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Yakuza 0 |OT| Yes, you can start with this one!


Damn, I just spent like an hour bowling trying to get Nugget.
I guess it's actually part of a bowling side-quest or something?
I got 5 strikes in a row an nothing happened.
I'm loving it but I have no idea where to go now. I have to talk to the president of
Toko Credit
. Where the fucking is the building?
It should be the the waypoint on your map? You can press the touchpad to get a full version of the map and it'll be like the purple dot. The main missions are usually very directed
Damn, I just spent like an hour bowling trying to get Nugget.
I guess it's actually part of a bowling side-quest or something?
I got 5 strikes in a row an nothing happened.

You need to unlock Kiryu's Money Island activity first. Once you've done that you then need to level up the Bowling clerks friend meter up almost all the way to the top. The last part of her side story is getting several strikes in a row (I forget the exact amount or points total you need, she should tell you when you get to that point). Complete this task and you get Nugget as one of your Money Island advisors.


The karaoke mini game is absolute trash. Can barely see what's going on with all the color changing and crap. It's a shame how they overload so many bad mini games in these games.

Oh yeah? Check out the dancing mini-game:


At first I failed hard, but once I got the timing down [more or less] I managed to finish all songs with 3 stars on hard mode.

Karaoke song reference. ;)


Just got my Amazon copy a day ahead of the estimate, played all the games (still need to finish 5 when I get home from school) and am stoked both to get into this one and to see the increase in interest that seems to be surrounding it compared to prior games.

I booted it up before I had to leave and am I crazy or did this game take no time to install? New game option was available but then again if I had pressed it maybe it would've stopped me lol...


I just started playing and did the Karaoke.. I can't get the "I'm breaking the law... " out of my head lol.
That's for sure :)

Correct me if I'm wrong but the fishing mini-game in this is based off of the one in Ishin right? I really like this style better.

Yeah, they changed things up for 5 by introducing river fishing alongside sea fishing, then refined river fishing slightly in Ishin to what it is in 0. Then of course you have Yakuza 6, where fishing is changed into a lightgun on rails shooter! (an insanely addictive one at that).


Just finished up getting 90+ on all five karaoke songs. Make sure to pick lively interjections. Nearly burst out laughing every triangle press and messed up some songs lol.


Fishing sucks nothing bites. However dancing and karaoke are amazing. Batting can go to hell.

First pole sucks. You can get the best pole at the pawn store. Bait helps increase the rate of interested fish as well. I liked the fishing in 3 the best, this is sorta basic.

After coming from digital pitchers in 5 I dug the old school feeling of the batting cages in zero.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
Just completed chapter 1. That end sequence was amazing

Also am I doing something wrong, because it seems like I can't do any heat moves with the Rush style ? How do you do them?
This game is addictive. Very interesting story (hey Mafia 3, this is how you write a 'Mafia' story) and very cool minigames which are actually really fun to play and not easy at all. I love it.


Just completed chapter 1. That end sequence was amazing

Also am I doing something wrong, because it seems like I can't do any heat moves with the Rush style ? How do you do them?

Rush style is the most difficult to do heat moves. The most basic you have to attack enemies until one of them enters a stun state then use the heat action.

There are others more simple for rush, but they are opened after training IIRC.
I've just played Outrun for ages, great that it has scanline options and everything!

Yeah, the ports are done by the talented people at M2, so they not only are the ports excellent, but the they've got plenty of nice graphical/control options to choose from. I love the variety of controls you get in Space Harrier - options to invert controls etc. along with both D Pad and Analog Stick movement along with rapid fire for those tricky situations!


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Time to get down to Business gents !

The card holder is SWEET ! My wife wanted to take it .. HAH .. GOOD LUCK.




Pffff. Mr.Shakedown is all talk. He may hit like a truck but all of his attacks are really slow and easy to evade.

So i fought him a second time and he fucked me up. He knocked me down, grabed my leg and threw me, taking away all my health. Didn't even have time to heal.

That'll teach me to open my big mouth.


Okay, so when am I supposed to use big attacks on Kuze?
It's pretty easy to get in to try to punish most of his whiffed attacks, but in his second form I can never get more than a couple jabs in before he just powers though all my attacks and counters me...

Edit: Nevermind, just beat him


Amazing game so far! Just bought Yakuza 4 from PSN as well. Gotta catch up!

I'm sad that apparently no one in Europe plays the online mahjong game :(
So the weapons and accessories each have a different tab in your inventory. Thank the freaking God!
Yeah, they changed things up for 5 by introducing river fishing alongside sea fishing, then refined river fishing slightly in Ishin to what it is in 0. Then of course you have Yakuza 6, where fishing is changed into a lightgun on rails shooter! (an insanely addictive one at that).
I'm so hyped for that.


Just popping in to say that after being on the fence that I bought the game and having a swell time, even though I'm still early in the game. lol
So after finishing the first chapter I think Im kinda in love with this game and its really just starting. I hope my love continues!

edit: I also really like the fake business card they gave you in the holder. :lol


I haven't been able to play for a few hours because I have shit I need to do and it's driving me crazy.

Also were the business card holders available in Japan when this came out?
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