn't drink enough water (possible), that I wasn't breathing correctly (again, possible) or because this is only my second week on low carb.

I'll give it a go again tomorrow. This time I'll be hydrated and focus on my breathing.

Edit: Fuck you P90X! I wasn't about to be defeated. So I went back at it. It was definitely my breathing. I focused on it this time and completed the workout. Only did probably 1/2 the reps, maybe only a 1/3 on some, but completed it. Sweating like a pig and shaking, but did it. Suck it!


Einbroch said:
Edit: Fuck you P90X! I wasn't about to be defeated. So I went back at it. It was definitely my breathing. I focused on it this time and completed the workout. Only did probably 1/2 the reps, maybe only a 1/3 on some, but completed it. Sweating like a pig and shaking, but did it. Suck it!

Haha, that's the spirit. Once during my first round of P90X I was close to completing a workout (I think it was legs and back, my favorite) and in the previous to last exercise I started feeling dizzy and light-headed, then I felt sick.
I ran to the toilets, puked my guts out and proceeded to finish my workout.

I felt great after that.
Alcoori said:
Haha, that's the spirit. Once during my first round of P90X I was close to completing a workout (I think it was legs and back, my favorite) and in the previous to last exercise I started feeling dizzy and light-headed, then I felt sick.
I ran to the toilets, puked my guts out and proceeded to finish my workout.

I felt great after that.

I just take a good breather when I feel warn out. Minute long breaks are too short on some days so I allow myself some extended breaks if I need it. I'm probably running a little risk of "cooling down" if I take too long, but normally it allows me to catch my breath and gives me a little rest to do more reps throughout the routine.


Hey guys. For someone who's not that strong, would P90 or P90x be a better starting point? If I went to the gym right now I'd be using 20 pound dumbbells for my upper body exercises, and around 70-90 on leg machines.

I'm 6'2", 161 pounds so I'm not a fatty. I'd actually like to gain weight. But while that'd be nice, I'd be more interested in feeling better and being stronger than looking bulkier. That's what this is about, right?


shitting in the alley outside your window
Cronox said:
Hey guys. For someone who's not that strong, would P90 or P90x be a better starting point? If I went to the gym right now I'd be using 20 pound dumbbells for my upper body exercises, and around 70-90 on leg machines.

I'm 6'2", 161 pounds so I'm not a fatty. I'd actually like to gain weight. But while that'd be nice, I'd be more interested in feeling better and being stronger than looking bulkier. That's what this is about, right?
sounds like P90X would be better for you


I'm always lazy doing the ab workouts so I went and bought one of those ab wheels. Holy shit can't believe how efficient that simple thing is. I fully recommend it to anyone who is also lazy to do the ab workouts after other workouts (and what the hell, to everyone else as well). It's so quick to use and you feel the ab muscle pain pretty much with first move heh.


Okay, so I'm on day three of P90X Lean. Um, what? Ab Ripper X is impossible. Not only is it impossible, but I'm still incredibly sore from Core Synergistics on day one. My chest is still sore and my abs are still incredibly sore. I did probably 4-5 reps of the first half of the video and then the pain was just too much to where I was shaking.

Ugh. Discouraging. But whatever. Maybe by next week I can do both Core S and Ab Ripper X.


Week 3 Plyometrics completed. Switching up my workout schedule to do that on the weekend has made big gains from when I used to do it Tuesdays after work.


Einbroch said:
Okay, so I'm on day three of P90X Lean. Um, what? Ab Ripper X is impossible. Not only is it impossible, but I'm still incredibly sore from Core Synergistics on day one. My chest is still sore and my abs are still incredibly sore. I did probably 4-5 reps of the first half of the video and then the pain was just too much to where I was shaking.

Ugh. Discouraging. But whatever. Maybe by next week I can do both Core S and Ab Ripper X.
Why did you do core on day 1?

Edit..nm see you're doing lean. FYI - I would recommend the regular program for weightloss if you have the stamina.


Einbroch said:
Okay, so I'm on day three of P90X Lean. Um, what? Ab Ripper X is impossible. Not only is it impossible, but I'm still incredibly sore from Core Synergistics on day one. My chest is still sore and my abs are still incredibly sore. I did probably 4-5 reps of the first half of the video and then the pain was just too much to where I was shaking.

Ugh. Discouraging. But whatever. Maybe by next week I can do both Core S and Ab Ripper X.

You said you are fat, right? And you are doing an insanely intense work out regime after (presumably) being sedentary? What do you expect but to be sore?

I am in reasonable shape (runner) and get sore from ding intense workouts and I would be just as sore as you from doing P90X. You just got to push through it as far as you can and expect to be sore after putting work i on your muscles.


BlazingDarkness said:
Anyone done P90X while on Accutane?
I've already done about one cycles worth of P90X but I want to continue, but I've been told to limit my exercise, tried doing chest and back the other night and about 8 bones and joints in my top half would make a cracking noise during every single push up, so I stopped straight away
I've purchased some vitamins for my joints/bones to try and help, but I'm wondering if I should still be doing it at all?

I..... would not take Accutane. Fucked up drug man,,
BlazingDarkness said:
Anyone done P90X while on Accutane?
I've already done about one cycles worth of P90X but I want to continue, but I've been told to limit my exercise, tried doing chest and back the other night and about 8 bones and joints in my top half would make a cracking noise during every single push up, so I stopped straight away
I've purchased some vitamins for my joints/bones to try and help, but I'm wondering if I should still be doing it at all?

A friend of mine abandoned Accutane and went with Cod Liver Oil while eating lacto-fermented foods. This is what he did.


PatMcAtee said:
You said you are fat, right? And you are doing an insanely intense work out regime after (presumably) being sedentary? What do you expect but to be sore?

I am in reasonable shape (runner) and get sore from ding intense workouts and I would be just as sore as you from doing P90X. You just got to push through it as far as you can and expect to be sore after putting work i on your muscles.
Actually I have been doing a lot of cardio for about a month now (15 minute miles, at least three miles daily. Nothing ground-breaking, but for 255 lbs I thought it was pretty good), and my job requires me to be on my feet all day and occasionally lift heavy objects (couches, cribs, etc), so I was hardly sedentary.

It's just that I'm kind of confused as to why I have ab-work on day one then two days later have ab-work again. It's fine, I'm not complaining, but just wondering if anyone else had the same issue. I'm just wondering if I'm either doing something wrong or if it's normal.

Edit: It also may be lack of sleep. Two nights ago I only got 6 hours and last night I got 6.5. Tonight I should get a full eight easy, nothing to wake up for tomorrow but work at 10.
Einbroch said:
Actually I have been doing a lot of cardio for about a month now (15 minute miles, at least three miles daily. Nothing ground-breaking, but for 255 lbs I thought it was pretty good), and my job requires me to be on my feet all day and occasionally lift heavy objects (couches, cribs, etc), so I was hardly sedentary.

It's just that I'm kind of confused as to why I have ab-work on day one then two days later have ab-work again. It's fine, I'm not complaining, but just wondering if anyone else had the same issue. I'm just wondering if I'm either doing something wrong or if it's normal.

Edit: It also may be lack of sleep. Two nights ago I only got 6 hours and last night I got 6.5. Tonight I should get a full eight easy, nothing to wake up for tomorrow but work at 10.

Don't worry about the soreness. That will go away within a week. I've been through P90X 2.5 times, and every time I start it I am very sore the first week. And then it goes away completely. I did always have some sort of a recovery drink after the workout which probably helps with reducing soreness, so I would highly recommend that.

I could be wrong, but I think the abs are your largest muscle group...so you can work them more frequently. Also you're not doing any resistance training for them so they recovery more quickly.

Do whatever you can to assure that you get 8+ hours of sleep a night. Make it a priority.
I'm on week 3 of full P90X and Insanity combo. Days like this are the hardest; I had to do Plyo X and Plyo Cardio Circuit. I have a pretty strong upper body since I'm (or try to be) a competitive athlete, but my upper body is damn weak. My pull-up numbers are very slowly getting better, but I'm still sub-10 across the board... especially wide front, where I can do... 2? I have to resort to the chair there.

I'm eating a lot to make sure my body can recover, but I'm still losing fat :)
Wish me luck. Next week is recovery and then I move on to phase 2. I've never done the second month of Insanity, so I'm a little nervous about all the MAX workouts.


I love NeoGAF! I guess I watch the wrong channels or something, but honest to god, I have never seen an infomercial for this, but after doing a bunch of forum-post reading and research, I sprung for the program, pull-up bar, and those selecttech free weights today through Amazon.

I'm 5', 10.5" and weigh 155, but have practically never lifted a weight in my life. Wish me luck on the program!


Einbroch said:
Actually I have been doing a lot of cardio for about a month now (15 minute miles, at least three miles daily. Nothing ground-breaking, but for 255 lbs I thought it was pretty good), and my job requires me to be on my feet all day and occasionally lift heavy objects (couches, cribs, etc), so I was hardly sedentary.

It's just that I'm kind of confused as to why I have ab-work on day one then two days later have ab-work again. It's fine, I'm not complaining, but just wondering if anyone else had the same issue. I'm just wondering if I'm either doing something wrong or if it's normal.

Edit: It also may be lack of sleep. Two nights ago I only got 6 hours and last night I got 6.5. Tonight I should get a full eight easy, nothing to wake up for tomorrow but work at 10.

I reccomend drinking whey protein mixed with water. 3 carbs or so for one scoop and being on p90x, you could really use the protein.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Einbroch said:
Well guys, I tried today (first day). Not giving up, but dammit. I couldn't finish.

Not because I was tired. Not because I didn't have the will. I just got a splitting headache about 20 minutes in. Excruciating pain. Not sure if it's because I didn't drink enough water (possible), that I wasn't breathing correctly (again, possible) or because this is only my second week on low carb.

I'll give it a go again tomorrow. This time I'll be hydrated and focus on my breathing.

Edit: Fuck you P90X! I wasn't about to be defeated. So I went back at it. It was definitely my breathing. I focused on it this time and completed the workout. Only did probably 1/2 the reps, maybe only a 1/3 on some, but completed it. Sweating like a pig and shaking, but did it. Suck it!

Well done Einbroch.

I've been doing this for a week (Was doing UFC Fitness Trainer for a week prior before I switched) and the only things I am weak on so far is the 7,7,7 Push ups, the last set of 7 use my knees instead of my feet. THe others are the dumbbell flies, I have to reduce the weight down to 7kgs per dumbbell, but everything else is fine. Minimum 10 reps of everything for me, most up to 15. I would like to start the level 3-4 soon, but I think I will go the distance as per the planner just to make sure everything is in proportion.

The first time I did the Cardio/Yoga Level 1/2 I had painful calves for a few days, infact so bad that I did sculpt 3 days in a row after and missed out the yoga completely. However, did it today and nailed it. Never slowed down, matched the pace that Tony was doing for everything and so far legs feel fine.

Picking up my multi vitamins tomorrow and going to start adding creatine into the day next week. I've had great success with creatine in the past so looking forward to day 90 to see the results.

Oh and as per above when I asked about the P90 Pull Up bar, found one for cheap on a local auction website and it arrived today. Yus!


Einbroch said:
Actually I have been doing a lot of cardio for about a month now (15 minute miles, at least three miles daily. Nothing ground-breaking, but for 255 lbs I thought it was pretty good), and my job requires me to be on my feet all day and occasionally lift heavy objects (couches, cribs, etc), so I was hardly sedentary.

It's just that I'm kind of confused as to why I have ab-work on day one then two days later have ab-work again. It's fine, I'm not complaining, but just wondering if anyone else had the same issue. I'm just wondering if I'm either doing something wrong or if it's normal.

Edit: It also may be lack of sleep. Two nights ago I only got 6 hours and last night I got 6.5. Tonight I should get a full eight easy, nothing to wake up for tomorrow but work at 10.
Don't confuse core work out with ab ripper, you're only doing it twice a week; "Classic" makes you do it 3 times a week. Your abs will hurt after the first time, it holds true for most of us, but the pain will go away eventually and ab ripper x will become doable. If you can't do 25, fuck it, do less. I could barely do Fifer Scissors, but now I'm banging them out and holding my leg straight thanks to Yoga and stretching, mostly stretching.

And if you think Ab Ripper X is impossible wait till you do Legs & Back-- the mother of all P90X workouts as Tony says :). Tomorrow's gona suck.


9 days now, and I've lost some weight and my legs feel a lot stronger already. Not really feeling it much elsewhere, but what can you expect after 9 days right? Still doing it, but dammit it's hard after a 10 hour shift.


Junior Member
Thinking of starting this. I'm slim although not muscular. From what i've read, sounds like it's more apporpriate for weight loss than toning up. Is this true?

Also is there a place I could download the DVDs? I'd rather get started on it today or tommorow rather than wait for the DVDs to ship.


Have been getting ( a lot ) neck pain from the alternating shoulder presses and all those other exercises where you have a weight somewhere above your head. Any idea what I'm doing wrong or how I can replace those exercises?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Tkawsome said:
About halfway through week three and gearing up to the next phase. Finished up Plyo and looking forward to a week off from it. A weeks worth of Yoga sounds horrible though, I'm sort of dreading this upcoming "rest week".

haha just finished 'rest week'

core synergistics the day after yoga will make you its bitch
Thinking of starting this. I'm slim although not muscular. From what i've read, sounds like it's more apporpriate for weight loss than toning up. Is this true?

not it will tone you, but it won't make you have large muscles, more slim fit.
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