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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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Even though Rock will always be my favorite wrestler, I have to agree with this. More fresh talent is required. Eventually there will be another diamond in the rough. Some may argue that that's Cena though. Personally I wouldn't, but to each their own.
Have to disagree. They are already trying and thats why 80% of the roster is generic as hell.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think WWE want to forget Deadman Inc.

I dont understand why. I didn't like it, but it's not something horrid that they should shutter. It was just another few years. I dunno why...
Have to disagree. They are already trying and thats why 80% of the roster is generic as hell.

They have a fantastic roster. The problem is that the main event is stagnant and the same people that should have moved up the card are still in the same position they were 1-2 years ago.


I'm not that bent out of shape about it, but ignoring Brock Cena is pretty silly.
Extreme Rules got a lot of buys. Heck, it was a contender for match of the hear in my book.
Way better than Rock/Cena.

Woah I just noticed Vince in your avatar.

I'm amazed they would even think Cena beating Brock is something so insignificantly small that it wasn't worth mentioning and they hoped we would forget. That match was pretty damn awesome, even with Cena winning. You know a match is good when a Cena victory doesn't make you hate it.

I tried to find that shirt, and it's not on the site, did you order it recently?

My friend has that shirt and it looks great.


Calling it now: Punk enrages Taker into getting DQ'ed, HHH comes out and calls BS, restarts the match. Punk then find himself on the business end of a choke slam, a tombstone, and then counted out when Taker locks in his submission and sends him to la la land.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Calling it now: Punk enrages Taker into getting DQ'ed, HHH comes out and calls BS, restarts the match. Punk then find himself on the business end of a choke slam, a tombstone, and then counted out when Taker locks in his submission and sends him to la la land.

Not before Punk is on the business end of a pedigree.


What happens after The Rock loses?

This is by far my least hyped Mania. Triple H won't quit, Taker is slow and old, The Rock's going to lose, and I have no idea what's going on with everyone else.

Calling it now: Punk enrages Taker into getting DQ'ed, HHH comes out and calls BS, restarts the match. Punk then find himself on the business end of a choke slam, a tombstone, and then counted out when Taker locks in his submission and sends him to la la land.

Seems plausible and something the WWE would read on the internet and use.


My Member!
Such a shitty predictable card. Cena wins, Taker wins, Triple H wins, etc. I've pretty much stopped watching all WWE. Triple H puts his 'career' on the line when he wrestles once or twice a year? Every Rock-Cena segment reads like lame ass shit typical of the time. Cena comes out, says my time is now! Rock comes out later, says nuh uh, it's still mine! *gag*
Such a shitty predictable card. Cena wins, Taker wins, Triple H wins, etc. I've pretty much stopped watching all WWE. Triple H puts his 'career' on the line when he wrestles once or twice a year? Every Rock-Cena segment reads like lame ass shit typical of the time. Cena comes out, says my time is now! Rock comes out later, says nuh uh, it's still mine! *gag*

and then you have Y2J wasted on some guy with a stupid dancing gimmick, as he even had a match at this point? what the fuck is going on?


and then you have Y2J wasted on some guy with a stupid dancing gimmick, as he even had a match at this point? what the fuck is going on?

It's his debut (as Fandango that is), they're trying to give him a big start, same with Big E. I don't see the problem with that approach, they're both new and fresh.


Anytime I see a wrestling thread I hope they have ended the PG era, everytime I am disappointed. Bring back attitude era, and someone fix Austins neck.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
i am starting to understand that Wrestlmania is always the predictable show. faces always win right?

Usually at Mania, the heels have been winning for the past month or two so they try to level it out. Shield's gonna get proper buried now.

Anytime I see a wrestling thread I hope they have ended the PG era, everytime I am disappointed. Bring back attitude era, and someone fix Austins neck.

I understand what you mean, but discarding PG doesn't mean good writing suddenly emerges. I don't mind PG, but I hate knowing the limitation is there. I -know- they won't go to a certain extent, etc.
Anytime I see a wrestling thread I hope they have ended the PG era, everytime I am disappointed. Bring back attitude era, and someone fix Austins neck.

Being PG is the least of their problems. And have you rewatched some of the stuff from the Attitude Era? A lot of it was bad.
Anytime I see a wrestling thread I hope they have ended the PG era, everytime I am disappointed. Bring back attitude era, and someone fix Austins neck.

PG is the least of their problems. adding blood and violence doesnt make the product any better. once vince gets his vice grip off creative things will be better. if chikara can produce amazing shows a t a pg(or even G level) then the biggest wrestling company in the world could as well.


I don't expect a Cena turn, but an Orton one seems likely. He's been WAY too cheerful and pally in his segments lately with Show/Sheamus, it's very unOrton.

Long overdue of course.
Match Order-
1) World Heavyweight Championship (c) Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger-Del Rio wins one for all the illegals out there after he rolls out of the Patriot Lock into the Cross Armbreaker.

2)Team Hell No vs. Team Ziggler- This one is kind of a toss up but I'm going to go with Team Hell No. Kane scurries of Big E Langstons finisher pushing Big E into Dolph who bounces out of the ring and Kane chokeslams Big E for the 3 Count.

3) Chris Jericho vs. Fandurango- Fandumbo gets the pin after a horrible looking top rope leg drop onto Jericho after Jericho tries for the Code Breaker.

Hall of Fame people come out.

4)Retirement Match Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar- Brock Lesnar gets the win after two straight F5's. Brock eats a Sweet Chin Music as does Paul Heyman.

5)Mark Henry vs. Ryback-Ryback gets the win after he gets out of the Worlds Strongest Slam and hits the Shell Shock for the 3.

Diddy Performs.

6)The Shield vs. Big Show, Sheamus, Randy Orton-Shield gets the win after Big Show leaves the group leaving it 2 on 3 majority of the match. Finish I'm call in is 3 man powerbomb on Sheamus.

7)Undertaker vs. C.M. Punk-Undertaker gets the win with the Hells Gate after Punk tries going for the tombstone.

8) Team Funk vs.Team Rhodes Scholars- Team Funk wins when the Funkachicks hit their finishers on the Bella Twins. Lots of dancing afterwards.

8) WWE Championship (c) The Rock vs. John Cena-The Rock gets the win after John tries hitting Rock with a chair Rock hits the AA for the 3.
My predictions... And I quote:

Miz vs Barrett
Miz loses to the barrage, puts dumb face. We want Angry Miz Girl to show up again, but she is way back home

Sexy Ass Girls vs Yummy Twins
Tensay and Clay get the win only so they can dance. Nobody calls their momma


Chris Jericho vs Fannnnn.....dannnnn......gooooooo-go power rangers
Lionsault misses, Fandancrap wins cheating

Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big Green Langston
Lots of Yes! chants. AJ costs Dolph and Big E the match

Rybotch vs Henry
No ass gets kicked, no wig gets split, Shellshock gets botched but Ryback wins

Team Hoss vs The Shield

Shield wins again, Orton snaps and RKOs teammates OUTANOWHERE!!!!

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger

Alberto reverts Patriot Act into Cross Armbreaker. Wins. Ziggler cashes in. Loses to ADR.

Hunter vs Lesnar
Shawn superkicks Lesnar. It's not effective
Trips pedigrees Lesnar after escaping the Kimura. It's SUPER EFFECTIVE!!!
(Hx3) wins

Undertaker vs CM Punk
Match of the year, Undertaker with the tombstone FTW. Heyman gets beaten in the process

The Rock vs Cena
I don't care about this match, after lots of false finishers, Cena uses "the move formerly known as the FU".

Vince again gives an FU to the fans as we all boo Cena from wherever we are, swearing with God as our witness that we won't watch next year's WM....
knowing perfectly well we will loyally watch it


Anytime I see a wrestling thread I hope they have ended the PG era, everytime I am disappointed. Bring back attitude era, and someone fix Austins neck.


Thumbs up if you agree!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
My predictions - The Gospel According To Sunnybuns

Miz vs Barrett
Miz wins, Barrett loses and is buried yet again. Clean pinfall.

Dance Bullshit vs Scholars
Dance Bullshit wins, because Scholars exist to lose.

Jericho vs Fandangler
Jericho wins in a baffling move and doesn't put over Fandangler at all.

Kane and Bryan vs Big E and Dolph
Dolph loses it in 17 seconds. Well Dolph loses it, he bumps too well to win.

Ryback-sama vs Henry-chan
Ryback goes over Henry in a horribly booked match that makes all of us cry.

The Shield vs The Megaultrapowers

Shield in a complete and utter burial. Pinfall taken by Amblows.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger

Swagger wins, because there is no justice in the world and it's only natural for the WWE to reward him for his bad shenanigans.

Hunter vs Lesnar
HHH wins

Undertaker vs CM Punk
Taker wins. If he can last long enough. His coat catches on fire again.

The Rock vs Cena
Cena wins lol
Miz vs Barrett
Wade Burr via Bullhammer

Dancing vs Twins
Team Dancing all the way.

Chris Jericho vs Fandango
Fandango wins clean!

Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big E
Ziggler and Big E with the win. E pins Kane.

Ryback vs Henry
Ryberg Van Dam in a sloppy but fun match

Dream Team v2 vs The Shield
Shield wins, Orton #HEEL turn.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger
ADR. Crowd goes mild. Ziggler cash in. Wins. Crowd goes crazy!

Hunter vs Lesnar
Bork Lazer with the surprise victory.

Undertaker vs CM Punk
Taker wins via Tombstone. Heyman gets his. Punk gets his rest.

The Rock vs Cena
The Rock will win to send the crowd home happy.


Being PG is the least of their problems. And have you rewatched some of the stuff from the Attitude Era? A lot of it was bad.

Some of it was terrible but it was the feeling of "Anything can happen" that made it interesting to watch. Plus most ppvs were filled with wrestlers who would be main eventers these days. Now we have the blue blazer done serious as the number one man in wrestling.

I was also in my teens through that era which helped I suppose. And Austin...always Austin.


Junior Member
I've been out of Wrestling outside of watching some PPV's on DVD just to catch up. We used to order Wrestlemania every year and bring over some friends to watch and get all excited. Looking at the lineup, this may be the first one I pass. My heart's just not in it anymore.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've been out of Wrestling outside of watching some PPV's on DVD just to catch up. We used to order Wrestlemania every year and bring over some friends to watch and get all excited. Looking at the lineup, this may be the first one I pass. My heart's just not in it anymore.

You ain't alone my friend. Where your heart should be is in NJPW. Track down Wrestle Kingdom VII - it's Japan's Mania, basically - the best production values, the COOLEST dudes, and some of the best things all around. You want something incredible? I got incredible for you. This match, this match!!! So amazing.


A thing of beauty. Amazing match, and Nakamura is an absolutely GODLIKE champion.

FallingEdge! Spam us some Rainmaker gifs so people get interested in NJPW!!
You ain't alone my friend. Where your heart should be is in NJPW. Track down Wrestle Kingdom VII - it's Japan's Mania, basically - the best production values, the COOLEST dudes, and some of the best things all around. You want something incredible? I got incredible for you. This match, this match!!! So amazing.


A thing of beauty. Amazing match, and Nakamura is an absolutely GODLIKE champion.

FallingEdge! Spam us some Rainmaker gifs so people get interested in NJPW!!







Guess I will throw out some predictions.

Miz vs Barrett:
Miz wins, clean, new IC champ. Crowd doesn't care.

Who Gives A Funk/Funkadactyls vs Rhodes Scholars/Bellas:
Rhohdes Scholars pick up a cheap win via heel tactics, possibly with a Bella twins switch (and sudden breast expansion). Short buffer match.

Chris Jericho vs Fandango:
Fandango wins after a fine match. Crowd is confused.

Hell No vs Team Rocket:
Team Rocket wins after AJ costs Hell No the match. New Tag champs

The Big White Viper vs The Shield:
Shield win after Orton turns and RKOs Sheamus.

Ryback vs Henry:
Match seems like a fit on paper, ends up plodding and dull. Ryback hits the Shellshock to win from a fireman's carry instead of the usual lift. Crowd is bored by the thing.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger:
Del Rio wins clean after a decent match. Swagger beats the fuck out of him after the match, and Ziggler cashes in to win the WHC.

HHH vs Brock Lesnar

Punk vs Undertaker:
Undertaker wins but Punk stands tall after the match.

Twice in a lifetime blah blah:
CENAWINSLOL who cares? Booed out of the building, the NY crowd shits on the match after one too many rest holds.

NOW, I am not set in stone for the three main events. I feel there's small chances for Punk ending the Streak, HHH retiring, and Cena turning heel, but they're small, small chances, so my predictions must reflect the most likely outcomes.

I also think I might have too many title changes in my predictions. I'm iffy on the Tag Titles changing, but I'm still pretty sure on the WHC change.


Calling it now: Punk enrages Taker into getting DQ'ed, HHH comes out and calls BS, restarts the match. Punk then find himself on the business end of a choke slam, a tombstone, and then counted out when Taker locks in his submission and sends him to la la land.
HHH isn't going to be involved in a match that isn't his own.
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