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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |OT| We Asked For This

For somebody who's going for a pacifist/no alarms playthrough, what's the best way to tackle the flying drones in the sewer in Prague? They're firing at something and I don't know if shooting at them voids the p/na trophies, but at the same time I don't really know how else to approach them. Thanks in advance.


For somebody who's going for a pacifist/no alarms playthrough, what's the best way to tackle the flying drones in the sewer in Prague? They're firing at something and I don't know if shooting at them voids the p/na trophies, but at the same time I don't really know how else to approach them. Thanks in advance.

Remote hack ruins them. ~30s stun with a successful hack.


I beat the game killing no-one and raising no alarms (or so I thought). Then I found out that getting traced, even in a successful hack, counts as an alarm. BLAH. I'm thinking to run through the easiest difficulty with cloak and a stack of multi-tools. Good idea? How long will it take if I only focus on the main missions and skip cutscenes?

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
I beat the game killing no-one and raising no alarms (or so I thought). Then I found out that getting traced, even in a successful hack, counts as an alarm. BLAH. I'm thinking to run through the easiest difficulty with cloak and a stack of multi-tools. Good idea? How long will it take if I only focus on the main missions and skip cutscenes?

What the bloody fuck is that?

Fuck, are you serious?

Fucking hell that's really goddamn stupid!


I beat the game killing no-one and raising no alarms (or so I thought). Then I found out that getting traced, even in a successful hack, counts as an alarm. BLAH. I'm thinking to run through the easiest difficulty with cloak and a stack of multi-tools. Good idea? How long will it take if I only focus on the main missions and skip cutscenes?
Won't take long at all, maybe 4 hours or even less.
I finished the second run in 1 session.
I beat the game killing no-one and raising no alarms (or so I thought). Then I found out that getting traced, even in a successful hack, counts as an alarm. BLAH. I'm thinking to run through the easiest difficulty with cloak and a stack of multi-tools. Good idea? How long will it take if I only focus on the main missions and skip cutscenes?

I can confirm from my foxiest hound run that that is very much untrue.


I beat the game killing no-one and raising no alarms (or so I thought). Then I found out that getting traced, even in a successful hack, counts as an alarm. BLAH. I'm thinking to run through the easiest difficulty with cloak and a stack of multi-tools. Good idea? How long will it take if I only focus on the main missions and skip cutscenes?

Is this confirmed? All the guides I've read only say an alarm is raised if you fail the hack completely.

I can confirm from my foxiest hound run that that is very much untrue.

Good to hear. I'm halfway through my Foxiest play through so I wonder if I'll get it.


Do story items transfer to the new game plus? It would be cool if I could break into places I shouldn't be in hours earlier instead of waiting until later missions to loot places...
Do story items transfer to the new game plus? It would be cool if I could break into places I shouldn't be in hours earlier instead of waiting until later missions to loot places...

Nah, just your regular items, money and praxis points carry over. No keycards, breach software or anything, but Prague is even more of a playground with higher hacking skills from the very start.


Well that was short. Just finished the game and did anyone else think it felt a bit cut-off? like half the game missing.

It's going to be dlc isn't it? :(


You mean it's going to be a sequel five years from now

Yeah that's also a possibility. I hope they make it longer. I struggled to get 28 hours out of it. And I spent a lot of time just walking around soaking in atmosphere and reading stuff. I think I did most of the side quests as well.


Man I cant believe devs made the same damn stupid mistakes with previous game regarding the no alarm thing. I cant believe you dont have a way to know if you have screwed up anywhere!

I finished the game I spoke to Vega when i had to i neutrulized all persons i should when i had to, and yet i didnt get the trophy. At no point have i heard or triggered an alarm. I never even got the tutorial prompt about alert. No cameras or turrets went red either.

Eff this crap...

Had the same thing happen. Fairly sure the achievement is bugged.

Also System Rift was a serious let-down. I got all the achievements for it, but it was just so 'bleh'.


Finished the game yesterday, and yeah, the ending was a bit abrupt, does feel like there's a DLC planned for the ending?

Did enjoy my time with it though, sort of pissed I didn't get the foxiest of the hounds, not sure where I set of an alarm. But anyway, my internet connection has been down for the past 3 days, and noticed all DLC and Breach require an internet connection to start, sucks.


Junior Member
Been playing this game for 9 hours and I haven't even done the first main quest objective yet. I'm starting to think it was a mistake to unlock basically the whole hub area right at the beginning. I've pretty much just been screwing around ever since I left Adam's apartment, finding secrets and doing side quests.


Elden Member
Been playing this game for 9 hours and I haven't even done the first main quest objective yet. I'm starting to think it was a mistake to unlock basically the whole hub area right at the beginning. I've pretty much just been screwing around ever since I left Adam's apartment, finding secrets and doing side quests.

The real annoying part of this comes when you discover you'll have to go back to all these "secret" places you think you've discovered for the story.

I made the same mistake your making, and then felt like I kinda missed some of the intended pacing of the game when the main missions had me back track to all these places I thought were just extra secret things. The bank being the worst offender of this.

Additionally annoying is how you will hack open a safe and nothing will be in there! But then you come back when the story calls for it and BAM the safe is still open but now suddenly incriminating evidence is in it. Not good planning at all.


Junior Member
The real annoying part of this comes when you discover you'll have to go back to all these "secret" places you think you've discovered for the story.

I made the same mistake your making, and then felt like I kinda missed some of the intended pacing of the game when the main missions had me back track to all these places I thought were just extra secret things. The bank being the worst offender of this.

Additionally annoying is how you will hack open a safe and nothing will be in there! But then you come back when the story calls for it and BAM the safe is still open but now suddenly incriminating evidence is in it. Not good planning at all.

Yeah I just explored the Tourist Information Center and it looked like there's going to be some kind of combat encounter there later.


Yeah I just explored the Tourist Information Center and it looked like there's going to be some kind of combat encounter there later.

It might be better to stop exploring every nook and cranny at this point because you're technically just spoiling a lot of the game's [side] mission locations for yourself.

Not to mention the game has you visit several locations multiple times.


Ugh that ending... just finished.

Really hope that:

1. There's a sequel given Square probably think it underperformed
2. They improve the performance of the next game on PC

Enjoyed it but yeah, it had issues.

Took exactly 20 hours, took my time as well.
Im about 12 hrs in and only just left Prague for the first time. I think I spent abit too much time exploring . It's why I loved human revolution and everything seems even more Hamm packed.

That feeling when you fight your way in since you see no other option only to find an obvious vent after you have killed everyone .


Finished the game yesterday. Loved it, altough maybe loved Human Revolution just a bit more. The so called abrubt ending didn't really bother me. Maybe because I already had adjusted my expectations accordingly. Got 32 hours of playtime out of it, really surprised that some people are calling the game short. Took me 27 hours to complete HR, but I spent more time exploring in MD. At first I was annoyed by the
lockdown in Prague
but I didn't go for non alarm run so getting spotted wasn't really a problem. Though the traveling back and forth between the areas in Praque was really frustrating, I don't have SSD.


Just finished System Rift DLC, I think in 4 hours but I took my time exploring.
Was fun, if you loved the game it's worth it, the story is kinda different from the main story though.
Favorite mission?

Mine's the serial killer side quest one
Mine too, searching for clues was fun.
The fuck. I played through the game without EVER setting off an alarm and it didn't give me the achievement...
You probably triggered an alarm through hacking, not sure which one counts the above posts mentioned something about it.


If I get detected is there anyway to quickly restart the mission instead of quitting to the main menu and reloading the game?


I liked the ending.
Psychiatrist as mole is obvious, but I never guessed.

Where are you guys getting your play times from? Are they just estimates?


I beat the game killing no-one and raising no alarms (or so I thought). Then I found out that getting traced, even in a successful hack, counts as an alarm.

Just want to emphasise that this is NOT true. A successful hack, even one being traced, does not count as an alarm. A failed hack obviously can.


I liked the ending.
Psychiatrist as mole is obvious, but I never guessed.

Where are you guys getting your play times from? Are they just estimates?

The iOS and Android apps show total playtime. I think it counts all time, even if you restart from saves, as I was up to over 55 hours before starting the final mission.


Oh, the app. I should get that.

My favorite part of Harvester was Jensen saying
"I'm funny enough as it is."
That might be the best moment in the game.

Angry Fork

I loved HR it's one of my favorite games from last-gen but was disappointed this game seemed to kill all of the cyberpunk stuff from there (based on what I've seen). Everything is daylight/outdoors with no neon lights no chinatown-type city etc. Is any of that in this game and just not shown in gameplay demonstrations?


I loved HR it's one of my favorite games from last-gen but was disappointed this game seemed to kill all of the cyberpunk stuff from there (based on what I've seen). Everything is daylight/outdoors with no neon lights no chinatown-type city etc. Is any of that in this game and just not shown in gameplay demonstrations?

The cyberpunk is everywhere. One of my favorite things about it. There is day and night stuff


As a side note: You can also view your stats on the Square Enix site. You don't have to have the app.

For some reason my stats didn't track or I haven't logged in in the game itself. Kinda weird because I'm pretty sure I made an account.
Well, completed my NG+ playthrough. Still didn't get Foxiest, and I have no idea where I missed out. That's annoying. Still need to do a playthrough on I Didn't Ask For This, so I might try for it then, but not yet. Need a bit of a break from this game.

Well, I say that, but I still need to give Breach mode a go. Any tips going in?


I loved HR it's one of my favorite games from last-gen but was disappointed this game seemed to kill all of the cyberpunk stuff from there (based on what I've seen). Everything is daylight/outdoors with no neon lights no chinatown-type city etc. Is any of that in this game and just not shown in gameplay demonstrations?

It's one of the most cyberpunk games in recent memory imo, more so than the first. No chinatown though.

The second half of the game is all at night.

Finished it today, i liked it quite a bit. It's not revolutionary but most systems from HR were quite a bit better here. The social aug was used better, the stealth was better and i felt you had a bit more options during the big missions. Your augs are more varied and they give you access to enough to have a lot of options without having everything.

The writing was OK, i think the side missions were excellent for the most part, the writing of the main story is merely adequate, there was definitely the potential for more. It's biggest minus is probably that it establishes a lot of extra context for a sequel that'll likely not come for years (if at all) and the whole aug oppression thing was a bit on the nose sometimes.
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