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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This


I'm on M10
where the drones come in and cut off the meeting with Janus. No matter what I do they seem to get triggered and go into search mode once I drop down into the sewers. I googled a bit and it seems like this is unavoidable. I suppose this is because the drones are spotting and attacking the civilian NPCs down there. My question is does this count as an alarm against you and do the civilian deaths count as kills against you? Should I just ignore them and press on or should I try to escape through the front to avoid all that?

dropped down into the sewers and they went into alert about 10 seconds later automatically and i still got the no alert achievement. if you killed civilians then yes it does. if the deaths were a result of something else then no
dropped down into the sewers and they went into alert about 10 seconds later automatically and i still got the no alert achievement. if you killed civilians then yes it does. if the deaths were a result of something else then no

Yea, I meant if the drones killed them.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I'm on M10
where the drones come in and cut off the meeting with Janus. No matter what I do they seem to get triggered and go into search mode once I drop down into the sewers. I googled a bit and it seems like this is unavoidable. I suppose this is because the drones are spotting and attacking the civilian NPCs down there. My question is does this count as an alarm against you and do the civilian deaths count as kills against you? Should I just ignore them and press on or should I try to escape through the front to avoid all that?

I always thought
going out through the sewers was an auto-alarm, so I cloaked and went went up through the elevator shaft.
No alarm there as long as you don't trip anything.


A quick question... not started playing this yet... but watched a quick gameplay video this morning. In the intro some bloke was saying to Adam that he had to turn off his augmentations - or limit some of them or else he would overload.

Really - can you not have all of your AUGS on anymore?

Cheers :)


A quick question... not started playing this yet... but watched a quick gameplay video this morning. In the intro some bloke was saying to Adam that he had to turn off his augmentations - or limit some of them or else he would overload.

Really - can you not have all of your AUGS on anymore?

Cheers :)

The limitations extend to new experimental augmentations. They can overload Jensen's system if he doesn't disable some of his older augs. It all gets sorted out later in the game, but I don't want to spoil too much. :)


The limitations extend to new experimental augmentations. They can overload Jensen's system if he doesn't disable some of his older augs. It all gets sorted out later in the game, but I don't want to spoil too much. :)

Thanks dude :)

This isn't Deus Ex if we can't be bad ass - so I'm glad it gets sorted out later

I am relieved - and I can commence play tonight!


Has anyone even ever had the augs overload issue? The game makes a big deal of this concept but I literally never had to manage my augs aside from shutting down one of them at the start.

Perhaps it's because almost all of the new augs didn't really interest me since they're close to useless for a ghost playthrough. The dash is okay though.


I've been a good boy and disabled some of the aggressive playstyle augs so I didn't experience the negative effects of the overloads. As for their usefulness, remote hacking is great imo and I didn't really care for the rest.
What are the negative effects of running 'overclocked'.

I only just noticed that you don't HAVE to turn off another aug when you enable an experimental one.

Does it just drain the battery faster? Recharge it slower?

I like the game, but I much prefer Dishonoured's energy recharge system.
In Dishonoured, you would recharge the energy used by your last ability, regardless of how much energy you had left. So if you didn't use 2 powers in succession and limited yourself to short bursts of X-ray vision or whatever, you could stay at 100% and be ready for a big encounter at any time.
In DX, charging to 100% is pointless unless you know that you're going to need to use lots of powers in the next minute or so. Otherwise it'll get drained to the basic 25% charge in no time due to all the minor abilities that drain small amounts of battery.
It's a big thing psychologically, since for 99% of DX, I'm running at 25% energy, so that becomes 'normal'. I've rarely felt like I have to use a biocell, and if I do it feel like I'm just going to my inventory to activate a cheat mode.
In Dishonoured, I spend most of my time at 75-100% energy and that becomes 'normal'. So if I screw up and have to rely on the final recharging 25% then I feel vulnerable.

I also took a wrong turn in a mobster mission. I'm writing this as extremely spoiler-lite so you can read this if you haven't done the missions, but please skip the rest of this post if you want to avoid even the vaguest hints about missions.
I was thinking that the side mission was dragging on a bit - then I found the big mobster boss and realised that maybe I wasn't supposed to be here yet. I hope he doesn't mind me having KO'ed all his guards when I finally get the mission to meet him (I'm assuming that the side plot with the mobsters must eventually involve meeting the boss).
I like how the game doesn't just gate that part off behind a hard "keycard required" door or something.
Same goes with the bank. I'd looted most of the vaults and only recently acquired have a proper mission that actually involves the bank. I might have KO'ed a named bank staff dude too. Probably a mistake, but I already know an alternate route in - assuming the standard route is to have some dialogue with him and bluff my way in.
Really - can you not have all of your AUGS on anymore?

If you want the 'new' augs then you have to switch some off so you don't overclock/overheat - but there's a missable sidequest which allows you to stop this later on

I guess it's so you're not really over-powered.. but I saw it as justification for the developers to add new augs that weren't in the last game
Has anyone even ever had the augs overload issue? The game makes a big deal of this concept but I literally never had to manage my augs aside from shutting down one of them at the start.

Perhaps it's because almost all of the new augs didn't really interest me since they're close to useless for a ghost playthrough. The dash is okay though.

I used Tesla and Remote Hacking but otherwise, nope. It'd be better I think if it didn't Overload but every one of the experimental augs increased the cost of all your others by x%, so there was an impact regardless. The game isn't long enough nor requires such a variety of augs that Overload ever becomes an issue.


What are the negative effects of running 'overclocked'.

I've gone up to 250% and all that occurs are mildly annoying hud glitches such as your health/energy/both meter bugging out at 150%/200%. At 250% your map glitches out randomly.

The higher you go, the more severe the glitches get such as your vision getting completely distorted. At max overclock, one of your augs will randomly be disabled permanently to bring it back down to 400%.

This video demonstrates max overheat effects (Not mine and warning, this video takes place in Golem City, so it may be spoilerific.): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE3C_4Pk2Co

Not really an issue IMO since you'd probably only want about 2-3 of the experimental augs anyway, depending on your playstyle.


I'm up to the point where I can go to Golem City.

I've done all the available missions in Prague, but SM03 is still showing on my in progress list. Can I do anything more to advance it right now?


I'm up to the point where I can go to Golem City.

I've done all the available missions in Prague, but SM03 is still showing on my in progress list. Can I do anything more to advance it right now?

Yoy will continue this quest after you return from Golem City. The game doesn't do a good job at explaining it won't be cancelled.


I'm up to the point where I can go to Golem City.

I've done all the available missions in Prague, but SM03 is still showing on my in progress list. Can I do anything more to advance it right now?

Some sidemissions will span several "chapters". Try to look at it this way: if there's unfinished business, the game will ask you if you're sure you want to leave because all unifished sidemissions will be canceled.

As long as the game doesn't prompt you, you're a-ok.

edit: I agree that it's super confusing to have certain sidemissions still "active" even though you've done all there is to do at this point. It makes things needlessly confusing, especially at the start where I was constantly wondering if I missed a hint or objective or if the game bugged out or something. Surely there would've been a more elegant solution than this.
So, I'm trying to complete SM11 'The Last Harvest' and for some reason I can't actually use R2 persuade. It's like the button just isn't working, is there a fix for this?
Curious, does anyone sell Battle Rifle Armor Piercing rounds in this game? Want some ammo for the Lancer (which is kind of amazing that you can suppress).


I finished the game yesterday and I found the ending strange. It just ends, I expected more levels after the
Marchenko fight
. Now onto New Game + to wrap up missing trophies and then onto Foxiest of the Hounds and the I Never Asked For This difficulty.

I did do Pacifist on my first play trough so that's cool.


Looking for meaning in GAF
So, I'm trying to complete SM11 'The Last Harvest' and for some reason I can't actually use R2 persuade. It's like the button just isn't working, is there a fix for this?
Did you
talk to the doctor before confronting Daria? You need some key information from the doctor and a passphrase.


Finished it tonight, felt like I should have gotten the no alarm trophy, but oh well. I only ever triggered "searching" mode twice, neither time were the police looking for me, nevermind an actual alarm(once at the police "checkpoint" right at the beginning the police had a shootout with the fake squad and towards the end
blew up half a city block as some sort of diversion for me).

Anyway, my impression is they can keep making this type of game indefinitely, but I wish the core gameplay was more fun. I don't think there's anyone else making a stealthy/shooty game that strives to accommodate a relatively large number of possible solutions for the player and a set up quite like the small but very dense hub world with many side quests like Prague. Despite a lot of paths through levels being redundant rather than clever and everyone, Jensen included, being forgettable(I wasted way too much time reading emails), it pretty much works.

The two highest points of the game were the bank(not the corporate vaults actually, but the stuff on the first floor) and the middle of the Sarif side mission. The first seemed like one of the very few times the game was not designed for the lowest common denominator. I spent an hour or two crawling around getting the lay of the land, my remote hacking limitations at the time forced me into some tricky scenarios, there was even a puzzle there. The second was probably the only time the conspiracy stuff clicked for me and I felt some genuine discovery, not that anything ever came of that(
well, except putting together that the psychiatrist killed off my crazy aug guy, I think his name was Orlov?

Getting back to why I wish it was more fun. The vast majority of this game's design is from at least a couple of console generations ago, before the original Splinter Cell at least. What I mean is it's still all about keeping track of vision cones and not setting off alarms. The Stun Gun and a 10mm equipped with EMP ammo is about all I ever used along with invisibility for when I got tired of waiting for patrol routes to line up. Oh, I did use the Tesla thing for when I wanted to zap 2 guys at the same time, like twice. This is one of the oldest formulas around and it's almost never exciting in the moment. It's what menial stealth games default to. The rest is either irrelevant(a teleport thing and something called the typhoon, really?) or superfluous(here's a path blocked by a heavy thing and here's one with gas and another behind a level 3 door and one you gotta jump really... oh, we're now 5 hours in and you have all of these things, don't you?). Unfortunate how rudimentary the gameplay is and how numb and ultimately underwhelming the story turns out to be.

So there it is, a good game, but not one my favorites. Maybe next time.


Uh they did it again, made me completely restart my aug tree with DLC. Come on now ! Missing Link had a story reason for it I don't see why Desperate Measure and System Rift has this.

It's especially annoying because this DLC overrelies on cameras from moving around and I have no equipments and barely any upgrades, and the cameras can see you through cloak. I want to take alternate path but I don't have the upgrade to actually go through.

And I've never seen level 1 security hack be this annoying in the game.


Uh they did it again, made me completely restart my aug tree with DLC. Come on now ! Missing Link had a story reason for it I don't see why Desperate Measure and System Rift has this.

It's especially annoying because this DLC overrelies on cameras from moving around and I have no equipments and barely any upgrades, and the cameras can see you through cloak. I want to take alternate path but I don't have the upgrade to actually go through.

And I've never seen level 1 security hack be this annoying in the game.

Remote hack is godly.


Finished it!!!.

Overall I really liked it and it met my expectations. It's pretty much more of the same with some improved graphics and gameplay and some new abilities which is fine by me.

The highlight for me was Prague which is easily one of my favorite "open worlds" from this gen and goes to show the value of a small but carefully designed location over giant maps aiming to impress with size. Unlike so many games with giant open world, exploration is actually rewarding here and finding new locations and ways to access them is really fun. Prague has an almost metroidvania feel to it, opening up more areas as you gain more abilites but making it less restrictive than classic metroidvania design by giving you multiplay ways to acess locations. Mabye you can break a wall but if you don't have that ability yet you might be able to resist the poison in the air going through a vent to get there or mabye you have invested in hacking and can just hack that LV4 door early on, etc.
Also a special mention to the bank in prague. Easily my favorite area of the game. Lots of areas to move around and stuff to find. Learning the layout of the location and trying to see everything that palce has to offer was one of the highlights of my playthrough

Much like the previous one the story is nothing amazing (though I did like the story in HR better). But the world and setting is good, there is great sense of atmosphere and everything from carefully crafted rooms to the emails and notes you find help make the world feel real and alive.
I honestly didn't feel the ending to be that abrupt. Human Revolution did a better job of telling a complete story while this one feels like chapter one of a bigger plot and I'm fine with that. The main conflict
Marchenko, his poison and his plan
was resolved and I got a decent playtime (I'm not sure there is a way to see how long I played on Ps4... but I estimate it to be above 20 hours).

It's not without it's issues though.

On a technical level this has to be one of the most underwhelming AAA games from the gen . Ugly character models (main cast is just ok and everyone else looks pretty bad), ugly weapon models (the stunt rifle literally looks like an early last gen gun model), stiff animations, no lipsync at all (this looks super weird. Everyone looks like puppets reacting to an audio track of dialog), long loading screens (on console), constant framedrops in prague (on console), somewhat buggy (one cutscene had audio but characters didn't move, another one had no audio, often I'd do a stealth takedown only to see Jensen hit an invisible enemy, the game crashed twice, etc), areas you can only get to via a loading screen despite the small size of the world, etc, etc.

I also feel the balancing of the weapons could have been different. Non lethal felt way too effective. Going non lethal should award more experience but offer more of a challenge but here not only does it give more experiene but it also feels stronger.
My combat rifle with upgraded damage, holo sight and armor piercing ammo needed like 10 bullets to kill anything (even more if I decided to go with a silencer), meanwhile my stunt gun which was just upgraded with a laser sight takes out 90% of the enemies you encounter in the game with a single shot... it doesn't even need to be a headshot. Combine it with the god tier Tesla aug and you never feel the need to use lethal weapons which kinda sucks. I killed the finall boss of the game within seconds
Wait for him to get closer to you, shoot him with tesla and then perform a melee takedown....... and done

Still, pretty cool game and a solid 8/10 IMO


Junior Member
Played the pre order dlc mission. That has to be one of the most blatantly obvious "we cut this from the game" dlcs I've ever seen.


So I finished the System Rift DLC.
That was umm...rather short with not much of a story and payoff, the encounters were rather meh as well. Missing Link was so much better, bigger and well designed.

They should have used the new area better rather than having 95% of the DLC be set inside the Palisade Blade.


Just beat the game got a bad ending, and the pacificist achievement
wow that ending really just happened huh? strange very strange enjoyable game but not quite as good for its time asH R.
The gunplay still not great (although I didn't aug combat aug myself) I definitely think they over relied on vents but still some of the best side missions in the biz.
As for the story i didn't know what was happening with it truth be told.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Just started playing - 10,000 credits for a praxis kit near the beginning - ouch - got nowhere near that money yet!
You're gonna be swimming in money unless you avoid exploring. Very easy to find cash and sell stuff.
Just started playing - 10,000 credits for a praxis kit near the beginning - ouch - got nowhere near that money yet!

I had that thought at first as well, especially as Praxis Kits were only 5,000 credits in Human Revolution. Turns out it's not an issue if you bother to go an explore, do sidequests, go hacking, etc. If you play that way throughout the game and make it to New Game+ you'll be maxed out by the time you meet Koller.


is it hard platinum?

Not really in terms of difficulty. But some of the trophies require no kills or no alerts, but with the game not having a stat tracking page you won't know if you succeeded unless you actually finish the game and see [or don't see] the trophy pop up.

Plus the "read all the e-books" one is insane, but I thought that one was trash in HR as well.


Not really in terms of difficulty. But some of the trophies require no kills or no alerts, but with the game not having a stat tracking page you won't know if you succeeded unless you actually finish the game and see [or don't see] the trophy pop up.

Plus the "read all the e-books" one is insane, but I thought that one was trash in HR as well.

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend doing this combined with Pacifist/Foxiest. Doing it in NG+, while you are unbelievably OP is also way easier.


Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!


Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)

Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.

You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM




System Rift spoilers

I'm glad I invested my Praxis points into all of the hacking related augs. Navigating the server chambers without disabling the security looks like it would've been a massive pain in the ass.

I didn't do that so I can tell that it indeed is a pain.
Not really in terms of difficulty. But some of the trophies require no kills or no alerts, but with the game not having a stat tracking page you won't know if you succeeded unless you actually finish the game and see [or don't see] the trophy pop up.

Plus the "read all the e-books" one is insane, but I thought that one was trash in HR as well.

The first time you trip an alarm it gives you a tutorial thingy to click on so foxiest at least has some indicator.


Man I cant believe devs made the same damn stupid mistakes with previous game regarding the no alarm thing. I cant believe you dont have a way to know if you have screwed up anywhere!

I finished the game I spoke to Vega when i had to i neutrulized all persons i should when i had to, and yet i didnt get the trophy. At no point have i heard or triggered an alarm. I never even got the tutorial prompt about alert. No cameras or turrets went red either.

Eff this crap...
Man I cant believe devs made the same damn stupid mistakes with previous game regarding the no alarm thing. I cant believe you dont have a way to know if you have screwed up anywhere!

I finished the game I spoke to Vega when i had to i neutrulized all persons i should when i had to, and yet i didnt get the trophy. At no point have i heard or triggered an alarm. I never even got the tutorial prompt about alert. No cameras or turrets went red either.

Eff this crap...

Same here. A lot of people are having the same problem and it might be bugged.
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