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Yakuza 0 |OT| Yes, you can start with this one!


Haha yeah me too.

Can I also ask a stupid question, whats the CP you get for doing random events?

Like I talked to 5 strangers and got 1 CP?

Forgive my thickness for veterans of the series!

Completion points are actually new to the series! As others have mentioned, you use them for bonuses at the shrine, which you can find on the map.

There's a big ol' completion list in the pause menu that tells you what things give CP, (1 CP for each goal) but that's boring. CP is all over the place, so just go hog wild! Fighting, social links (also new to the series), minigames, eating, and more all give CP in various ways.


Let's get down to business!
I'm almost buying this game because of a certain someone (he's here somewhere), but I'll have to wait until next month. I do plan on getting it though.
Went to grab resident evil 7, walked out with the last copy of yakuza 0 also. Angry Joe sold me on it, I've never played anything in this series and seems like a good one to start with.


i have a really random question:

whenever you save, how come it always saves twice? first save meter completes, then it says saved. (press circle to confirm) then it saves again and press circle to confirm. i would think they would get rid of that for ps4.

I think one is the save date and the other is the system data, or something like that. The first one saves your campaign progress and the other saves the game settings.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It only took us 10 years to get playable Majima

yep this is definitely the first time he's been playable. definitely never happened before.
So that kind of thing isn't in the other games?
They teased Y3 as being the ending to Kiryu's story, so it's kinda a reference to that

there is a similar thing with the
yakuza 2
ending, but it's handled a lot better imo and is actually earned

I wouldn't let the Y3 ending ruin the series for you, though, because you've basically already experienced the weakest entry (which is still very good imo)


The ending to the password side story is genuinely very funny

Kiryu is underrated as a funny guy tbh

Yeah, it's really surprising how genuinely funny the substories are.

I've noticed I rarely really laugh at the humor in games, but this one's already made me laugh out loud a couple of times.

e: HEYA, Papi-chan!


Batteries the CRISIS!
Holy shit, well one thing that royally pissed me off with this game today, it doesn't auto save!!!!

Seriously, why on earth would a modern game not auto save?

I turned on my ps4 today to get back to playing just to find out that I lost over two and a half hours of playtime and have to do it alllll over again because the game doesn't even save your game unless you manually go to a public phone booth and save it.

IMO this is a terrible design choice, I mean at least tell the players when the game starts this or something, many people probably gonna get up today and go to play only to find this out after losing hours of play time.

Thanks for the warning. I've been playing Shantae games for the last two months, which all have manual saving, so I guess my mentality is ready for Yakuza 0.


They teased Y3 as being the ending to Kiryu's story, so it's kinda a reference to that

there is a similar thing with the
yakuza 2
ending, but it's handled a lot better imo and is actually earned

I wouldn't let the Y3 ending ruin the series for you, though, because you've basically already experienced the weakest entry (which is still very good imo)

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Yakuza at it's worst is better than most franchises at their best.


The fact that music plays during substories now makes them so much more enjoyable. In all previous games it was always dead silence.


They teased Y3 as being the ending to Kiryu's story, so it's kinda a reference to that

there is a similar thing with the
yakuza 2
ending, but it's handled a lot better imo and is actually earned

I wouldn't let the Y3 ending ruin the series for you, though, because you've basically already experienced the weakest entry (which is still very good imo)

It hasn't. I've calmed down.

The fact it elicited an emotional reaction means the game writing worked.
I was legit sad and in disbelief that they would kill the orphans' 'father'. And just as I was coming to terms with it, credits end and he is resurrected.

There is lots to love about the game, but if they could have nailed the ending, it'd be one of my favorites.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Yakuza at it's worst is better than most franchises at their best.

Yeah, even 3, 5 or 6 (which are divisive games for some) are still excellent games. I've not played any entry in the series that I've not absolutely loved, even if some of the stories are weaker than others, the gameplay still wins me over. Its the only series where I feel compelled to 100%, and definitely the only open world style game that I don't get bored with.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
It hasn't. I've calmed down.

The fact it elicited an emotional reaction means the game writing worked.
I was legit sad and in disbelief that they would kill the orphans' 'father'. And just as I was coming to terms with it, credits end and he is resurrected.

There is lots to love about the game, but if they could have nailed the ending, it'd be one of my favorites.

I wasn't too hot on Yakuza 3 if you wanna read my LTTP about it
finished chapter 1 before going to bed, so bummed cause i really wanted to keep going...the plot in this one is really standout stuff so far: we never really got to see this side of Nishki (which is only going to strengthen Kiwami), and Kaz's never been this low on the totem pole to be in a position like this, it's so great so far

also yeah i updated OP to give a nod to the lack of PS4 pro support

i just lost 24 million to mr shakedown

you can call me mr hubris

i said goddamn, haven't run into dude yet but ima guard my bread

Finished up The Last Guardian last night so I can get into this with a clear mind. Cannot wait! Amazon delivered it last night, and I am good to go. I have to say the business card holder and the business cards are all high quality. Also got myself a poster from Gamespot thanks to Irish.

Work can't end soon enough.

this is me right now, as we trade shifts haha


I really enjoyed this localization article of Yakuza 0 with Scott Strichart from Atlus.

Article Here

A couple of choice questions/answers -

love pieces like this, thanks man!

Ahhhh UFO catcher.

My old nemesis....once again, you stand before me.

i went in for a few rounds of Space Harrier first (of course) but was right on this, asked dude to switch em out & was like oh shit, stuff mega drives & opa-opas? there goes 10 minutes of my life

|OT2| you can go back and finish 5 later

|OT2| Nugget

|OT2| I'm a fisting expert

should be considered

quietly glad i'm not in charge of OT2, cause i cannot decide between these at all

I might've spent some time in the arcades.

damn, man! you've made that shit a science


Is there such a thing as Yakuza series collectibles or merch?

I'll be in Tokyo in a few months , so could pick something up.
My copy arrived yesterday and I have put a couple of hours into it. This is slowly becoming my favorite Yakuza game thus far. The whole 80's vibe I am really loving.
Is there such a thing as Yakuza series collectibles or merch?

I'll be in Tokyo in a few months , so could pick something up.

god yes, many retailers out there get exclusive stuff we miss out on & it sucks - steelbooks, rice bowls, sake jugs, etc from older releases

there's a ton of current merch for 6, yakuzafan.com is probably the best place to find out specifics


Honestly, seeing the relationship develop between Kiryu and Nishki is going to be awesome. Such a great way to cement their ties before what happened in the first game. My copy arrived and I'm not even home to play it - I can't wait for this!


So that kind of thing isn't in the other games?

I honestly do not remember much of Y3 story, apart of being underwhelmed.
Give a chance to Y0 or Y4 and you will find it much better.

I'm almost buying this game because of a certain someone (he's here somewhere), but I'll have to wait until next month. I do plan on getting it though.


Is there such a thing as Yakuza series collectibles or merch?

I'll be in Tokyo in a few months , so could pick something up.

There's merch, but I do not know where you can find it.
Try using Google to search if there's a Sega merch store in Tokyo or if they deliver to your hotel.

If you're just looking for the games, any regular store will have new and the used one (Book Off for example) will probably have many copies in great state and much cheaper.


Start up the game, found previous Yakuza save file data here's a Dragon God Amulet. My Ishin save filed counted for something! :D


I have only experienced Yakuza 3, and found the storyline to be fairly weak. I ended up Youtubing half of it, because I just wasn't interested in playing the reformed saviour of a bunch of Japanese orphans (boo, I am a bad person, I know). The gameplay, however, was quite enticing.

If I wanted to give this series another chance - given that most people cite 3 as a weak entry point - would playing Yakuza 0 first ruin the experience of Yakuza 4 & 5? In other words, are they janky crap (like 3), or would they still hold up after 0? Angry Joe's review highlights the characters and storyline as strong points, which is the exact opposite to my experience with 3.


I have only experienced Yakuza 3, and found the storyline to be fairly weak. I ended up Youtubing half of it, because I just wasn't interested in playing the reformed saviour of a bunch of Japanese orphans (boo, I am a bad person, I know). The gameplay, however, was quite enticing.

If I wanted to give this series another chance - given that most people cite 3 as a weak entry point - would playing Yakuza 0 first ruin the experience of Yakuza 4 & 5? In other words, are they janky crap (like 3), or would they still hold up after 0? Angry Joe's review highlights the characters and storyline as strong points, which is the exact opposite to my experience with 3.

Either Yakuza 0 or Yakuza 4 are great entry points. Yakuza 3 was the original ending for the Kiryu storyline and it builds on everything that happened on Yakuza 1 and Yakuza 2.

Yakuza 4 was meant as a good starting point for newcomers. Three new protagonists and a story that revolves mostly around them rather than just Kiryu. The main issue with multiple protagonists in Y4 and Y5 is that the pacing of these games suffer.

Yakuza 0 is a much better refinement of everything in the series so far. Story, combat, pacing, content, everything is on point. Going back to other games shouldn't be much difficult because they all share a strong core game design, but you will probably miss the little things of Y0 that make the experience better.


god yes, many retailers out there get exclusive stuff we miss out on & it sucks - steelbooks, rice bowls, sake jugs, etc from older releases

there's a ton of current merch for 6, yakuzafan.com is probably the best place to find out specifics

There's merch, but I do not know where you can find it.
Try using Google to search if there's a Sega merch store in Tokyo or if they deliver to your hotel.

If you're just looking for the games, any regular store will have new and the used one (Book Off for example) will probably have many copies in great state and much cheaper.

Is it something I might find in one of the shops in Akhibara?.
You know you're getting the feel for the game's flow when I'm low on health and the option to enter a public toilet potentially triggering a sidequest leads to me thinking "nah I better get some health back before taking a leak, knowing this game I'm gonna get embroiled in a sudden brawl for the last scrap of toilet paper".


Either Yakuza 0 or Yakuza 4 are great entry points. Yakuza 3 was the original ending for the Kiryu storyline and it builds on everything that happened on Yakuza 1 and Yakuza 2. *SNIP*

Thank you for your very detailed explanation. I do think if I had been more invested in Kiryu as a character, his mission to save the orphans in Yakuza 3 would have resonated with me more. I will give the series another go at some point, as I like what I'm seeing from this thread.
Mr.Shakedown is just a bit of a grind if you're even slightly decent with Kiryu's Rush style.

Majima is a bit harder but still doable.
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