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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This


I played a bit of DLC after all.Does the new area have any merchants?

Also which augs would you recommend to have?

For example in the main game i really liked Icarus Dash but many people thought that it was bad.


Unconfirmed Member
Just got back to Prague and there is a
curfew in place
. I think I'm gonna take a break for a while and come back to it, getting a bit tried playing all sneaky sneaky and worried I'm going to go all guns blazing in about 5 mins.

Game is great mind, just think I need to take a wee break and go shoot something.


Just got back to Prague and there is a
curfew in place
. I think I'm gonna take a break for a while and come back to it, getting a bit tried playing all sneaky sneaky and worried I'm going to go all guns blazing in about 5 mins.

Game is great mind, just think I need to take a wee break and go shoot something.

Sneaking past the
southern city subway entrance
several times almost made me throw my controller out. That sequence overstayed its welcome.


Sneaking past the
southern city subway entrance
several times almost made me throw my controller out. That sequence overstayed its welcome.

Having maxed out cloak, energy/biocells, dash and high jump made that section a total breeze.

However I can totally see that being awful without some of the above
Oh and one more thing (very much end of the game spoilers):
I fucking knew Delara was a fucking conspirator from the second I saw her. She's fine as fuck though and still wanted my Jensen to boink her madly. I know she's an Illuminati and all but that's not a deal breaker for me, get it on the DLC Squeenix.
Sneaking past the
southern city subway entrance
several times almost made me throw my controller out. That sequence overstayed its welcome.

Having maxed out cloak, energy/biocells, dash and high jump made that section a total breeze.

However I can totally see that being awful without some of the above

That's why I just elected to just
knock out every cop in the city
to makes things easier for myself. I wasn't really going for Foxiest of the Hounds for my first playthrough, and I already knew I had failed on that so... :)

Plus, earlier in the game in
Golem City
, I didn't care about laws or keeping a low profile, I wanted
to knock out every single cop in the whole complex, both because they were all acting like terrible people, and also because I wanted to make bank by selling each of their weapons to Gallois. And I did just that. Even if it took probably three or four hours out of my time.

Speaking of, I wish the game at least gave a time played statistic at the end. I was expecting that at least, considering it didn't display it anywhere else. But nope, exactly how long it really took me the first time will forever be unknown to me. I'm guessing something close in the range of 38 to 54 hours, it took me what I estimated to be roughly 12 or 14 hours before I even showed up at TF29 the first time. I explored nearly everything and everywhere I could. Even rushing through, beating the game in 12 hours (like supposedly some people did around launch) seems so unnatural to me, like did they just run past everything?


Oh yeah, ended the game with so much excess ammo and biocells. I think I had around 75 or 85 biocells at the end, so I could just spam whatever abilities I liked. My NG+ stealth run is gonna be just that, a stealth run, lol. And by stealth run, I mean stealthing with the intent of never being caught, my first playthrough was non-lethal with stealth as the leading choice and aggressive options as a backup. It was fun to unload at the end and just wreck people's shit with my OP pacifism at the end, lol.


How do you get so many Biocells? I had around 10-15 after my first playtrough. Do you just keep making them from crafting parts?


I used them quite a bit, having just a small bar of energy is sometimes annoying if I want to cloak for extended periods of time.

I also didn't craft a lot of stuff. A couple of multi-tools and that's it.
So, System Rift...is it something sites are reviewing much? Or is it not even worth it? It's what, 2 hours long?

File size is? (I'm redownloading the game now; just wondering how much space I will need otherwise. It should be done by tonight.)


So I just got this on PS4 for my birthday. Performance pretty good on that platform? I played human revolution on pc...saves don't carry over right?


I put zero points into hacking and I'm on mission 10 meet Janus. In the abandoned building and can't hack the door to save my life. Help?

Do you happen to have a multitool in your inventory? Or is there one hiding around the room somewhere? Or pocket secretary with the code?
On my first play through I went all stealth. Started a 2nd one on NG+ and started killing people and I don't like it. Is it: 1) I just really prefer stealth? or 2) Is the gun gameplay not the best when you're just trying to be sort of sneaky / using shotguns/smgs, etc?

So I just got this on PS4 for my birthday. Performance pretty good on that platform? I played human revolution on pc...saves don't carry over right?

There is nothing carry over even when you're on the same platform to my knowledge. Can't comment on performance though.


Junior Member
Finally got the chance to start this game. I haven't even tried to do the first main objective after you enter Prague yet but I already have some thoughts on it after doing a bunch of side stuff.

Mainly, I'm surprised this game is allowed to be as... "gamey" as it is? I'm not sure what the right word for it is. I don't wanna use the word "janky" because that has a bad connotation, but this is the kind of game that prioritizes deep, varied systems over having cut scenes, animations, and scripted events that look perfect. They didn't restrict the amount of dialogue to make bespoke animations and they still let you throw random objects even though it makes the game look goofy. It feels like the developers approached it with the same priorities as someone designing a game during the early 2000's but with upgraded graphics and somewhat upgraded but not top-of-the-line animation quality. It still feels like it's coming from the same place as STALKER or Bloodlines or something. I just say this because I heard some people criticize this aspect of Mankind Divided compared to say, Uncharted or some other story-heavy AAA game. But maybe I should have expected this based on Human Revolution. I went into the HR demo expecting a COD-hanger-on with some slightly open-ended segments wearing the skin of Deus Ex, and instead got a thoroughly earnest attempt at a first person action RPG of the old style. Not totally Looking Glass, but sort of trying to get there through the devices of modern action games.

In any case, I'm happy MD came out as a "real" game that let's players discover things on their own and figure out how to do things on their own. I say "real" when I want to describe games that don't really do the anti-frustration thing and don't hold your hand as much as modern games tend to. It seems like we're starting to get more "real" games in 2016 like this, DOOM, Dark Souls 3, and Dishonored 2 (all starting with a D apparently).

Something does kind of strike me though. It's unfortunate that I couldn't spend any significant amount of recent time with HR to compare to MD, but so far I haven't seen any gameplay in MD that feels significantly more advanced than HR. It honestly feels like HR with better graphics, new environments, and some gameplay rebalancing. It still feels like a great game, just not the next step in immersive sims. I feel like ever since immersive sims came back with Elder Scrolls, HR, Bioshock (to a degree), Fallout, and Dishonored, in terms of technial gameplay possibilities they hit a plateau that's actually somewhere slightly below what the late 90's and early 2000's classics were. Maybe that's due to current trends and tastes dictating certain kinds of games, and maybe it's just the bigger production values. Dishonored introduced a lot of new ideas with its powers sure, but nothing I felt wasn't possible on older hardware. I still feel like Crysis 1 and STALKER represent the technological zenith of the range of things players could interact with in first person games or just action games in general. I haven't played Hitman 2016 yet. How does that compare?


MD is not a big leap over HR in systems but it is in terms of level design. They really need to rethink the perk/ability based upgrade system.
How far am I into the game?

Just got ambushed by Marchenko at the GARM facility in the Alps and I'm about to try to escape.

Also, I really wish there were a way to tell how long I've played this game (PS4)


How far am I into the game?

Just got ambushed by Marchenko at the GARM facility in the Alps and I'm about to try to escape.

Also, I really wish there were a way to tell how long I've played this game (PS4)
I would say 65% done or 75% depending if you'll do all side missions after returning to Prague.


Plane Escape Torment
Does this game have a good complete plot? I thought the first was very disjointed with an unappealing plot. Worse or better than human revolution?

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Having a good time so far, and I haven't even go to the Task Force office just yet! LOL.

Just finished the Cult side mission---I literally just camouflaged my way in into Richard's room and then I used a lethal takedown towards him from behind. That's what you get for prepping turrets against me, you bastard!

I must say, playing a ruthless killer is pretty fun, hehehe. I still stealth-ed my way around though, and I only kill "bad" characters like thugs or terrorists (or folks like Richard, lol), so characters like police officers or security guards for some building just got knocked out cold or just bypassed entirely by me.

Yea not really caring about the Pacifist trophy right now, lol.

What's the best weapon to slot a silencer in? I slotted one already to my Combat Rifle... probably Sniper Rifle, if possible.


Does this game have a good complete plot? I thought the first was very disjointed with an unappealing plot. Worse or better than human revolution?

I didn't really care for the plot of HR and this definitely has a worse plot.

The plot is also very much not 'complete' - many people feel that the plot feels like half a story.


Does this game have a good complete plot? I thought the first was very disjointed with an unappealing plot. Worse or better than human revolution?

It's different. From what I recall, the previous Deus Ex was a typical videogamy save the world type deal with the obligatory player choices figured in. This one is more like a tv season of a show that knows its got many years to play out the string. Very small incremental step in the main plot arc, a lot of characters that won't be figuring into the next game in a real way.

I didn't care enough to be dissatisfied wit that, however the aug persecution theme was perpetually obnoxious. It would require a lot of finesse to be credible at all and this is the writing team that thought an empty vessel with batman's voice and a world controlling organization actually called the Illuminati were good ideas, so they're not that.

Play it for scurrying around in vents and tazering guys.


You know what's the worst?

Playing as stealthily and cautiously as you can for nearly 80 hours, making sure that no alarms go off, carefully hiding any unconscious bodies out of sight of any cameras or patrols, saving before any hackings, reloading if any it appears that any hackings are going to fail, avoiding the two automated alarm sequences, ensuring that you received all the "Smooth Operator" bonus where applicable...

...and STILL not earning the "Foxiest of Hounds" achievement at the end and HAVING NO BLOODY IDEA of why you didn't!


Man I cant believe devs made the same damn stupid mistakes with previous game regarding the no alarm thing. I cant believe you dont have a way to know if you have screwed up anywhere!

I finished the game I spoke to Vega when i had to i neutrulized all persons i should when i had to, and yet i didnt get the trophy. At no point have i heard or triggered an alarm. I never even got the tutorial prompt about alert. No cameras or turrets went red either.

Eff this crap...

I just joined this club (see my previous post).

The game needs some kind of feedback loop to let you know when you've failed either a "Ghost" or "Smooth Operator" mission bonus.
HDR support for PS4 and Xbox One S, new content and features for Breach, as well as various bug fixes and improvements.

Full patch notes for PS4 and Xbox One: http://forums.eu.square-enix.com/showthread.php?t=192104 and PC: http://steamcommunity.com/app/337000/discussions/0/343787920137211929/
Hmm, this part is interesting (Prague Part 2 Spoilers) .

Koller's fate after completing All in the Family, if the player spared Gallois

Does this mean when convincing Gallois to go into hiding, or just flat out avoiding to kill him without speaking to him? Any idea what would happen?
Does this game have a good complete plot? I thought the first was very disjointed with an unappealing plot. Worse or better than human revolution?

Worse, but no by much. I think the problems some people have with the game's plot, be it its ending or centering the theme around institutional racism, are a bit overblown. It's not a deep experience, but it's not shallow enough to warrant much overanalyzing.

It's safe to say that if you didn't like Human Revolution it is highly unlikely you're going to enjoy this one though.


Does 1.05 fix stutters when roaming the HUB due to streaming? If not, have they said anything about fixing it in the future?


Finished it over the weekend finally. I traded it in towards Forza Horizon 3.

Wasn't overly impressed by it. The story and voice acting needed a lot of work, damn. Also, p. sure I got the worst ending :(


Enabled HDR on the PS4 version. Looks really nice with a noticeable improvement.

However, the game runs like shit. Screen tearing out the ass. Still going to wait for the Pro.


Coming back from work thinking "yay, tonight I will finish Deus Ex".

Well, after I downloaded 1.05 suddenly no more music just ambient sounds and the game seems to stutter.
I'm in London by the way
. Nice job guys.

I guess I have to find some other game for the time being and wait for a fix, I don't want to play the last bit with no music and stuttering.

I'm on Xbox One by the way.


I'm going for the Foxiest of Hounds on I Never Asked For This difficulty, after that I'm done. The Breach mode doesn't really interest me. Overall I did enjoy the game, the story was a bit meh and the voice acting wasn't that good. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong but I thought HR was longer and was more engaging.

I still would like to see a third game to finish up the Jensen story. Finding new paths and sneaking past enemies stays fun.


That's why I just elected to just
knock out every cop in the city
to makes things easier for myself. I wasn't really going for Foxiest of the Hounds for my first playthrough, and I already knew I had failed on that so... :)

That's what i did, it make everything so easy that i didn't have to worry at all

How do you get so many Biocells? I had around 10-15 after my first playtrough. Do you just keep making them from crafting parts?

Just through hoarding them and not actually using them, in typical RPG fashion. I didn't even bother with crafting in the main game.

LOL but truth, at the beginning i worried about using them, but after a while i found myself with 25 and couldn't grab anymore
System Rift won't install for me. I installed the 4gb update today, tried to launch System Rift and was told I needed to buy it. I had been gifted the deluxe edition (after installing the base version) and already had it 'purchased', but it still prompted me.

Once it realized I owned it, it asked me if I wanted to install it. I said yes. The install got to 50mb, then died. I tried 3 more times and it did the same thing. It said I needed to download a 5.6gb file, but wouldn't. (Two other games downloaded fine afterwards).

Note: I had deleted the game before this week, and had to redownload it just the other night after I'd redeemed the gift copy.

I give up for now.


Later game spoilers -
I don't like how all the hub areas are now under martial law and you have to sneak everywhere, such a pain in the ass :(


Elden Member
Later game spoilers -
I don't like how all the hub areas are now under martial law and you have to sneak everywhere, such a pain in the ass :(

what!? That's my favorite part. You already had 2 chapters worth of unhindered exploration. It's great that they change it up.


Back to playing it after a long hiatus, and I have to say, the lack of subtitles for natural NPC conversations and TV dialogue is really annoying. Every other Deus Ex game including HR used to have subtitles for casual chatter, I wish Nixxes would patch them in. Hopefully Eidos fix this if a sequel is made.

It's sometimes hard for me to make out what people are saying when I'm sneaking, I can't believe this was never brought up by QA.


Later game spoilers -
I don't like how all the hub areas are now under martial law and you have to sneak everywhere, such a pain in the ass :(

this was very annoying. i just wish i could find all of the terminals that had the security software so that i could hack all of the turrets and drones.


what!? That's my favorite part. You already had 2 chapters worth of unhindered exploration. It's great that they change it up.

this was very annoying. i just wish i could find all of the terminals that had the security software so that i could hack all of the turrets and drones.

I actually put some points into the armor skill and just ran past everyone in the end lol


Any has issue with HDR? I asked in the other thread but doesn't hurt to ask here I guess.

The option is grayed out for me even though my TV supports HDR and I activated it on both my TV settings and PS4.
I tried to switch HDMI cables too, no luck. :(

I have Samsung, any idea what to do? ._.

Edit: apparently my TV needs this box to use HDR:


Just to confirm: you don't really need Multi-Tool anymore once you've upgraded all your Hacking augs, correct?

Technically not, but I definately used some as a "fuck it I aint got time for this" resolution. Some level 4/5 hacks are beyond annoying.

They're also super useful to unlock doors where you don't have enough time to hack because of patrols. So yeah, always keep them as backup.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Yeah, lvl 5 is kinda annoying though.

Technically not, but I definately used some as a "fuck it I aint got time for this" resolution. Some level 4/5 hacks are beyond annoying.

They're also super useful to unlock doors where you don't have enough time to hack because of patrols. So yeah, always keep them as backup.

Hmm, I usually just use the invisibility aug while hacking if there's patrol around. Not really efficient though. Hmm yea I just keep them handy then.

Anyways, what weapons do you folks think best suit a silencer in? I fitted one in my combat rifle along with a laser pointer and a magnifying scope--that thing look really badass, hahahah (and yea, I am not after Pacifist, at least not on my 1st playthrough)


You can craft Multi-tools really cheap and there's also plenty of them hidden in the world. I used them on most level 4 and 5 locks, because the minigames can be annoying.
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